The Comments |
Hi Everyone,
My daughter tells me that work is progressing satisfactorily at present. There has been a major problem with water which is not surprising, this being the busiest period. However, things have improved since action was been taken by the committee to separate the supplies.
Previously preference appears to have been given to the villas for general consumption, pool filling and automatic irrigation systems can you believe!! This resulted in the Apartments being cut off for long periods which as well as being a health hazard was totally unfair. Apartment owners on site have also contributed 5 Euros per household as a temporary charge to buy extra deliveries at this busy time.
I understand that a new Committee member is in the process of setting up a Community Blog to replace the original one set up by Felix who has resigned. This work is voluntary so it is taking a bit longer to produce minutes for the recent AGM and Committee meetings. The old blog will not exist anymore and nothing will be updated on it.
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Thank you for the info vagabond . How will we know how to find the new blog when it is up and running . If any one has/gets this info please post , MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi all,
To put a thing or two straight some of "the villas" (the honest ones) have for some time now had the auto fill turned off on their pools. A pump was removed from M8 pool to be fitted at M2. So for the remaining "villas" that have got private pools, we have had to start using the one at the apartments. I don't nor my neighbours have our irrigation on.
The part of El Pinet we are on, suffers from low voltage hence the pumps won't run, it takes an age to cook and I dread the winter when we have darkness and cold.
I am not sad to see Felix go as he was not the person for the job. We are just going from one crisis to another with no sign of an end. Something legal needs to happen.
I am also pleased to see the blog go as it was turning into a public humiliation for people who have good reason not to pay for something they are not getting the benifit of. Lets hope the new blog will be up todate and in languages we all can understand. Also lets have a now approach and not 2 weeks!
Come December I will be joining them and not paying if its going to be us and them!!
This message was last edited by 9_Palms on 30/08/2009.
Actio ex delicto
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Can anyone tell me if anything has happened since last week. I was there until last Thursday and noticed before leaving that a lorry appeared a couple of times with equipment, then left with none. It looked like something electrical related but I have no idea, having read a recent post it appears that something is happening, no matter how small. Is this the case.
Regarding payments, there is really no right and wrong, however the problem is that some people who are not there until the winter feel that they have no need to pay just now. One couple I know, are in this situation and although they feel they are right, they are still running thier irrigation systems, and if the problems end up being worse by December (when i will stop my payments), then it will serve them right if they end up experiencing the problmes that many others have just now.
Ever hopefull.
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I don't understand why El Pinet is not taking lega;advice and challenging this it is wrong .
18 Jan 2009 8:02 PM

I live in Orihuela Costa
I have made 780 forum posts
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Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
The law in Spain regarding the supply of builders water and electricity is taken very seriously in Spain with big penalties for builders who fail to live up to their obligations
If you search this forum you will be able to find a thread for another development in Campoamor where the builder threatened the same action and the consiquences of his actions, his immediate arrest by the Guarda Civil, it is taken that seriously
You don´t have to go thorugh any lengthy legal process simply go to the local Police statuion as a group, ideally with a translator and denounce the builder and they must take immediate action but you must do this ASAP
I would suggest that the lawyer isn´t being quite as helpfull as he could be or is he perhaps connected to the builder
It is nothing to do with having an Escitura as it is simply the law, no COH and the builder must supply FREE OF CHARGE utilities
It will be difficult to get any connections without the COH and you would be better chasing the Town Hall to establish where that is in the system first.
Remember when you are adopted your SUMA Tax will be backdated which covers your rubbish collection and I know its 2020 hindsight is great but what lawyer allowed somebody to complete on a property with no deeds and a loan or mortgage showing, is it the same lawyer that is advising you now
Don´t just take my word for it look at the other thread as the builder will just bully and rely on peoples ignorance and failure to act
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Great to read positive contributions.
Companies under Administration have same obligations on keeping the providing of water and electricity to owners.
What is the problem for your own connection?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Sorry dont know what happened to my last post and edit facility is down this is what I wanted to post from the general forum
The law in Spain regarding the supply of builders water and electricity is taken very seriously in Spain with big penalties for builders who fail to live up to their obligations
If you search this forum you will be able to find a thread for another development in Campoamor where the builder threatened the same action and the consiquences of his actions, his immediate arrest by the Guarda Civil, it is taken that seriously
You don´t have to go thorugh any lengthy legal process simply go to the local Police statuion as a group, ideally with a translator and denounce the builder and they must take immediate action but you must do this ASAP
I would suggest that the lawyer isn´t being quite as helpfull as he could be or is he perhaps connected to the builder
It is nothing to do with having an Escitura as it is simply the law, no COH and the builder must supply FREE OF CHARGE utilities
It will be difficult to get any connections without the COH and you would be better chasing the Town Hall to establish where that is in the system first.
Remember when you are adopted your SUMA Tax will be backdated which covers your rubbish collection and I know its 2020 hindsight is great but what lawyer allowed somebody to complete on a property with no deeds and a loan or mortgage showing, is it the same lawyer that is advising you now
Don´t just take my word for it look at the other thread as the builder will just bully and rely on peoples ignorance and failure to act
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi Magicmeg,
This makes interesting reading, lets hope a commitee member sees this and takes it further. Perhapes the President and/or Vice President should be emailed with this information.
Actio ex delicto
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I think this is one of the reasons why SJ went in to administration in order to protect themselves (as usual) which makes it very difficult now to do anything against them. It is most unusual for a company to be allowed to stay in administration this long, (perhaps the judge is a friend), and as MM quote's "nothing surprises me any more"
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Hi Far and 9palms Maria De Casrtro lawyer on the general forum insists that them being in admin makes no difference to their obligation regards utilities until the certificates are in place perhaps we should seek some clarity on this point from a few different lawyers . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi Far and 9palms Maria De Casrtro lawyer on the general forum insists that them being in admin makes no difference to their obligation regards utilities until the certificates are in place perhaps we should seek some clarity on this point from a few different lawyers . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi Magicmeg & Far,
Both the company who sold us the property and our lawyer in Torra' say the same. It is wrong and ilegal for SJ to turn off the electric and water.
It needs to be taken further maybe call their bluff? But it maybe worth seeing if our adminisrator has some advice.
Actio ex delicto
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Anyone read the posts on the General forum (Forum help then the Turned off street lights thread ) Very interesting .
Was it perhaps a bad idea to start up a community at El Pinet at least just now until San Jose sorted out the mess they created ? Is that why owners residents are now liable instead of San Jose ?
Was it San Jose that instigated and advised the setting up of a community ? 
I think perhaps it was not such a good idea . Best regards MM .
Anyone got any news from the last meeting .Is there a new information web page set up yet ? Any info very welcome .
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi MagicMeg,
Where abouts is the General forum post? Is it on a La Marina post?
I agree with your comment about being pushed into forming a community at EP. I have a feeling it was in someones personnel interest?
Well we have a community commitee, so come on someone gives us our €20 worth from this meeting!!
This message was last edited by 9_Palms on 30/08/2009.
Actio ex delicto
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High 9 palms .Go to EOS General Forum ,go to Forum help ,Go to thread Turned off street lights . Hope you find it let me know what you think Cheers MM .
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Sorry 9palms ,I should have said on the orange bar at the top of the page put your cursar on Community ,then click on General Spain forum . Cheers MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi MM,
Thanks for that, sorry about the over sized text. I wasn't shouting or giving people with eye problems a chance to read the blogs. 
Actio ex delicto
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9palms did yo find the thread ?
What do you think?
Please Shaaaaare !!! Any and all views much appreciated . I sometimes think that all we have left to fight this with is ourselves !!!! and two or more heads are better than one ,if you know what I mean.
All help or info gratefully received !! Best regards MM .
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hi MagicMeg,
Yes thanks I found the thread, I have read read through the comments. I do think that we are better off putting our resources into getting a good, independent lawyer to act on our behalf.
As previous comments have said we are paying a lot for our standing charges, water and electric. The cost of these supplies are high even by UK standards. Where do they get the figures from? I understand we have just one pool working, up in M2. Water pumps are either braking down or burning out because of low water or low electric supplies. As for street lights we have not had any form of lighting down our road, from the start. We use a torch!
There was mention of a meeting at EP was this for the benefit of the people there or for the community. Was it to tell us that work will be starting in 2 weeks!!
I will not stop paying my community money, but I would sooner pay the electric and water money to a proper legal person than it go into the back pocket of SJ or their administrators.
This message was last edited by 9_Palms on 30/08/2009.
Actio ex delicto
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Hi MM and 9 Palms
I agree with you 9 Palms, i have said all along that the set up at Pinet is not working, the administrators are no better than SJ as they too are economical with the truth. If we were completed at Pinet we would want to seek good legal advice.
You have all heard it before, I BLAME THE LAWYER'S (not all of them) but the one's who allowed their clients to complete before the LFO, all this could have been avoided had they done their jobs properly and the judge should deal with them harshly!
This is just my opinion but i think SJ have washed their hands of Pinet because it is not viable anymore for them to finish, they would be unable now to get the prices they need for the properties as by the time they would pay back the outstanding mortgages on them, there would not be enough money left over to make it worth their while!
If it was impossible for the builder to sell a property until the LFO was granted then people would not be in this nightmare, everyone would be a winner! As it stands, the people who have completed cannot live or let out their property (legally) and this is where things are very messy should it go to court independently ref the water, electricity etc as the judge could simply say that people should not have completed and be very unsympathetic, which is why I blame the lawyer's!!
It is a bit like when you have an illness and sometimes the GP just treats the symptoms when in fact it is much better in some cases to treat the root cause!
Finally, i received an email last week from SJ suggesting that the builders had been working at Pinet and are now on holiday but will be back in September (am i missing something here? perhaps they are living on another planet to me)
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