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Hi - I am new to this forum my name is karen my friend jo has bought an apartment she flew out today and is probably cleaning away at this very moment - she is staying for 10 nights (some by candlelight from what i can gather) I am going out next weds (electric on by then fingers x'd) just thought i would let you all
know jo is attending meeting on 28th - i will print off latest posts etc to take with me next week to keep her up to date on your concerns and will let you all know if she has found anything out about any of your queries while she is there - I am looking forward to finally staying at Don Juan after watching its progress from an empty hill :-)
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Hi All
There is no problem with the electricity connection. Normally the electricity Company needs a few weeks to instal the individual electricity meters and to arrange the contracts. We have been told that these will be signed on Thursday 20th September and that the connection will take place before the end of September.
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I believe that the time is coming, when all the occupants have signed for their apartments , that payback will be justified. Let me explain, I purchased my apartment in March 03 from a well known estate agents on the Costa Del Sol. I was given a receipt stating completion time approx 24months. Four and a half years later we are near completion.
When I last contacted this estate agent they were very dismissive and told me to speak to my solicitor. who in turn did not reply to any phone calls or E-mails for six months. The builder is a law unto himself, and dictates procedure as he feels fit, So to all the buyers of these apartments keep this forum going after the completion, so that all these so called professionals who will be monitoring these pages, will be in no doubt that their arrogant ways will be published for any interested person to read. I apologise if these facts either bore or offend anyone, but I am sure there are lots of other buyers with more horrendous stories than mine who will like to express their feelings more freely after completion.
And finally to all the people who have contributed so much to this site with information and pictures a big thank you.
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Hi All
Where is the best place to get contents insurance from ? - Buildings insurance automatically comes with the mortgage but we are not sure what to do about contents as we will need it by completion - What have others done ?
Mo and Chris
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Prices for contents insurance are comparable. It's the service, aftersales etc which makes the difference. We moved five times by now so I have some experience with agents and companies. I finally settled on a very good one which has a great 24 hour emergency policy, speedy responses, good conditions and as a great bonus a free copy of the complete policy in English as well.
They helped us out when we had some damage in a very professional way. Best of all they will make certain someone comes in to fix it instead of paying your bill. Quite handy if you don't know the local craftsmen.
As I still don't know the policy of eyeofspain about naming (or shaming) individual companies I'll provide these in PM's if requested.
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With regards to Bevron's post of 20 Sep 2007 1:53 PM (with which I sympathize) may I remind everyone that this is a open forum. If we want to take (legal) action against parties involved it would be wise to find another way to exchange specifics.
F.i. the reason I mentioned just 'a legal loophole' in the completion topic while discussing ways to circumvent the contract stipulations about the delay is that I don't think it's wise to spell out possible strategies.
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I just want to say a big Thank You to all those who came to the meetings in the Calypso bar on 12th & 16th September last. It was great seeing the faces behind some of the strange nicknames we were used to seeing on EyeonSpain, and we had 2 very enjoyable evenings swapping stories and debating the next move etc. A big welcome to Willie & Marion from Dublin also whom I know look at EyeonSpain regularly but haven't posted yet- hope ye got home okay, let us know when ye are going out again so we can meet up. And a special thanks to Irene & Peter for the good wishes and lovely "Home sweet Home" cards you gave out to those of us who had just got our keys!
Gay & JB
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By now almost every buidling has at least one English/Irish couple living there by candlelight. Some of the Spanish moved in as well. The good news is that according to Don Juan himself, -who was in a very good mood- (which is understandable if you get at least a million a day) said that the electricity company would start connecting the first people tomorrow.
And for us the best news of today:
¡Estamos residentes de España con la incripción en el Registro Central de Extranjeros y desde hoy tenemos una empresa Español ofical!
I know you are all learning Spanish, so you will know why I'm happy :)
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Hi Max,
I enjoyed the homework but there are two words that I could'nt translate although they may seem obvious, maybe you can give the correct translation
We are residents of Spain with the incripción in the Central Registration of Foreigners and from now on we have a Spanish business ofical!
_______________________ Janmet
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Hi Mozza & all
For buildings & content cover, we have just got cover from a company called Intasure. Their website is We got contents cover for £98,(€140) that has old for new cover, accidental damage cover and no excess. I told her we were willing to pay an excess to reduce the cost, but she told me it made no difference. I had suggested £150 excess, but it was her that told me to pay no excess and the quote was the same. a bit of honesty for once. Its a shame some of it wouldn't wash off on our developer friends hey. She is emailing me the policy terms, and sending 2 copies in the post, one in English and one in Spanish. Out of interest she gave me a buildings & content quote. This came to £126 (€177). toget these policies you have to be non resident for atleast 6 months of the year. It does not have to be 6 months in succession. She advised me to let my bank know a month in advance of the buildings cover expiring, so that we dont get screwed again, and that the mortgage provider may ask for a copy of your new builldings & content cover, before they will cancel theirs. Those of you living in Ireland, it might be worth a try getting cover from them. Call 00 44 208 2746777. They were very friendly and helpful on the phone. They are based in Croydon, London. Their phone number is 0208 274 6777.
hope this helps some of you.
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Do we need contence covered before we can sign? We are going out on the 5th of October to sign that morning, so hopefully we will have our keys on that afternoon. any one that has already signed can you advise me what to do to be prepaired.
Do we need any documents with us?
Dose any one know is Ikea open yet?
Thanks to all
Lorraine and Eoin
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Hi Eoin
You dont necesarily need contents insurance, obviously only if you have furniture put in on the day. You will need buildings insurance in place, normally whoever is providing your mortgage will stitch you up for the first year with their policy. Also, its a good idea to request the formms for setting up a will in Spain before you get there. Just fax it or scan it and email the details back to them, and arrange an apointment to complete the wills. Not sure if you have to go to the Notarys office for this. Ikea is supposed to open some time in October. You might need to bring birth certs /passports etc. We are going over on the 2nd of October until the 9th. do you want to meet up for a drink. A friend of mine who lives out there has just taken over an Irish bar in Los boliches we could maybe go for a pint there. Email me to let me know if you want to meet up.
Good luck
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Hi Janmet,
I just made two typos which made it difficult for you. It should have read 'inscripcíon' and 'oficial'. Sorry about that.
I was indeed saying that we were now formally registered as residents in Spain and that we also 'today' (hoy) had our business formally established in Spain. Meaning we have to make montly payments into the social security system, but also that we are allowed to write proper invoices to clients etc.
Lots of foreign 'companies' never do this and therefore can only accept cash (and are of course highly illegal). Doesn't stop them from advertising their services in the local english newspapers though....
Westport, it was actually quite easy to register as resident and to set up a company. Much easier than it is in the Netherlands. It really helps that by now we know a lot about all the procedures, know people and understand how to tackle these things.
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Hi Eoin,
Just aks your lawyer what to bring. It's difficult to predict what papers you need without knowing your personal circumstances and mortgage details. Even the matrimonial property regimes differ between the UK, Ireland and Spain so it's hard to predict for an outsider.
A will is not valid unless made up in Spanish and signed at the notary. Your Spanish property will not be handled by your Irish will.
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Hi Max and \Westport,
Thanks for the advice,
Westport Which pub dose your friend own is it the Pogs. Yes we would to meet up, If the Fri or Sat suits just let me know.
We are going over on the Thu but we have the meeting in the notary early on Friday morning so better not go to mad on the thursday night. Then we will be going to the apartment in the afternoon all going well and we get our keys so if you are up there we will see you we are in block 5 come over for a cold cup of tea in the dark.
Lorraine and Eoin
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We did not take the developers mortgage as we wanted more flexibility and have managed to secure a good mortgage but have been quoted ridiculous amounts for life cover - we are now thinking of taking out cover in England if we can but I am not sure we can equal the Caixa one very easily
Could anyone tell us what sort of policy the developers bank was giving and what is it based on exactly because it seems so cheap and like Westport said how can they give it without any medical history ?
Has anyone else acquired life cover for the mortgage independantly of their mortgage or been able to get a good one from the mortgage provider they have gone with
We need help and all info will be gratefully received
Maureen and Chris
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