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Hi Eoin'
This is the developer's tax but we all agreed to pay it! This is ilegal and my solicitors advice is dont pay (cancel the payment).
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Your lawyer (in your name) signed that you wanted to pay the plusvalia in spite of the provisions protecting buyers in the law. It says so in your contract. Your bank can't pay it without your consent, but it's your lawyer who should fix this.
I thought you were already involved in some group action against paying the plusvalia organized by your lawyer. Didn't that work out?
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I have my current building insurance with a Spanish Bank. I don't understand a word of the policy. In one small section, it says Capitales Garantizados, Capital continente € ******, and Capital Contenido € *******. Does this mean that I have cover for both buildings insurance and contents insurance, or buildings cover only. I would be grateful for any help, as I think I may have 2 contents policies. I think the quicker I learn to speak Spanish the better.
I believe the community has an insurance that covers all of the communal areas. What exactly does it cover. I take it we only have to get building cover for our own individual apartments. Does the community insurance have public Liability cover as well.
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I have received a mail from my lawyer, telling about a new rule in Spain. All non-residents must provide a certifikate stating that they are still non-residents in Spain. The certifikate can be provided by the National Police. Some banks is handling this matter for their costumers and some do not. But the banks MUST close all accounts which have not povided this certifikate before september 15th 2008. The lawyer asks us to contact the bank or the Spanish Ambassade in our country for further information. They also say that some banks do not know about the new law.
But if anyone is going to Spain around the 15th September, they have better bring cash. It seems that our money could be unobtainable if there is a problem with this certificate.
Edited to say: As far as I understand, our bankaccount will be closed down until the certificate is provided. You are not able to draw out any money. Did anybody else hear about this?????
This message was last edited by solgre on 8/14/2008.This message was last edited by solgre on 8/14/2008.
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Hello Solgre,
this what you have point out sounds like the oficial NIE-Number. Every non-resident will get it from the police (not the local police in blue uniforms). This NIE-Number is for free and it takes more or less 1 week to get them after filling out the form.
This with the bank account happened to me. I transfer money and went down to Fuengirola and I couldn´t get them from the bank, due the police has closed the bank account. The bank need the NIE-Number to open the bank account.
_______________________ skype name: jfv1968
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Mobile phones if anyone uses a sim in the mobile phone they are going to have to register your phone with your passport or they are going to turn your mobile phone off in spain i think by october it is becouse it is a security risk bye irene
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HI the closing of you bank has nothink to do with the NIE NUMBER you have to get a form filled in at the police station to prove you are a none resident and give it to the bank bye irene
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Hi Vossi
This has nothing to do with the NIE number. (of course it is still needed). But this one is a new law, saying that you must provide this certificate to prove you are still non-resident. The bank MUST block your account if the prove is not done at the 15th of september.
I have just mailed my bank to get further information. But I think tomorrow is a local holyday, so I do not expect any answar until next week.
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Hi Irene
Your answar crossed mine because my phone rang. 
Do you know what information is needed to get this certificate. I do not quite understand how the bank can provide it. I suppose it must be signed from the owner of the account?
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Looking at the General Forum (I see you have been there to Irene!) on this subject there appears to be quite a lot of confusion. It seems that if you have signed on the Padron (Population Register?) but have non resident bank accounts you may be asked to establish that you have not been in Spain for 180 days. No one knows what documents you need to provide to get this certificate and as Solgre's lawyer states some banks are doing this for thier customers and others are not. As each account will have to be embargoed individually they will not all be suddenly embargoed on 15th September.
Still this is more daft red tape that will take up more time to sort out on our visits to Spain.
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Hi all
I posted a message many months ago about a form I knew nothing about from the bank I have my mortgage with, which is the developers mortgage. I was making an enquiry about something else with the Caixa Bank's office in Picadilly, London. The woman told me about this form and sent it out to me. I will try to find it, and let you know the details. If any of you took over the developers mortgage, and want to speak to the bank, phone the London office or there is a Caixa branch in Los Boliches.
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Hi all
Today i found out that La Caixa in Benalmadene had provided my parents with an " application non-residencia". At least 29E is taken out from their account with this text. So far, Cajamar in Fuengirola did not do anything. But if you are costumers in La Caixa - it might be worth to check your account
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New Post Boxes Installed....but still empty
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 2:35 PM
Hi all
I found this post on the general eye on Spain site. Looks like we may have another problem, once we do actually get a postal service.
Well we spent the money and installed the gleaming new set of 60 engraved and tagged, lockable post-boxes outside the main gate, hopefully to quell the steady stream of daily complaints that the president was receiving. All because the postman doesnt deliver the post anymore, he just sticks it all in the letterbox for one of the other phases or puts it on the wall with a stone on top if we are lucky!!
So two days into the new system and the complaints are now about the postman still not using the new postboxes and what can we do about it???
It looks like this may have been a total mistake and whatever we do how do we overcome a lazy postman that just gets a handful of letters and throws them in a communities general direction............
Faxes, letters and emails are hitting the sorting office in La Cala on a daily basis to try and resolve the situation, but we think the Postman may be from a different planet and doesnt understand the principal of a letter and the fact that for the system to work it needs to go to the address on the front of the letter not just to the general area, where he believes it will then find its own way home!!!
We have yet to experience the leafletters who possibly still think our postboxes are behind closed doors, when they spot them thats when the rubbish will start to blow about and make the area untidy.
Our cleaner is now tasked with keeping the postboxes clean and tidy, which shouldnt be hard if they are not being used....the saga continues...we'll keep you all updated on how we get on after a weeks postal deliveries.
For all those owners on GGM2 please check your postbox inside the complex in the next few days to read the leaflet on how you can get your new postbox key. Our president will be bringing over with him personalised nametags for all the boxes next week so that we can keep the fronts uniform, clean and tidy. Please do not put a personal sticker on your postbox as it is not necessary with the engraved apartment number and personalised nametag.
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Regarding the "non-residencia certifikate"
We are costumers in Cajamar in Fuengirola. Their way to handle this isue is so.
The applikation must be provided every second year. The first time we need to do it ourselves. We must come to the bank and they will help us to fill out the form. We must bring our passport. Then the applikation must be taken personally to the National Police in Fuengirola to get the certifikate.
We will not visit Spain until the 11th-18th of October and I asked if our account was blocked at that time - and he was afraid that would be the case. According our lawyer we had to pay 6,70E for the certifikate.
It seems like the banks are not handling this issue the same way. You have better check your own bank.
To those of you wondering why I say that I will visit Spain from 11th - 18th October. Well, I made a mistake when I ordered and paid the tickets. So now I have changed the dates - which costed me around 600E  . So - Jarnell no shopping in IKEA this time.
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