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03 Jul 2013 7:59 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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We're retiling our terrace. Most of the the old tiles came off in 1 piece so I've asked Felo to store them. Any neighbour who wants to replace cracked or damaged tiles is welcome to them. There is about 200 of them so should be enough to go round. If you need some just ask Felo. 



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30 Sep 2013 9:23 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Looks like the end of UK tv at DJ is finally here.

The ASTRA 2E satellite launched onboard an ILS Proton at 3:38 a.m. today local time, from Baikonur Cosmodrome (September 29: 5:38 p.m. EDT and 21:38 GMT).  The first three stages of the ILS Proton vehicle used a standard ascent profile to place the orbital unit (Breeze M upper stage and the ASTRA 2E satellite) into a sub-orbital trajectory.  The Breeze M then performed planned mission maneuvers to advance the orbital unit first to a circular parking orbit, then into an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to GTO. Successful separation of the ASTRA 2E satellite occurred exactly 9 hours, 12 minutes after liftoff.

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01 Oct 2013 12:42 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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Yes a new satellite has been launched after numerous delays which will have a more narrowly focused beam concentrated on the British Isles and yes most of the free satellite channels will be moved to this new satellite but Sky content will continue to be broadcast from the existing satellite.

While it is likely that smaller dishes will not be able to pick up the signal from the new satellite we will only know if our 1.5M dishes can pick it up when it starts transmitting. The advice we have been given is wait and see.  

If we loose the free channels and there is something viable that we can do to restore them we will do it. So while it is likely that we will see some disruption I wouldn’t say that this represents “the end of UK tv”

Internet TV is being promoted as a solution. You really need land lines for this to be viable and there is still no sign of Telefonica providing these. It can be done using wifi but is very expensive so I would suggest this will be a last resort.




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27 Oct 2013 10:16 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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Bad News for Late Night Train users..they are being axed! From tomorrow trains out of Fuengi will run every 20 minutes until 2220hrs...there will then only be 1 more train at 2320hrs.

For the first time in my memory there is a late train from Malaga at around the same time which it appears will be parked in Fuengi overnight so at least folk arriving on evening flights will still be able to catch the train.

(UK TV still operating as normal so fingers crossed)




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01 Nov 2013 10:35 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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There were a lot less trains yesterday due to strike action. Further partial strikes are planned. Here are the details

Spain's national rail company Renfe on Monday began protest action which bring down the number of train services on the country's trains over the next two months.


The strikes will affect Spain's high-speed Ave trains, as well as long distance, medium distance and local (cercanías) trains on 14 days in total.

Limited services will be running on 11 of those days and there will also be three days of general strikes: October 31st, December 5th and December 20th.

The days affected by partial strikes are October 28th, October 29th and October 30th.

Also affected by partial strikes are the following days in November: the 4th, 8th, 11th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th and 39th.

The strikes on October 28th and those planned for November will take place between 7am and 9am, between  3pm and 5pm and from 11pm to 1am.

The strikes on October 29th will see cuts to services between 7.30am and 9.30am, from 6pm to 8pm and from 11pm to 1am.

On October 30th, services affected are those running between 9am and 11am, 4pm and 6pm and 10pm and midnight.

The strikes are being held by Spain's CGT and SF unions to protest the division of Renfe into four divisions as the government gears up for possible privatization of the network.

Renfe advises that you check their website before your travel.



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23 Nov 2013 9:33 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message


Mijas' Mayor proposes charging dog owners

Mijas' Mayor proposes charging dog owners

THE Mayor of Mijas, Angel Nozal, has proposed charging a tax for owning pets.

The comment was made on a social networking site, where he said: “8,000 dogs in Mijas, more than 24,000 pees per day, it is simply impossible and unthinkable to clean all the streets, pavements and corners of a town with 55,000 homes and 150km2 every day. If the pressure on the cleaning services continues, we will hold a referendum in Mijas regarding charging for owning dogs. How much should a citizen pay per day for using the streets as a place for their dogs to pee? One euro? Well 365 days times 8,000 dogs, is €2,920,000 per year. That means 300 more people on basic income to do the cleaning. But it’s not that simple, will the innocent also have to pay the price? Will this mean that some people won’t be able to afford to own a dog? The solution? We need a democratic decision, because the dictatorship of dirty people over the rest of the citizens has to come to an end.”

The comment has led to some controversy and the mayor has said that he aims simply to encourage certain people to be more civil-minded.

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24 Nov 2013 5:53 PM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Christmas Day Lunch

Every year since what seems like time began we have enjoyed Christmas Day lunch at Portofinos on the Paseo in Fuengirola but unfortunately it is now closing down due to retirement.

Does anyone have any ideas as to where to go within walking distance/short cab ride of Torreblanca/Fuengirola?

We are looking for something say in between a typically tourist restaurant and El Higueron restaurant, say about 50/70 Euros per head.

I'm sure we will find somewhere but knowing posters on here to be discerning I thought I would ask!



This message was last edited by srs on 24/11/2013.

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25 Nov 2013 8:03 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi does any one else have to put up with this at Don juan.

When does it  become a right for a owner to change the way a 2 bedroom apt is planned and set out.

I have a neighbours who has moved a full size kitchen to the balcony on to my dividing wall by my bedroom.

I can not open my patio doors and windows in the summer as they are cooking all day and late at night.

The smell from there cooking goes over my washing and in to my apt bedroom and livingroom as they do not have a extra fan on the balcony like we have in our kitchen.

They have taken down walls to make there apt bigger but that is fine as they live there now.

I also thought  we could only have tiles on the balcony but they have wooden floors  on there balcony  as they live there now.

The kitchen  came from there studio apt that they  put on the balcony.



This message was last edited by irenemontague on 25/11/2013.

This message was last edited by irenemontague on 25/11/2013.

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01 Dec 2013 1:12 PM by Gericom99 Star rating in Offaly, Ireland / Ca.... 270 forum posts Send private message

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Interesting case in the Spanish newspapers - I have always found piano music quite soothing even sleep inducing...but then some pianists "attack" the piano...... frown


Pianist escapes prison term for 'psychological damage' to neighbour through daily practice
27 November 2013 @ 08:33

A CONCERT pianist facing seven-and-a-half years in prison for 'noise nuisance' after her neighbour complained of 'psychological damage' has been acquitted.

Laia M., who was 26 at the time – in 2003 – was a concert pianist studying a music degree at the Conservatory in Puigcerdà (Girona province) where she lived.

She practised at home between 09.00hrs and 18.00hrs, Monday to Friday, with an hour's break for lunch between 13.00hrs and 14.00hrs.

A woman living in the flat above claimed she had been signed off sick from work due to 'psychological damage' including 'panic attacks', 'sleep disorders' and 'anxiety' as a result of the constant piano noise from downstairs.

Laia was initially facing a seven-and-a-half-year jail term for noise nuisance or 'criminal offences against the environment', and for a criminal charge of 'inflicting psychological trauma' on a third party.

The court reduced the State prosecution service's proposed sentence to 20 months, which would mean Laia would not have to go to jail as it was a first offence and less than a two-year custodial term.

But the verdict passed by the court of Girona today (Tuesday) found that the pianist, now aged 36, and her parents had taken steps to sound-proof the room where Laia practised, and also found no evidence of any relation between the music and the plaintiff's mental health conditions. 


This message was last edited by Gericom99 on 01/12/2013.

This message was last edited by Gericom99 on 01/12/2013.

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08 Dec 2013 8:50 PM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

We have recently had two "one off" payments taken out of our account by the town hall, one was 112 Euros with the other being 20 odd. Also we have had 250 Euros taken by the council for a non Don Juan property.

Has anyone any idea what these are?



........Ooops, just spotted the IBI thread, would this be the same thing as there wasn't a reply to the last post?


This message was last edited by srs on 08/12/2013.

This message was last edited by srs on 08/12/2013.

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10 Dec 2013 2:41 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message


Is it just me or have the electric bills gone up 50% or has there been some sort of one off charge added to this 2 monthly bill. My October / November bill was € 77.03. Last year the same 2 months were € 38.43 Oct + € 11.72 Nov = € 50.15. For both periods there were no occupancy so can anyone explain this. The bills are not estimated. Have any of you had the same.


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12 Dec 2013 12:41 PM by otterandy Star rating in Dubai - Carvajal. 260 forum posts Send private message

I noticed my November bill was higher than usual also....

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12 Dec 2013 3:18 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

I read last time out that the electric was gong up in spain and it was for the 3 time this year.


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13 Dec 2013 7:01 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

The road is closes from star of the sea to the train station it's all being resurfaced at last
So a good road to Don Juan at last

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22 Dec 2013 10:04 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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This is quite informative for anyone concerned about the anticipated loss of some channels currently available from Sky.



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05 Jan 2014 3:27 PM by Loops42 Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Postal service !

Has anyone had any letters etc since they closed the road????


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14 Apr 2014 6:06 PM by Gericom99 Star rating in Offaly, Ireland / Ca.... 270 forum posts Send private message

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¿Sabías que Ayuntamiento y Gobierno han acordado ejecutar la cuarta y última fase del Paseo Marítimo, cuyas obras comenzarán tras el verano?
This is a link to a new announcement on Fuengirola Ayuntamiento website stating that finally the fourth phase of the redevelopment of the Paseo Maritimo has been given the green light and works will commence after the summer.  I think this refers to the Carvajal end of the Paseo so this looks like good news for us all.....


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19 Apr 2014 10:05 AM by otterandy Star rating in Dubai - Carvajal. 260 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone recommend a good car hire company where we can hire a mid range convertible such as a VW EOS?

Thx Andy

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24 Apr 2014 2:54 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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Costa Waterparks have put 3 of these in Fengi including 1 at Carvajal!




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24 Jun 2014 9:47 AM by otterandy Star rating in Dubai - Carvajal. 260 forum posts Send private message

Hi , Does anyone have a tel number for a plumber?


Thx  Andy

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