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24 Jun 2014 10:36 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Andy

PM me about a plumber


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25 Jul 2014 11:40 PM by rydon Star rating in Newcastle UK/carvaja.... 19 forum posts Send private message

Hi does anyone have a road map directions to get to our apartment complex? 

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26 Jul 2014 9:23 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message

Hi Rydon

The Train looks the best solution.But ask on the Fuengirola Tripadvisor Forum as well

Good Luck





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06 Sep 2014 12:18 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

European Court rules Spain’s inheritance taxes are illegal

The European Commission has won its legal case against Spain on the grounds of discrimination against non-residents
05.09.14 - 12:39 -
The European Court of Justice decreed on Wednesday (3rd September) that Spain is contravening EU law because it treats residents and non-residents differently with regard to tax on inheritance and donations. This ruling means that non-residents who have inherited assets in Spain or have received them as donations in the past will be able to apply for a refund of the amount they were overcharged in tax.
The case was brought against Spain by the European Commission in 2012, on the grounds that the taxes on inheritance and donated assets are incompatible with the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU with regard to free movement of people and capital, and also the European Economic Area Agreement.
The European Court of Justice accepted Spain’s argument that these tax laws do not impede freedom of movement of people, but found that they do contravene the regulations regarding the free movement of capital.
State versus regions
It is the Spanish State that handles these taxes where non-residents are concerned, while in the case of residents the taxes are paid to the autonomous region which was the normal place of residence of the deceased or the donor. As a result, non-resident beneficiaries normally end up paying considerably more, because the different regions are able to determine their own fiscal reductions. This means that non-residents who inherit, or are the recipient of a donation, are unable to take advantage of these tax reductions.
The European Court decreed that Spain is guilty of discrimination in cases where the deceased person or donor, the person inheriting or the recipient are not resident in the country, and also when the donated assets are situated abroad. The court ruled that the value of the inheritance or the donation is being reduced because non-residents are exempt from the fiscal reductions which apply to residents, and that this is a restriction on the free movement of capital.
It maintained that there is no difference between the objective situation of a Spanish resident and non resident that can sustain such a difference in treatment, and that Spain has failed to comply with its obligations, is guilty of discrimination and is blatantly contravening the principle of free movement of capital.
José María Caro, of the leading law firm Martínez Echevarría, Pérez & Ferrero Abogados, has been studying this case and says that people who are non-resident and who have paid inheritance or donation tax during the past four years can now demand a refund of the difference between the amount of tax they were charged by the State and the amount they would have been charged if the relevant regional tax reductions had been applied. In some cases, these refunds could be considerable.
There may also be a way for those who paid these taxes before the four-year period of prescription to apply for the amount that had been overcharged to be refunded to them.

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22 Sep 2014 6:34 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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Ramsey's Costa del Nightmares tomorrow 9PM in UK 10PM here on Channet 4 features what was the Mayfair restaurant in Fuengirola we watched it being filmed earlier in the year - should be interesting



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30 Jan 2015 11:16 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Looks like we will all be getting taxis home from now on :) Are they having a laugh.

~~Spain to introduce pedestrian breath tests?
Friday, 30 January 2015 11:20
IF you have a drink too many and decide to walk home, be careful as proposed new regulations mean you might face a breath test.
And you could get reprimanded for speeding as well if you can manage to stagger at a faster pace than ‘a normal stride.’
Spain’s traffic department, the DGT has in a report proposed new “tools to foster better relations and coexistence between pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and vehicles.”
While proposals for higher drink driving fines and better regulation of driving schools are probably not too controversial, the plans hidden away in the report to give alcohol and drug tests to pedestrians involved in traffic accidents or offences are more contentious.
Now Spanish government advisory body, the Council for State, has queried the proposals in a report, said Europa Press.
The council is worried that it is a step too far that would restrict the freedom and invade the privacy of people as they go about their daily life.
The proposal to restrict the speed of pedestrians to a normal stride could even amount to a ban on jogging if police enforce the proposed laws in an overzealous manner.
But the DGT has said that there is nothing new in the alcohol test proposals, spokesperson Maria Segui Gomez explaining that municipal police, “have been carrying out these tests for months – there is nothing new here that will allow us to start sanctioning pedestrians, whether with fines or penalty points.”
She added that in 2014 more than half the 370 pedestrians killed on Spanish roads had alcohol or drugs in their blood.


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08 Feb 2015 12:46 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Hi all dose anybody know if we have to pay tax on our garage space? As I was talking to friends who have a place in Fuengirola and recently got a bill for their garage space for 3000 Euros tax . Not sure if we are liable for this expense maybe somebody would have more information thanks

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08 Feb 2015 3:39 PM by Gericom99 Star rating in Offaly, Ireland / Ca.... 270 forum posts Send private message

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As far as I know Eoin, your garage space (and trastero) have a valor catastral attached to them along with your apartment.  When doing your annual tax return you add all 3 values together (obtainable on your Town Hall bills or directly at the Ayuntamiento office) and use the resulting total to calculate and pay your tax.  So, yes, you do have to pay tax on the garage space.  However the amount involved is very small so the the figure you mention in relation to your friends seems outlandish and needs more clarification - perhaps it covers a few years and includes interest and fines?


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10 Feb 2015 12:50 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Just got an email from Irma saying the address of our block has changed. I take it this means we now have to go to the Town Hall to change details, as well as electric, water, banks etc. Anyone else I have missed out ?

What about mortgage and Title deeds. Do we need to change these. If so can we pass on costs to the Post Office for their stupid idea. It's not rocket science to put a letter in the correct letter box. Try reading it properly for starters. I am always getting other peoples post.

What documents will we need to bring so as not to make a wasted trip. The last time I went to the electricity company, I sat there for 5 hours just to be seen. So much to look forward to on my next " Holiday ".

Can anyone add the times and days of opening for the Town Hall, Electric and Water companies. Thanks.

What does the following part of the new address stand for shown in brackets

Calle Sierra Nevada (NUM 5. )





This message was last edited by westport on 10/02/2015.

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10 Feb 2015 9:29 PM by Gericom99 Star rating in Offaly, Ireland / Ca.... 270 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Westport,

I have no idea what Num 5 stands for other than to hazard a guess -  On Calle Sierra Nevada, there are 2 blocks for Phase 3, 2 blocks for Phase 2 and our own Block 1 for Phase 1.  This is the only way I can reach the number 5 and it appears that the postal authorities now regard our Block 1 as Block 5 on Calle Sierra Nevada.  How this works out in practice remains to be seen.

I think Piso + Letra is where you insert your floor and apartment letter i.e "Semisotano C"

Does the above make sense? I'm not sure, remember it's my best guess!


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11 Feb 2015 1:18 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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I think Gericom is spot on. All of the blocks have a street number which is different to the block number. Our block 6 for example is Calle Sierra de Cazorla 3 (work that one out if you can!). I don't use the number 3 (I just put bloque 6) and my mail arrives OK. 

IF I was in block 1 I personally wouldn't waste my holiday informing anybody unless there was an issue.




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13 Feb 2015 11:53 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for all of the info. Looks like Irma is going let the utility companoes know on our behalf which should save a few headaches. See her reply below.


Post Office changes direction according to the police and City Hall. So the council is not necessary to change anything
I'll spend both the water company and electricity to communicate the renumbering of the block, so I avoid the neighbors to go one by one to make the change
From now was to give the new address, but they , as have the change, they will be watching the old list to put the cards in the corresponding mailbox
On the other hand, in the title of the home address is not listed as such


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26 Feb 2015 12:03 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Let this be a warning to those out there that think everything in life is free.

~~British man loses over €100,000 and dream Costa del Sol finca
EXCLUSIVE: Ian Cook, 60, has been left in shock by his unexpected loss
6 Feb, 2015 @ 10:30

A BRITISH man has lost his dream of a Costa del Sol home and more than €100,000 after his plot of land was reclaimed and sold at auction.
Ian Cook, 60, bought the plot for €144,000 in 2004, but failed to pay council tax for six years, forcing Mijas Town Hall to take action.
When Cook returned to the land overlooking Mijas Costa, last month, he was horrified to discover an eviction notice on his motorhome, which was still parked on the land.
But it was an even bigger shock to discover that the land had been sold at auction last year for just €14,000.
“I am devastated. I didn’t know they could do this,” Cook told the Olive Press.

“I didn’t hear a word while I was in England. I am sure they could have contacted me if they really wanted to.
“With the amount of technology available these days I could have been found. It’s not like I am Osama Bin Laden.”
Cook, originally from Sheffield, will now receive just €8,000 after accounting for the unpaid tax.
A spokesman from Mijas Town Hall insisted it had acted within the law.
He added that the tax department had tried to contact him on a number of occasions but were unable to because he had left no forwarding address and his bank account had been shut down.
“When someone doesn’t pay council tax we send them several notifications before acting further,” he said.
“By law, we also publish their outstanding debts on the online Boletin Oficial del Estado (BoE) register where they can see it.”

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11 Mar 2015 2:49 PM by Jenx Star rating. 121 forum posts Send private message

The back road

Anyone planning to use the back road out of our development needs to be extra careful. Many of the manhole covers (large and small) have been removed/stolen and there are only loose rocks and stones in place to mark the open holes. This is unsatisfactory and dangerous, especially for walkers.




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16 Mar 2015 9:39 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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When checking the community stores in preparation for offering them for rent we discovered that, contrary to what I had been told, there were a lot of my old terrace tiles still in storage. If anyone has cracked or damaged terrace tiles and would like some of these please speak to Jose (Maintenance) or let me know



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03 Nov 2015 8:15 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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The front doors of our apartments are starting to fade. Some neighbours have painted them with decidedly mixed results! I know a lady who has fixed some of the DIY disasters. If anyone would like their front door restored and would like to be put in touch with her please send me a pm.

A friend of ours has recently retired and come to live in Spain. He would like to top up his pension. He is a builder and can do most things (except electrical). He also has a roomy car and is available for day trips to Ronda Gibraltar etc as well as airport runs (€30 from or to Don Juan).

A 3rd friend is an aircon engineer. He is good at servicing, fixing and improving existing instalations and is not hard to pay.

To be clear I will not be paid any commission on any work these guys get as a result of this post. I am confident enough to recommend them - I don't want to put their details up on a public forum but if you want to be put directly in touch with any of them please contact me in the 1st instance.                    



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13 Dec 2015 8:52 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Just had € 244.71 taken from my account from the community. Anyone else had this taken? What is it for? Would be nice to be told in advance when they do these things.


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14 Dec 2015 10:45 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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There are no additional fees. I suggest you contact the administrator for an explanation.





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14 Dec 2015 10:47 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Got it sorted. It was supposed to be taken from someone else in our block who owed money. Have to try to get the bank now to cancel it.


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22 Dec 2015 10:32 AM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message


Having hired a car for the first time in a while for the Christmas period I have been told that there
 are speed cameras dotted about.  Although I don't intend to speed it is difficult keeping track of the limits.  Does anyone know where there are cameras to look out for? are there any on the a7 over the top?





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