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19 Aug 2008 10:42 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Solgre

I am in Spain at the moment, an have just spoken to my solicitor. This form is so you do not pay tax on any bank interest as you are not resident. When I told her about the population list thing, she said she knew nothing about this.


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19 Aug 2008 2:23 PM by solgre Star rating in Denmark. 79 forum posts Send private message

Hi Westport

Did you ask your bank?
 My bank  knew about it - and it seems like La Caixa did too. I only know that my parents account is credited the amount of 29E with the text "non-residencia applikation". I can not make any calls as they are not englishspeaking. 
 I made a small translation of my letter from our lawyer to English - if it is any help to you I can mail it - but I will ned your mail adress as I can not atttach any files in a PM.


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20 Aug 2008 3:55 PM by Ken333 Star rating in Northampton. 60 forum posts Send private message

Ken333´s avatar
      The requirement for the non-residencia certificate or NIE number is the change in the Spanish Laws which changed from a card to a certificate, and a tightining of the laws, copy of residential decree is in PFD file on my web site, also a link to the British Embassy web site, EU citizens who already have valid residency cards (which were issued, prior to the certificate coming into force in May 2007) need take no action until their card expires.


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21 Aug 2008 10:18 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Solgre

Caixa Galicia have an office in London. They speak good English. Go to   and put in Caixa Galicia Bank, Malta House, Picadilly, London  and you should get their phone number.


This message was last edited by westport on 9/12/2008.

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12 Sep 2008 10:24 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

I always ask for any feedback good or bad from people who have rented my apartment. The one comment that they all did not like, was the garage door by the lifts slamming, and waking them up or their children up at night, when people are coming in or going out.  I notice this myself as well. Can the community fit one of those devices that fits to the top of the door that slows the door down, to stop it slamming. Its probably only those that have apartments on the ground floor that hear the door slamming, especially if you are located directly above the garage door itself like us.

Any news on the water contract & regulators


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16 Sep 2008 9:36 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message


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20 Sep 2008 10:04 AM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Just something I would like all owners to know that every time I am coming home I put rat poison on my patio behind the press and it is always eaten. So could we get the gardners to put poison around don Juan before the place is over run with them. I heard of one apartment where a rat got n and the people were terrifed and had to get pest control to deal wth it.

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21 Sep 2008 7:36 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi people are still putting there household waste in the small bins around the garden areas,and if all owners who rent out there apt could tell people to take there household waste to the r/ bins bye block 1 instead of the small bins around the gardens this will also help if we have rats bye irene

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21 Sep 2008 9:15 PM by solgre Star rating in Denmark. 79 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

I just found this article in SUR in English with the headline "loving your neighbours or not". Quite funny stories - but they should be told from the real life by administrators around Malaga.

Spaniards like to live in close proximity to each other. While this generally makes for a heightened sense of neighbourliness, close quarters can sometimes end in neighbourly dispute. There are numerous means by which one resident can upset another, ranging from the noise of a person walking across a room late at night or playing music too loud to disputes of a much more colourful kind.
One of the most popular television programmes on Spanish television in recent years dealt with this very subject. It was especially popular in Malaga, because it reflects a reality many city dwellers are all too familiar with.
We contacted a number of professional property administrators in Malaga to talk about some of the odd situations they have had to deal with in the past. Many of them agreed that the famous television programme fell far short of the real-life situations that they have come across over the years. We agreed not to publish their names, for obvious reasons, but that is unimportant. The stories they tell may have a Malaga flavour, but they could have happened in any block of apartments anywhere in Spain. When it comes to neighbourhood disputes, we are all more or less the same.
Security cameras - Caught red-handed in the garage
It all began when a resident spotted a scratch on his new car. The vehicle was parked in the apartment block’s car park, and its owner was very anxious to discover the culprit. It had to be somebody with access to the building, located in the northern part of Malaga city. He installed a hidden security camera in the garage to find out who was responsible.
He found out more than he had bargained for, although nobody came near his new car again, so the person who scratched it got away with it.
His own wife was not so lucky. Looking over his hidden camera tapes, he discovered that she had been having an affair with another resident in the garage, and our man now had it all on video. It may have made interesting viewing, but it spelt the end of the marriage. It was the subject of discussion for many months afterwards, we are informed by the administrator who told us this story.
Non-payment of fees - The Rumanian who spoke no Spanish
His name cropped up regularly on the list of non-payers of community fees, to such an extent that the administrator decided to have a little chat with him one day. So he knocked on the door. It was certainly a little conversation, because the Rumanian who opened the door pretended not to speak any Spanish, and our administrator knew not a single word of Rumanian. He tried English and French, but to no avail. The Rumanian stared back at him, poker faced.
There was only one thing to do. The administrator found another Rumanian who spoke Spanish and hired him to come along as an interpreter. “You cannot imagine my surprise when he opened the door. His children were at his feet, fighting among themselves. He let out a string of abuse at them, all in perfect Spanish. I must say I felt something of an idiot to have been taken in so easily,” said the administrator.
Blocked drains - Using the loo for rubbish disposal
Manuel Mora, the Audioconsulting administrator, has no problem in giving his name to this story. One day he was called to an apartment block whose drains had blocked up completely. The smell was disgusting, he was told. He brought along some workmen and attempted to tackle the problem.
Opening up the main outlet, he found household rubbish of all kinds blocking the drain. “There was even a leg of lamb there, along with potato peels and other kitchen waste. It turned out that one of the residents was too lazy to drop his rubbish off in the street below, and was simply dumping it all in the lavatory bowl,” he tells us. “That resident was not very popular in the block afterwards.”
Heavy metal - An extra room in the loft
The following story is about excess electricity consumption in a block of apartments in Malaga city. Some time ago. The bill for the common light and power sources was going through the ceiling, and nobody could figure out why. After three months of paying through the nose, the administrator was called in. “We spoke to everybody and put up posters around the building asking residents for any information that might lead to the cause,” says Manuel Mora.
There was a response a few days later, from the president of the community, as it happened. “It turned out that the son of one of the residents has installed himself and his music equipment in the loft, where he entertained his female friends. He even had a minibar in the loft, and was stealing the electricity from the mains. His father never knew about it, because he never went up there,” says the administrator.
Pets - Not without the dog
They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, and some residents insist on treating their dogs like their very best friends. Such was the case in an apartment block in Alhaurín de la Torre.
One summer’s evening, the residents were shocked to find the dog owner bathing his animal in the communal swimming pool. They complained to him, but he had his own argument. “The weather is very hot and my dog is suffering. He is much cleaner than many of the residents here,” said the man.
Bad smell - Relief in the lift
We have all been caught out at some time, and when nature calls, one must answer. The problem in this apartment block in the Ciudad Jardín area of Malaga city was that somebody was relieving themselves in the lift every night, causing a stink of urine every morning in the lift. This was a case for the administrator.
He stuck posters around the building asking that residents use their own bathrooms before taking the lift. But the problem continued. Somebody was still using the lift as a bathroom. “Then a few days later graffiti appeared beside one of the posters, with the words: ‘Be thankful I don’t do any more than pee in the lift!’,” says the administrator.”
Heavy metal - Hinting with classical music
One of the most common problems between residents is noise, and there are many different ways of upsetting one’s neighbours with the sounds one can make. In the case of Luis, a resident in a block in Torremolinos, it was his dislike of heavy metal at full volume. We can certainly sympathise with him.
The music came from next door, where the teenage son of the house played his music for all the world to hear. Something had to be done about it, and Luis was not anxious to simply barge in and demand that the music be turned down. “Then a friend of mine said, half joking, that maybe the boy would like classical music, if he heard it. At the next community meeting, the wife of my friends presented, on behalf of all the residents, a classical music CD to the boy’s mother,” says Luis. In the end, as in many such cases, the case ended up in the courts.

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21 Sep 2008 10:41 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message


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21 Sep 2008 11:09 PM by gericom99 Star rating in Offaly, Ireland / Ca.... 270 forum posts Send private message

gericom99´s avatar
Just back after 2 weeks of great weather in Don Juan.  The pools were lovely to swim in especially as there were few users though we did get caught out one Sunday evening around 5.30/6 pm unable to access the pools which were inexplicably locked... A pity that they are not slightly larger and that there is no tiled area around the pools as I have seen on other developments.  Perhaps when other outstanding matters are dealt with we could give some consideration to improving these areas if funds permit.

The water pressure in our apartment (Block 1, Semi Sotano) appeared to be perfect, neither too strong nor too weak and we had no problems with showers, water heaters etc.  Full credit to the commitee for sorting this matter out satisfactorily.

Disappointingly we discovered that our storage room (Trastero) had been subjected to a deluge of water some days earlier due to a leak in the water mains situated in the Water control room directly above our trastero.  Fortunately no major damage was caused to property, however our trastero was dank and smelly and the walls were still damp and covered with fungus/mould growth.  We had to remove all items and leave the door permanently open in order to dry out the walls.  This process was not helped by the condition of the Water control room above which was itself in a mouldy damp and dirty state. The floor of this room has been tiled and a water outlet provided for spills however the plaster finish at the edges where the walls meet the tiled floor is nonexistent, the slope is wrong, therefore any water spillage will inevitably penetrate the walls causing dampness and damage below and there is no ventilation whatever to help the drying out process. We had difficulty getting the door of this room left open long enough to allow it's walls to dry out also.  No doubt the water control rooms in all other blocks are suffering from the same problems and at the least the walls in each of these rooms should be tiled up to a certain level and some ventilation provided to assist drying etc. I would hope this can be addressed in the context of the snag list for the developer to attend to as opposed to the community having to do it. I am posting some photos of the water room which illustrate the points made.

I think the commitee deserves great credit for the progress made to date in very trying circumstances and I would hope that as many as possible will be willing to stand again for the coming year when hopefully the legal action and other matters outstanding such as postal deliveries, access road, and non payment of community fees can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.

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22 Sep 2008 4:41 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi westport well peter seen a post man on don juan last week in block 7 and 8 dont no if that was a reg/letter though bye irene

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22 Sep 2008 5:51 PM by calv Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

   Last week we also had a flooded storeroom, exactly the same problem as Gericom.  (Block 3.)  We e-mailed the admin company and amazingly enough they sent us out a plumber/handyman to sort it out.  It also was the drain situated in the water room directly above our storeroom fitted badly by the developer,  I also expect this to be the same in all blocks so beware storeroom owners below the water room.  The guy that came used a sealant around the drain and I am now waiting to test it before I dry it out and start to use the room again.     Martin

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22 Sep 2008 6:18 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi is the water meter room the one as you come into the blocks bye irene

This message was last edited by irenemontague on 9/22/2008.

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23 Sep 2008 11:30 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar
Yes the water meter room is the one marked C AGUA just beside the front door. The Cleaner and Maintainance companies both have keys to this room but not the Electrical Meter room on the other side.



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10 Oct 2008 1:11 PM by max! Star rating in Fuengirola. 944 forum posts Send private message

max!´s avatar
To Jenx who posted in another thread: 'If these comments are removed again, then it will suggest that 'gagging' is going on!'

Afaik there are no posts removed. None us is even capable to do that.

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11 Oct 2008 11:23 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

I just read one of the general posts saying Spanish developers were now giving 2 for 1 house offers. I wonder if Arrohabitage are doing the same, and will we still be hearing the bulls**t we were told about us having a lovely golf course beside us ( Not that I believed that anyway.) Atleast they would not be lying when they say the community comes with its own lake :-)


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11 Oct 2008 1:08 PM by theflem Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

I was over last week for a few days and Taxi drivers are saying they will refuse to use the road, by the railway, unless there is an improvement of the road surface. This would be bad news for anybody that does not drive. What can be done to improve the situation?

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11 Oct 2008 2:36 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar
Hi Willie,
Many taxi drivers already refuse to drive on that road and people have been dumped at the bottom. I have been using a private guy (as Max would say illegal) who is willing to drive up but even he wouldn't drive through the lake fearing that his electrics will get wet and the car will stop.
This will no doubt be discussed again at the AGM with residents wanting to block the railway line etc in protest. Everything legal that can be done is being done but so far the railway company is refusing to allow the road to be finished.



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11 Oct 2008 10:51 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar
I have just been reading a blog - it's amusing but rather long so if you don't want to read it all scroll down to the title Living in a community in Spain…….. Rules apply to them not us
The President

Youy could be forgiven for thinking you were reading about Don Juan (I think the only thing we've got this guy doesn't have is our own lake!!



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