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04 Nov 2009 11:20 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message


Single Euro Payments Area comes into operation today

As from today all European businesses and citizens will be able to benefit from the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), a payment system designed to make electronic banking operations easier amongst EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
A financial infrastructure has been created in which all electronic payments are considered domestic, and where differencs between national and intra-European cross border payments does not exist.
The project aims to improve the efficiency of cross border payments and turn the fragmented national markets for euro payments into a single domestic one. SEPA will enable customers to make cashless euro payments to anyone located anywhere in the area using only a single bank account and a single set of payment instruments.

The project includes the development of common financial instruments, standards, procedures, and infrastructure to enable economies of scale. This should in turn reduce the overall cost to the European economy of moving capital around the region.

Some 4,500 banks already offer SEPA integrated services and by 2010, the majority should be on the SEPA framework. As a result, banks throughout the SEPA area (not just the Eurozone) will need to invest heavily in technology with the capacity to support SEPA payment instruments. They have just three years, until November 2012 to adapt to the new measures.

The introduction of SEPA will increase the intensity of competition among banks and corporates for customers across borders within Europe. It also provides a business opportunity for a range of other organisations, including payment processors such as VocaLink and Equens and SIA-SSB, to help banks reduce costs and develop new payment services.

Multi-national businesses and banks have the opportunity to consolidate their payments processing onto common platforms across the Eurozone. They will benefit from substantial efficiencies by choosing among competing suppliers offering a range of solutions and operating across borders.

For consumers and organizations, SEPA should mean cheaper, more efficient and faster payments transfer when moving Euro from one Eurozone country to another, by making the best use of internet and mobile telephone technology.

SEPA consists of 32 countries:

  • the 16 members of European Economic Area (EEA) and EU that are in the Eurozone
  • the 11 members of EEA and EU that are not in the Eurozone
  • the 3 members of the EEA that are not in the EU: Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway
  • the non EU countries that use the Euro by agreement with the EU, but are not officially part of the Eurozone: Monaco, Switzerland
  • the following territories that are considered to be part of the EU in accordance with Article 299 of the Treaty of Rome: Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Gibraltar, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla and Åland Islands
  • Vatican City and San Marino which use the Euro by agreement with the EU will be part of SEPA.

The principality of Andorra will not, despite its de facto adoption of the euro as its currency, because it does not have an official currency.

Montenegro and Kosovo that use the Euro as their official currency without an agreement with the EU are not part of SEPA.

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13 Nov 2009 11:43 AM by otterandy Star rating in Dubai - Carvajal. 260 forum posts Send private message

I have asked my Abagado to write a letter to Caixia Galicia re the article below. With the Euro interest rates as low as they are they are making a fortune of those of us that took over the mortgage from the developer which had a clause with a 3.25% "collar" min interest rate built in. Has anyone managed to get this collar clause removed from their mortgage?

Rgds Andy


Call for ban on minimum interest clauses in mortgages

‘Abusive' clauses mean loan holders don't reap benefits of plummeting rates

By Oliver McIntyre

The banking consumer group Ausbanc last week called on the government to take action against the minimum-interest clauses that are included in many variable-rate mortgage loans and that have resulted in thousands of homeowners failing to benefit from dropping interest rates.

"On September 23 the senate unanimously approved a motion presented by the Partido Popular stating that the minimum-interest clauses abusive and demanding that the dropping Euribor rate be effectively translated to the mortgage loans," said Ausbanc in a press release.  "Now it is time for the government to take the measures necessary to apply this motion in the real world."

For months consumer groups have been complaining about the minimum-interest clauses, saying many banks hid them in fine print. Unwitting loan holders were hit with the surprise when the Euribor - the most commonly used interest rate index for Spanish mortgage loans - began dropping drastically but their rate adjustments reflected only a modest reduction.

While the Euribor has dropped from its historic high of 5.393 per cent last June to a historic low of 1.243  per cent this October, many homeowners have found they are stuck with a minimum interest rate of 3.5 or four per cent.

Complaint letter

In addition to calling on the government to force the banks to remove the ‘abusive' clauses, Ausbanc has posted on its webpage ( a template letter for consumers to individually address their own bank demanding that the minimum-interest clause be dropped from their mortgage. 


This message was last edited by otterandy on 13/11/2009.

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13 Nov 2009 2:36 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi to all you lucky ones at don Juan in the sun think of us in England with heavy rain and Gail force winds this weekend Irene

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11 Dec 2009 11:29 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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A lot of people in Don Juan have used Bert's taxi service. Due to other work commitments he is rarely available these days. There is another guy Steve who does airport runs for 25€ and is bookable at good rates for evenings etc over Christmas and New Year. If anyone would like his number send me a PM or e-mail.

Steve has a (fairly elderly) 5 series estate so is good for 4 pasengers and luggage.



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22 Dec 2009 7:39 PM by kirjim2 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

Flooding again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  there has been torrential rain over the last few days (feels like a week) and the bottom road at the train station is again flooded.  It would be neigh on impossible to walk there without wellies on.  The top road has a little bit of a pond at one of the roundabouts and driving through this is possible but take it easy because it is deceiving how deep it is.  The sun has shone today and it has been a bit windy so that has helped things to dry out slightly.  Hoping the sun will shine tomorrow or hoping that it wont rain that would help.  Its not too cold though!!!



This message was last edited by kirjim2 on 22/12/2009.

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30 Dec 2009 3:24 AM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi Kathy well first your plane used our departure gate then our plane had a fault on it then the staff could not fly as they where over there flying time and the plane needed a part from England so i am still in Spain ?so i am now on the flyt tonight hopefully PS i hope you did not jinks me or  i will not go to the airport with you again  speak to you soon Irene 

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07 Jan 2010 9:38 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi easyjet are cancelling flyts on the Liverpool to malaga route this summer i wounder why,is it that people are booking there holidays to country's not in the EU again or is  ryanair making a impact on easyjet routes Irene

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07 Jan 2010 10:18 PM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

See above reply.  Gremlins

This message was last edited by srs on 07/01/2010.

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07 Jan 2010 10:27 PM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Hello Irene.

That is a concern as we always fly from Liverpool with Easyjet and need to book for summer. 

We used Ryanair once but it was like flying on a Corporation bus.  Thankfully though it is only for a short time. Ryanair are notorious apparently for saving fuel by using short landings (hence the bumpy and not very pleasant landings).

I trust you are now well.



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08 Jan 2010 1:23 AM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi to you all srs and i hope you had a nice xmas and new year.
They have just cancelled my flight going out in august.They have reduced the flights going out each day not sure if it is due to poor bookings.Ryanair are going out about the same time each day as easyjet but three times the price that i have paid.Hope  to see you again soon Irene

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08 Jan 2010 9:59 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi teresa can you email me re /apt to let as i have no sound on skype thanks irene

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08 Jan 2010 11:13 PM by Janmet Star rating in UK. 185 forum posts Send private message

Happy New Year. Lets us wish that 2010 is a better year for everyone in Don Juan. Peace on earth and goodwill to all men ( and women)


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09 Jan 2010 5:19 PM by Stronge Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

Happy New Year to one and all.  I was wondering what the weather has been like recently and has the "flood water" receeded down at the train station!  I saw the photo that Irene put up and you would cretainly need your "wellies" rather than flip flops to get up from the train station!. We are going out in February so  hopefully the sun will be shining by then!


This message was last edited by Stronge on 09/01/2010.

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09 Jan 2010 6:54 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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We have had some heavy rain since New Year and the resultant floods in garages, lift shafts and on the roads. At the moment it is dry but cold - about 10C was as high as it got today. The water does drain away from the road by the railway quite quickly and if you walk close to the wall it is dry but there are lots of water filled potholes and mud as well.

The excuse the water company has given for not putting the road back to at least the condition it was in before they dug it up was that it is going to be tarmaced soon but I'll believe that when they start doing it.



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10 Jan 2010 6:00 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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It has rained most of today. A large rut has developed just after the end of the tarmac at the bottom of the hill and we've just seen a car go into it and loose its front spoiler. There are potholes and overflowing drains all over Fuengirola.

There has been more rain here than at any time for 50 years! All the resevoirs are full to overflowing and they have shut down the desalination plant. It it keeps going Stronge you may bring your wellies but at least there will be no water shortages for the next few years!



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09 Feb 2010 9:11 AM by HansKirchen Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

 Their are finally direct flights from Dubrovnik to Malaga. They are by Vueling. Is that a good company?

Hans Kirchner. 

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09 Feb 2010 10:20 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar

Hi Hans,

Vueling is a Spanish low cost airline part owned by Iberia. We flew with them last September from Malaga to Barcelona. The flight was on time. The aircraft was comfortable. There was more legroom than on Ryanair or easyjet.

I know having flown with them once does not make me an expert on Vueling but we would certainly be happy to use them again.



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09 Feb 2010 9:01 PM by solgre Star rating in Denmark. 79 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

I have just found an article on the internet about our area in Carvajal. I did not understand the article completely when using automatic translation, but as far as I understand the Townhall is planning to build a Golfschool in the area between El Higueron and our apartments. This might increase the value of our apartments though it will take some years. I have copied the text  for you to translate into your own language.

Maybe this has something to do with the slowly work to complete the accesroad from the new roundabout.



El Ayuntamiento creará una Escuela Municipal de Golf en Carvajal
Escrito por Gabinete de Prensa-Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola   
El Pleno extraordinario del Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola celebrado hoy ha dado luz verde, con los votos a favor de PP y PSOE y la abstención del PA, a un convenio urbanístico que permitirá la creación de una Escuela Municipal de Golf en la ciudad, concretamente en la zona de Carvajal (sector UR-4).
Según ha informado la concejala de Urbanismo, Ana Mula, desde el Ayuntamiento se estuvo estudiando su ubicación y el único terreno posible estaría ubicado en el sector UR-4, aunque la disponibilidad del terreno era insuficiente. Por ello se estudió la posibilidad de llegar a un acuerdo con la entidad Reserva del Higuerón para ampliar el espacio.

Como consecuencia de esa negociación, el Ayuntamiento llegó a un acuerdo con al entidad mercantil para intercambiar unos terrenos de propiedad municipal en el sector UR-5 de 3.849 metros cuadrados. A cambio, Reserva del Higuerón, entregará al Ayuntamiento 4.307 metros cuadrados en la zona de Carvajal (UR-4), que se destinarán a la creación de la escuela municipal de golf. En este sentido, Mula ha explicado que el Ayuntamiento gana 458 metros cuadrados de terreno extra.

El terreno objeto del intercambio en el sector UR-5 pasan a estar calificados como de bloque abierto sin incremento de edificabilidad y los que obtiene el Ayuntamiento, calificados en la actualidad como bloque abierto, pasan a calificarse como equipamiento. Además, la entidad mercantil entregará al Ayuntamiento como compensación 124.800 euros.

El convenio se firmó el 21 de enero y ha sido incorporado al documento de revisión del PGOU. Una vez se apruebe definitivamente el PGOU se iniciarán los trámites para iniciar la Escuela Municipal de Golf, “que esperamos que sea en este mismo año 2010”, ha señalado Mula.

“Los aficionados al golf en Fuengirola pronto podrán disponer y hacer uso de unas nuevas instalaciones, de un campo de golf, algo que era impensable en esta ciudad”, ha declarado la edil. Por su parte, la alcaldesa, Esperanza Oña, ha señalado que “es una noticia para estar de celebración, de enhorabuena, ya que esperamos contar pronto con este nuevo equipamiento deportivo para la ciudad”.


This message was last edited by solgre on 09/02/2010.

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09 Feb 2010 11:12 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi solgre the area off the back road was fenced off before Xmas i am not surprised it is going to be a golf school,but most people thought it was for new houses thanks Irene

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09 Feb 2010 11:20 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi solgre from my translation Irene
The City council will create a Municipal School of Golf in Carvajal Writing by Cabinet of Press-City council of Fuengirola The Special plenary session of the City council of celebrated Fuengirola today has given green light, with the votes in favor of PP and PSOE and the abstention from the PA, to a city-planning agreement that the creation of a Municipal School of Golf in the city will allow, concretely in the zone of Carvajal (sector UR-4). According to the town councillor has informed into Urbanism, Ana Mule, from the City council was studying her location and the unique possible land would be located in sector UR-4, although the availability of the land was insufficient. For that reason the possibility studied of reaching an agreement with the organization Reserve from the Higuerón to extend the space. As a result of that negotiation, the City council reached an agreement with the mercantile organization to interchange lands of municipal property in sector UR-5 of 3,849 meters square. In return, Reserve of the Higuerón, will give to the City council 4,307 meters squared in the zone of Carvajal (UR-4), that will be destined to the creation of the municipal school of golf. In this sense, Mule has explained that the City council gains 458 meters squared of extra land. The land object of the interchange in sector UR-5 happens to be described like as block abierto without increase of suitability for building and those that the City council obtains, described like block at present abierto, happen to be described like equipment. In addition, the mercantile organization will give to the City council like compensation 124,800 Euros. The agreement signed the 21 of January and has been incorporated to the document of revision of the PGOU. Once the PGOU is approved definitively will begin the proceedings to initiate the Municipal School of Golf, “that we hoped that it is in this same 2010”, has indicated Mule. “The fans to golf in Fuengirola soon will be able to arrange and to make use of new facilities, of a golf course, something that was unthinkable in this city”, has declared the edile. On the other hand, the mayoress, Oña Hope, have indicated that “it is the news to be of celebration, of enhorabuena, since we hoped to count soon on this new sport equipment for the city”.

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