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Don Juan forum threads
The Comments
05 Jul 2008 11:11 AM by Jollster Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

Dear Max and Saskia,

We would like to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing for us all at Don Juan - we didn't know how many problems you face and are sure you didn't either when you took the job on. As you live on site and many of us don't we all need your help and would like you to stay on in the job -  we think we would be in trouble if you left!!! But obviously you have your wife and child to think of and of course all the time you are spending on our problems - but even if you do step down we are sure you and Saskia would help out in emergencies  because we don't think you could leave anyone in trouble.

Thank you once again for all your hard work we really do appreciate it.

Sue and Graham.

PS  We do not use Max/Saskias services as yet and they have never asked us to.

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05 Jul 2008 11:22 AM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message



Dear Max and Saskia

I have just met up with friends of ours who stayed in our apartment recently.  They are both respectable people and police officers.

As you know I gave them your number as one of them is Dutch and thought it might be nice to catch up with a fellow countryman.  I am aware that you met and you kindly gave them some tips as the best places to go and things to do.

My friend also said that one evening she fell (not drink related I am assured!) and cut her face badly.  At 2.30 in the morning her partner thought that the injury was bad enough to require stitches but as they were unsure what to do they called yourselves. 

You helped them, called a taxi for her and directed the driver to the hospital from the streets of Don Juan at 2.30 in the morning and I have no doubt that this disturbed the night for you and your family.

Now, I am sure that this is something that any neighbour would do if a fellow human being is in distress but the fact that you have neither called nor emailed me about the incident to either complain or gain credit for this generous act speaks volumes about your integrity.  I hope that this singular instance of humanitarian assistance will help to douse the flames of contempt that seem to have risen recently.  Is this the only unsung act performed by yourselves over the last year or so?  I doubt it.

So many thanks for your kind assistance and look at the irony of this one.  Whereas in the past you have needed to call the police for help, you have graduated to the point where the police are now calling you for help!

Thanks again

PS.  I know that I should now have a list of emergency numbers in the apartment.  Does anyone have a list of useful numbers?

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06 Jul 2008 8:55 PM by solgre Star rating in Denmark. 79 forum posts Send private message

It seems like troubles easy come when we are visiting Spain. So I decided to do some research about what to do. Maybe Max and Saskia will go on vacation some day - and then we are on our own.
I found theese usefull numbers on Surinenglish to use in Fuengirola:
Taxi: 952 467 625
First Aid: 952 468 835
First aid nighttime: 952 468 653

In a danish costa del Sol magazine this hospital is advertising. Open 24/7. It is close to our appartments  - autovia 222.
Homepage with some info in english

I am sure that I will bring theese info for our next visit. Just in case.....

Just to let you know - I never tried any of theese number - no guarantie

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07 Jul 2008 10:30 AM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Many thanks for your help Solgre.

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07 Jul 2008 2:09 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Does anyone know anyone that has a  2 bedroom apartment that is available for rental for 9th - 17 August or possibly 7th to 17th August. They may be flexible with dates. Please email me as soon as possible. This is urgent.

I have posted this message on a separate thread as well, in case people miss reading it.



This message was last edited by westport on 7/7/2008.

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07 Jul 2008 3:14 PM by Sonia El Star rating in Wales / Carvajal, F.... 212 forum posts Send private message

Is anyone else worried about the financial viability of our developer?  If water bills have not been paid is this due to cash flow problems? Is the railway road being used as a good excuse? Does anyone have proof it's the real reason?

I don't know if work on DJ3 has now resumed or not and no-one seems to know the answer for the stoppage. Is it lack of funds? DJ2 has been completed for months but there is still some obvious delay to handing over.  This must be costing developer such a lot of money.  Plus the unsold apartments in DJ1. (Do we know how many?)

Where will we stand if they close down?  We're obviously owed community fees, plus the problems that we're going to court over. But will it be worth it if the whole company ceases trading? 

I don't have the answers - sorry - but I'm sure I can't be the only one worried?

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08 Jul 2008 7:48 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

I have just read this post in the latest blogs posts. I for one think we should be promoting this idea. any volunteers :)


Tuesday, July 08, 2008 @ 12:01 PM

I do not have a problem with topless sunbathing and neither does El Presidente !!
Neither do we have a problem with nude sunbathing as long as it's on a nudist beach so people can choose whether or not they want to be there.
BUT both El Presidente and myself have a problem with nude sunbathing on a ground floor apartment balcony !! happens here !!

It was unfortunate that the lady in question was somewhat inebriated so having a rational conversation was impeded by the large bottle of creme de something in her hand and by this time she was no longer stretched out on the balcony floor in the altogether but approaching El Presidente with great rapidity.

EXIT El Presidente !!  

ENTER El Presidente's wife ( me ). 

'Do you think you copuld put some clothes on?'.....................'No I don't want a drink thankyou, it's only 9 o'clock in the morning'.....................'Yes, I know it's hot but you really should put at least a bikini on'........................'What, you're waiting for your boyfriend?' .....................' I hope he's got some clothes on'................' What do you mean, he hasn't'.....................
' Oh, he's here.......................and NO HE HASN'T GOT ANY CLOTHES ON !!! '

EXIT El Presidente's wife.


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11 Jul 2008 2:55 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Hi All
We got charged €806.79 tax on buying our apartment  we signed last September it was taken out of our account on the 1/07/08 twice I might add by Carlos Gomez Carrera asesores without our concent, it was just taken, 
when I rang them they said this was a tax we had to pay on our apartment,  I said I did not know about this tax and they just said it had to be paid wheather we liked it or not. The money is now gone out of our account without any notice or any signature. Has this happened to any one else?

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11 Jul 2008 3:17 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar

Hi Lorraine,

Carlos Gomez Carrera look to be, among other things, mortgage brokers. Have you had any dealings with them before - or given them power of attorney? I don't know how the DD system works in Spain but if you haven't signed a DD in favour of them or given them power of attorney you should take it up with your bank. There is bound to be some sort of safeguard - although you never know in Spain
The amount looks around the amount of the Plus Valia Tax. Most people paid 500€ initially but the actual tax has now been assessed and ours is 860€. I refused to pay as it is actually the developer's tax but it was in the purchase contracts that we agreed to pay. I also cancelled the Power of Attorney I had originally given my solicitor as a precaution.
I really hope you manage to get your money back!
Best wishes



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11 Jul 2008 9:54 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone clear up the confusion over the 30% discount for local taxes for 2009. If we are non resident, how is it possible to claim this discount. I don't want to claim for it, if it then means you are resident in Spain, especially for tax purposes.
I went to the town hall the last time I was there. I tried to register, I had my passport and N.I.E number, but she said I needed another document, but I have forgotten what it was. Can anyone help. I believe it's something that my solicitor has.

On another point, why does the community charge keep coming out on different dates each month. Can they not keep the payment to the same date each month.


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12 Jul 2008 11:11 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar
Hi Westport,
You need to take your title deeds passport and NIE to register on the Fuengirola Population Register and get the discount next year. You only become tax resident in Spain if you are there more than 50% of the time so you can register and get the discount without having any effect on your tax status



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12 Jul 2008 12:13 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Davmunster

Thanks for that. How do you get your title deeds. I would have thought the bank has them locked up until the mortgage is paid off.


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14 Jul 2008 5:42 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar
Hi Westport,
I had my Escetura as I was moving solicitors at the time. You need proof of ownership and some other document may do. Send an e-mail to and she will clarify what documents are acceptable.



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14 Jul 2008 9:54 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Did anyone else have to pay tax on there apartment, as there is a company saying that we owe €806.79 tax is this true or not, as I cancelled the direct debits they done, we don't know if we are liable for this payment or not,
Can anyone advise me on this matter  would be grateful

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14 Jul 2008 10:07 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar
Hi Lorraine,
I'm glad you were able to cancel the Direct Debits. The Plus Valia tax that this amount is for is a tax on the increase on the land value between purchase and sale by THE DEVELOPER. It is their tax but they want us to pay it for them. If we don't it is up to the town hall to pursue it - either chasing them or us. Spanish law is confusing and there is a risk that we might have to pay it plus a surcharge in a few years time so if you don't want to take that risk you may wish to pay now.  Personally I will not pay and I expect the town hall will pursue Arrohabitage.  



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15 Jul 2008 11:05 AM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Hi David,
Thanks for that, If you are prepared to take a chance then so am I, As I know you are in the know on all these matters.

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17 Jul 2008 4:43 PM by Jollster Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message


We were just wondering if anyone knows what insurance we need to get  for the apartment - are we covered by a building insurance as a community so if anything happens as with Max and the water coming through his ceiling would we be covered and also the water in another block that Max spoke about coming from the penthouse - what would happen if it ruined things in your apartment and how would we claim. We know we need contents insurance  but what exactly does this need to cover- does anyone know a good company to use in England that we can pay from here ( England)  Thank you to anyone who can help.

Kind regards 

Sue and Gra

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18 Jul 2008 12:45 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

davmunster´s avatar

Hi Jollster,
Have a look at I used them and they certainly seem to do what you are looking for. In addition to contents you do need some buildings insurance. Things like the fitted kitchen and bathrooom fittings are not contents and they are definiely not covered by the community's policy. I am not sure about internal ceilings etc and suggest it would be prudent to take a resonable amount of buildings cover.




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18 Jul 2008 7:30 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jollster,

We used Intasure as well. Just check when you took out your mortgage that you have not been tied in for the first year with the banks Building & contents.


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18 Jul 2008 11:17 PM by Jollster Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

Hi ,there

Thank you both for your replies - we now have some idea what  cover  we need and someone good to go with. Thanks again.

Kind regards

Sue and Gra.

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