The Comments |
Very sorry Fibby
I had a senior moment last night at couldnt for the life of me find the jokes to show my hubby.
Was looking down the forum at the start doh!!!!!!!!!
Sorry all, didn't mean to offend anyone.
I agree is was a bit (ahem) explicit, but that being said it is a joke and if one cannot take a joke about ones sexuallity, religion, colour, creed, etc then don't 'throw stones when your live in a greenhouse'.
At the end of they day I believe that all this PC stuff is a load of b@ll@cks and you can quote me on that. 
That being said I don't agree with racism and/or bullying, that's what we should all be vocal about.
We all have our different paths to walk in life, however if you cannot wear a smile as you do so, wear a frown, but let others do as they wish.
When someone cracks a joke that gets under your skin, just rember the saying "An insult from a fool is a compliment"
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 5/29/2007.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Men be warned! Larry, a loving husband, was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary And his wife was really ticked off at him. She told him, "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds flat, AND IT BETTER BE THERE."
The next morning, Larry got up really early before work. When his wife woke up a couple of hours later, she looked out the window, and Sure enough, there was a small gift-wrapped box sitting in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe, ran out to the driveway, and took the box into the house. She opened it, and found a brand new bathroom scale.
Larry is not yet able to have visitors.
_______________________ Jan
A feller decides to move to London from Dublin to find work. Before he leaves home his neighbour finds out where he's headed knocks the door and asks hime to to find her daughter Nelly Dunn, who had some two years previously left Dublin to do the same. She had been gone all that time and she hadn't received a one communication from her. She told the feller that the only address she had for Nelly was WC10.
So when the feller arrives in London's Paddington Station, he starts to look around for WC10. He sees a station sign which says "WC"..and he thinks…bingo that's got to be the place. So he enters the WC's see's all the doors, but they have no numbers…so he counts from the end and when he gets to door ten he knocks it hard and he shouts…."Hey are you Nelly Dunn"…. and voice from insides replies" Yes…but I've run out of paper…!) So the feller shouts back….. "Dat's no excuse foer not wroiting to yer muther…!"
Nice one JC! - loved it!
I suppose you are right in some sense, if we don't like to see jokes that could offend us, we don't have to read this thread! there's bound to be something in here that offends someone..............
Still trying to work out the bit about a fool complimenting me though.........still being usual!
Kind regards
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Blimey, doesn't take much, does it, to start a war in here ? All I said was (&, it really didn't offend me, I was just passing a comment )
" TechNoApe your lesbian "joke" was rather (ahem) norty. "
FibbyUK said "maybe this member had their own reason to be sensitive to this particular subject "
Nope, I was just saying it was a teensy bit rude, that's all. Doesn't make me anything I'm not, which, to clear this up, is 100% straight.
You all have a good day folks.
Hi Morerosada,
We are not argumentative at all on this forum, this didn't start a "war".
We all try to be nice within our posts, but at the same time, getting across our views......... well, some of the time!
I posted my comment out of respect for you, nothing more.
I was not incinuating anything about your persuasion, just backing up on your comment.
I hope you didn't take this the wrong way, I was agreeing with you!!!
Anyway, it's all sorted with Technoape now, so no probs.............
Kind regards,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
good one Fibby...although he has been a bit ballacks this year you have to agree....
@ prawns chatting one called charles the other called Christian charles said alowed one day christian i am so fed up of just sitting around all day I wish i was a shark they have lots of fun ,A cod was swimming by and overheard charles and said no problem and low and behold charles turned into a shark he went out into the sea and ate and ate but alas had no friends as every other fish was frightened of him so of he went looking for cod to ask him if he would turn him back into a prawn , well a week went by and no sign of cod then one day after he found him O cod I have found you please turn me back into a a prawn i hate being a shark No problem charles became a prawn agin ,off he went to look for his best friend Christian but he could not be found all the other prawns said charles ever since you went away no one has seen him .Well charles was upset on loosing his best friend UNTILL one day he found him Christian please come out of your shell and play NO said Christian you are a shark and will eat me !! no i am not i met cod and i am a prawn agin christian !!!
Woops sorry on the spelling , I MET COD AND I AM A PRAWN AGAIN CHRISTIAN
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