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07 Nov 2013 8:13 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


you got battered yesterday, Dortmund were better than you at your place, there is no comparison in the two performances. 5 points come Sunday night..... that IS a formality!


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07 Nov 2013 9:56 AM by thesimpsons Star rating in Folkestone. 298 forum posts Send private message

What a result that takes the pressure off in the CL .. The performance was not great but with Napoli still to play Dortmund it all looks good... What do they say about a team winning when not at it's best and doing it away in Germany even better...

Sunday will slam the lid on Dakey and the 11 point gap will be just to much.


Neil Simpson

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07 Nov 2013 10:22 AM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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An own goal is all you could muster against a 2nd rate Spanish side over two games and without your cheat you'd never got that missed penalty by the skunk.

Face up Dakey lad your team is a shadow of its former self and you can be as bullish as you like pal but we can smell the fear from down here son!!!

Ps get Rooney to say some more crap coz we're not motivated enough!!

Roll on Sunday and like most other teams nowdays we have absolutely no fear of you whatsoever.


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07 Nov 2013 11:00 AM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

this is hilarious. i think he plays for the english  team with the lowest cl points.







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08 Nov 2013 7:41 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


I think we are all enjoying the CL group stages, but lets not lose sight of the fact that it is solely a money making exercise at this stage and does not get going until the knockout phase in February. We have the farcical situation where 3 of our teams top their groups with one unbeaten and the one team that is not top and has no chance of being top has actually qualified. Now if that is not a farce, I dont know what is!


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08 Nov 2013 4:56 PM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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The Gooners on here used to speak some sense but a few wins seem to have gone to their heads and they're starting to make as much sense as George. Admittedly, they are playing well at the moment but there's a long, long way to go. Off to the Theatre on Sunday to see the game which could be a cracker (not expecting another 8-2 but you never know)! I need to see which southerner loving ref is in charge befor any predictions...

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08 Nov 2013 5:18 PM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


There is absolutely no chance of another 8-2 scoreline, theres no way Arsenal will get 2! Its one thing rolling over the scousers and another thing flukeing a win in Germany..... but getting a result at the home of the champions? get real mate, its football not Hans Christian Anderson!


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08 Nov 2013 7:17 PM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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Us gooners always talk sense. Don't lump us in with the rest.

If there's gonna be an 8-2 Kev it certainly won't be in your favour.

Enjoy the game if you can!!


dakey plump up them cushions mate but keep the remote handy as you might wanna watch countryfile rather than us give you a lesson 


This message was last edited by Jay05 on 08/11/2013.

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08 Nov 2013 7:58 PM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


If you do manage to nick a result it won t be ability.... just law of averages!


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08 Nov 2013 8:03 PM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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Let the teams do the talking for once mate and pipe down till 6pm Sunday

Then we'll see

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08 Nov 2013 10:01 PM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


just responding to you saying what you are going to do to us mate, not managed it though for such a long while.

Be in touch Sunday night


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09 Nov 2013 9:11 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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I have never known my Gooooooooooner mate to be so bullish.  For 3 years now he has been talking about this is the poorest Man U team e can remember, in which time we have won another 2 Premierships, beat his team 8-2 & knocked them out of the FA cup playing our Carling Cup team with Rafiel & Fabio as wingers..!!   He knows better than most that no silverwear is even handed out in November.  Without question his team are playing great right now, but we have seen this so many times in recent seasons, which always end up with them being empty handed.

The last time his team won anything (2005 btw) was the biggest robbey of a cup final of all time.....& know he talks about 'nicking' a result.   Priceless..!!

United are clearly in transition, and it will need 2 transfer windows to sort things I guess, but don't write us off just yet Jason my friend.  Remember when the "invincibles" came to town....?   Sent packing.    I have a sneaking feeling that Sunday will be just the same........Its got an RvP winner written all over it..!!




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09 Nov 2013 9:19 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


spot on post mate other than it could be any of our 3, 20 plus goals a season strikers who could apply the coup de grace. for all Arsenals good football they dont have any decent back up up front if the average frenchman gets injured.


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09 Nov 2013 9:55 AM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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Me old mukka, the confidence is flowing out of us right now and the football is just amazing. The difference now between the last few seasons is we have steel in our side. The influx of three Germans, a nice solid spread of quality British players and Arteta means the spirit and will to win is as strong as I have seen it since the heady days of 2005.

Yes we stifled you at the milenium and nicked the game but the record books don't say that; they say....... FA CUP winners 2005.

OT in 2005 was the Rooney dive I seem to remember and was the only way you'd beat us at the time.

Still that's all the past and our form from January 2013 until now is unrivalled by any team in the land so this nothing new or no flash in the pan. We now have Mesut Ozil  and my favourite signing of Flamini back and now we are purring in midlfield and hard to get past in defence so be warned.

I'm not seriously predicting a one sided event tomorrow in our favour but I am genuinely looking forward to the game as I said earlier in the season and that has not happened for some time.

We are a totally different prospect now and the truth is we fear no one which is a sea change!!


PS We have done it all off our back without no Sugar Daddy petroChem scum bags and that makes it taste soooo goood. I know it's a long way to go but so far so very good!!


C O Y G's



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09 Nov 2013 6:11 PM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


Our defensive plan tomorrow is to play a high line and catch Ozils eyes offside


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09 Nov 2013 6:15 PM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Very lucky today mate apparently. Relied on a dive and a poor ref to squeek a draw out of the Baggies. That little scumbag Ramires really is an obnoxious little twat with absolutely no redeeming features. Can't see your lads winning much this year unless it's a very bad season for everyone else.

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09 Nov 2013 6:51 PM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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Now that would be nice! ;)

1 point from 6 is very bad for chelski.

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10 Nov 2013 7:57 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message

Now I hate the modern day divers with a passion, we have the detestable Franny Lee to thank for making it fashionable all those years ago and that is why myself and many other Utd fans cannot take to Ashley Young as no matter how many times he is warned he seems unable to grasp the concept that everyone connected with the club, never mind football in general, wants him to stop doing it. Having said all that, isnt it a sorry indictment of our so called professional officials when they keep falling for it despite the media attention given to forward to the hapless Mariner yesterday at the Bridge, what other logical conclusion can you take other than he is a spineless glory hunting CHEAT for giving Chelsea that late lifeline for a dive by the criminal like Ramirez that was every bit as bad as anything that Young has ever attempted. We dont expect the player, or manager for that matter, to be contrite as they have absolutely no defining virtues at that club. Mariner however, should hang his sorry head in shame but he wont and he will be given another top match to referee next week by his spineless organisation instead of facing a charge of match fixing and a long ban from the game.

lets see another of your you tube videos on that George!


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10 Nov 2013 10:15 AM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

Must admit at first i thought it was a soft penalty in real time. however i have now seen it in slow mo from behind the goal and ramires runs across the defender who def pushes him. reid  has also admiteed he touched ramires. anywhere else on the pitch its a foul, so therefore its a pen. end of. and btw ive never seen ramires dive b4 or win a freekick from something similar.. however we have all seen young dive like a swan on many occasions.







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10 Nov 2013 10:35 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message

George,they both touched Shoulders, square on. in the rules of the game that is a shoulder charge, the difference being that Ramirez was on his way down before the actual touch, Hence DIVE!! Having watched the master Young do it several times I am something of an expert, believe me mate, that was a diabolical dive and nothing else!



This message was last edited by dakey on 10/11/2013.

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