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01 Jul 2016 12:12 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

All looking Great for BREXIT why we didnt do it 15 years ago I will never know we may be CRAP at football but we are great at everything ELSE

If I was the EXpats I would book my ticket home ASAP

Love Hugh xxx

Hate Gove Hate May 

Andrea Leadsom for me NICE


This message was last edited by hughjardon on 01/07/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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01 Jul 2016 12:18 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message


It is somewhat insulting, not to say inaccurate, to suggest that civil servants are clamoring for a gravy train and all the rest of your alleged bunce. Nor are they parasites! Any country would be in a dire strait without a civil service to run their country in an orderly fashion. I realise that correct grammar is a rare beast on many fora, or forums, but there is at least a comma  patently missing after "politicians" in the first line of your rant. Better still to delete "and civil servants".

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01 Jul 2016 12:26 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

And why are MPs so ugly the only one whose any decent is Portilo I wouldnt kick him out of BED

Love Hugh xxx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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01 Jul 2016 1:18 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

It would take someone like Richard Branson or Alan Sugar an afternoon to sort all this crap out.

Ah the great Richard Branson who don't live in the UK, for all we know has fiddled his taxes for many a year, wont do anything unless he gets his own way, makes a bundle out of it along the way and likes to wreck other business's that he believes might be a little competition to him.

And they both voted to stay in anyway, Branson has already shown what a bad loser he is over this.

Sugar, no one would want him in as he could speak his mind once to often, with a little truth....And MP's don't like to hear the truth. 

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01 Jul 2016 1:20 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


we are great at everything ELSE

would like to know what we are great at??

unless you are thinking about arrogance and war mongeringwink

are all 4 nations crap at football? - Wales have done OK and hope they do even better tonight


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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01 Jul 2016 1:30 PM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar

** EDITED - Against forum rules **



This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 7/1/2016 6:51:00 PM.

"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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01 Jul 2016 2:00 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message


Your comments are completely unfounded, and are reportable to the Moderators. You should be more wary in attacking those who respond to your stupidities.

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01 Jul 2016 2:31 PM by OMARELL Star rating in Baldock Hertfordshir.... 47 posts Send private message

This thread is going on and on and on. With all the advice facts etc we are still no nearer the solution . what I suggest we do is have a referendum for BREXIN.


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01 Jul 2016 3:16 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message


I do like your writing style.  Of course there's a few questionable comments along the way, but very readable.

One of your omissions is the trading thing with Europe.  Yes our account is in deficit, we buy more than we sell to them, but a lot of those purchases are vital for our needs.  Waving two fingers and walking away is not an option we do have to negotiate.

Omarell - nice idea, but after all the fracas and we've pressed the Clause 50 button do you think there is any possibility the EU would actually allow us the chance to re-apply?   Surely they must be as fed up with it as much as we are -  But I suppose they've effectively lost a sugar daddy, so maybe.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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01 Jul 2016 4:01 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


don't see how they have lost a sugar daddy and trade tariffs or not!

many EU states own a lot of UK industry from defence to waste collection

those companies not owned by EU states many are owned by non EU states who want access to the EU market not just the UK market

so what excatly do UK owned companies export to the EU that the EU cannot get within the EU or elsewhere in the world?

I do not think the UK are in a strong negotiation position in fact I think it is very weak and I said before it will NOT be what the UK want but what the EU and others want.

The UK economy may be in the top 5 for now but it is overseas investment and overseas companies that keep it that way not UK Plc


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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01 Jul 2016 5:16 PM by MANXMONKEY Star rating in Channel Islands. 81 posts Send private message


marcbernard. Using "civil" and "servants" in the same sentence is an oxymoron 😃. 


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01 Jul 2016 6:54 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message

This is a long thread so, not sure if anyone has mentioned calling the referendum " invalid and illegal" because millions voted for the £350 million a week promissed for the NHS ( as stated on the Big red bus). I voted remain but millions of pensioners who voted leave " thought" they were helping the NHS. Surely this massive lie is aginst the law and a re run should happen ASAP.  Never really liked Cameron but at least most of what he predicted was true . The UK Referendum ( NHS Promise) was the biggest lie this century . Closely folllowed by the bag stabber Gove . " I dont want to PM" ....   The words  OJs song back stabbers says it all. " They smile in you face"... , but  all the time they want to take your place" ... the back stabbers.... baaackstabbers


As this Leave BUS was emblaz was a massive Lie and a false . The EU and all the red tape and regulation must include


This message was last edited by aliton on 01/07/2016.


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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01 Jul 2016 8:08 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Go back on the thread, the red bus was discussed you could hardly expect otherwise.

I would not defend it, if they were going to use the figure they should have said it was the headline amount not the net amount on the bus. But politicians bend the actuality at all elections.

However I think you will find you are a little out in your appreciation of what it said.

The NHS was mentioned in a separate sentence to the £250M. If remember correctly it said ' Lets fund the NHS instead'.

The complaint to the electoral commission was not upheld.

£250M is a little short of the real headline figure and comes from EU publications.

Compared with some of the other 'porkies' about pensions and the destruction of the economy it was a relatively minor deception that could and was defended. I would not expect anyone to believe the threats of war and the emergency budget but some might.

The vote Leave literature actually proposed spending £100M on the NHS. They could not promise anything as they were not a government in waiting.

I doubt that many interested in the campaign would not know something of the actual situation, the amount  of times it was mentioned and discussed.

Cameron knew before the last election that there was a posibility that we would vote out. If he was not prepared to face either outcome of his manifesto he should have resigned as leader before the last election not 'Quit' (to use his terminology) when it did not go his way. He has just added 3 months of uncertainty when clearness and decisiveness was needed in the country.



This message was last edited by tteedd on 01/07/2016.

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01 Jul 2016 8:16 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

"civil" and "servants"

There used to be a chap selling the socialist worker outside Kings Cross. People used to wind him up no end by saying the same about 'Socialist Worker'.

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01 Jul 2016 8:23 PM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar

Sorry aliton, if you start giving an accurate description of politicians, ''comma'' and civil servants you might get your pandy slapped and a ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** on your post. Don’t mention tea trolley pusher.

"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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01 Jul 2016 8:42 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message

Oh ENA . You just reminded me why i never bothered with this forum for a year ... full of  know alls.


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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01 Jul 2016 11:25 PM by MANXMONKEY Star rating in Channel Islands. 81 posts Send private message


Aliton. I dont know if you are visually impaired and been fed more lies by the Please Please Stay Campaign or the "Vote Leave And We'll Shoot Your Puppy" campaign but nowhere. No time. No way did the leave campaign ever promise to spend all of our protection money paid to the EU Mafia to the NHS or anywhere. I'd love to know where you got that nonsense from.

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01 Jul 2016 11:43 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Aliton. I dont know if you are visually impaired and been fed more lies by the Please Please Stay Campaign or the "Vote Leave And We'll Shoot Your Puppy" campaign but nowhere. No time. No way did the leave campaign ever promise to spend all of our protection money paid to the EU Mafia to the NHS or anywhere. I'd love to know where you got that nonsense from.

Erm, printed on the side of the bus? Stop reverse-o-cycling. You know very well the insinuation was that the UK pays 350 million a week (massive lie) to the EU and that if we left it could be spent on the NHS. That 50% of UK laws come from Brussels, another massive lie. That Turkey would be entering the EU in the next couple of weeks. Another massive lie. That immigration will stop overnight. Another massive lie which they are all trying to back pedal on. 

If you want to see the real plans that Farage et al had for leaving the EU then click HERE

It's over. Time to go. After the way tteedd came on here screaming the odds he has stepped back a bit. Like most of what we should now call the Regretereers, I suppose.


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02 Jul 2016 12:06 AM by MANXMONKEY Star rating in Channel Islands. 81 posts Send private message


Mariedav. You're hysterical. Do you even realise what lies you are talking? Did u even see the bus? I photographed it and 1. It states the literal truth that we send £350million (actually a bit more) to EU. It suggests we could fund the NHS instead of giving that hard earned money to a fascist bureacracy. Suggests, not promises anything. It was foolishly aimed at people who could think for themselves. And the fuss about how much is then relectantly returned to us is academic as a huge amount goes to EU promoting educational funds., a massive amount into policing anti British EU laws including funding the fisheries protection agencies ensuring no Scottish ships are fishing off Scotland etc. etc. But it's academic because despite all the negotiations the refunds will virtually end at the end of 2017 so £354 million a week will go mainly to waste. And who on earth said Turkey was joining in the next couple of years let alone weeks? In fact I've just realised you're just taking the micky. Sorry I missed the irony.

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02 Jul 2016 12:25 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Rot. Sorry but you are repeating the lie that even Farage and Gove has admitted to.

Please show me how, where and when we actually send 350 million a week, or even near it, to the EU.See how many on even this site have quoted it, like you are, and have been proved so wrong. And you also know the fact that Turkey, Albania and others was touted as joining the EU soon. The ridiculous leaflet was even posted on here if you could bother looking back.

And it's all gone Pete Tong, hasn't it? None of your heroes actually thought we would leave so they came up with lie after lie after lie. Now even Gove has said there won't be an Article 50 "this year". The truth is they have absolutely no idea what to do next.

Anyone that believes the guff about the amount it has cost us needs to take their head outside and give it a wobble.



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