The Comments |
Unfortunately they have you fooled.
If both Christine Lagarde & Mark Carney are independant and remote from our present government, why on earth would they both read from the same script... they both clearly said 'Technical recession', now call me cynical or whatever you like but I know who is being fooled here.
You have a right to your opinion but in the UK we carry 650 politicos that generally do not represent the people any we are carrying them like a boil full of pus. Then there are another 10000 in the EU offices each getting massive salaries and expenses for doing what?
If you want to make a business more efficient and cost effective you streamline the management and overhead as they generally add little or no value. So in this UK / EU management there are around 11000 administrators all who have to be paid for a supported by the workers and producers. So reducing them makes good business practice. They have also built a load of ivory or glass towers in which they hide. All have to be cleaned and serviced.
They have in fact created a large fester that feeds on itself and cannot be treated by anyone outside the EU circle. The EU cannot grow economically with this self made fester. Other countries eg Australia with little overhead to absorb can grow and it is these countries we should seek alliance.
Mickyfinn, I appreciate that you started this thread 9as Briit not Brexit) and you seem to think that you are the owner of intellectual right to it.
In one of your recent posts you say:
The EU soldiers on doing its best for its people.
Do you really believe this? Do you really think that the EU is a democratic body where all of it’s decision makers are democratically elected and make decisions in the best interests of all of the half billion+ people in the EU. (Plus Turkey and other potential members).
Pure fantasy if you do.
I might not be a scholar of literature in the way Boris Johnson (my MP but I didn’t vote for him) is. But this whole debate reminds me of George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
The EU is about political union, not economic co-operation which it was set up to do. The objective is political control, not co-operation. Time and time again regulations are pushed through (research the process if you don’t know how bad the process is) and don’t think that the EU parliament runs the same way as UK parliamentary democracy.
Whether or not you agree with BOJO mentioning Hitler and his Third Reich few people can deny that the dominant power within the Eurozone members is Germany and other Western European members have been struggling, while Eastern Europe is prospering principally due to free movement of labour and that free movement has significantly affected the UK.
Yes the UK was doing well, but factor into this cheap oil from ISIS laundered by Turkey, race to the bottom wages in the UK and the slowdown in the global economy, being led by the rude Chinese, then the UK Economy is fragile.
The answer is not cheap labour and open borders. Back in 2005 I worked near Heathrow and passed the striking the Asian Women who worked for Gate Gourmet, an in-flight caterer. Cheaper, foreign labour from EU Accession state were employed and the British women were forced out. All this under a labour government, members of which in 2010 admitted that they were ‘socially engineering‘ migration for votes. Oh, now it’s no longer politically incorrect to talk about migration.
The truth is that the UK is under pressure in it’s public services and infrastructure: the Economy has been good for several reasons, and one of the most significant ones is that it is not in the EU even though the UK indirectly props up Greece.
The EU is dominated by Frau Merkel and the German economy is being built up in a way that does not benefit the whole of the EU. And she has the cheek to say that the reason that Germany needs Syrian migrants because there is a shortage of labour. What about unemployment in Spain, youth unemployment in the UK and all of the other countries in Europe?
Carney is Canadian, LaGarde is French, what do they care about the UK person in the street who can’t buy a home, get an appointment with a doctor or find a school for their kids?
Germany runs the EU in their best interests, time the UK does by exiting.
I don't actually believe the views expressed on this forum are representative of main stream fair minded British people.
Please don't bother telling me I'm wrong it achieves nothing. I'm expressing a belief based on my knowlege that the silent majority usually has little prejudice and a positive view of the world.
I also wonder why so many outers are piling into a thread on a Spanish forum. Presumably you have some connection to Spain. If so listen to Michael O'Leary's s comments today.
If brexit happens your Spanish and European holidays will cost more. He said its not scaremongering just the facts.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
You've finally managed to lose it big style, 'Please don't bother telling me I'm wrong it achieves nothing', your arrogance amazes me, all you do on this thread is tell folk who dissagree with you that they are wrong. You are totally unable to debate without getting offended, you would be best advised to quit digging downwards in the hole that you have put yourself in.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
again pot, kettle and black come to mind with you not to mention the throwing of stones in glass houses
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I am going to hazzard a guess that micky could handle a reply without your help Tadd, have you appointed yourself his minder by chance?
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Are you sure hes not a doppleganger I am sick to death of that Mickey fella hes just taking the Mick how the hell do I unsubscribe from this post hes on all day long hes made me more determined than ever to leave the crazy gang that is the EU last few posts were very good by the way mentioning no names hes even more detested than me and that in itself is an achievement
Love Hugh xx
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
I just sprayed a mouth full of beer all over my laptop after reading that Hugh, behave yourself. 
micky is a decent person who IMHO is wrong in his opinion of our EU membership, you however are a nutter. 
This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 16/05/2016.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
I'm not going away. I'm not in the least offended or upset. As if that were possible. Not one of you 'outers' has a convincing or rational argument, except maybe ads who at least has an intelligent contribution worth reading.
I'm not sure however anything much can be achieved on here. Until perhaps some new posters are willing to put forward some freash and interesting points.
I get no pleasure from argument only ideas.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Hep yes mickyfinn is ok but shame you're always attacking anyone who disagree with you
Much prefer Hugh than hep
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Bing hated by you Tadd is indeed a compliment.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
The truth often offends. But you take the biscuit.
Loved the line "I don't actually believe the views expressed on this forum are representative of main stream fair minded British people." and the line "I also wonder why so many outers are piling into a thread on a Spanish forum. Presumably you have some connection to Spain. If so listen to Michael O'Leary's s comments today.".
As somebody who owns property in the UK and Spain, has a daughter and son-in law (both in their 40's) and grandchildren who will never be able to buy their own property who have to rent in the 'Lie to Let' sector, and a nephew who works as a pilot for Mr O'leary, fortunately living in Spain otherwise he would be living at his mother's as he and his wife could not afford to rent in the UK, That's if he could get her into the UK due to Immigration Rules. I think it's rich that you come out with these dismissive lines.
Did you read the reports on the Web about the 'Gate Gourmet' women? The women's group report is very accurate about what actually happened but they did remain Politically Correct. Behind all this is organised Immigration crime which includes companies employing staff that are 'recomended' by their employees. The organised bit is that the new employee pays a commission to the person who has got them the job, and may include forcing them to surrender their passport then work under an assumed identity, and living in accomodation provided by the traffikers. These issues are so serious that the UK government recently passed into law the Modern Slavery Act 2015 which deals with Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour, and Human trafficking.
As somebody whe reads the Daily Mail and has on many occasions personal experience that corroborates the stories that so many people despise, today's was very interesting. Page 2 "Brexit will help us create jobs, say 300 top business chiefs". "Our exports to Europe europe fall by a fifth over the last decade" And according to George Carey, former Achbishop of Canterbury, immigration has reached 'dangerous levels'.
The you couldn't make is up award is on page 28 "Now migrants from Carribean fly 6,000 miles to Turkey in bid to enter Europe".
It must be nice to live an isolated life in Spain.
This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 16/05/2016.
Micky you say:
"I also wonder why so many outers are piling into a thread on a Spanish forum. Presumably you have some connection to Spain. If so listen to Michael O'Leary's s comments today".
This will be the same Michael O'Leary that owns the plane that George Osborne was preaching from yesterday, no coincidence there then that he should be preaching the same old script.
I don't think we will be bothered if in fact we leave the EU and the price of air fares go up because:
We will be too busy fighting world war III
Struggling to pay our motgages because we are told interest rates will increase and also the value of our homes will fall.
Too busy working our second job because we are trying to make up the £4300 that we are going to be short in our pay packets.
Besides that we won't be able to get on a plane because it is full of bankers, business leaders etc that will have to leave the country because we are not able to stand on our own 2 feet anymore.
Lord help us when the real scaremongering starts.
Also, could you tell me which of the countries that have previously left the EU have since:
Gone to war?
Lost £4300 from their pay packets?
Mortgage Interest rates have dramatically risen?
Homes have considerably lost their value?
Major businesses have taken their business to another country?
Over to you Micky, at last an opportunity for a resolute 'Inner' to now provide the proof that will convince everyone that staying in the EU is categorically and without doubt the only option?
The Daily Mail is one of the most right wing reactionary rags available. It appeals to a certain political view point of which many opinions appear on here.
If Britain is in such a dire state why are so many Europeans and other migrants so keen to emigrate there? Why is employment running at decade high levels? Why is the UK the fastest growing economy of the G8 nations? Why before this referendum was announced was Industrial investment from abroad at record levels? Why is the British economy outperforming all other EU nations? Why is the EU responsible for unaffordable house prices in the UK?
Membership of the EU is benefiting the UK not harming it. All the woes written on here I suspect are because of a longing for a mythical time when the UK inhabited the sunny uplands and all was well with the world. The Daily Mail would have you believe that.
Personally I prefer the realities of today. A multi cultural Britain willing to share its sovereignty with European peoples and move forward to a more integrated world.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 17/05/2016.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Previous Eastern block countries because they have already experienced the control of their lives as members of the USSR by an unelected bunch.
Immigration into the UK does not have the controls that Spain, Germany and France have. I ask while it is easy to buy a property in Spain how easy is it to become an official resident ie 600 euros into a health fund which was introduced while Cameron was supposed to be asking for concessions.
Free benefits for you and your 10 wives and fictional children back home totally unverified. Ask these people why they didn't go to Germany or France? Ask the Spanish why they no longer want to go to Germany? Is it because they are subject to strict controls, separate wage rates, temporary admission etc. Ask them why and they will tell you. The UK has banished all controls because our unelected 650 just want cheap labour fir their mates factories
Just short of 26 million folk work within the UK's public sector, eligibility to vote was some 45 million at the last general election, whilst just under 30 million bothered to use their vote. This makes me think that the 'inners' don't have the influence within the public sector that they think they have, these guys are just as apathetic as the private sector workers/pensioners, that is unless they all plus another 4 million came out to vote. I recently logged into a left of centre forum that was conducting a Brexit poll, some 350 had voted with 33% voting to stay, I still reckon that it's going right to the wire.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Certain people on here don't like certain newspapers because they are seen to print biased or Un-truths about, well just about everything, so where the hell do these posters get information that is the whole truth, surely everyone knows that if an Insurance man came to your house in a very subtle way they would point out whats best for you, skipping very quickly past what gives the most commission for them. Had any dealing with so called investment brokers? Who you trusted, who dabble with your money, lose it and walk away.
Sorry Micky but in all honestly I don't think you live in the UK, or know that much about it at all now, otherwise you could never come out with statements like "Why are so many Europeans and other migrants so keen to emigrate their" the plain simple truth is because the UK gives so much to them, no more no less.
The "Realties of today" as you put it is we have an increasing unemployment problem, you wont believe it because the media said it today, the Post Office are dumping 600 workers soon, thats without all the other companies dropping people, the new living wage has done harm as well.
You also mention a multi cultural Britain, please explain to me why I should become a multi cultural person, I have no wish to live anymore in a slum, I have no wish to rape blonde white girls, I have no wish to go to another country just to make it back into the S**T hole I wanted out of, I have no wish to change the host country into another religion and make my wife and kids wear a tent, the list is long.
Most of the new young voters haven't a clue about the "Mythical time when the UK inhabited the sunny uplands" yet it's rammed home the young voters know best, ask about a smart phone and your onto a winner, other then that forget it.
I haven't a clue if we got out would any of this change, and neither do you, I have said many times we wont leave even though I am voting out...The figures will be fiddled to stay in...Is this the country you really want then? And worse still if you don't live in the UK you will be giving it to those who do.
gjohnint wrote:
Immigration into the UK does not have the controls that Spain, Germany and France have. I ask while it is easy to buy a property in Spain how easy is it to become an official resident ie 600 euros into a health fund which was introduced while Cameron was supposed to be asking for concessions.
If that is true then it's a UK government problem not the EU.
baz wrote:
You also mention a multi cultural Britain, please explain to me why I should become a multi cultural person, I have no wish to live anymore in a slum, I have no wish to rape blonde white girls, I have no wish to go to another country just to make it back into the S**T hole I wanted out of, I have no wish to change the host country into another religion and make my wife and kids wear a tent, the list is long.
Nobody is forcing you to become anything. That's a bit far-fetched is it not? Is that the EU's fault as well? I write about tolerance as a way forward to peaceful co-existence. Ethnic and cultural. Living in harmony among difference. Why can you not rise to that challenge? Why be negative and alleged cultural difference is about rape or living in a s**t hole as you call it.
I am an international traveller who visits many different countries. I have lived in ethnically mixed societies and among Hindus, Buddhists and Moslems. In my experience they are some of the most decent, gentle, caring people on the planet.
None of these issues are about the UK membership of the EU, more about prejudice of what is different.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 17/05/2016.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Micky, If Brexit is so bad and it puts all of our country at risk from having a war or from having a financial meltdown, having no trade, the pound plummeting, every UK resident being more than £4000 per annum worse off, Pensions and Shares also falling to worthless amounts, thousands of job losses, and interest rates to rise, house prices to fall....These are all claims of David Cameron....The countries Prime Minister.....if all the above is true then why on earth has he himself called a referendum.....?????