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26 Mar 2017 9:18 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Something else that the SNP seem to be avoiding when asked how much will it cost to join the EU ...all the leading economist's are saying around €4 Billion per year .the SNP pledged to the Scottish people was for free education free NHS free DSS for all ....if the SNP got. it's way  and joined the EU Bloc  the EU rules clearly state all other EU Bloc citizens that migrate to Scotland must be treated and given the same benefits as the Scot's how on earth are the SNP going to do this.with freedom of movement and no border control from the EU bloc countries.



This message was last edited by windtalker on 26/03/2017.

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26 Mar 2017 9:57 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message


The SNP are taking Scotland towards a leave strategy that will 'trigger' the following?

A  reduction in their income through taxation

An increase in their social care expenditure.  

A proposal to joint the EU with a commitment to contribute huge funding

And....a likelihood to join the euro (as a demand for joining) at a currency rate determined by the central bank (who will want to make sure future members are on the lower end of favourable now)

So what's on the plus side for them?  Can anyone see a point of SNP looking for a fresh referendum at this time! because I can't.  


Best wishes, Brian


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26 Mar 2017 12:22 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

I stopped posting on this thread because the arguments were played out and Mrs May was clear to initiate article 50.

However the theme seems to have turned to Scottish matters. Perhaps we need a new thread concerning the future of GB/the UK? (And how this affects our life in Spain).

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26 Mar 2017 2:35 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


A  reduction in their income through taxation

An increase in their social care expenditure.  

A proposal to joint the EU with a commitment to contribute huge funding

And....a likelihood to join the euro (as a demand for joining) at a currency rate determined by the central bank (who will want to make sure future members are on the lower end of favourable now)

Hwo do you know all of this for certain?

Just like Uk brexit nobody knows what will happen all simple guesswork as it has always been

many small nations in the EU thrive and do well (RoI, Luxembourg, Malta etc.) so why not Scotland

Maybe some of the brexiters should practice what they preach about the looking for positives for the UK brexit and look at the positives for a Scottish independance

Time Westiminster had a wake up call for the governing of the UK badly just like many brexiters are saying about Brussels.

For me the UK as we nopw know it will cease to exist in the not too distant future



“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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26 Mar 2017 4:59 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Tadd1966 maybe the SNP are going to start playing the lottery to fund everything .....Or they could just rise incomeTax what would you do.






This message was last edited by windtalker on 26/03/2017.

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26 Mar 2017 7:45 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


It is not for me to say the scottish people will decide and I hope they get more say than they or the rest of the uk have on brexit

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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26 Mar 2017 9:39 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Hi Tadd. 

The reduction in taxation income will be due to the GDP being smaller, and their own taxation will become their own income.  

The social care expenditure will be higher because the Scottish parliament has promised greater funding to its people than the mother parliament has for England.  Again this will become their own debt. 

The EU will request (demand if you like) a fee for being a member,  do from all countries that are members..

And the likelihood to have to join the Euro because the sterling currency will form part of the negotiations they have to make with both the U.K. and the EU on trying to join.  

I don't think I'm off the mark with these statements do you, really? but for certain?   Who can be certain of anything, perhaps that's why it's a bad time to have a referendum.  



Best wishes, Brian


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26 Mar 2017 11:27 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Farmers, supermarkets and food suppliers have called on Theresa May to secure a free trade deal with the European Union after Brexit.

Industry bosses said failure to do so could harm the UK's supply of food and drink and lead to higher prices.

Although much of the industry is based in the UK, it "cannot operate in isolation", they said.

They urged ministers to ensure higher tariffs were not imposed on imported and exported produce.

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26 Mar 2017 11:29 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Labour will not support any Brexit deal negotiated by the government unless it meets the party's "six tests", the shadow Brexit secretary has said.

Any deal must include a strong relationship with the EU and the exact same benefits the UK has from the single market, Sir Keir Starmer said. 

The UK should "honour our obligations" regarding any "divorce bill", he added.

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26 Mar 2017 11:33 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Tens of thousands of people joined an anti-Brexit march to call for Britain to remain in the European Union. 

The Unite for Europe march in London coincided with events to mark 60 years since the EU's founding agreement, the Treaty of Rome, was signed.

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26 Mar 2017 11:38 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Nissan's huge Sunderland presence was a major concern after last year's Brexit vote. The plant exists as part of a vast European supply chain, which would be adversely affected by both tariffs and the application of burdensome customs administration. A rough Brexit would be very rough for Nissan. So the carmaker's announcement, on 27 October 2016, that it was staying in the UK was a huge relief for ministers.

But there are questions about what the government promised the company. A letter was sent from the government to Nissan before the announcement - and we still do not know what was in it. To find out, Newsnight applied for the letters under the Freedom of Information Act. I won't leave you in suspense; we didn't get what we wanted.

The government is committed to releasing the letter, but not yet. It contains, we are told, commercially sensitive information, and will be published as soon as time has eroded its sensitivity. That may be a long time.

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27 Mar 2017 5:57 AM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar


You are CORDIALLY invited to our BREXIT celebration PARTY on WEDNESDAY the 29th at 2.00pm 

WE will be serving all THINGS BRITISH and celebrating the UK leaving the EU the day will be full of OLD FASHIONED BRITISH nostalgia and a FANTASTIC time will be ASSURED 

This is a truly HISTORIC DAY and PAVES the way for a GLORIOUS future for our NATION and its POPULATION 


Kindest REGARDS 

Hugh and Stu xxxx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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27 Mar 2017 7:58 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Thank you Hugh would love to come.  

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27 Mar 2017 8:08 AM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

"Dublin-based Hibernia Forum said the Irish Republic could leave the bloc as revenge for its treatment by Brussels during the financial crisis. 

Co-founder Keith Redmond said the country had been “quarantined” and forced to take on “toxic banking debt”. "


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27 Mar 2017 8:11 AM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

"Lloyd’s of London chairman John Nelson says insurance market veterans view the challenges thrown up by Brexit as a “walk in the park” compared to the difficulties that nearly obliterated the business just decades ago."

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27 Mar 2017 8:55 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


I dont diagree with you but any negativity (or positivity)  towards Scotland leaving the union can be equally applied to the UK leaving the EU

Fact remains we still don't know what brexit will bring, the countries politicians, analyst and leading businesses are still in disgareement and divided and as I keep saying we will have no say in any deal that is agreed.

I hope Scotland get more of a say when they have their referendum and I hope the Scottish polititicians have a much clearer picture and a better plan of the outcome for leaving and inform the Scottisgh people. If that means increased taxe or whatever then at least they will know what they are voting for (the plan for staying in the union will be no or little change just like the remain camp in the brexit vote).

Arguements for both sides will probabaly follow many of the arguments from both sides during brexit campaign

Whatever happens the break up of the UK has staretd and it will go on and on which will IMO have an impact on the eceonomy as uncertainty is not good for invetsments and growth or anyone

hughjardon might be a bit of a surprise to you but the UK are NOT leaving the EU on the 29th and will still be a member on the 30th and for the next couple of years at least, so I think your celebrations are a bit premature to say the least

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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27 Mar 2017 10:04 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

I don't disagree with that Tadd, in the main. 

I do find it hard to believe that Scotland want to deal with a referendum at the same time as we are leaving the EU.  If Sturgeon can explain the reason it's better to do this now, then I'm interested.  It looks more opportunistic that reasoned to me though. 

Thats not good for anybody.  

Also, if Scotland do want to leave the union, I for one would be really happy it happens quickly and smoothly, it's like having someone in your house who keeps complaining about the way you live, the answer is please just leave and find your own house.  


Best wishes, Brian


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27 Mar 2017 10:21 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


The entire process of devolution is not good for anyone

An interesting discussion yestrday was in relation to why the UK has 4 teams in most internatonal sporting events. therfore recognising indvual member states is it time for team GB to be etxended across all sports at international and club level?

Is it unfair to others that the UK get 4 teams or 4 chances to qualify?

Yet politically and soveriegnty the UK is deemed one nation


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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27 Mar 2017 10:53 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message


It may be because the home nations only had each other to play in football and rugby competitions, and golf was scottish although they allowed us to play!

If we hadnt developed a game amongst oiurselves we wouldnt have had anyone to play against!

As much as the EU and the sports governing bodies such as FIFA would like to, they can't change history, they are stuck with it.

Also if Scotland leave the union, they would have to set up their own football team all over again (and not qualify ha).

Bit messy that one mate.


Best wishes, Brian


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27 Mar 2017 11:24 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Yes nobody can change history but they can change the future and many countries and organistions like FIFA would love to see the UK having only one team which is why the UK refuse to enter a football team into the olympics (2012 was an exception)

Yes if Scotalnd leave they would have to rejoin as you say but that has happend to many countries such since the USSR, Czech and Yugoslavia break ups.

It woudld probably take time to sort out the one UK team for all sports and Scotland would have made their choice to stay or go by then. Imagine if it was a factor or a reality in the vote i.e. stay in UK and have one national team or leave the UK and keep your national sports teamswink

All this is messy brexit, Scottish independance as are most divorces


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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