The Comments |
David Cameron calls an impromptu press conference to demand "the Leave Campaign stop pedalling untruths"
This is the same David Cameron who said in November 2015,
“Some people seem to say that really Britain couldn’t survive, couldn’t do okay outside the European Union. I don’t think that is true,” said.
“Let’s be frank, Britain is an amazing country. We’ve got the fifth biggest economy in the world. We’re a top ten manufacturer. We’ve got incredibly strong financial services. The world wants to come and do business here.
“Look at the record of inward investment. Look at the leaders beating the path to our door to come and see what’s happening with this great country’s economy. The argument isn’t whether Britain could survive outside the EU. Of course it could.”
and a week later
"Britain could thrive outside Europe"
So which untruths is he referring to given most of the Leave Campaigns economic points are in line with Cameron's own view 6 months ago ?
Funny how both sides try to claim Churchill (and Thatcher for that matter).
I suspect, in the long run, Churchill might have gone for a US of E similar to the American model, but with his defence of the rights of parliament and democracy there is no way he would have supported the EU. I would love to hear someone with his rhetorical skills lambasting the corruption, waste and lack of democratic accountablity of the EU.
He offerred union to France (not 'nearly acheived') as she was facing defeat, but he wanted no part of the early EC discussions.
Thatchers reforms (and the refusal of Blair to undo them) dragged us back from 12th (where Wilson/Callahan & the EU put us - 's.... creak' was the late 70's) to 4th and we are now 5th biggest economy. The EU's sluggish economic performance can only hold us back.
There is no evidence for the massive change and doom predicted by those who wish to remain. I suspect change to be minimal for the first two years. I doubt it, but it may gather pace at the end of the negociating period. I cannot understand the argument that says it takes ages to affect any change but also forecasts doom on the 24th.
Economically the status quo is in the EU's interest. Slow change toward a world wide free market is in our interest. It is in both sides interest to move slowly and in any case the EU is incapable of moving quickly.
However during this period we can start to control our borders and remove the worst of the regressive regulation.
Yes that's just it Micky we do live with it because we're British and proud of it yes it may be painful but you don't survive two world wars the Black Death win a World Cup have the greatest monarchy the Beatles etc etc.
The UK makes billions from Tourism Sport Filmmaking must I go on we do not need the EU holding us back any longer.
I hope Trump wins him and Bozzer will kick some ass spice this boring world up a bit like Roosavelt and Churchy did.
You would be better preparing yourself for Exit than wasting your time trying to change our minds.
Love Hugh
No kisses today for you
This message was last edited by hughjardon on 07/06/2016.
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
You really are a comedian HJ. More a wind up merchant actually.
I have never sourght to convince anyone and would not waste my time trying to pursuade any posters on here to my point of view. I try to be a counter weight to the cobblers people write about the EU. I know I'm wasting my time but it's my time to waste.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Well at least he lightens the tone of this thread, and I reckon that if you think that he is a fool, then he has succeeded in fooling you. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Yes that's just it Micky we do live with it because we're British and proud of it yes it may be painful but you don't survive two world wars the Black Death win a World Cup have the greatest monarchy the Beatles etc etc.
For me these sort of statements (wind up or not) confirm the arrogance of the British and the embarrasment I have of being British which is why I prefer to say I am European.
IMO the UK has nothing to be proud of and has nothing most others cannot better
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd what a load of crap European that must really register with people can you imagine Muhammad Ali saying I'm an American dropping the Afro no you are probably more ashamed of your own shortcomings than admitting your British heritage what would your Mum and Dad think and your Grandad that served in the forces and saw many of his comrades killed for what he believed in
Shame on you
Definately no kisses for you either today
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
£65 billion in investment has already left the UK in the run up to the referendum.(Survey by sky) It will only return if the vote is to remain.
I have positioned myself for a Brexit along with most other people who have interests in Europe. That does not mean I believe that will be the outcome. It's called hedging your interests.
However after a Brexit I and thousands of other investors will not return to the UK until the economy can prove it can grow outside the single market. That will probably take two to three years.
Who needs foreign investment I hear you say? Actually Britain does. The same returns can be obtained elsewhere so why invest in uncertainty? With outside investment you get stagnation, unemployment and recession.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
I'm happy to be a citizen of the world because human beings are equal and the same everywhere. It's nationalism politics, wealth and religion that divides us.
Although we have the appearance of development the human race has very far to travel towards true enlightenment. That will come when we remove boundaries, borders and prejudice. I believe it will happen one day. The EU is just a struggling work in progress.
Long after the likes of UKIP and the ugly nationalism written on here and spouted elsewhere is long forgotten. Mankind will truly grow and flourish in love for every life, human and animal on the planet.
Until we learn to put others interests before ourselves that can never happen and global conflict is inevitable.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 07/06/2016.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
no you are probably more ashamed of your own shortcomings than admitting your British heritage what would your Mum and Dad think and your Grandad that served in the forces and saw many of his comrades killed for what he believed in
I won't tell you what invovlement I, my parenst and my grandparents or personal losses had in any of the wars but suffice to say what we did we were told to do and brainwashed into thinkng we were doing the right thing by kiling fellow human beings (many who were as innocnet as we were) who had done no harm to us.
I liked Ali's qute about fighting in Vietnam - maybe you should read it
I se no glory or bragging rights in any war and especially wars that the UK started (yes it was the UK that declared war on Germany NOT the other way round), there may have been a threat but who knows
Too many people glorify and live in the past and esepcially war which at the end of the day means milions of innocent people get hurt and killed while politciains bicker
I see very little in the history of the UK to be proud of and the current levels of arrogance in the UK is embarrassing
With a strong EU together we can stop this silly nationalistic silly attitude and work together as human beings for the benefit of all not as Spaniards, Brits, French, Scousers, Cockneys, Scottish, Yorkshiremen, Parisians etc etc ect
If we need competition then keep it to the sports field and have FUN not PAIN and suffering
I see no real bragging rights becuase England won the world cup in 1966
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I risk the wrath of the powers that be, and being reported as racist, but in the UK there is a Muslim swing towards Brexit, you won't see this on the news or documentories, but where their rank and file live they are really ragged off with the influx of eastern europeans, inparticular the Roma. It's not just the white golf club members and the over 60's that are likely to vote out, all the financial/political posts don't stack up to a bag of beans when Islamic turf has been taken over by 'outsiders'. We are told that the public sector is strongly for the 'stay' brigade, but from what I see many of them are Muslims, or am I imagining this?
Now I'm sure that this will fall on some very deaf ears, but the result is going to be very tight, can you 'inners' afford to ignore the UK's actual happenings?
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Cameron VS Ferage ITV 9pm TONIGHT
For those of you that don't know this rigged TV 'Debate' is on soon......
Cameron doesn't want to have to justify his answers in a live debate so we'll se how it goes.
Would have preferred a Blue on Blue which would havv been far more interesting. Still Cameron has been cosying up to Harriet Harperson and others, with Corbyn being very quiet on the subject. If you believe the press he's really an outer
Cameo performances, rather than a farrago?
Yup Hephaespus, can ignore the happenings all the way to the bank!
MikeandHelen, nobody in there right mind believes Farage. At best he is a dreamer. Chatted with him over a social luncheon a while back; seriously he is a bit weird. Best characterisation I can make is a dopey anarchist. I am not sure he really understands some of things he advocates. If he does then it is scary rather than weird.
Tadd, agree with much of your last comment. Fact is wars occur when politicians fail in diplomacy. Trade rows lead to big wars...happened before and it will happen again.
** EDITED - Against forum rules **
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 6/8/2016 10:49:00 AM.
Let's wait to seeCameron's performance.
And you are not in your right mind of you wish to insult people you don't know It's obvious that you don't live in the real world.
You should appologies for your insulting remark: This thread ahs turned into a pi**ing contesst for egotistical idiots like yourself.
So there we have it, an obviously rattled Cameron claiming that If we leave we will lose access to the European Market, EU Leaders threatening us about the conequences of leaving.
And a person whose heritage is from the Commonwealth trying to play the race card without the manners to listen to what was being said to her. I.E, That the UK has turned it's back on the Commonwealth countries and cannot control the number of people coming into the UK from the EU so skilled people and families from teh rest of teh world lose out.
And a NHS worker saying that this govenment has imposed cuts on student nurse training with the reply that the govenment is putting more money into thr NHS, And astonishingly that British people will get jobs over people form the EU, something that is against EU rules.
This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 08/06/2016.
I am sorry if my comments upset you. Whilst I stand by what I said about Nigel Farage; I do know him so feel my perspective is personal rather than tabloid; it was unfair to suggest that you are not in your right mind. Infact your mindset is very clear as referenced by your earlier comments referring to the NHS,
"Those present included many undesirables but also many who lack understanding of English. In this I include the staff, our last visit to that hospital included a Doctor who we could not understand."
You finished those comments with a list of countries (Phillippines, Sri Lanka etc) that you found more acceptable to you than members of the EU.
Cameron and Corbyn want the on-line vote registry deadline extending, it would be ironic if this tipped the scales in favour of Brexit. I'm of the opinion that anything stupid could swing the result either way, remember Neil Kinnock's "We're Alright" speech at the 1992 Sheffield pre-election rally, Labour were in front in the polls prior to that. Perhaps Cameron, Osborne and Corbyn forming a conga line on Downing Street prior to the vote might not be the best move for the inners.
This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 08/06/2016.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
If you are at all interested in politics and having a vote you will have been registered weeks if not months ago.
Changing the rules for one reason just opens the floodgates for those who want to change them for other reasons
How many of you realise that the referendum is only advisory and that a vote will still be needed in the House of Commons and a bill passed. It could be messy, especially if there is a low turnout