The Comments |
Here we go again. The DayDream B*Leavers are trying to convince themselves that they have made the right choice. The smell of buyers regret is so thick in here that the air is changing colour.
lets be clear. You voted out and that is what is happening. The EU does not give a toss what any of you leavers think. They do not need you but will be polite and offer a deal that is good for them. And you will take it on a like it or lump it basis because you have got no where else better to go.
Are you suggesting NO private health treatment alternatives in Europe?
Where are your facts for unequal societies, are you suggesting the Greeks don't have wealthy shipping magnates, the Italians, rich industrialists and the French wealthy landowners.
Funding alone will not cure the NHS problems, yes we should admit it's in crisis but funding has to be fair to those who fund it as well as those who use it.
Investing a hundred pounds when spending is a hundred and one is not good housekeeping, as the French have discovered.
You of course prefer to point out EVERY single negative about tbeUK but cannot see the problems in European nations.
Just carry on living in your idyllic France or wherever and let the rest of us get on with reality please.
If your ill, the best place to be is in the UK. The level of technology is the highest and available to all who contribute (and some unfortunates who can't).
The NHS is highly funded, its funds are increasing year on year, people live longer, technology means greater equipment spending. It's hard to get the balance but it is there for all at the point of use.
NHS pre dates the EU, it will continue as the envy of the world long after the brexit. If you have left the UK and your happy with your own experience that's great. If you compare the lives of ordinary people across the globe, the NHS is by far the best point of care.
Best wishes, Brian
EU employment will get better as UK businesses move into EU states and create jobs
EU will reform and will continue to be a far better place without the arrogant UK
goodbye and good riddence should be the EU mantra
Long term the UK will suffer too much greed and selfishness in UK and that is not a good rcipe for a nation esepcially oen that is so divisive and the inevetable break up of the union
Gred, selkfishness, "i'm all right Jack" attitude, arrogance, Inequality, poor NHS, poor education system, lack of housing, over generous wlefare sytem all unsustainable and hedaing for an economic disaster
Finally the politciians are win / win when the country goes into major decline they will simply blame the votesr saying we did what you asked
In the very unlikey event brexit is a success the politcians will say look what we have done
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Cheerio Tadd.
Your in the best place now, well away from the UK. I feel the love, but I can see through it. Bye bye
Best wishes, Brian
Actually Europe is doing fairly well thank you in comparison with the UK. As an example of that some recent statistics on hospital occupancy this winter had NHS hospitals at close to 95% occupancy. An unsustainable figure. In Europe the figure is 80%.
I use both the French health service and the Spanish when the need arises and do not find any of the problems I read about in the UK. Waiting times are short and treatment excellent in both EU states.
There is unemployment in Europe. the recession took it's toll but they who have jobs are real jobs not Micky Mouse zero hours contracts. Employees have more job security in Europe and the standards of living is high for ordinary people. House prices are sustainable for working people and education standards are excellent.
So yes life is pretty good in Europe and long may it continue. With Britain gone I'm optimistic we can move towards the consolidation of a federal EU state in the future and an economy and living standards which are likely to be the envy of the world.
Hi Mickyfinn, if all above is as you say doing great guns, and as we are all in it together, like as in Europe, then why isn't the UK doing as well as your above words.
And we are happy that your happy Baz. You look after yourself.
Using stats from Spain and France to base your model of the EU is a very token argument. The federal state as you call it comrade will include stats from all the countries you may want to exclude, but as I say, as long as your alright.
Many countries of course have visitors to our shores in the UK who receive the treatment they can't get in their own countries or in Spain or France. The south east and London hospitals are particularly affected by this and they are the areas the statistics are taken from if you dig deeper.
But im happy your happy, you take care and stay where you are.
Best wishes, Brian
This is not a competition about who is the worst it's now about working together to gain mutually acceptable outcomes. And hopefully in that process the EU does wake up to uncomfortable realities and gain reform and greater accountability for the sake of its citizens just as the UK has had to recognise.
No such thing as a perfect system but it's important to recognise the imperfections and strive for solutions and real facts rather than constantly remain in denial.
This message was last edited by ads on 07/02/2017.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I get the impression by the wording of your post that included my Name you are thinking I wrote that piece that I copied onto the forum...Yes..No?
Tad don't mention it. No seriously don't mention it.
Baz. Sorry,yes I don't d. Pasting acan confuse me sometimes!
Best wishes, Brian
A few posters on this forum come across as ,people that hate The UK ......assuming they originally come from the UK leave's me speechless on occasions ,s ,personally l like the UK but I don't like what the UK it is turning into we are fast loosing our identity as British with the uncontrollable emigration from the EU, the UK has become the dumping ground of Europe, for low class unskilled people from the so called EU looking for a council house ...... (Approximately 300,000 per year) it is well documented that we have a housing shortage for our own people and that the NHS /DSS is overwhelmed with claimants from all over the EU demanding to to looked after at the UK Tax payer's expense .......the simple answer to all these problems would to introduced controlled emigration ,for instance if we need your particular skill then you are welcome providing you have a job offer simple then we would not have to build 250,000 new house's per year our NHS /DSS and infrastructure would be able to cope .I voted OUT in the referendum l made up my own mind I did not have to be convinced by anyone because I live in the UK and any fool can see what it is turning into.and I am positive that the Spanish or the French or any other EU country would not make 300,000 British per year coming to Live in their country demanding a council house free Health Care and Dole money .
This message was last edited by windtalker on 07/02/2017.
Windtalker, I have said this for years now, it's one thing to hate what the country is turning into, and another to trash the UK, this country, UK, gave everyone born into it over the past 70 / 80 years the best start in life of many countries, certainly better then many I could mention.
Just to correct you on one small matter about the housing crisis , it's supposed to be about 330,000 thousand plus new houses to be built every year, which many are being built on green field sites, and to make it worse very close to 50% of these are supposedly to house immigrants.
The rest of your post is spot on.
baz - 50% of these are supposedly to house immigrants.
Don't immigrants need housing as well or are you simply happy just to see them sleep on the streets?
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
I think Baz is highlighting the infrastucture issues that arise by building for 'newcomers' to our population.
If we have a school or local health provision for example, that meets the needs of the local population, adding 50% of newcomers to the local housing stock, creates pressure on the infrastructure.
The section 106 additional funding will not pick up the gap, by a long way.
So perhaps think about, do you want them to live on the streets, no.
Do you want their children not to have a school or be able to get health provision for a family?
Whats your answer to that one Micky?
Best wishes, Brian
You are as usual missing the point:
We are unhappy with the way the Uk is, but will be happy with the way it's going to be.
Those who will be unhappy in future should consider the move, I guess 
baz - 50% of these are supposedly to house immigrants.
Don't immigrants need housing as well or are you simply happy just to see them sleep on the streets?
Yes, they need housing, like our people do, and if these house's come up for sale many of our younger people wont be able to get mortgages because of the exorbitant deposit, but even you must realise that many immigrants wont be buying these houses, might be getting them for free though via benefits which cut it anyway you like it's UK tax payers money.
Also as our home grown population is not getting that much bigger due to costs of kids etc, how do you think the population is growing, I have also said this so many times now it's only the people that live in this country permanently,UK, that can see the ongoing problems, being a now and again visitor doesn't work.
A few posters on this forum come across as ,people that hate The UK ......assuming they originally come from the UK leave's me speechless on occasions ,s ,personally l like the UK but I don't like what the UK it is turning into we are fast loosing our identity as British with the uncontrollable emigration from the EU, the UK has become the dumping ground of Europe, for low class unskilled people from the so called EU looking for a council house ...... (Approximately 300,000 per year) it is well documented that we have a housing shortage for our own people and that the NHS /DSS is overwhelmed with claimants from all over the EU demanding to to looked after at the UK Tax payer's expense .......the simple answer to all these problems would to introduced controlled emigration ,for instance if we need your particular skill then you are welcome providing you have a job offer simple then we would not have to build 250,000 new house's per year our NHS /DSS and infrastructure would be able to cope .I voted OUT in the referendum l made up my own mind I did not have to be convinced by anyone because I live in the UK and any fool can see what it is turning into.and I am positive that the Spanish or the French or any other EU country would not make 300,000 British per year coming to Live in their country demanding a council house free Health Care and Dole money .
Brexit is not going ot fix this as said before
The fixation that brexiters have about immigrants is ludicrous it is purley based on discrimination and lack of understnading that the probem is of the UK's own making and NOT the EU's, Trump's or anyone else
I don't like what the UK has become greedy, selfish, arrogant, racist and simply too many people are are nasty with it
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
This is an extremely important thread for our members so please avoid inciteful posts and generalisations that can greatly offend. Please keep this debate clean and constructive and avoid any racist insinuations. It really is not necessary and not acceptable on this forum. If your only argument to defend Brexit is to stop immigration please refrain from posting any more, as that has been discussed more than enough and that discussion is not going anywhere. There is a lot more to Brexit than that. We hope you will all take this on board and discuss Brexit in a civil manner. If it can't be done we will lock the thread permanantly.
thank you
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