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08 Jan 2017 1:19 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Who saw Mrs Maybe's live interview on Sky at 10-30? hopefully most of you that like to post on here with the latest acurate information!!! wink

She pretty much confirmed that immigration control would be non negotiable and so therefore baring a momentus u turn by the other 27 member states ruling out remaining in the single market. - so hard brexit pending!

She also confirmed was that there was no plan in place when she came power in July




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08 Jan 2017 1:21 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

windtalker Your language is against forum rules, it sums up your intelligence and lack of manners.

Star rating. 809 posts. A fine example to other members?.


This message was last edited by potblack on 08/01/2017.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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08 Jan 2017 1:47 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


This morning on Sky TV Sophie Ridge discussed immigration issues ( amongst several  other aspects) and went to a region (Boston) where a very high percentage voted to leave….to try and identify their concerns and the concerns of migrants, to try and rationalise some of the firsthand issues to put before Theresa May in a later interview.


During the Boston visit the issue of lowering of wages, less availability of seasonal labour for UK nationals and the issue of gangmaster activity was mentioned, so with this in mind it's probably worth reviewing the following which was highlighted back in January 2016...


“The proposals, which are set out in the government’s response to a consultation called Tackling Exploitation in the Labour Market, have been added to the Immigration Bill, which is currently before the House of Lords.

“These measures will ensure that we come down firmly on the side of those businesses that want to do the right thing, and that there are tough penalties for those who persistently seek to break employment law,” said Home Secretary Theresa May in the forward to the consultation response.

The GLA was created in the wake of the 2004 Morecambe Bay cockle picking disaster, when 23 migrant Chinese workers were drowned by the incoming tide.

Respondents to the consultation raised concerns about the GLA’s resources, particularly if its role was to be expanded. The government said it is considering its budget as part of the spending review settlement. However, it said it believes that the new director role “will help target the enforcement resources towards the areas of greatest benefit and impact”.

The move to flexible licensing has proved particularly controversial, particularly because only one in five respondents to the consultation agreed with it.

Extending the remit of the GLA into other sectors, particularly construction, has been advocated by a range of organisations, including the Labour party and trade union UCATT. However, the union pointed out that this was on the basis of its licensing regime also being extended into construction, where labour agencies supply large numbers of workers.

Adopting a more flexible approach to licensing “is unlikely to create a crackdown on the unfair treatment of workers that the construction industry is crying out for,” according to UCATT.

The TUC said that flexible licensing will lead to fewer inspections and leave workers more vulnerable to exploitation. “It is also very troubling that ministers have yet to spell out how they will resource the expanded remit of the new Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority,” said the general secretary Frances O’Grady. “If the GLA is to be given new powers and a broader remit, then it must be properly funded. The absence of detail on this is worrying.”


The fact that this needed to be reviewed and is still of obvious concern to many from first hand experiences demonstrates this is STILL an ongoing issue relating to migration and to dismiss this or undermine genuine concerns is to do a disservice to this ongoing debate.


Theresa May when interviewed acknowledged that lower wages had been evidenced Perrypower so this needs to be factored into the migration debate amongst other issues.

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08 Jan 2017 1:49 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Vile, abusive, insulting and threatening pm's should be reported to the mods. The folk who send these are cowards and have no place on decent forums, so windtalker it's over to you to shop them.


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08 Jan 2017 2:01 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


I can only assume you are speaking out on behalf of another member as it seems impossible to send you a PM

Send private message to Destry


User has invalid email address


Be nice to stick to the subject!




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08 Jan 2017 2:02 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Destry I have already reported one poster that sent me 3 abusive PMs to the mods   and they sorted them out . The Trolls  I can live with ( don't you just love them ).bullies I can't stand I won't say who I reported but it won't take you to long to work it out just look back at the last few Post's.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 08/01/2017.

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08 Jan 2017 2:07 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


You stated ". I believe the EU have decided they want rid of the UK ". Thereby lies the problem as some would argue that there are those within the EU that have little intent to find mutually beneficial outcomes, for fear of contagion.

Many hope however for more rational and balanced negotiations to prevail where intransigent preconditions  without thorough and fair intellectual analysis and review do not become the stumbling block to achieving a mutually beneficial outcome. 

Time will tell.

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08 Jan 2017 2:10 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Team GB,

This was in answer to potblack's post, so is on subject. I am not afraid to post on open forum, I don't send or receive pm's, why don't you openly post what you tried to pm me with, or was it very offensive? 😉


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08 Jan 2017 2:29 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


I don't use the PM facility - unless nice people ask me a question.

I was just checking out if anyone could actualy send you a PM and as I suspected they can't  (invalid e-mail address)


Many hope however for more rational and balanced negotiations to prevail where intransigent preconditions  without thorough and fair intellectual analysis and review do not become the stumbling block to achieving a mutually beneficial outcome. 

If that happens it will be a first!!! we can live in hope I suppose - 27 states have to agree unanimously




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08 Jan 2017 3:31 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Canada appears to have achieved it without any of the illogical intransigent preconditions that some on this thread keep trying to reinforce. A benchmark to tailor and adapt to suit differing citeria?..

Why keep reinventing the wheel when it has taken presumably rational negotiation to achieve and reach a mutually acceptable agreement?

Might it be that yet again the need for logical rational thought has been superceded by those with intent to rid the EU of those seeking realistic reform and greater flexibility with inbuilt fair workable factoring mechanisms in place to better cater for such widely differing member states?


This message was last edited by ads on 08/01/2017.

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08 Jan 2017 4:03 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Canada appears to have achieved it 

It did take 7 years and was on a knife edge right to the end thanks to the objection of  small belgian region!

Hey ho lets hope we can all employ some of that  logical rational thought you speak of ads




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08 Jan 2017 6:25 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

So what was the deal Canada got

Is trade with eu free of tariffs and duties 


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Jan 2017 6:50 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

"CETA will remove more than 99% of tariffs that are currently imposed on trade between the EU and Canada. It sets high standards for consumer, environmental and labour protection."


This message was last edited by ads on 08/01/2017.

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08 Jan 2017 8:26 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

No concern about BREXIT here.

An offer Spaniards can't resist? British restaurant chain Bella Italia is apparently on the hunt for fresh talent for its Italian kitchens - but from Spain. A recruitment agency's announcement on Monday gave hope to job-seeking chefs in job-poor Spain: 300 open positions for a major Italian restaurant chain in the UK. The Spanish agency, Linkers,  confirmed that the advert was for Bella Italia and that the company had its eye on Spaniards because they needed people familiar with Mediterranean cuisine. "The food is more Mediterranean than just Italian, so they are looking for people who know how to cook Mediterranean cuisine," Linkers CEO David Basilio said "Italian food is very similar to Spanish. We have a lot in common." Positions for head chefs, assistants and managers are available in Bella Italia's kitchen with applicants required to have a "sufficient level of English" to work with others as well as three years of experience in a kitchen. "The big problem is the language. Many Spaniards don't speak English." At least 15 candidates will be selected each month until the vacancies have been filled. Within the first two days of posting the ad, Basilio said that between 700 and 800 people had applied. "Fundamentally, it's a great plan for your career," Basilio said. "In Spain, restaurants open and close. Spain is losing this generation. More and more are moving away," Basilio continued. "The companies aren't able to serve this generation of chefs. But then in some years, they will return." Spain is renowned for its top chefs and seven Spanish restaurants made it onto the prestigious World’s 50 Best Restaurant list last year - making it the country with the highest number of ranked eateries. But why is the restaurant chain seeking workers from abroad?  "British people prefer to work at front of house, like at the bar, and not in the kitchen," Basilio said.


This message was last edited by potblack on 08/01/2017.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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08 Jan 2017 8:59 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


If you and Elsie Tanner keep insisting on copying and pasting from the it would be nice to acknowledge them.




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08 Jan 2017 9:43 PM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar


This message was last edited by Elsietanner on 08/01/2017.


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09 Jan 2017 9:31 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Bella Italia is a decent chain, but like all chains the chefs read from the book they are given and create the menu they are given.   You can come from the back of beyond as long as you can read instructions, I'm sure the Spanish equivalent of the 'full 'English can be put together by anyone with a pea sized and above brain.

i wouldn't chase a career based on this kind of news article it's simply a story.  


Best wishes, Brian


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09 Jan 2017 11:58 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The new iron lady has spoken the UK will leave the single market if the EU refuses to give border control back .speaking from a personal point of view, the UK should not have given away border control back in the late 70s I voted to join the common market so we could trade with them ,giving the EU control of UK border's did not come into the equation so why did the political establishment that claim that they are running the UK let it get this far .

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09 Jan 2017 12:17 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


And so say all of us oldies who fell for the 'Common Trading Market' lie, they knew that this was the lure to entrap us within a European Super State, sadly it didn't turn out to be that super

Bring on Article 50.


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09 Jan 2017 1:37 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


Don't you think it's sad that investment of this nature is not going into Spain and that Spanish people are having to move away in large numbers from their homeland in order to gain employment? To lose a generation of young talent in this way appears yet another failure from the European superstate experiment.

Why are the EU not making strategic plans to encourage investment into the European Member States so that each member state can diversify their economies instead of stripping them bare and in that process create pressures on other member states which as we can see from first hand experience has lead to division and has the potential to undo years of developing positive integration policies, but within realistically controlled parameters. 

These EU bureaucrats, and yes to a degree our own politicians, have shut their eyes for far too long to the wider picture and siginifant implications of the impact from EU policy failings and unwillingness to strike essential mutually agreeable solutions.

Division and intransigence, lack of foresight and sound intellectual analysis of the varying economies and member state structures, has in effect led to citizens being made the innocent scapegoats to this experiment,  and it's time we all recognised the uncomfortable realities.

If the EU continue with their intransigent approach with the UK, then they will only have themselves to blame, and the hypocrisy is there for all to see when you compare the removal of any such harmful inflexible preconditions to free movement of people with the likes of Canada etc. 

Just how many European citizens aspire to a federal superstate that demonstrates such little regard for its citizens? That refuses to reform and reassess failing policies and show willingness to find mutually agreeable outcomes, preferring to bully and blackmail into submission. It takes courage to take on bullies of this nature but it also takes a willingness to open eyes to the uncomfortable realities in the interim, which Brexit appears to have done. 

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