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21 Oct 2016 5:03 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

They wouldn't be denied emergency treatment. If the two countries had an agreement then pensioners would receive the same health care as the locals, even if they hadn't paid a penny into the Social Security system. Spain and the UK have such an agreement.

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21 Oct 2016 5:10 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

Hopefully they would have the EHIC card with them!

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21 Oct 2016 5:15 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


I would love to have read your Millenium Bug predictions, caves and loin cloths come to mind. 


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21 Oct 2016 5:51 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

If you believe I'm worrying you, read a few doomsday blogs.

I have a nighbour whom I try to avoid. He is a Doomsdayist and has built an underground house in his garden eqipped to survive a six months.siege.smiley

When you have lived a long time you can easily lose your faith in everyone and everything. Thankfully I have still hope Brexit will not be the disaster it's painted to be. However I'm preparing my own form of garden shelter just in case.wink

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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21 Oct 2016 7:10 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


There is a very big difference  between potential outcomes and guessing or scaremongering

Thus thread us doing a lot of guessing and I would expect potential outcomes to have some substance behind them not guesses on a forum but good luck with your shelterwink

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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21 Oct 2016 11:31 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Well Tene as a couple of thousand people had signed it in the last day I wanted to see which eos contributors were in support of it.   I'll be surprised if there are none as Brexitors have been trying to shout down remainers ( and calling them names) from the start.  

Definately a sign of a battle won which is now being lost.  No ideas on Brexit and no ideas on how to rally the Country.  Show me the money, show me Brexit, if you can't best if I show you lot the door. 

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22 Oct 2016 9:02 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


You wrote:

Because this forum's thread and it's reason for being is to try and inform the members of the potential pitfalls of Brexit with exchange of information.  

So the reason for this thread is not to air differing opinion's, just your point of view,ie. the pitfalls of Brexit?, as you started the thread, why did you not call it  'BREXIT - The remoaners view only?.

Losing healthcare is a fairly important issue for older people. Personally I prefer to be informed about potential grief coming down the tracks even if it's just a possibility, I hate surprises but that's a personal view.

I suppose you will also HATE the surpirise when there are no changes to the present healthcare entitlements, cannot wait for your grovelling apology when this happens.

However if you prefer to be a mushroom Tadd that's fine too and if I am worrying you I apologise. Perhaps just ignoring the thread is a solution.

There you go again, if someone does not agree with you they should ignore the thread, this may suit you because there would only be one-sided views on this thread.

I think it's time to fill up that 'half empty' glass of yours.

By the way why should the electorate of the UK vote to remain because a handful of expats may lose out, it was their choice to re-locate, wasn't it?, maybe it is not Tadd who is the 'mushroom'.


This message was last edited by BigAl2015 on 22/10/2016.

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22 Oct 2016 9:28 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

It is you who use what I write and twist it to suit your own purpose. However on an open forum, yes you are at liberty to do that and I am also free to ignore you. I am writing about the POTENTIAL pitfalls of Brexit effecting British people living in Spain not the majority of Brexiteer posters who seem to be UK residents and care not for the impact Brexit may have on British residents in Europe.

I have seen much resentment over the years by British residents towards European expat residents for reasons I can only speculate on.

I have never denied it was the UK right to vote how they wished. I do not say this or that is GOING to happen or should happen. I say what COULD possibly happen given the worst case scenario, c'est tout.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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22 Oct 2016 9:43 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

Please could you point out what I 'used & twisted' to suit my own purpose?

I guess this one will kill the conversation, but here goes anyway:

you said  'yes you are at liberty to do that and I am also free to ignore you', you obviously didn't?

I certainly have no resentment towards Expat residents, I own a property in Spain and have many expat 'grown up' friends who would never expect me to vote according to the needs of Expats who chose to re-locate and enjoy the good life.

You and the EU brigade do not realise that you are bringing about your own doom, talking negatively about what MIGHT happen puts thoughts into the heads of people who could possibly make these things happen.

For instance, certain leaders of EU countries are openly talking about what they will and won't do in the negotiations, some of this is obviously bravado and will not come to pass, however markets can and will react to what is said, affecting both the UK & EU.



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22 Oct 2016 10:19 AM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Here we go again, the UK expats in Spain are very resilient to crooked agents and developers, bent/incompetent lawyers, illegal builds and a money grabbing tax regime, Brexit should be easily taken in their stride. I can't believe that the anti Brexiteers on this forum are representitive of the majority of UK expats residing in Spain, most that I have met are 'glass half full' guys. 


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22 Oct 2016 10:35 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

EOS is a wonderful forum to be an educative tool providing the facility to clarify complex issues with hopefully as much transparency as possible, but at the end of the day it depends upon open minds to reflect on information imparted and be willing to review that info in a rational and non personal manner. 

There will always be different perspectives but surely it's important not to impede debate by personalising or belittling in that process because this sadly detracts from the educative process which is in all our interests is it not?

Back to your point re factors influencing the markets BigA12015, I tend to agree that these algorithms that respond to bureaucrats negative comments do appear to have impact on the markets, which is why I think there should be some mechanism to monitor and regulate if these are being used purposefully to manipulate markets, which has the potential to unnecessarily harm nation(s) or pressure them into submission.

Likewise if traders have their own hidden self interests to alter these algorithms to be "too sensitive" during transitional change of this nature which understandably takes time to resolve, so as to financially benefit at the expense of ordinary citizens across Europe, this should also be monitored shouldn't it?

This message was last edited by ads on 22/10/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 22/10/2016.

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22 Oct 2016 11:28 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

Totally agree Ads.

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22 Oct 2016 11:50 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

All wrote

Please could you point out what I 'used & twisted' to suit my own purpose?

You have an agenda of justifying Brexit and criticising those who have an opposite view. I believe history will show the UK voters made a ghastly mistake voting to leave the EU but that was their prerogative and right which I would defend. What I would not defend is the reason the referendum was held in the first place.

Like UKIP I suspect that support may well fall away in the coming months as the realisation of what Brexit actually means for ordinary UK residents hits home.

All I have tried to show with documentary support are the possible consequences for the healthcare rights of British retirees. To you that’s a negative that cuts across your own support for Brexit.

It is not negative to make yourself fully aware of the possible implications of political mistakes. It’s a pity world leaders don’t consider potential consequences more often and look beyond simply defeating militarily, nations they perceive, rightly or wrongly to be their enemies.


Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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22 Oct 2016 12:06 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

I have no agenda, a vote was taken, and leaving the EU won the day. It is futile both to try and justify 'leaving' or 'remaining' in the EU because, no decisions have been made as to how we will leave the EU and what deal we will be left with.

If after the 2 year 'negotiation period' and a 'settling in period' I have made the wrong decision I will be apologising to all the 'remoaners' on here, I will not be looking for all the 'what ifs', I will be man enough to admit my mistake.

We did not and cannot vote from a 'selfish point of view' ie. there are many more issues than financial ones.

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22 Oct 2016 12:44 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

BigAl, why do you persist in calling the people who disagree with you remoaners.  Do you think that is going to rally the 48% of the country that voted differently to you to the cause?   

Are the 48% not entitled to a voice?

Lets all be honest here.  Brexit does not know what they want or how to get it.  We are told by all it is going to get worse before it gets better. In  other words once we hit rock bottom there is no where to go but up, and that could take a very long time.

if Canada who is well liked and respected by the EU can't negotiate a trade agreement after seven years what makes anybody think the UK will negotiate a deal in two years.  The country voted to Brexit.  Nothing has been done to rally the country around that cause.  Sometimes we make the wrong choices in life.  Brexit might be or might not be a wrong choice. That is why there is a lot of talk justifying in or out still.  If it was clear cut it would have been 90% in favour.  And Article.50 would have already been triggered.  

The bottom line is we don't know the way forward.  Why not wait for the next General Election before jumping into the dark?   Brexitors don't want to wait because the vote was close enough that people might change their minds. Good decisions don't turn into bad choices by waiting and seeing.  Maybe at the next GE more people will understand what Brexit holds and more or less might support it.  The best thing that could happen is that the government does nothing until the way forward is clear.  If that takes another six months or another four years that is what is right for the UK. 


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22 Oct 2016 12:53 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

The UK trade negotiations would be easier: simply because it would be 1to 1, and not 27 to 1.

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22 Oct 2016 1:00 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


I noticed just as I was writing this 'tenerife' replied and hit the nail on the head.

Why do I call people who voted remain 'remoaners', by and large that is what most of them are doing.

You are cortrect that we don't know waht is happening regards leaving the EU, that is because we have entrusted our politicians to produce the plan to leave, I would not expect them to share it with us at this stage, A boxer would not tell another boxer I am now going to hit you with a right uppercut, would they?

Same for the politicians, you don't show your hand before sitting down at the negotiating table.

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22 Oct 2016 1:17 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Excellent post Perry. Politicians are put there by the people. They have a duty to the people, ALL the people, to inform them through parliament of what they intend for the countries future.

It's this government who has chosen to make a 'battle' out of Brexit. It became immediately combative from the British side once Brexit was a done deal. They immediate sent their tanks to the EU’s lawns. Why so, I ask myself?  The EU leaders are the UK’s partners, friends and allies.

Alan Juppe is the front runner in the next French presidential elections. He has said the border with France will be in Britain not Calais. If Mrs May was less combative and tried to actually be more accommodating with EU leaders in future she may well find the path a bit easier.

I recall in the campaign that was an issue shouted down by the leave camp. Funny how things have a habit of returning to haut those in power who make political mistakes or promises they know they cannot keep.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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22 Oct 2016 1:34 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

No Tenerife it still requires ratification from all countries including Waloon. 

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22 Oct 2016 1:56 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Actually BigAl that is exactly what you do.  In negotiations you lay out exactly what your position and goals and expectations are. If you don't then negotiations can't even start.  

This is not a boxing match.  If you think it is you don't understand how the EU works.  The EU has been very clear about the four principles.   We have not been clear about our objectives or what we offer in return because we have not decided yet. And may never.  Are you going to be happy if the UK negotiators say to the EU, let's keep everything exactly as it is except we will be outside of the EU on paper.  

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