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07 Jul 2016 9:53 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

08 Jul 2016 7:16 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Times today:

President Obama’s top trade envoy has suggested a way for the US and Britain to strike a trade deal that will not push Britain to “the back of the queue”.

Michael Froman said that Britain could apply to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an agreement between the United States and 11 other countries. He appeared to contradict Mr Obama, who warned in April that Britain would find it difficult to negotiate trade deals with the US after a vote to leave the EU.

The president signed the TPP agreement in New Zealand in February but it is still awaiting approval by the US Congress. The pact includes Australia, Japan, Canada and Mexico and covers 40 per cent of global economic output. It creates common labour and environmental standards and intellectual-property protections. Should Britain become a signatory, it would be the third largest economy to participate.

We should not be waiting in limbo until September, The Conservatives should have their elections straight away and the new incumbent of No 10 be free to make what ever deals are in the UK's interest to come into effect as soon as we break from the EU.

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08 Jul 2016 7:22 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Brexit means Britan is not going to tackle intenational problems (refugees, climate change) on intenational level.


Inside out statement.

Britain will be free to tackle problems on an international level (instead of being shackled to the EU position).

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09 Jul 2016 3:47 AM by nicbax Star rating in Fuengirola. 194 posts Send private message

Hi, May I put my 2 cents worth in; doesnt the Vienna Convention of 1969 protect those of us who have acquired  residencia and spanish health care prior to brexit.

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09 Jul 2016 9:58 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


On the health care aspect.  UK Citizens only get that if they work and thus pay in, or if retired have an S1 from DWP.    In the latter case the DWP then pay somewhere around £3,000 p.a. for each of us,  for that so caled  ‘free cover’.      So I cannot see how that can be a Right.

Sorry to appear to split hairs, but it may be important if UK leave the EU to understand the difference.   ‘Residencia’  is required by Non EU citizens and is not available to EU citizens.  They register on the EU Citizens Register.  If UK leaves the EU Brits may then need Residencia.

Those who have lived legally in Spain for 5 years acquire permanent residence status, so although they may need to apply for, and then renew every 10 years, their Residencia, it would appear they cannot be required to leave Spain.  My wife is Non EU and has permanent residence status.  She has the Right to stay here forever.

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09 Jul 2016 7:14 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Just to clarify the S1 is NOT just for those who have retired 

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Jul 2016 11:08 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Tadd:   I said, "if retired have an S1"  I did not say,  "the S1 is  just for those who have retired". 

I had an E121 (now replaced by the S1) before I was 50, so would not have made that mistake.

My post was that such cover is almost certainly not a Right as Nic said, but a service which is paid for one way or another..





This message was last edited by johnzx on 10/07/2016.

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10 Jul 2016 4:45 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Johnzx the E106 and E109 were for none pensioners and are part of the S1 now as us the E121

Not  sure how you would have gotten a E121 when you we under 50 but we drift sorry

Your earlier post was not clear which is why I posted my comment

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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10 Jul 2016 5:14 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I do not want to get into an argument but if not true I would not have said,   "I did have an E121 before I was 50."   I was on invalidity benefit,   now I believe called incapacity benefit.


Just in case you do not accept this, Please read .


  If you are in receipt of a UK old age state pension or long term sickness benefit, obtain an S1 form (previously E121) from the International Pension Centre on +44 191 218 7777. Once issued, register the S1 form with your local INSS office, before you register with your local GP surgery and obtain a medical card.

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10 Jul 2016 7:05 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

no argument just clarification for all

did not know E121 covered invalidity and E106 & E109 (now both under S1 as E121) were for workers with dependants living in Spain (or other EU/EEA states)


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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11 Jul 2016 5:05 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Things moving rapidly in the UK.

Andrea Leadsom steps down, Theresa May should now be in place as Prime Minister by Wednesday evening after David Cameron deals with his final PM questions in Parliament earlier on Wednesday. So no prolonged period of transition.

Osborne (Chancellor) reporting from New York suggested optimistic soundings but who knows where all of this will finally lead?

Watch this space as they say!

Any news on EU reform?????


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11 Jul 2016 10:15 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by hughjardon on 12/07/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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12 Jul 2016 9:29 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Well I have been back in the UK now for a three months and it's fantastic no miserable Spanish just lovely genuine Brits a real breath of fresh air 

The UK really gets on with it new Prime minister just like owd Maggie brill

Cant wait to be involved of the wonderful future of UK 

Live the Sout east coast Chavs are alright we fit right in 

Hamilton Murray brilliant the Brits are the best in the world

why did I waste a third of my life in Spain 

Well its good to know that the Brexit has done someone some good, and that you are going to be helping the old country out with your excessive Council tax, high rents, drinks tax, eating in restaurant food tax, income tax and every other excessive tax that comes with living in England, also be very careful you don't get stabbed or murdered as England has now become a very dangerous place to live in, as opposed to your past easy living  you told us you enjoyed being under the radar in Spain with cheap Sunday roasts, cheap pints, no income tax, no council tax, free swimming pool.

Brexit for some is working so it would seem....But the Radar in the UK is far superior to that what you have been used to.

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13 Jul 2016 7:51 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Baz1946 before you start running down the UK by making statement's about criminal activities in the UK ,have a look at the  official Spain verses UK crim statistics on the net ,hence the steel bar's that are the norm  fitted to your villa in Spain or are that fitted for decoration maybe you could answer that one,and as far as paying high Tax in the UK is concerned ,I personally don't have a problem with that as it help's to pay for the expat pensions .

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13 Jul 2016 9:47 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Baz1946 before you start running down the UK by making statement's about criminal activities in the UK ,have a look at the  official Spain verses UK crim statistics on the net ,hence the steel bar's that are the norm  fitted to your villa in Spain or are that fitted for decoration maybe you could answer that one,and as far as paying high Tax in the UK is concerned ,I personally don't have a problem with that as it help's to pay for the expat pensions .

Windtalker, you really should read the post before you go of firing a blank, then you might notice I actually said...'England has now become a very dangerous place to live in'...As a general rule the 'NOW' word means as opposed to what it used to be in the not so distant past, and if you don't see that then I suggest you get about more or even watch news at Ten, the rule of the knife has taken over from the old style fist fight and make up afterwards, it's common now to beat up older people, just observe more to what is really happening now.

The steel grills and door bars fitted in Spain probably are a throwback from the past due to the lack of, and cost, of proper house insurance, and for sensible extra security now have carried on, next when your in Spain look around and you will see many house's, new and old don't have them even now.

I have to travel to Paddington in London on occasions, I go by road, you would be amazed at the amount of house's that now have grills on the front doors and a metal gate leading to the property, many have full alarms and security camera's, some are now getting full metal drop down steel shutters over the windows, its common sense to protect your house and goods, my own house here has a full electronic security alarm, full security cameras.

The crime figures you mention are almost, like the UK based on the cost of living, no money, we steal it, hooked on drugs, we steal for them, I have no work...You got it....I want it. Wise up to security Windtalker.

Now lets discuss the tax problem, again had you absorbed my post in answer to 'What ever his name is' about Spain you would know that in the past this person has given advice to other posters on here that he / they lived under the radar, paying into the Spanish system nothing, actually pulling England down in comparison to the high cost of living comparing both places, then comes back.  

Now sorry for this Windtalker, but only a very immature person would believe that paying high taxes helps to pay for the expat pensions, so none of your tax goes to the MP's to waste then? None goes to the councils for anybody to get a council paid for car then? None goes to keep layabouts out of work then?.....On and On and On.

I could go on about the high tax in the UK but honestly I don't think judging by your comments you could understand much more.

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13 Jul 2016 11:27 AM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

has the expat not paid for his pension?

grilles are fitted to most for security as most of the houses belong to holliday home owners  who are only here for a couple of weeks. Try to get insursnce in the u.k. for property only used a couple of week per annum.

most of what you post I do agree with  but to compain about expat pensions is an insult to me who paid taxex in the uk for 50 years, was never given any handout, always paid for work done for me with bills that had tax statement on them

windtalker is a little, no a lot immature

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13 Jul 2016 11:34 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

A useful website showing crime stats by post code:

Back in Jan 2016 the Telegraph suggested there was a spike in the London and the SE area and they highlighted the following.

The pattern of immigration is part of a cocktail of factors that has led to the increase in the murder figures,” said David Wilson, professor of criminology at Birmingham City University.

“The wider range of tasks that detectives have been asked to do in the last five years, and the decline in detective numbers, will also have an impact – but this will only really become apparent when data on clear-up rates emerge as time goes on.”

A murder squad detective, who declined to be named, said: “We have anecdotal evidence that we’re seeing growing numbers of murders involving migrants, particularly eastern European men. Large numbers of men in this group come here to work … and tend to live in house shares where they do a lot of drinking. “This can lead to fallings out, and violence, particularly at weekends. We need to do more work on this because it’s only just starting to show up in the figures.”

It would be interesting to note if this has been further clarified since then and whether Police resources have now been better allocated to deal with this in those areas worst affected.

It needs to be stressed however that there are many living in the UK who do not recognise your generalisations baz1946 so this needs to be put into perspective.




This message was last edited by ads on 13/07/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 13/07/2016.

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13 Jul 2016 11:58 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

You don't see any steel bars fitted to houses in the UK  I live in a area with a lot of holiday homes ,still know steel bar's fitted.

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13 Jul 2016 12:19 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


I understand and relate to your point about paying into the pension system all your life without taking benefits in kind, but where it becomes a little more complicated is when you consider those who have done likewise but still live in the UK and contribute to the UK economy through their continued consumer spending which in itself assists the UK economy.

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13 Jul 2016 1:08 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

You don't see any steel bars fitted to houses in the UK  I live in a area with a lot of holiday homes ,still know steel bar's fitted.

Maybe so in your area, but I did quote the area to and from Paddington in London and all plain to see, the East End of London has a good few now as against none some years back, they are ugly and would be very ugly on many english homes....Not half as ugly as a house break in though.

As for the crime being put into perspective, one of my friends both he and his wife work in the sector delivering prisoners and people who have been convicted of, or going to be convicted of a crime, they don't have enough hours in the day to deliver 'Customers', they have 15 delivery vans covering the East of the country alone, many of the crimes are knife related, many drug crimes, large proportion fights etc etc, ask any older person if they will go out at night, that wasn't how it used to be.

I did not mention who does these crimes.

England now has no go areas, why? Is because they are so nice people wont visit them? 

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