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09 Jan 2017 2:12 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

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Generally this type of situation is brought about by financial recessions, which are generally brought about by greed and the usual self interest. I think the banks were mainly to blame, but the regulators and the politicians turned a blind eye to their behavior. 


Sometimes I have to ask myself, does anyone in power really care about the man in the street.


This message was last edited by potblack on 09/01/2017.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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09 Jan 2017 3:47 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Theresa May has just said,

"I'm tempted to say that the people who are getting it wrong are those who print things saying 'I'm talking about a hard Brexit, (that) it is absolutely inevitable there's a hard Brexit'," she said.

"I don't accept the terms hard and soft Brexit. What we're doing is going to get an ambitious, good and best possible deal for the United Kingdom in terms of... trading with and operating within the single European market."

...clearly no plan.

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09 Jan 2017 3:54 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

...clearly no plan.

As you full welll know in this country we have freedom of speech.....Write and tell her she clearly has no plan, tell her your plan.

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09 Jan 2017 4:46 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

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The clue is in the wording

What we're doing is going to get an ambitious, good and best possible deal for the United Kingdom in terms of... trading with and operating within the single European market."

Thats a plan, now we have tonwaitvand see if and how the EU responds or accepts our plan.

Trade as usual BUT No complete freedom of movement, simples.

Of course you will argue that the EU will not entertain that, clearly they have told you their plan.

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09 Jan 2017 4:54 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

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potblack´s avatar



Generally this type of situation is brought about by financial recessions, which are generally brought about by greed and the usual self interest. I think the banks were mainly to blame, but the regulators and the politicians turned a blind eye to their behavior. 


Sometimes I have to ask myself, does anyone in power really care about the man in the street.


Pot Black, perhaps you have answered your own question and just discovered why voters in the UK voted against the advice of politicians and why Trump got so much support in USA, the man in the street no longer trysts politicians.


As Ads has often stated, politicians and bureaucrats in positions of power need to understand and learn thus.

The EU does very little for the working man, it supports wasted capital expenditure, big business, banks and those employed on the gravy train and cares little for the likes of the rest of us.

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09 Jan 2017 4:58 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 the UKs New Iron Lady has a plan she clearly stated Out of the single market and to take back the UK Border control that political establishment gave away without the permission of the people of the UK now what part of that statement don't you understand.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 09/01/2017.

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09 Jan 2017 5:14 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

It must have been a very clever person who first though up the idea of the Common Market and the EU as we know it, trying to go back in years where did these useless politicians go when they left what ever position in power they had, or retirement loomed it's ugly head, they couldnt all go into big business as advisors, or play golf, was this all a well thought out  future plan, like a free-bee ride club for the useless, where you get to take thousands, do very little, speak and promise a whole lot more, depending on the job status make up stupid rules, fill up a rule book or two, never again have to retire on a UK State ( And an EU pension) funded pension, but by all means take one, along with the free bus pass and fuel allowance, and invoice us for a bath plug.

As I see it, quite a useless job, for useless people, in a useless system, doing useless things.

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09 Jan 2017 5:26 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Why should she have a plan? She was a moderate remainer who was Home Secretary, she never expected to become PM, and has had six months to settle into the job, very similar to Churchill who had to ease out the appeasers. She did the correct thing by appointing a Brexit minister, it's David Davis who needs to devise a plan, and I wager that he has the makings of one.


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09 Jan 2017 6:38 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

The EU does very little for the working man, it supports wasted capital expenditure, big business, banks and those employed on the gravy train and cares little for the likes of the rest of us.


The UK does very little for the working man, it supports wasted capital expenditure, big business, banks and those employed on the gravy train and cares little for the likes of the rest of us.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Jan 2017 9:38 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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The more I hear from Mrs May the more I realise that she is an idealist with no plan for Brexit.  I like her for that.

She will appease the Brexiteers by telling them what they want to hear for as long as she needs to.  Until she can bring her master plan together which has nothing to do with Brexit.  She wants to make the UK better by making it inclusive with the Government as the referree.    She is going to sell us a version of Brexit that makes us all happy and proud...but it ain't going to be Brexit as we know it.  Boy there are going to be some really peed-off DayDream B*Leavers on this site in two years time...It is all about shared society and social reforms, because that is what she believes the country really, really wants.  I guess we can start calling her TMay Spice.


I think she is dreaming, but it is a noble venture nontheless.

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09 Jan 2017 9:54 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I think Perrypower1 is a ringer ,his real name is Tony Blair.

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10 Jan 2017 7:09 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


Why do you tell us TM has no plan and then procede to tell us that she has a 'master plan' and also give it us in detail as per your last contribution?. make up your mind.




This message was last edited by BigAl2015 on 10/01/2017.

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10 Jan 2017 8:39 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

I don't understand the logic of the postings on the site, where everyone thinks of a plan, or of no plan, to sum up the government over the leaving vote.

we have to face the reality that there is no plan that's enforceable anyway, its developing as we move forward, its a generic position we are finding ourselves in.   Any politician who comes up with 'a plan' is going to get shot down by others so 'a plan' is a poison chalice.   

The clever position, as I see it, is to let negotiations take place, let some time pass and gather all the information from the public, business, other parties, other of our own union countries and consider what our best options and feelings, and issues are.

then I believe the true negotiation can begin, with purpose.   And I believe this can only begin after the trigger and by having some united goals to aim at   

One thing mr Cameron found out, and Nicola sturgeon, is that trying to be alone in the process and force your own opinion, is not what is called for here   

So the plan is........there is no plan.    Am I saying anything you lot didn't already know?

The key is that the trigger has to be on time by Mrs May, that's the only promise she can work towards.  I believe any politician or lawyer who holds that timing up will be deeply unpopular.  

This message was last edited by briando55 on 10/01/2017.


Best wishes, Brian


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10 Jan 2017 9:10 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

I am happy with being unpopular on EOS - Brexit and if I could hold up Article.50 trigger I would

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10 Jan 2017 9:25 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


You ARE and you CAN'T.

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10 Jan 2017 10:36 AM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

No windtalker, the way that he side steps question and tap dances around the obvious, I reckon that pp is actually Lionel Blair. 



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10 Jan 2017 1:55 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

pp This is your post from June 24th

The Quebec referendum of 1995 was 49.42% out and 50 58% in.  Difference was 54,000 votes on a 93.52% turnout.  Can't get closer than that.  Both sides honoured the conclusion.  There has been no further referendum on the question since (20 years).  If the leaves win I believe it will be honoured. I will honour it.  I expect the same from the leavers if the remains win. Any suggestion that the loosing side needs to be appeased is not going to happen. This not a general election.  Nor is it a call for a general election. 

Why don't you honour what you have said?

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10 Jan 2017 2:00 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

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Perhaps we should rename him AUSTIN POWER a man who has great TROUBLE in adapting to the modern world after LIVING in a FROZEN STATE for Decades

Ho Ho 



I stiil belive PERVY is MICKEYFINN 

ps Jarvi think youve got him in a corner now



This message was last edited by hughjardon on 10/01/2017.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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10 Jan 2017 3:12 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


You battled through circa 6 months worth of pp's finest to find this little treasure, had you mentioned this in December we might just have got you onto the New Years Honours List, I assume that you are receiving counciling for this act of selflessness. 



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10 Jan 2017 5:13 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

plan, or of no plan - That is the question?


The plan has always been simple.

1. Leave the EU

2. Get the best possible deal/outcome for both sides


Soft or hard - is nonsense.

Remaining in the single market was ruled out in the event of leaving by both sides.

Comparisons with Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, Timbuktu or Outer Mongolia are all pretty meaningless because we start from membership, not from being outside. We move from our current relationship to another.

The obvious course has always been to start from where we are and adjust with time.

The government seems to be making the first preparation for this by bringing EU directives into UK law. A move which can allow ad hoc change with circumstance.

An agreement to leave on a certain date with financial adjustments and with no further obligation to future EU directives would be easy to make. We would then have to negociate on a case by case basis everytime we changed our legislation in a way that affected the EU.

The first such negociation would be on the end of free movement.


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