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29 Nov 2016 11:51 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Family allowance is £20 .70pw for the first child and £13.70 pw for every other child coupled up with a host of other benifts ads up to approximately £300 on top of a £200 pw wage if you. Employed people you would know this ,don't as me how I know so a migrants with wife a 3 kids gets a little bit more than your made up figure of £485 per year .
This message was last edited by windtalker on 29/11/2016.

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29 Nov 2016 11:59 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Windtalker, whatever the numbers, at least you have finally worked out it's GOV UK that you have the issue with and not the EU!




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29 Nov 2016 12:06 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Windtalker I dont see what your issue is. The man is working, contributing to the UK economy paying tax and NI at the UK rates and supporting his family. Why does it  mattert where that family happen to live? If the UK choose to give the man cash to support his family then it's a UK government decision. You cannot discriminate against people the rules apply equally.

I receive pensions from the UK and live in Europe and €7000 per annum from the NHS to pay for my healthcare. Do you have a problem with that as well? 

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Nov 2016 12:14 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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If the children and the partner/spouse live in another EEA Country they usually claim for Child Benefit in the country where the children live.

In order to claim child benefit in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden the child must be resident in the territory.

Only in the UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, and the Netherlands can child benefit be claimed for children who live in another EU state. This is to give UK Parents who live abroad for work etc the same rights as they would get at home.  The UK does not have to do this.  It is not because of the EU.  It is a decision that the UK (and the others like Germany) have made. Source is Migration Watch who are anti EU so I don't think they are telling fibs.

In the whole of the UK there are only 20,000 claims for children living abroad which is £25 million per year.  The converse of this, UK Parents working abroad claiming UK Child Benefit is higher.  We have to pay the former if we want to pay the UK Parents otehwise it is descrimination.  But it is our choice.  We don't have to pay either.


This message was last edited by perrypower1 on 29/11/2016.

This message was last edited by perrypower1 on 29/11/2016.

This message was last edited by perrypower1 on 29/11/2016.

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29 Nov 2016 12:45 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Oh, and just to be clear; we don't pay the full amount of Child Benefit on non-resident children just the difference between rates in the EU Country where they live and here in the UK...but that is a decision we have made unlike the majority of EU Countries.


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29 Nov 2016 12:54 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 you forgot to mention the 900,000 polish that are entitled to live in the UK and send the DSS benefit back to their country of orig and I think you are wrong according to EU rules the UK must provide the same for any EU citizen that resides in the UK the same DSS benefits as a UK citizen this was something that Mr Cameron tried to change pre Brexit Referendum. And failed he was told that the EU would not agree to any changes until the system in place collapsed .
This message was last edited by windtalker on 29/11/2016.

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29 Nov 2016 1:47 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


the Uk pays benefits and provide state funded health care to anyone (EU or non EU) who are entiltled to work in the UK and / or legally reside in the UK

the solution is simple change the UK rules

what anyone (who is entiltled to benefits) does with their benefit money is really up to them whether they spend it abroad or spend it in the pub.

Most are working to support their familes and operating well within the laws of the UK

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Nov 2016 1:50 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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The number of Polish people who claim for Child Benefit to be paid for children in Poland is 15,499 acording to Migration Watch.  They are by far the largest group.  Tax Credit awards for Polish people in the UK for children living in Poland is only 2,278 claims.  The next biggest group is from EIRE at 699 and from Spain there are...wait for it...79. 

Given there are over 3.3 million Tax Credit awards in the UK we are talking about less than one tenth of one percent in total for all the EU.  Hardly a strain the budget.  And please don't forget they have to be working, paying tax and paying NI to get a claim accepted.

DSS is housing benefit.  I don't know how EU migrants can send their DSS back to their country of origin as they would need it to pay their rent in the UK.  Some is paid directly to landlords.  Some is paid to the tenant to pay to the landlord.  I don't know of any landlords who say, "Okay, you don't pay me the rent, instead send it to some other EU country and you can live in my rental property free of charge."

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29 Nov 2016 1:53 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Polish immigrants take £1bn out of the UK economy


Last updated at 01:08 28 June 2007

Polish immigrants sent home almost £1billion in the first three months of this year, it has been revealed 

The cash taken out of the UK economy would otherwise have been spent in shops, restaurants and other businesses here. 

The figures, compiled by the National Bank of Poland, showed that £1.1 billion was sent back from Western Europe to family members living in the former Eastern Bloc country since January. 

More than three-quarters of the total is thought to be from Britain, where the majority of Polish migrants moved following the expansion of the EU in 2004. 

This means that the total siphoned out of the UK economy is somewhere between £825 million and £1 billion - a rise of around a quarter on the same period last year . 

It is the equivalent of up to £2,500 sent home by each one of the 400,000 Poles living in Britain. 

Although the sum is too small to dent the health of the British economy, MPs warned that it could begin to have an impact if the trend continues. 

Businesses will be forced to tighten their belts if cash paid out in wages is being sent out of the country, rather than spent here. 

Tory MP James Clappison said: "This is yet another consequence of Eastern European migration which the Government failed to predict.

As you can see this is a few years old, no reason to think it's now stopped, even the Bank of Poland Governer wondered why so many English 50's were being put through the Polish banking system. 



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29 Nov 2016 2:01 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

DSS (Housing Benefit) was scrapped in May 2015 for EU Migrants.  If we stayed in the EU, EU migrants would not be entitled to in-work benefits for seven years from tehs tart of employemnt in the UK (Tax Credits, JSA, etc.)

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29 Nov 2016 2:11 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

The money you are talking about BAZ is not coming from benefits.  It is money from earnings that has been taxed in the UK.  Are you saying that people should not be able to spend their savings on supporting their families?  Are you saying that British ex-pat workers should not be allowed to send their savings home to the UK?

James Slack is a British journalist. He was appointed political editor of the Daily Mail newspaper in October 2015.  Slack's arrival at the Dail Mail coincided afterwards with heavy and intense support for anti migrant campaigns and other hateful stories that were often widely disproved. One such article led to an apology in the Daily Mail itself. Slack's time with The Daily Mail has coincided with the rise of The Stop Funding Hate campaign asking Daily Mail advertisers such as John Lewis, Waitrose, BA, Lidl amnd Lego to stop placing advertisements in this well known extreme right wing media. Lego announced by Tweet that they had no more plans for sponsored advertisements in the newspaper.  (source Wikipedia)

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29 Nov 2016 2:17 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Shall we all stop discussing Brexit and just sit back and wait fir the EU to implode?

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29 Nov 2016 2:44 PM by mikelorna Star rating. 40 posts Send private message

29 Nov 2016 3:04 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 this is how it's done they rent a 3 bed house and 12 people share it,s mostly men ,I have come across in my business ,it seems to be the norm for migrants that come to the UK without their families.I wish I new you personally as I would invite you to come to work with me for a couple of days I think you would soon be whistling another tune.
This message was last edited by windtalker on 29/11/2016.

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29 Nov 2016 3:38 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The money you are talking about BAZ is not coming from benefits.  It is money from earnings that has been taxed in the UK.  Are you saying that people should not be able to spend their savings on supporting their families?  Are you saying that British ex-pat workers should not be allowed to send their savings home to the UK?

Yes I do know where it comes from Perrypower, For the sake of repeating myself I work with many people coming into the country for one day a week, I know how the system works and how they work it to benefit them, quite a few are claiming for kids they don't have back home, we send the money back to their country and with very few questions asked our end, hard to believe isn't it? A lot I speak with cannot understand our system, they seem to all have the same opinion...The UK is paved with gold, it rains money, and I also know thats the UK's fault not the EU.

I have been out with border patrols, want a shambles, thats it.

Many Poles, and many others, I know have no families over here, many also do, the singles tend to drink the wages up, buy all the top latest gear, many have no money left over at the end of the week or month, yet still the money goes over to Poland, hows that work then? a couple have told me they get the money paid to them in the hope it goes back, no doubt thats how the £50's travel.

Sorry but it's not as black and white as some on here would want it to be.


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29 Nov 2016 4:28 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Windtalker describes foreigners as if they are an alien species. Migrants are human the same as you who simply want an opportunity to better their lives. If they are willing to work for that then that’s OK with me from wherever they originate and wherever their families live.

It is not the fault of migrants if the UK benefit system is generous to working people. If their families reside abroad does that not save the government housing benefit cost.

I know many a British person who lives in Europe and claims means tested pension credits and incapacity benefit from the UK illegally, winter fuel allowance, pay no tax and have the life of Riley. It cuts both ways.

In fact since the Brexit vote the NFU have said farmers are starting to struggle to recruit field workers because EU migrants now don’t think there is a future in the UK post Brexit. They may well be right.

Carrots, et al; will all rot in the ground and the costs will rise for consumers. There is a huge cost for Brexit coming down the tracks but everyone is still in denial. Only the ForeX markets have called it about right. Give it two years and reality will dawn.


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 29/11/2016.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Nov 2016 4:49 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Mickyfinn you should look up the meaning of Foreigners, and we are not talking about the odd Brit that is fiddling the system, that are few and far between ,we are talking about the whole of the EU with the right to claim the UK benefit system this is why our DSS/NHS /Housing system is at breaking point the NHS employed more doctor's and nurses but they are fighting a losing battle because the cue's for free treatment are getting longer with the the whole of the EU at the front door.

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29 Nov 2016 5:10 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Most of the surveys I have read indicate the maximum number of EU migrants that have come to the UK and registered for NI in the last decade is 3 million. About one third have left as employment contracts ended. In a country of 65 million an extra 2 million spread around the nation is sustainable. I just dont believe that it causes the problems you state.

Im old enough to remember the same propaganda when Ugandan Asian arrived in the UK when Amin expelled them all. They all benefited the UK and have contributed over the years to the UK's prosperity.

There may be some hot spots where EU migrants are concentrated but in general the claim is overdone. In any case Brexit will not make much difference since those that have arrived will be able to stay and new workers will be required if the economy performs post Brexit.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Nov 2016 5:29 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


 .........................and we are not talking about the odd Brit that is fiddling the system, that are few and far between (one is too many)

.................. NHS employed more doctor's and nurses (many who are from outside of the UK and the EU - who also get in work benefits do you want to stop these???) .

the entire UK benefits and health care system is open to anyone who legally resides and / or works in the UK (UK citizens, EU citizens, none EU citizens etc, etc,)  as a result of UK rules, not EU rules.

What part do you not get?


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Nov 2016 5:31 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Im old enough to remember the same propaganda when Ugandan Asian arrived in the UK when Amin expelled them all.

Not sure where your memories originate. But perhaps you were not living in the UK at the time.

I'm more than old enough as well. My memory tells me that the British public welcomed the Ugandan and Kenyan asians who were being murdered in Africa. The public believed we had a responsibility to these people who's ancestors were encouraged to move to Africa in imperial times. What the public did not like was ilegal immigrants from the Indian sub continent being smuggled in by the lorry load and allowed to stay. The African asians were mostly Hindus and Janes, with a work ethic, who were thankful for our hospitality and prepared to integrate. My parents lived near the RAF camp at West Wittering where most of them first went to and where they were welcomed by the local population. Later I lived next door but one to a family that we got on extremely well with.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 29/11/2016.

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