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17 Feb 2017 1:22 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

"BRITAIN would still vote to unshackle itself from the bureaucratic European Union (EU) if the referendum was rerun today, according to a new poll which rejects Remainers’ desperate claims many voters now regret their decision.

A survey by campaign group ‘Hope not Hate’ shows 44 per cent of people would vote to leave and 41 per cent would vote to Remain. 

The remainder are undecided or would not vote, according to the 76-page State of Hate report which surveyed 1,679 people.

The result flies in the face of many bitter Remainers who called for a second referendum when the momentous vote failed to deliver the outcome they wanted."

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17 Feb 2017 1:24 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

"THE falling price of food will allow British households to save around £305 a year after Brexit, according to the former Environment Secretary.

Owen Paterson, who served in David Cameron’s Cabinet, said Britons would be able to take advantage of “cheaper food at world prices” once the UK leaves the customs union.

Speaking at the launch of a Brexit-backing free trade pressure group on Thursday, Mr Paterson said: “There are massive gains for every single citizen if we leave the customs union and we escape the common external tariff."


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17 Feb 2017 1:29 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Why do we need a running commentary on BREXIT thread of what the media is reporting and saying. We all have TV, Internet and can read newspapers. These type of posts are just spam from members who have nothing of their own to say.

Is this spam allowed in order to increase pageview website hits?.

Who said this (sorry dont have time to look through lots of posts)?  That sounds to me like we are being 'persuaded' not to say anything thats reported in the general news unless it fits in with a persons views, doesnt it?

Potblack said it. 

If you don't have the time to go through lots of posts (Which you had to have done) do you just pick on something and accuse other people of of posting then?


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17 Feb 2017 1:38 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

This is what treacherous Tony did for us

"Tony Blair's decision to cut Britain's European Union rebate is set to cost British taxpayers billions of pounds more than previously estimated. New figures from the Treasury show for the first time that the cost of the decision, dubbed a "surrender" at the time, will continue even after the period covered by Mr Blair's negotiations ends in 2013. The cost of the move to each working household in Britain between 2009 - when the full effect of the lost rebate began to kick in - and 2015, the date of the next general election, is now put at £694.61. The revelations will greatly add to the pressure on David Cameron to claw back some of the money when he begins the next set of negotiations on the rebate in 2012.The former prime minister was strongly criticised over his failure to win concessions when he decided to reduce Britain's Brussels rebate five years ago in a move which sparked one of the most serious rows between him and Gordon Brown. The rebate was won in 1984 by Margaret Thatcher. However Mr Blair described it as an "anomaly that has to go" and gave up large chunks of it in return for a vague promise of a root-and-branch reform of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), which has never happened.

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17 Feb 2017 5:02 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Baz. My post earlier was.  


Hey Windtalker,

Just because Donald Trump uses innapropriate language and shouts loud, and claims anything that suits him is fake news doesnt mean we have to import this to our side of the Atlantic.

We have one person on here saying don't report the news at all and another claiming someones observation and opinion is fake news.  Get a grip and use common sense is my reply.

So where have I referred to you in this?    I don't follow the thread of this at all!!!

I still don't have time to look back at many posts though, sorry.  


Best wishes, Brian


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17 Feb 2017 5:31 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

vague promise of a root-and-branch reform of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP),

Perhaps we should send a vague (much reduced) amount of money in exchange?


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17 Feb 2017 6:18 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

So where have I referred to you in this?    I don't follow the thread of this at all!!!

Perhaps if you did take the time to read your own posts about the comments...It's only a couple, if you have the time that is... then you might see what you have posted. But don't let it bother you anymore, I won't.



This message was last edited by baz1946 on 17/02/2017.

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17 Feb 2017 6:40 PM by GarySFBCN Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

Can't one be against Brexit and dislike Blair and his policies too? 

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17 Feb 2017 7:21 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Perhaps if you did take the time to read your own posts about the comments...It's only a couple, if you have the time that is... then you might see what you have posted. But don't let it bother you anymore, I won't.

Ok I won't.  No problem. 


Best wishes, Brian


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17 Feb 2017 8:07 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I wonder how much Blair was paid by Branson to make today's speech...... it must have been a tidy sum as Blair would not shake your hand unless he was being paid .

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17 Feb 2017 8:19 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

It will be up to each partnership to agree internally how it can best tackle the difficulties which would be thrown up by a lack of terminusity. The goal should be for every partner to configure its output in such a way as to maximise effectiveness without promising the individual agencies wider strategic goals.'

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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18 Feb 2017 11:42 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Why is the fact that someone takes a second well paid  career an issue? That’s the politics of envy and in no way weakens the message anyone ties to communicate.

Blair made some mistakes in the past, so do all humans beings but remember democrats he was elected three times by the people. Can anyone with hand on heart say they have not screwed up? If they can they are either liars or a fool.

The only difference is political mistakes tend to cause more human misery but that’s the nature of the job responsibility we expect from elected leaders. Churchill used to mess up all the time but kept a decent reputation to the end because of the times he lived through.

The most important message Blair was actually trying to say is in Britain today there is effective a one party state. The opposition is useless and muted by politicians who should be either be teaching in a secondary modern school or pushing pens behind a desk somewhere.

This government has a free rein to do as it wishes and it knows it. The only thing that stops it from being more authoritarian is the rule of law.

Britain is heading towards a disaster and they with any courage who truely cares about the nation needs to speak out now. I have never known a time in my life when I have actually felt Britain was in serious trouble until now.


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 18/02/2017.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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18 Feb 2017 12:33 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Of course he was popular and electorally good value.

Nomoroblem with him having a new career but can't understand why anyone would pay for a talk but hey each to their own.

This is not new career though, if he is serious, put up, reform a New Labour Party, include the Lib Dems and call it the we love the EU a Party, Branson will fund it.

Fight some by elections over the next 2 years and see what happens prior to Brexit.

Then we might take him seriously, itherwise allow Democracy take its turn.

If he's allowed mistakes so are the voters, the world will not end because of Brexit.

Armageddon is more likely via Trump than Brexit.


i don't ipunderstand all those who say we don't know what will happen after Brexit, no one, sorry very few, knew what would happen in the Crash of 2007 or after.

How can anyone know our future in EU, it's just cosey  cause we've been there for a while.

Predictions are exactly that, predictions, the only sure things are death and taxes but life will go on, humans, Brits are very resourceful people, we may be financially slightly worse of imitially, we may not, NO ONE knows for sure, either way.

The EU was a ideal that sadly a majority in the UK and large numbers in Europe are beginning to believe does not work, or won't adapt with changing times, just like Communism is perfect in theory.

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18 Feb 2017 12:37 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Mickyfinn Tony Blair was asked by a member of the press yesterday why he was making this speech .....Mr Blair replied live on TV that he was exercising his rights in a free country( Democracy) we had a Democratic vote in this free country of ours and we voted by a Majority to leave Mr Tony Blair is a Hypocrit .

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18 Feb 2017 1:38 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I have a customer who is an MP, taking about this to him the other day it turns out he hates blair with a vengeance, I didn't ask why, anyway he said that blair only wants to get back into the system, and the EU because the threat of blair being charged over war crimes is getting a little to hot for him and isn't going away, but once if blair did manage to get into the EU he could be protected from these war crimes and never be prosecuted.

 Now I am the messenger with this so don't shoot me, I don't understand the secret inner workings of our governments or the EU so maybe it's a possibility, certainly sounds like a blair thing that he would have found out, or was told about by his inner circle of criminals.

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18 Feb 2017 4:18 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

The vision for the future of Europe has been debated in the EU Parliament, and votes passed as shown below.

So long as we still remain in the EU (prior to Brexit), it's important to take note of what is happening in the EU Parliament with a view to the influence and "shock" from the Brexit result and how it has resulted in the EU member states parliamentary representatives finally acknowledging the need for reform(s) most notably the need for reform of the EU Commission and its democratic representation, reform of the Lisbon Treaty, but also remain aware of the features that still pose challenges to sovereign rights.

It will be interesting to hear how EOS posters view this, and if  this has the potential to lay the grounds for mutually beneficial outcomes to be achieved (via a less intransigent Commission) , from the upcoming negotiations once article 50 has been triggered. Also how realistic is the timeframe to this, plus does this timeframe allow for ongoing monitoring and review, so as to adequately respond to any issues that subsequently pose risks to cohesion across Europe (i,e. to address the need for greater flexiblility, where required).

Parliament sets out its vision for the future of Europe

Plenary Session Press release - Future of Europe/European integration / Institutions16-02-2017 - 12:42

If the EU is to boost its capacity to act, restore citizens’ trust and make the euro zone economy more resilient to outside shocks, it needs to make full use of the Lisbon Treaty. But to go further, it needs to reform itself more fundamentally. This was the key message of three resolutions exploring the future development of the European Union approved by Parliament on Thursday.


The first resolution, drafted by Mercedes Bresso (S&D, IT) and Elmar Brok (EPP, DE) focuses on making the most of the existing Lisbon Treaty. It proposes, inter alia, that:

  • the Council of Ministers should be turned into a genuine second legislative chamber, and its configurations into preparatory bodies similar to Parliament’s committees,
  • each member state should present at least three candidates, including both genders, for the role of “its” Commissioner,
  • the Council should switch completely to qualified majority voting, wherever this is possible under the treaties, to avoid blocking important draft laws and speed up the legislative process, and
  • a permanent Council of Defence Ministers should be set up to coordinate the member states’ defence policies.

“The European Union doesn't need a populist revolution. It needs peace and to adapt to the necessities of our time. This means coping with democratic challenges, providing citizens with social, fiscal, and ecological protection, defending their right to safety in a very degraded international context and delivering on our moral obligations to our neighbours.”, said Ms Bresso.


“Citizens expect solutions from Europe, and they are angry because they do not see answers being delivered. This is evident in a time with many challenges, but there are many problems that can only be solved together. The Lisbon Treaty offers plenty of possibilities for making the EU more efficient, accountable and transparent, which have not yet been tapped”, said Mr Brok.


The resolution was approved by 329 votes to 223 with 83 abstentions.


Ambitious reform of treaties


The second resolution, by Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE, BE), looks at ways to move further than the current toolbox allows and suggests various reforms of the Lisbon Treaty, in the areas of economic governance, foreign policy, fundamental rights and transparency. In it, MEPs:

  • suggest creating an EU finance minister and giving the EU Commission the power to formulate and give effect to a common EU economic policy, backed up by a euro-area budget,
  • reiterate that the European Parliament should have a single seat,
  • propose reducing the size of the College of EU Commissioners substantially, including by cutting the number of Vice-Presidents to two, and
  • state their belief in allowing EU citizens in each member state to vote directly on the European political parties’ lead candidates for Commission President.


“These reports give the blueprint of what a more perfect Union should look like. They do not propose European integration for the sake of it. Once these reports are adopted, the question is: what is the way forward? I know we can have a strong, powerful, respected European union and at the same time have flourishing local and national democracies. In fact, I believe the one is not possible without the other”, said Mr Verhofstadt.


The resolution was approved by 283 votes to 269 with 83 abstentions.


Muscle up the Eurozone


In the third resolution, Reimer Böge (EPP, DE) and Pervenche Berès (S&D, FR) propose bringing the euro area economies closer together and making them more resilient to outside shocks. They outline a convergence strategy funded by a specific euro area budget, financed by its member states and available under clear conditions. Key proposals include:

  • a fiscal capacity consisting of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and specific additional budgetary capacity for the euro area, funded by its members as a part of the EU budget,
  • a European Monetary Fund (which should gradually develop out of the ESM) with adequate lending and borrowing capacities and a clearly-defined mandate to absorb economic shocks,
  • a convergence code: five years to meet convergence criteria on taxation, labour market, investment, productivity, and social cohesion, and
  • governance: a bigger role for the European Parliament and national parliaments, merging the functions of Eurogroup President and economic and monetary affairs Commissioner, plus a finance minister and treasury within the European Commission.


“Stabilizing the Eurozone would be in the interests of the European Union as a whole. Our proposals will therefore lay the basis for any further negotiations with the other European institutions. International Monetary Fund experts have also responded positively, showing great interest in our ideas”, said Mr Böge.


"Sixty years after the Treaty of Rome was signed, the spirit of the European Union's founding fathers needs to be reignited. Creating a budget for the euro area would be a big step towards this goal, at a time when the need to preserve the euro's integrity has never been more urgent. By delivering solidarity to member states facing an exceptional crisis, absorbing macroeconomic shocks that can affect the euro zone as a whole and promoting upward convergence, such a tool could make the most of the currency, while helping to achieve full employment within the Union", said Ms Berès.


The resolution was approved by 304 votes to 255 with 68 abstentions.


All these proposals are part of a package that aims to clarify Parliament’s position on the future of the EU, in time for the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (March 2017).


Procedure:  non-legislative resolutions

REF. : 20170210IPR61812 Updated: ( 16-02-2017 - 13:40


This message was last edited by ads on 18/02/2017.

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18 Feb 2017 4:59 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Britain is heading towards a disaster

Do you have a crystal ball? Do you know something we don't? You concurred with all the 'project fear' predictions. They did not happen, the economy has gone from strength to strength and the BoE has to revise it's figures every three months.

As for Blair, he is just showing that he is not a democrat. We voted to leave the EU in a referendum. You can't just keep having referendums until he gets the result he wants. Nor did we vote to be in a half in half out mini Brexit.

Most of us sighed a sigh of relief when we got rid of 'president' Blair.

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18 Feb 2017 5:12 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

in Britain today there is effective a one party state

What a load of baloney.

If we all voted for a conservative, or labour, or liberal, or monster raving loony candidate at the next election. We would still have one representitive per constituency and be able to replace them at the next election. (They almost certainly would not agree with one another and would probably factionalise - new parties?).

A one party state is what Mr Mugabe or Mr Putin controls. There is no suggestion of anyone banning alternative groupings or those that disagree with them.

We get a lot of this exageration at the moment with people suggesting that Trump is like Hitler and about to overthrow the US's 250 year old democracy. It ain't going to happen and we are nothing like a one party state. Whatever you, or Mr Blair, might suggest.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 18/02/2017.

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18 Feb 2017 5:55 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

The only one party state is the EUSSR. Do as we tell you or else......Roll on full Brexit

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18 Feb 2017 6:49 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

If there is little or weaken parliamentary opposition to the party in power you have effectively one party power. Now you may well be comfortable about that situation because the party in power happens to do your your bidding.

However there exists a sizable section of the British population that feels very differently about many things. I ask who then represents them in the process of government?

Real democracy is about respecting the views and opinions of the minority and governing accordingly with the consent of all the people. Ultimately unless thats done your arrive at serious civil conflict.


Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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