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23 Nov 2016 1:56 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Any EU citizens that are refuse entry into the UK ,are usually wanted for crime's that they have committed in their country of origin hence the passport check ,so if you are not wanted by the police your passport gives you freedom of movement in all 28 EU countries ,your passport is only used for identity purposes only.

Yes you are correct but that same criminal can travel around most of mainland EU especially those who have signed up to the Schengen agreement  (e.g Spain to France, to Italy etc) without any fear of border controls as there are none!!

but if they try to get into the UK the UK border controls will catch them, simple really, as the UK has control of its own borders as do othe EU countries who have not signed up to the Schengen agreement.

The UK border control allow people in who are entilted to entry via a visa, visa waiver agreements or EU freedom of movement etc. but they still have checks and control of borders


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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23 Nov 2016 5:53 PM by mikelorna Star rating. 40 posts Send private message

Hello , Where is the  NHS £350 million per day gone it was all lies lies and more lies lets have a second referendum ,Norway had two so did ireland . i Guarantee the stay result will be much much more than 48 .5 % a lot more . If the Brexiters are so confident what have they to lose .

                                                         Mike Pickering

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23 Nov 2016 6:03 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

I want a replay of the Man utd and Arsenal game as I bet if its played again Man U will win and a replay of the general election as I bet the Conservatives will get more seats.

Oh dear, it doesn't work like that.

No second referendum.  Its called democracy.

Also regarding the 350 million - On the bus it said "we could fund the NHS with £350 million a day" - no where did it say we will. Why would you give the NHS £350 million pounds a day anyway? They would probably waste £300 million of it on Managers and Consultants. All of us that voted to leave the EU-SSR were under no illusions about that.

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23 Nov 2016 6:12 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I want a replay of my 1st marriege.......Now I know the outcome I won't turn up this time.

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23 Nov 2016 6:18 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Never thought of that one. I want a replay of my 1st and 2nd marriages.

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23 Nov 2016 7:02 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1222 posts Send private message

Also regarding the 350 million - On the bus it said "we could fund the NHS with £350 million a day" - no where did it say we will. Why would you give the NHS £350 million pounds a day anyway?

A day? Good God, if it cost that much I'd have voted out. The totally made up and exaggerated figure of £350 a week was actually what was promised.

The former head of the Leave campaign, Gisela Stuart, said "The UK sends £350 million a week to the EU. Let's use it to fund the NHS instead." And the bus didn't say anything like you have quoted. It actually said "We send the EU £350 million a week. Let's fund our NHS instead".

At loads of meetings with Bojo,signs behind him said "Let's give our NHS the £350 million a week the EU takes".

Please point out where the word "could" comes into any of that.

Reversocycle appears to be out in force.


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23 Nov 2016 7:08 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Now it is calculated and UK voters know after today’s autumn statement that the financial cost to the treasury of Brexit is £58 billion. Public sector borrowing next year will be over 90% of GDP and growth will slow to 1.7% as a consequence of Brexit

Britain will be £122 billion poorer.  Poorer than during the credit crisis, poorer than the IMF crisis in the seventies.

Scaremongering it is not. Realities of Brexit comes home to roost

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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23 Nov 2016 7:27 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

You cannot put a PRICE on freedom seems like a bargain to ME 

WORLD WAR ONE cost four times that in TODAYS money

Love Hugh xxx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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23 Nov 2016 7:41 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

The price of freedom and independence from the EUSSR is priceless.

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23 Nov 2016 7:45 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

As previously identified on this thread, the 350 million was the GROSS figure and this and various options as to where this could be reallocated ( such as the NHS)  was FURTHER CLARIFIED over and over again on LIVE TV coverage during the many debates and intense cross questioning by astute interviewers. FACT I'm afraid.

What is interesting here however are the repetitive reinforcement techniques being employed ( and were also used during the campaign post clarification), by those wishing to remain, but so hypocritical when you consider that they implied it was the "leave " campaigners  reinforcing this was  a net figure and intended solely for the NHS   when in reality the only ones continuing to suggest this falsehood ( post clarification) were the remainers!

Sad that they continue to do so in the hope that if they repeatedly suggest that it was net ( not gross) and intended solely for the NHS,  over and over again, that this will become fact. 

They need to understand that this type of false reinforcement fools noone  and moreover it only reinforces the fact that some remainers sadly refuse to face this clarification.

No-one had any excuse to be under any illusion prior to the vote and after so many live debates. of the leave campaigners position on this I.e.   that this was anything other than a gross figure that could be used for  the NHS, as opposed to a definite intention to solely fund the NHS.


This message was last edited by ads on 23/11/2016.

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23 Nov 2016 7:52 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

What are you waffling about Micky?

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23 Nov 2016 7:56 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Same old, same old. On, and on it goes. If project fear doesn't work keep repeating it, again and again.

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23 Nov 2016 7:59 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


Bringing up the pathetic 350 mill claim by some yet again is a little like the crowing on here when sterling fell 20% against the euro, everybody mentioned it.

Now no one is talking about its 8% recovery from the lows, this is what commodity prices like oil and currencies do, fluctuate.

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23 Nov 2016 8:05 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1222 posts Send private message

Re your last ads.

Really? So how come some on here are still talking about the 350 million a week (or if you're a bit simple you can refer to it as 350 million a day). And how come they are now, retrospectively, denying what the posters and the bus said by changing the words that weren't there? You can read any site that has this subject on and the 350 million crops up time after time so many people did believe it. It was only after the vote was in that Farage and Gove admitted it was net. Now they are saying that none of this money will be spent on the NHS at all.

I think you need to study your attitudes before laying it all on the remainers. Just like the posters and the claims that Turkey would be joining the EU "shortly" and many other things.

Lies on both sides but at least acknowledge the half truths and downright lies came from both sides. 

It's over, just like this thread should be. People still arguing, and lying, should simply try and make the best of the situation and do the best for UK and UK citizens living in the EU rather than rehashing the lies and recriminations.

And that's it, no more from me on this thread which should do an oozlum bird and disappear somewhere the sun don't shine.


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23 Nov 2016 8:06 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

the 350 million was the GROSS figure and this and various options as to where this could be reallocated ( such as the NHS)  was FURTHER CLARIFIED over and over again on LIVE TV coverage during the many debates and intense cross questioning by astute interviewers. FACT I'm afraid.


You will not stop the remoaners going on about this Ad Infinitum they seem to think that one slightly misleading statement is sufficient reason for re-running the referendum. There was a whole bunch of lies promulgated by Project Fear. The most despicable of these was that your pension will have to be cut. This was aimed at pensioners in the knowledge that their accumulated knowledge and experience would lead them to vote out.

The fact is that the whole preponderence of propaganda mis-information and the amount spent on it was with the 'in' campaign and they were unable to overturn the inherent desire for freedom and democracy in the electorate.

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23 Nov 2016 8:31 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message


That's the whole point.... The reinforcement, after the leave campaigners were taken to task and quite rightly made to clarify this figure, which was definitely covered on live TV before the vote on several occasions, was being wrongly reinforced by the remainers, no doubt with intent to confuse ( which obviously worked if there are still those intent on querying this).

As for other "lies" as you put it, many issues related to differences in economic modelling, which ironically have now been proven wrong and even Osborne admitted failings in this regard when he confessed that the short term modelling was far too pessimistic ( something again which was identified on this thread at the time via an economist's critique which has proved remarkably realistic). I seem to remember that this was dismissed by many from the remain camp at the time.




This message was last edited by ads on 23/11/2016.

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23 Nov 2016 8:33 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Just so both sides know exactly what was written on the bus!


Image result for Brexit bus


This message was last edited by tteedd on 23/11/2016.

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23 Nov 2016 10:47 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

how about the lies or was it just spin from the all powerful IMF who originally urged us to join the Euro, then this year told us Brexit would break us, now they are forecasting growth in the UK will be the highest in the developed world.

Experts may not lie deliberately, but they sure as hell can get it wrong.

Arguments will continue on both sides because numbers and statistics can be twisted to whatever argument you wish.

Rightly, the UK government is not going to reveal a negotiating hand too early, it knows the EU are not prepared to yield one single thing, yet,  but hopefully, common sense and global trading opportunities will ensure the best deal for all is done. Global companies will exert more power and control than 28 EU nations.

That is IF there is an EU left after elections in Italy, France and Germany.

The people of this world are staging a peaceful but significant political revolution, as the old regimes  have failed them.

Lets give change a chance, it's not always bad to move on.

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23 Nov 2016 11:44 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

According to the leavers, everybody but them lie.  Oh well they can take ownership of costing the country £60,000,000,000.  And that is net of not paying the EU any more money after 2018 and with free trade and no tariffs. OF course that must be remainers scare mongering  again because life will be all milk and honey in the UK once we leave the EU. 

Pensioners take note.  Triple lock will vanish when we actually Brexit and instead of free NHS you will have to show your ID and pay a fee for use.  That was what the Autumn Statement told us today.  It isn't because the government is mean or does not like pensioners it is because we are now screwed to the tune of £122,000,000,000.  That's £600,000,000 net per week after we stop paying the £350 million per week gross to the EU.  That is why pensions will have to fall and the NHS will have to cut its service or charge a fee.   

Basically you can fool 52% of the people 100% of the time.   All you need is a sign on a bus and a poster of people rushing to get into the UK.  A dislike of immigrants won't hurt either. 

We are so very, very screwed and I guess it is fair that those who voted to Brexit and should have known better with all their years of wisdom should pay.  

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24 Nov 2016 8:12 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

The Chancellor Phillip Hammond admitted that the Brexit vote’s blow to the economy would force the government to borrow £122bn more than hoped as he pushed back government plans to balance the books in his autumn statement.He has abandoned the government’s policy of reducing government debt and running a budget surplus by 2020. Debt next year will exceed 90% of GDP. Food prices are expected to rise by at least 5%

.He also said the economy was faring well in the wake of the referendum result but growth would slow markedly next year on the back of weaker business spending and a squeeze on household budgets from rising living costs.

The damage the Brexit vote has done to the economy is very real. Some of you on here say that’s worthwhile and I presume then you expected it. When the UK is back in the seventies and the consequences start to hurt everyone I hope you will remember that it was a self-inflicted wound. It did not have to happen.



This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 24/11/2016.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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