The Comments |
Why is only Britain impacted negatively? Or is it simply mud to throw at the Brexit debate to try and make it stick?
No mud slinging.
England is a small place and cannot cope with what has come over now.
England has high unemployment and is getting slowly worse.
England has not got the jobs to go around as it is now without millions more coming in.
England has next to no extra housing to cope with mass immigration.
England has schools where 95% in a class don't speak English, has to employ interpreters, yet moans when a very young English kid goes to school with slightly less then good English speaking.
When these people do come in they don't want a better life in a better place, they want what they left behind and try to make England like that.
Who in England cares about what happens outside, isn't it bad enough we have to care about what we have on our own doorstep and England's problems.
Severn small reasons, thousands more, live here now to see the face of it change daily.
In 2014, inflows of EU nationals migrating to the UK stood at 268,000, up from 201,000 in 2013. Net migration from the EU was estimated at 178,000 in 2014, up from 123,000 in 2013.
The number of National Insurance Number (NINo) registrations to EU nationals in the first quarter of 2015 was 216,609 in total. Of those, 31% were EU15 nationals, 21% A8 nationals, and 24% were A2 and other Accession nationals.
EU citizens accounted for an estimated 48% of total non-British inflows in 2014.
As of the first quarter of 2015, approximately 1.9 million EU-born were employed in the UK.
3 million spread across the UK should not have the impact you and others describe.
The population of EU-born in the UK stood at just over 3 million in the first quarter of 2015.
Source EU migration watch. By the bye baz Britain is not England.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 05/05/2016.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Seeing as how you quoted some statistics Mickeyfinn I thought I would reasearch a little more 
According to a gov website in Nov 2015:
Net migration rose by 336000 from YE June 2014, which they quote was "statistically significant increase" and remains the highest net migration on record. Also net migration of EU citizens showed a statistically significant increase, up 42000 from June 2014.
Three quarters of the growth in employment over the last year was accounted for by foreign nationals.
There were 862000 nino registrations ( up 29% on previous year). Of these 655000 were EU , an increase of 30% on the previous year. (Note Nino insurance numbers are allocated to adult overseas nationals entering the UK. A nino is generally reqd by overseas nationals looking to work or claim benefits/tax credits in the UK, including the self employed or students working part time.)
Now when you consider during this period and for many years prior, all these arrivals have to be accommodated and there is already a housing shortage in the UK, a shortage of affordable housing, and the fact that the areas most affected are those areas where employment is available, the downward knock on effect on UK salaries given the discrepancies of value of monies earned relative to the country the EU citizens come from, the impact on the already overstretched health service, the impact on industries now being decimated by external factors ( albeit worldwide impact), the negative impact from quantative easing on pensions and delayed pension entitlements, the impact from austerity measures since the banking crisis, the impact on educational establishments and class sizes, reqt for translators , the failure of govt and EU to tackle major tax evasion by large corporations which had the potential to ease the burden on EU citizens who still continue to pay the price from the impact of unregulated highly complex financial structures , etc, you start to see why so many have legitimate concerns ..........
This message was last edited by ads on 05/05/2016.
This message was last edited by ads on 05/05/2016.
3 million spread across the UK should not have the impact you and others describe. By the bye baz Britain is not England.
Just for the record Micky, I fought under the Union Jack Flag, It's my country, I will protect my Queen, like it or not, I don't give a fig what someone calls it, to me it's England, Great Britain, The British Isles, United Kingdom, I am British, English, call me what anyone likes I never get offended because I know what, and who I am, I hate what England has turned into.......Anyway back to the reality of the EU and your post.
Your figures are absolute rubbish whic are sent out by those who don't want the true scale of the problem facing England right now to be known, I don't know where you live but if it's England then your part of it must be well protected from everything I see around me.
Where on earth do you get 3 million spread out across the UK wont cause a problem, thats exactly the problem, it isn't 3 million for a start and they don't spread out, only the other day a Jewish man who had been in the East End of London for twenty years or so was beaten up, abused by asians and told to get out and leave their area, thats the second time I have heard something like this.
Micky this is not an insult to you but honestly you need a severe reality check about whats going on in the real UK
I believe people are the same everywhere. Its religion and nationalism which creates artificial barriers between us. The world really is a global village if these artificial barriers can be removed. Love of country has a place as long as you are willing to share its advantages.
Wealth and greed also creates barriers between rich and poor. Its creates 'a pull up the drawbridge' philosophy. This is mine keep off. You see that in Donald trumps form of politics. The concept of community does not exist because he believes wealth insulates people from the need to share what they have with others. That's what Margaret Thatcher meant when she said 'there's no such thing as community just individuals'.
The EU is the antidote to individualism and nationalism. It offers hope for everyone not just a few. It's politics are collective, shared wealth and shared opportunity between sovereign nations. That is a better future for the world. Barriers come down, peoples of different beliefs can learn to live with each other in peace.
Please don't tell me that aim is not worth an adjustment process. The alternative is a return to the negative me first politics of the past. History tells us what the consequences for the world then is.
John Lennon sang 'you may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one'.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Well Micky, wealth, religion, greed and nationalism are bad are they? I've heard it all before, it's usually the serial failure's charter to equality (nothing personal). Wealth creates jobs, never confuse ambition with greed, I'm not religious but don't have any problems with those who are, that is unless they want to make it compulsary, and as for nationalism ask the Spanish, French and Scottish for their opinions.
In the greater scheme of things the EU is still an experiment, and as with all experiments there will be tests and objections, the former Soviet Union thought itself to be 100% correct 24/7, and just look what happened to it. I reckon that the UK is doing the EU a favour, if the 'inners' kick the 'outers' backsides in the referendum then it will be stronger, however if they don't and fail to take note it will look very weak, either way it's a learning curve.
This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 06/05/2016.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Correct wealth does create jobs but it also breeds a lot more corruption and power because people get greedy
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I wonder how many of the In campaigners have been proactive in their approach to ongoing reform of the EU (that most appear to imply is necessary) and how many have received replies from their MEPs? What responses did they achieve?
bad news for the out voters as Trump backs Brexit
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Why would that be bad news ? Doesn't interest me what he wants,
But there is certainly a lot of Americans voting for him to get as far as he has !!
Many people see him what he is a blithering racist bigot andit will be a big warning bell to many
I would geuss a lot of people in the UK could name the last 10 presidents of the USA but would struggle with the last 10 PM's / presidents of the EU member states
In the past we had Thatcher & Reagan, then Blair and Bush (Cameron & Obhama not a lot) now we potentially have Boris & Trump OMG!!!
Sadly the US has a big influence on the UK whether we like it or not
The UK gets so much media coverage of the US elections a lot more than most other countries across the world - in fact the US elections get as much coverage as the UK elections in the UK ???????????????????????
Even the presidential nominations have had more news coverage than the EU referendum or even this weeks local elections
Here in Spain I see every little coverage of US elections but it is all over the media in the UK and often the major headline of many newsapers and news programmes.
All sad but true and comments will influence a lot of people and in the case of Trump it will turn a lot of people off.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
The Americans believe in Zombies, they think they will get taken over one way or the other.
Armageddon is coming, so they dig holes in the ground and fill them full of...Well everything.
The late Robin Williams once said that someone remarked to him "Oh you have an actor as President"
I like Trump, give the joker a chance, and who knows the White House hair dressers might improve "IT" ...A little.
If nothing else once he's done one wall he might re-furb Hadrians.
If the British vote for Brexit, do not despair all you expats who are currently registered fiscally in Spain or elsewhere in Europe. After 5 years residency you can apply for Spanish citizenship and automatically enter their national health service. Then remain in Spain legally and enjoy all the benefits of being a Spanish citizen in the European Union.
The EU will prosper and thrive with or without the British. The Eurozone will trade elsewhere in the world; find new markets to replace the British ones. The new trade agreement with the US due to be completed before Obama leaves office will make a massive difference. The UK will be forced to the back of the queue as the Germans flood the USA with the cars the Brits can no longer afford because of trade tariffs.
You think I’m scaremongering well you ‘aint seen nothing yet as you Brexiteers enjoy UKIP’s brave new world and good luck to you.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Mickeyfinn have you been in contact with any MEPs about reform of the EU and if so what response have you had?
You've just got to stop reading the Beano. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
As someone who thinks we are better in, just to clear up a couple of points from mickeyfinn.
No, you can't get citizenship after 5 years. Minimum is 10 and you have to show a good knowledge of Spanish plus show some integration into Spanish customs such as participation in community projects. You can apply for permanent residency after 5 years but not citizenship.
The current trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the US will never happen. Workers rights and so on are so far apart it could never work. USA and EU methods of quality control are so at odds that it'll never work. Finally, Obama leaves in January after the new president gets elected in November. Even the most optimistic estimates are another 3 years of talks before TTIP finish.
Let's not de!ve into realms of fantasy on either side.
Well I agree the trade talks will probably drag on I was trying to be a little whimsical😇
I was informed about the five years by someone on the radio discussing citizenship. Acquired rights are also relevant for fiscal expats pats registered in Spain in the event of brexit.
My point is expats don't have to give up their dreams of living in Europe there are safeguards. Except a lower valued Sterling of course.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 06/05/2016.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
We're doomed Captain Mainwaring, doomed. 
This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 06/05/2016.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
A spokesperson for Standard Bank said today that a President Trump is as likely as Brexit. Here's hoping.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.