The Comments |
The claim was that selling council houses was 'the cause of the housing shortage'. This is clearly nonsense as it does not reduce the total amount of properties. So I stick by what I said.
Selling council houses reduces the amount of stock available to rent socially, these houses were never for sale until RTB. It means the market for buying houses increases and the profit for builders can be increased as a result. It doesn't take into account the fact that the people trying to buy those houses can't afford them and need somewhere to rent which is affordable.
The people buying the council houses can rent them out and then use that income, plus their own to buy a house. The council house then becomes rented out privately at a higher figure than before and the builders in the chain profit by the whole transaction.
Then benefits increase and we call people scroungers.
Want to think it thorough a bit more?
Best wishes, Brian
Once again the focus of brexit is on immigartion because there is nothing else to go on about and simply highlights the undertones of the brit prejudicial mentality towards immigration EU or non EU
Refugee migration into the EU is NOT going to change after Brexit and therefore has no bearing on the UK leaving. Even after teh UK leaves the UK wil STILL have a global obligation to take in refugess etc
I have seen no facts that Germany has granted 1 million refugess EU citzineship. In fact if you do a inernet search the EU does grant citizenships and in 2013 the EU did just that
I don't know the full process but there must be one that has b een agreed by all 28 member states and probably similar to the prpcesses for residency in each member state.
Evne soem of our dear esteemed forum members who have wives who are from non EU countreis and have posted their experinces and some diffculties in taking their wives from Spain to UK
Germany may have granted residency but that does not give auatomatic EU citizneship yes they can move freely around the schengen area but even then if they are in Spain or France for more than 3 months they need to register as every other immigrant to Spain
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
BoBabel you really should learn to read the facks since the Brexit emigration is up one third in to the UK most of it is from eastern EU countries, according to migration watch UK. and it's on target to reach half a million ,and what a load of carp you are coming out with these days you know aswell as everyone else on this form that the EU has no borders
It could have intergrated a million without too much problem but as Baz has stated, it HAS created some unrest and opposition to Merkel and as Windtalker has correctly stated, it has created 1 million EU citizens who have the right to seek work and move to the UK or anywhere else in the EU.............
Lies, damn lies, and Eyes on Spain threads......the 1m plus migrants that Germany has very honourably accomodated are not, by virtue of their presence in Germany, entitled to board the first easyjet flight to Luton and demand a 5 bedroomed house, entry to the best local schools and a private ward in the local NHS hospital.
The basic point is that in France, Austria and Germany residency does not confer rights to citizenship and entitlement. No doubt a large proportion of the migrants will eventually return to Syria but many will remain and will presumably take citizenship and probably relocate to other parts of Europe including the UK.
Blaming migrants for pressures caused by long term failings in the UK to properly manage and plan for demand for health, housing and schooling is convenient and nothing new ( I recall the same sort of rubbish being said about the Ugandan Asians) but it has no credibility, but that doesn't stop it being peddled.
_______________________ Scollins
Blaming migrants for pressures caused by long term failings in the UK to properly manage and plan for demand for health, housing and schooling is convenient and nothing new ( I recall the same sort of rubbish being said about the Ugandan Asians) but it has no credibility, but that doesn't stop it being peddled.
This is all the brexitesr have they keep going on and on about it yet nothing to do with the EU and they stil don't get it
I can only guess they are still tyring to justify the mess
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Ugandans being thrown out didn't amount to anywhere near the numbers the world is getting now, and the one's I knew were not trouble makers and even mixed in.
You are wrong on both counts Briando
Norman tebbit was responding to the suggestion that rioting was justified by unemployment. He told the conference what his father did when unemployed in the depression. BTY my grandfather was in the same position so he took several allotments and sold the produce on the market (my mothers brothers and he took turns sleeping on the allotments to stop stealing) and my grandmother took in washing. None of them got involved in riots, and there was very little social support.
Houses do not dissapear when you sell them. Selling them off may have all sorts of consequences (intended or unintended) but it does not reduce the housing stock.
It doesn't reduce the total housing stock maybe, but with a lot of stock sold to tennants, it does reduce the afordable number to rent.
Hi Tteedd.
So we both agree Tebbitt was an idiot then, suggesting unemployed people leave their homes and go looking for work, that by the way is what the EU citizens are doing, and Tebbit will not like that eh. Leave your house and family in a mining village and take a bike looking for work in who knows where and when. Enough to make people want to riot, although most riots were in Liverpool and London as I remember. Orgreave was just a battle between Mrs Thatchers troops and local miners.
There is a waiting list for allotments tteedd, and all the allotments were taken round here at all times. The markets are awash with cheaper fruit and veg from all over the globe by the way.
Trying to take ironing in at times of depression must be difficult when no one can pay for it doing, as is the case in communities.
The RTB legislation created more houses, not less, thats what I was saying in the last posting, it just depleted the affordable housing. Someone said on here it is an aspiration to own your own house (cant remember who). There is a whole section of the population whos aspiration is to have a council house, but they cant get one!!
My great grandfather came down from geordieland during a depression and made a life here as a shopkeeper. When the miners were laid off in 1926 he gave food to the local community from his own pocket and never got paid back!
My grandfather lost an eye in the coal mines, he was laid off because he couldnt work. He went to college on a scholarship and became a company director.
I have loads of stories to tell.....but it would just alert the brexit police!!
I told you Brexit was more about people than anyone realises though.
Best wishes, Brian
You NUMPTYS are not getting it are YOU
1.Billions of INVESTMENT secured already
2.Stock MARKET all time HIGH
3.CONTINUED ecconomic growth
5.EU saying they want a DEAL
WIN WIN situation for the UK
Get your GOD DAMN HEADS OUT OF THE SAND and plan ahead like MOI
Love Hugh xx
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
Hey hey we're the numptys
people say we numpty around
Best wishes, Brian
The riots were in Brixton, Handsworth and Toxteth. Nothing to do with mining. That's one fact put right, you do the rest for yourself. Read the speech. It was the Sun, I believe, that came up with the suggestion Norman told the unemployed 'on yer bike', he never did.
I was not around in 1931 when Norman's dad was on his bike but I doubt there was any 'cheap food and veg from around the world'. I do know that one of the allotments my grandfather tended was his and another was one that belonged to someone still in work. He also walked from Norwich to Lincoln to find the job that he was laid off from in the first place.
The original poster implied that the current housing shortage was caused by RTB. That is what started this discussion. Clearly not true. But I suggested as part of my reply that stamp duty should be abolished. This would help houseowners who needed to move. There was a scheme at one time where you could claim from social security some of the costs of moving. Trouble was there was all sorts of strings attached and you actually had to have been drawing unemployment benefit for 6 weeks and claim before you found new employment. If you looked out for yourself found a job in a fortnight and did not sign on you were told 'on yer bike'. But I believe that the state should help those that are prepared to move to find new employment. If they use a bike or even walk then good on them.
Now with regards to our friends from E Europe, I salute them also for showing the initiatve to try and improve their lives. Who I blame are past governments who allowed the situation to develop and continue where millions could come and overstreach our infrastructure and whom we could not feed from our own resources if communications broke down.
Yes. London and Liverpool, that's what I said? Mining issues were battles, or were portrayed as such (Orgreave for example).
Last word from me on tebbit. If a politician addresses a conference and remarks about his family getting on their bike in the 30's during times of high unemployment in the 80's it's my view that he's talking about his view of what people should do and handing out popular advice his party gave a standing ovation for. I can assure you I'm not tainted by the views of the Sun, or the Daily Mail come to that, both are idiotic publications in my view, but then I am not as educated as the daily mail correspondents
If tebbit was just talking about his family memoirs in the middle of a conference he could have followed it up with how his mother had a hard time in childbirth or how his brother was bullied at school, or something like that.
RTB was a mistake, carried on by future governments. The present government is wanting to extend it to housing associations, that's another mistake. The country is not made up of people what can all have decent paid jobs in a nice place with a house and roof over their heads. When you next hear anyone say you can be anything you want to be if you try and work hard, tell them they watch too many films and listen to too many privileged people.
There is a huge number of people who want to live in a comfortable environment who don't ask a great deal of the material world. When RTB takes housing stock away it also takes away secure tenancies. Then people live on a 6 month assured shorthold at best, they can lose their over priced under maintained home at short notice, and become homeless.
Then the council have no stock to accommodate them. The bed and breakfast landlord brigade make a fortune out of providing the worst accommodation.
RTB.......what a load of rubbish.
This message was last edited by briando55 on 31/12/2016.
Best wishes, Brian
He's probably got Toxteth and Brixton mixed up with Torquay and Brixham, best to point out that the Handsworth he mentions is the one in the West Midlands and not the one in Sheffield.
Whilst he's questioning everything,
Ha Yes. Better not to mention the famous whippet riots at Handsworth when the red flat caps and the blue flat caps fought for the right to hang out washing in public.
That never made the Sun.
Best wishes, Brian
And a happy new year to all you people too. 
Best wishes, Brian
Happy new year Briando.
Last word from Wikipedia:
In the aftermath of the 1981 riots in Handsworth and Brixton, Tebbit responded to a suggestion by the Young conservative National Chairman, Iain Picton that rioting was the natural reaction to unemployment:
"I grew up in the '30s with an unemployed father. He didn't riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking till he found it."
As a result, Tebbit is often misquoted as having directly told the unemployed to "get on your bike", and he was popularly referred to as 'Onyerbike' for some considerable time afterwards.
I too believe there is no excuse for rioting in a democratic society. I did then and I do now.
Some misquotes enter into folklore, that does not mean that they cease to be misquotes.
Happy new year Ttedd
i think it needs reading again tho.
One Tory says rioting is a natural reaction to unemployment.
The other Tory says his father didn't riot, he got on his bike and looked for work and didn't stop till he found it.
That means he is saying, don't riot, get on your bike and look for work. It also looks like he is saying it about the unemployed.
So where was I wrong and where was he misquoted??? I don't get it Tteedd, sorry.
By the way, I did actually think the riots were a reaction to the dissatisfaction over the idiotic poll tax. Strange how Wikipedia can make you remember history in an odd way.
This message was last edited by briando55 on 31/12/2016.
Best wishes, Brian
I thought you had said your last word?
However here are some of your previous words:
“When mr Tebbit said on yer bike, he was a fool.”
“He was addressing the conference and giving his speech about the unemployment figures under the Thatcher era. He was telling the conference and his party that unemployed people should take an example from his own family and delivered this remark as advice to unemployed people at the time. It was some kind of answer to the mining communities who had no work now.”
He did not say 'on yer bike'.
He was commenting about rioting not unemployment.
It was nothing to do with mining.
Perhaps we should get back to Brexit and the EU. We might agree on JC Junker!
This message was last edited by tteedd on 31/12/2016.
Goodbye 2016, the year Brexit did not happen.
Hello 2017 the year Brexit is not going to happen.
People who do not like the status quo (UK in the EU) should do the country a favour, pack up and move elsewhere. You are not wanted or needed in the UK EU.