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28 Aug 2016 1:12 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1222 posts Send private message

So you reckon many people should just pay taxes to UK without having any say in how it's run? Isn't that what the US fought against in the 1770s?  Many of the decisions made in UK will directly impact those living in other European countries, probably more so than those living in UK. A country we know nothing about? Ridiculous. We have families there, we visit a lot, we may even have property there. 

And look it up. Expats do not have a vote in the countries affairs. Only the areas where it will affect them like local councils and EU affairs. We can't vote in national (general) elections for example. Nor even state ones, simply the local ones where we pay our council tax to. It's why we can't vote in UK council elections but can in the general one if you have lived outside for less than 15 years. As the referendum would affect expats so much it is logical they could vote.


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28 Aug 2016 1:47 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Mariedav:   So you reckon many people should just pay taxes to UK without having any say

Crown Pensioners do exactly that once they loose the right to vote in UK. They must pay tax in UK on their pension but have no say if they are not resident.


Windtaker :  The people that do not live in the UK should not have a say or a vote on how the UK run ,........ why should you get a say on the day to day running of a country that you know nothing about

With all due respect to those who do have a vote in the UK, I believe I know considerably more about the finances and running of the country than most (not all of course) who vote there, When I voted I had a logical argument to support the choice I made.

Unfortunately the only qualification to be able to vote in UK in matters which affect the lves of all,  is to be over 18 and live there.    

To be allowed to do many things in life requires  training and a qualification, vehicle driver, plumber, gas installer, motor mechanic,  etc.  That is so that one cannot put others in danger.   Why not a qualification to allowed one to vote. ?    Something to show you have some knowledge, so  ones ignorance or gullibility,  does not plunge the country into chaos.


Oops sorry I was day-dreaming !

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28 Aug 2016 2:14 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

It’s an odd phenomenon but soon we will see thousands of Brits cheering ‘Europe’ with all their lung power at the coming Ryder cup match in the US.

I wonder how many of them voted Brexit?

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Aug 2016 4:10 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Mickyfinn. You do not get it at all do you?. You make it sound as if all those who voted Brexit have something against the people of Europe. WRONG. We voted to leave a corrupt, dysfunctional system which is trying to become an empire, run by pen pushers who don't give a toss about any of the people in any country. They are lining their own pockets and feathering their own nests. It's a pity you who and others who voted remain can't see it. We are leaving the EU whether you move back to the UK to stop it or not, and if you are really that bothered about staying in, just stay where you are, then you are in where you want to be. I had to wait over 40 years to have my vote on it, hopefully the great EU will have disappeared into oblivion before there is any chance of another vote.

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28 Aug 2016 7:19 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Jarvi without doubt the most sensible post on the whole of this THREAD preceeded buy the DUMBEST

The persons on here who keep moaning will moan until there dying day DEMOCRACY won END OFF


Love Hugh xxx




This message was last edited by hughjardon on 28/08/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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28 Aug 2016 8:08 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Oh Micky, Jarvi is correct, you just don't get it.

Of course we will be cheering on Europe on in the Ryder Cup if we voted in or out, because we are geographically part of Europe, they are our friends and we will continue to trade and do business with them, continue to exchange Security information and no doubt find a sensible way to allow reasonable free movement of people and free trade," the Germans will not want to stop selling us their cars" and very probably ensure emergency health treatment is available as it is now by charging the cost to the users home country.

As Jarvi put it, we have simply left a corrupt and wasteful, badly managed organisation which will eventually collapse once the PEOPLE in Europe are allowed their say, rather than the elite and big business and ex politicians acting as Commissioners, running our lives and telling us what we need.

Democracy does mean the people can elect governments to represent them or reject them as they see fit.

Long may we live in a democracy and not in Russia under Putin.

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28 Aug 2016 9:05 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

If a general election happened before 2020 a united opposition made up of Labour. Liberal and Europhile Tories could win the day on a platform of reversing the result.


I very much doubt it.

The last opinion poll gave Mrs May the highest public rating for a PM since the 50s. Many labour supporter prefering her to Smith or Corbyn.

The tories are on 40+% and Labour 21%.

Europhile Tories know which side of their bread is buttered and the rest are in no position to exert any leverage.

It seems also from interviews that many Labour out voters would only return to a Smith led party if he supported Brexit.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 28/08/2016.

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28 Aug 2016 9:19 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

To be allowed to do many things in life requires  training and a qualification, vehicle driver, plumber, gas installer, motor mechanic,  etc.  That is so that one cannot put others in danger.   Why not a qualification to allowed one to vote. ?    Something to show you have some knowledge, so  ones ignorance or gullibility,  does not plunge the country into chaos.

Oops sorry I was day-dreaming !

Totally off subject (except that Zimbabwe is non democratic just like the EU).

I used to play darts against members of the Rhodesian Embassy in the 'Queen Victoria' pub in Brussels in the late 60s (at the time of UDI).

They still used to have to 'matriculate' (pass maths, english and three other subjects) before leaving school.

They felt that the best way out of the situation in Rhodesia was that everyone in that country should have to matriculate to obtain a vote. That way, as the indiginous population became educated, they would have become the majority but would have had an interest in peace, justice and the continuance of democracy. Instead Carrington forced them to let the terrorists take over and Mugabe has completely ruined the country. The breadbasket of Africa has been a complete basket case for forty years.

I often wonder what that country would be like now if they had had their way.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 28/08/2016.

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28 Aug 2016 9:26 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

I love winding you lot up. So responsive to my tounge in cheek remark about the Ryder Cup.wink

My point about the 2020 election is not how folks think now it's when the Brexit effect starts to hurt amd the economy heads south as I and many others fully expect.. The electorate is a fickle beast. I'm sure the Tory stratagists are looking to 2020 or mybe 2018 for a general election advantage knowing full well Brexit is going to damage Britain. That will be uppermost in the mind of an unelected prime minister. The last time you had one of them was Gordon Brown and look what happened to him. 

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Aug 2016 10:04 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


You would be well advised to read the posts before deciding who is wound up.


Brexit effect starts to hurt amd the economy heads south as I and many others fully expect.

Lala land.

The economy will not be harmed by the BREXIT vote. It may perform well or badly regardless of Brexit. The main thing is that the electorate can already assess 'project fear' for what it was. Those who voted out are not expecting the benefits they voted for until after the break with the EU and those that voted in can now see the sham of the in campaign for what it was.

After the referendum there were many in the media claiming that people had wished they had not voted the way they had. I consider this to be true, but not in the sense they meant it. Among my aquaintances are people who believed project fear or believed by voting out they would not be showing respect to Jo Cox or just wanted the status quo. Many seem to be deciding that democracy and freedom is worth having after all.

Me. I'm relaxed about the future.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 28/08/2016.

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29 Aug 2016 10:50 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 646 posts Send private message

Exactly proving the point I made earlier.   'The economy may perform well or badly regardless of Brexit'.    Well, that is pretty obvious, but the Brexit factor will contribute either negatively or positively - I believe the former.  

And the distance apart of the two factions is so well demonstrated here.   I dont see any exposure of project fear - indeed I believe it is all coming and will continue to come about.     My view is that the lies were on the Brexit side - with blantant porkies which were exposed within hours of the result.   And of course the more intelligent of the Brexiters will understand that things will not change quickly, but the majority of the outers statistically were from the lowest educational threshold in the UK.   I am pretty sure that this majority expected immediate effects, and indeed that is why the number of hate crimes has risen so sharply.  I take it as a given that most of these people, who of course have every right to vote how they wish,  had and have no interest in any econonmic arguments.  


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29 Aug 2016 12:30 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

For the most part people in the UK voted out due to the way the EU was imposing stupid laws and ever increasing useless rules onto the UK and its people.

Its good to know that the majority of the outers have a low IQ,  bearing in mind that most folk who have been able to move abroad for a better life more then likely made the means to do so on the backs of these with the low IQ, and if they lived, and did well while being in the UK.

Hate crimes were always about in one form or another, it does seem though that since this Brexit vote that even when it rains many are quick to jump on the bandwagon knowing that it's only been like this since we voted to leave,  if it has risen that is, the so called rise in hate crimes fits in quite easy for the dumb schumcks who can only think along these lines.

Anyone that lives elsewhere other then the UK can only comment on the outcome of Brexit,  if they have been away for many years they have next to no knowledge of the economic pressures the UK has had to live with, sure they came back to visit now and again, and probably thought nothing much had changed for the worse. 


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29 Aug 2016 12:35 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Britain will never actually leave the EU because Boris Johnson and other leading Brexiteers did not realise how ‘massively complex’ the process would be, a leading expert has said.

Professor Thom Brooks warned Article 50 – the formal process of leaving the European Union – is unlikely to ever be invoked.

The head of Durham University Law School said Brexit-supporting ministers would decide unpicking nearly half a century of European law was too difficult and row back on their commitment to leaving.

And he dismissed Prime Minister Theresa May’s ‘Brexit means Brexit’ pledge as similar to saying 'gobbledygook is gobbledygook' as it did not necessarily mean exiting the EU.

Professor Brooks, who advised the Electoral Commission on the wording of the referendum question, told MailOnline: ‘I do not think Article 50 will be invoked.

‘The closer the government looks at what is actually involved in leaving then the less likely they are going to be jumping ship.

‘There is a 42 year evolving legal relationship that is not so easy to unpick. It is an absolutely massive task.’

The immigration expert, whose research has been quoted in the House of Lords, predicted Brexit ministers would row back on their commitment to Leave and call for a second referendum.

This should please many.


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29 Aug 2016 3:55 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

smileysmileysmiley Nice one baz. Quite made my day if it had not been in the Mail. That rag prints lies and damm lies.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Aug 2016 5:26 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 646 posts Send private message

And there it goes again!  Hate crimes have always been around. It's just people jumping on the bandwagon.  Nothing to do with Brexit.   Would have happened anyway.

And as for the Durham Law school guy - well, I would simply say that part of the desire to remain and keep the status quo was a recognition of the difficulty there would be in unpicking everything.   Most laws will never be unpicked whether we leave or not.

And just out of interest - which stupid laws are you thinking about?   I am always interested in which stupid laws people have in mind - most of them turn out not to have anything to do with the EU.

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29 Aug 2016 5:59 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

I prefer the remarks by Mervyn King (Ex B of E not the darts player).

I suspect he is a little more in touch than an academic in Durham (who knows? the darts player may be more in touch as well).

Most things are as difficult as you want them to be.

But in any case nobody is talking about unpicking the law made wrt the EU in one go. It will all unravell by itself given time.

I'm sure an act of parliament can be worded to give the government power to remove restrictive EU based law by decree as and when it is found necessary.

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29 Aug 2016 6:06 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

I don't understand why people who live abroad are complaining? If the EU is so good just stay in Europe, don't come back to the UK which is obviously doomed.......(if we listen to all the tripe that has been spouted since June by a load of "experts)", perhaps this Professor is another expert? Or maybe he is another remainer who can't accept democracy?


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29 Aug 2016 7:24 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 646 posts Send private message

And that is another thig that was dismissed by the great Brexiteers.   Experts.   We don't need experts.

Stupid laws?    Any offers?

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29 Aug 2016 7:41 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

blantant porkies

Any offers?

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29 Aug 2016 9:10 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Nice one baz. Quite made my day if it had not been in the Mail. That rag prints lies and damm lies.

Your very welcome, Micky, and it would seem you also like me have to read these lies etc, to know it was in the Mail.

On a small point just where do you get your correct information from then?  That is not biased, lies, made up, guess's.....And so on.

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