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08 Apr 2017 4:44 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Ads and Brian, i think the EU are solely attempting to get the best trade deal for the European Union, nothing else. It knows after the UK leaving it will have another competitor for the relevant trade, so if it does a good deal now, before the UK leaves there is not a lot the UK can do about it (as the UK is currently a member). I think Brian that international protocols would stop or at the very least restrict any pre Brexit trade agreement, and is a further reason the EU has got a bit of a move on. I do not think they are trying to scupper others, just they are taking advantage of the situation, a reason insider trading is illegal in the stock exchange.

I am sure other people as well as myself would use such a situation to their advantage, its human nature, and again the EU are looking to protect trading with the EU, which is the whole point of the EU. It should be remembered it is the UK who are leaving. That is the countries choice , and the electorate chose it, now is too late to blame current events on the EU.

Another thing that should be considered is the position that the EU is protecting its trade with a foreign power, not the UK. The subsequent trade post Brexit will have no bearing on the UK's dealings with the Australians, and the UK markets and therefore the EU agreement with Australia will matter little to the UK

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08 Apr 2017 4:47 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Remember the EU has to get approval of 27 nations to sign a trade deal.

Remember the Belgian debacle over the Canadian deal.

The UK on its own should be able to agree deals more rapidly, no reason why it can't already negotiate even if deal can't be signed until we leave EU.

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08 Apr 2017 4:54 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Yes Robert, thats true it human nature to capitalise on a situation like this, and while the EU is in a stronger position then why not.

I'm still wrestling with the notion that UK PLC can be prevented from having discussions with other countries, leading to future trading positions, even though these can't be signed off.

Again, its human nature to have a self preservation attitude, and sitting on ones hands doesnt seem to be something the UK would do.

I'm pretty confident I havnt seen any article 50 rules that deal with no ability to have discussions, and perhaps thats why we are quick off the mark visiting countries and 'putting ourselves about'.  Im sure there will be some form of verbal 'meeting of minds' going on in the background, dont you think?

This message was last edited by briando55 on 08/04/2017.


Best wishes, Brian


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08 Apr 2017 4:55 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Yes the uk may be able to act quicker but as I keep saying the uk has nothing to offer yes we have a market for these other countries to sell into but it is not the biggest market in the world and none of them are going to give anything without getting something back but what? 

Even India -did someone say India would want freedom of movement to uk and the uk would give it


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Apr 2017 5:10 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Presumably this forms part of the control aspect Tadd and having the right to choose the skill sets required, control of rules re access to benefits etc, and duration, etc, ( based on fair differentials) as opposed to open door policy.

Patrick Minford made reference in his economic analysis to the small scale of UK being to our advantage Tadd, more flexible, more controllable, more able to focus on our best economic attributes etc. 

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08 Apr 2017 5:13 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Brian i would think there are rules about pre trade agreements and the timescale they can be negotiated, a bit like the transfer window in the football world, where if you approach a player before the window time the club involved can incur a hefty fine. I would think something as serious as politics would hold similar protocols.

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08 Apr 2017 5:19 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

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Whybdo you see it as competing with each other surely the EU, the U.K. And Australia would like to be able to sell products they are good at making to each other with as much ease as possible. That is what globalisation and WTO has all been about.

Of course the UK has plenty to offer, it is the worlds 5th or 6th largest, go stick a bandaid over your wrists and stop being SO pessimistic.

The EU have had years to arrange trade with Oz and in fact an awful lot of other countries with whom they still have no trade deal, doesn't prevent thecGermans selling Mercs.

In fact the EUs inability to do a trade deal with Oz previously has impacted on the UK negatively as a member.

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08 Apr 2017 5:20 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Ok Robert but I'm not sure I've come across such rules in my limited searching.  

Thats not a bad analogy, but if we think of players agents as civil servants, there's lots of preliminary 'sounding out' before windows open.   

Cats are skinned in many ways. 


Best wishes, Brian


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08 Apr 2017 6:23 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Yes the 5th largest whilst in the eu

But what has the uk got to offer that is not available elsewhere 

Most large businesses in uk ate owned by other countries many who are in eu

The finance sector is already at risk and many offers have been made to move it

Not being pessimistic just realistic as the uk is not a manufacturing power house and has not been for many years as factories have closed down or sold to foreign ownership

Not competing but many brexiters and the govt are under the illusion that the uk can get better trade deals outside the eu and I am asking how and why would any country such as Australia, India China  usa  etc offer the uk any better deals than with anyother country who have much more to offer and trade with

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Apr 2017 7:17 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Tadd.   The finance sector is already at risk and many offers have been made to move it

interesting.    When and by who?


Best wishes, Brian


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08 Apr 2017 8:02 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Suggest you read the news instead of demanding proof of every post you don't like or at least start backing your own posts with proof

As an example hsbc are already moving staff the eu want the eu banking authority out of London

Paris Munich and Dublin are looking at the London stock exchange 

Not many banks are owned by uk 


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Apr 2017 8:40 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

What a silly answer.  

So Hong Kong and shanghia bank may be based overseas,,,,,hmmmm

And the EU bully boys want the banking sector out of London, another idle threat from your repertoire.    Well what a surprise, they should have had it in the first place.  

Paris, Munich and Dubln are looking at the London stock exchange, hey here's a secret, while they fight it out, the world is looking at the LSE, every single day   

No sorry Tadd.    As ever you are just blustering and turning on me when I ask you a question.  Nothing substantive in what you say, as usual.   

Good luck with your future banking and the Euro.   Maybe the EU want to base banking in Greece and tidy up another mess they made?  


This message was last edited by briando55 on 08/04/2017.


Best wishes, Brian


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08 Apr 2017 9:50 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


I worked in the financial sector for over 30 years in London, through good years and bad.

Through attempted US takeovers.

Threats from Europe the Far East and anywhere else you care to mention.

Of course some businesses will develop offices and operations in the EU to continue to ensure they can do business in a restrictive EU but a massive amount of finance is arranged and serviced through the whole world including the Middle East, India, China, Japan and Australasia going East and Africa then the US and South America going West.

London is geographically well placed to service the whole world, it has the experience and expertise in ALL financial areas which bounce off each other and I can assure you NO other European City could cope with the demands and infrastructure that is the City.

I agree the UK is not a manufacturing base anymore mainly because manufacturing generally relies on cheap labour and low land costs or compliant unions but considering the funds the UK commits to Defence, to Overseas Aid, NATO and to the EU, we must be able to do a number of things ok.

The UK has done more than its fair share of military aid and support around the world.

Yes many UK businesses are owned by overseas companies, suggesting we are a good place for them to invest their money and hopefully employ people and possibly pay taxes if we are lucky.

Remember we are one of the few contributors to EU coffers, you don't do that just because you are in the EU, otherwise why is France not in the same position.

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08 Apr 2017 11:26 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Don't take things so personally a common problem you seem to have 

We all have views and opinions get used to people not agreeing with you and having different viewsThe brexit gang on eos are a bunch of bullies who are really spoiling this forum and many are leaving or not posting because of it


Banks are in uk to access eu via passporting etc and I would expect some on who has worked in the industry to understand no passporting etc for uk based banking etc is not good for the uk continued place in the financial world 

London is no better placed than any other European city 

Face the facts the uk has nothing to offer and has more reliance on the eu tan many give credit for

The uk will be isolated and it is not a major power in anything anymore

Don't kid yourself i am sure other cities will manage quite well in place if London 

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Apr 2017 11:54 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Tadd you tell Brian not to take things so personally, then go on to say, "The brexit gang on eos are a bunch of bullies who are really spoiling this forum and many are leaving or not posting because of it"

The Brexit "gang"? You need to take a look at the top of the thread page, the title is, "Brexit", so anyone posting is part of the "Brexit gang" and bullies? if you cant take discussion then maybe you are better off not bothering with the contribution to the thread.

Also Tadd you will find if you look back at history, London became a centre of banking due to the world being served by British trade institutions, so naturally, banking based their operations at the centre of trade, London. Nowadays there are more investments Europe wide, but as the financial institutions and its infrastructure would cost millions to relocate and move, the banks are happy to stay in the UK for any forseeable future if possible.

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09 Apr 2017 12:01 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Just saying as I see it

The original poster has stopped posting and anyone who is anti uk or in support of remain has been insulted called names and have left I wonder why

I am happy to discuss and we have had many warnings from the mods but a certain few just get nasty and personal and I will respond if I feel it necessary to point it out

London may have a long history but that does not guarantee a long future and things move on and they will without london

You simply cannot survive on history and if the cap doesn't fit it will not be worn


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Apr 2017 12:09 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Sorry Tadd but you really have no idea, do you?

Passporting is only necessary for EU banking,, can you not grasp there is a huge world out there and as Robert pointed out London developed an integrated financial industry many years before the EU and has in fact helped the zEU develop financial skills.

I can assure you most European financial centres were absolute minnows compared to London and prior to Big Bang in 1987 when financial regulations were lifted to create financial supermarkets, they will continue to trade worldwide, they will have offices all over the world and they will have EU bases to do business in the U.K.

Many European banks have their own problems including Deutsch Bank, most of the Italian banks and many Spanish.

Expertisecand experience exists in London and is not easily transferable but there will be change.

Some may even pay a licence fee to a Luxembourg parent to pay lower taxes than the U.K. BUT one thing that will never happen is the wholesale movement of the City of London to another European Capital City, carry on living in Dreamland.

Yes this thread is about Brexit NOT about how stupid we all are to leave but about what can and will be achieved in 2 years, get used to it, it's happening.

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09 Apr 2017 12:32 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Clear point the others were minnows - times are a changing

That is the point is London will no longer be the centre for European finance as a result and ROW will see that the eu us a far bigger market than the uk and they won't need London what part of that don't you get

Maybe the pupil has turned into the master

In the world of finance I am sure their is some envy of London's position but now they have a great opportunity to take it over and there will be no emotion of history or favours involved just business

So tell us all what were you in the financial world - a top exec of a top company who forged great business growth and did you take the financial world by storm leading the great city of London on all matters to global finance 




“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Apr 2017 12:39 AM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Tadd from your latest posting you seem to have a blinkered vision of some utopia, but i cant see where that utopia is.

You say " anyone who is anti uk or in support of remain has been insulted called names and have left I wonder why" Well i have news for you, your idea of anti UK is i suppose "remainers" and in support of remain is the same people again? Why name them twice? If you take off those blinkers and, as i said in an earlier post, "see things for what they are" you would see that some who voted for remain did so for the very same reason you voted, and that is for what they see as the best interests of the UK.

To hold such closed views with no viable alternative is no better than the EU politicians, or even Nicola Sturgeon with her independence rantings. To enable the UK to go forward and to prosper takes more than the one sided blinkered view you seem to have. Still it takes all sorts, and we are all entitled to an opinion.

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09 Apr 2017 1:14 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Another personal attack instead if respecting others views especially when they differ from yours

My view us simple the uk does not have a good future and some mat say the vultures are watching and it will be very easy pickings

I voted remain for the best interests of eu and all of its citizens as the uk added value in many things but no longer and what they had will be moved bought or whatever and it is happening now


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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