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25 Jun 2016 1:50 PM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar

ads wrote

For those with vulnerabilities, whether  relating to the present or future, this is exactly why adherence to the rule of law and commitment to tackle corruption and accountability at source is essential in Spain to act as future reassurance.

He is quite correct.

Is your Spanish property at risk now you are no longer an EU citizen?

Just remember what Bob did in Zimbabwe to the white farmers, and all while the rest of the world looked the other way. Had his country had a wealth of oil, then the gunho Yankees might have used his actions as an excuse for their own self interests  to take some action. Unfortunately Zimbabwe’s wealth amounts to 2 bananas and 1 pineapple, which is 1 banana more than Spain.  


"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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25 Jun 2016 2:14 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

That's a bit of a mean analogy and not particularly conducive to encourage a spirit of cooperation and reform, (sigh)!!!  


This message was last edited by ads on 25/06/2016.

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25 Jun 2016 2:17 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message


"if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum,"

a. if the turnout is less than 75% then a minimum 60% In or Out is required.

b. If the turnout is more than 75% then the minimum requirement falls away.

If all the Outs stayed at home, scenario a. would apply, with the vote being decided by the 60% or more who voted to remain In.

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25 Jun 2016 2:47 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

The idea of 2nd vote is ridiculous. The losers would just ask for a 3rd and so on.

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25 Jun 2016 3:19 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

And if my auntie had BOLLOCKS she would be my UNCLE

Look we have voted to LEAVE get used to the fact 

The turnout not that it matters was brilliant and what do spotty faced teenagers know any way

Love Hugh xxx

And why has Paddypower and Mickyfinn gone ITS ALL GONE QUIET OVER THEREsmiley



This message was last edited by hughjardon on 25/06/2016.

This message was last edited by hughjardon on 25/06/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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25 Jun 2016 3:34 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

It's like the Scotland thing keep having a vote until we get what we want, Well you voted to stay, deal with it.

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25 Jun 2016 10:07 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Two million signed the second Referendum petition Majority to leave 1.4 mil

Am I right in thinking 600k lazy Bastards didnt even bother to get out of bed and vote remaiin in one of the most important time horizons in there life time 

You %&%^$$^^$^%%^%&^&£$%^&^*((^*

no love 4 u Hugh

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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25 Jun 2016 10:23 PM by roberto123 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Sounds like 2 million bad loosers who were too idel to go to the polls.

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25 Jun 2016 10:49 PM by GlenysT Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I am disgusted at Eye on Spain republishing this article which is nothing but scaremongering.  There is not a single person/organisation who knows yet how Brexit will affect them.  Please stop the negativity, this may be the best thing to happen to the UK in many years.  As a WW2 veteran said yesterday, we have our country back.  Let's see what we can do with it now we are not being bled dry by The European Community.  As far as expats are concerned, there is a lot of moaning (what's new) but did they bother to use their vote, I heard that 1% did.  The other 99% have no right to an opinion if they couldn't be bothered. 

Body p

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26 Jun 2016 2:06 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Back in June 2014 it appears that David Cameron noted the following

Der Spiegel reported last week that Cameron had told Merkel at the recent EU summit Britain would be more likely to leave if Juncker were appointed European commission president. "It is of the utmost interest and importance to the rest of Europe that Britain stays in the EU," the Swedish prime minister said at the Harpsund meeting. The four EU leaders all have deep reservations about Juncker, a veteran EU fixer, who is seen by No 10 as embodying an out-of-touch EU elite.

How ironic that this reference to an "out of touch EU elite" who appear to have demonstrated such inflexibility to address reform and listen and adequately respond to the concerns of EU citizens has now in effect led to Britain leaving the EU.



This message was last edited by ads on 26/06/2016.

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26 Jun 2016 2:08 AM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message


The voice of reason as always. Thanks for your support of us Brits!

Spain has a long history of co-operation with the UK although there is one outstanding issue about a Rock.

In my opinion, there are things that Spain would desperately like to change about the EU and EURO but are stuck due to the 'Bigger Picture'. Unemployment, epecially amongst younger people is a major issue. Economic activity, ultimately, is the only way out of these problem. Whilst BREXIT is viewed by many to have been motivated by far right racists this is the politically correct left wing liberals attack dog. 

During the Cameron and Ferage farce debate, Nigel was shouted down by a woman of African - Carribean heritage with the usual racist rubbish. That woman, along with so many others who have fallen into the trap of labelling 52% of the UK Racist, had a backround from a non EU country. Syria is a non EU country. We are told that we should take more of these people who are seeking Asylum. Yes I think we should, and I agree with Nigel Ferarge that we have turned our back on the commonwealth.

But with the open borders policy allowing so many economic migrants from the EU, we cannot accomodate more people with far more deserving cases than Europeans. Also we cannot give work to a British Citizen with the skills to do a job over a more qualified person from Europe. We cannot easiy recruit highly skilled migrants from outside the EU due to EU red tape.

David Cameron failed to negotiate a deal with the EU that satisfied the majority of the UK electorate, Now we have to renegotiate our relationship with Europe and in particular Spain.

it's in everbody's interest for ths to be done carefully in a spirit of co-operatiom.

Without the scaremongering that went on in the 'camaign' with stupid statements and deliberate lies.







This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 26/06/2016.

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26 Jun 2016 8:30 AM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

@hugh. And why has Paddypower and Mickyfinn gone ITS ALL GONE QUIET OVER THERE

I do hope they haven't gone and done something silly. I was going to congratulate them on a well fought campaign and propose a standing ovation of.......hysterical laughter.

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26 Jun 2016 8:43 AM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

Am I right in thinking 600k lazy Bastards didnt even bother to get out of bed and vote remaiin in one of the most important time horizons in there life time 

You %&%^$$^^$^%%^%&^&£$%^&^*((^*

no love 4 u Hugh

Hugh, you are a tease, but you may be jumping to the wrong conclusion here dearie.  My partner and I had opposing views, so we both agreed not to vote - it would have been a sterile exercise otherwise.  I don't suppose we were alone.


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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26 Jun 2016 11:54 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

My partner and I had opposing views, so we both agreed not to vote

It's a secret ballot, neither of you would have known what the other actually voted.

Besides, you would then have been part of the percentage that voted. Politicians seem to be worried about how many do not exercise that right.

I have no problem with people who do not vote. What they are actually saying is that they are happy to let others who may or may not be better informed choose for them.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 26/06/2016.

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26 Jun 2016 12:02 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Your Auntie has bollocks.

These days we would say he has gender dysphoria!

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26 Jun 2016 3:30 PM by Pitbull Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

As someone who has Spanish neighbours and friends I am amazed that their reaction to the Brexit is every bit the same as mine......they are worried mostly about their economy and their jobs because most of Spain and especially the

"Costas" rely on Tourism and without tourists their jobs would be in danger........its a "wait and see situation" for all of us ....I have lived here happily for 11 years but have never seen so many worried looks before......I have to add I am a 77 year OAP and whats worrying me personally is the drop in my income already.......Keep Smiling,,,,Regards to all.


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26 Jun 2016 6:36 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9420 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

No dangers of worries on acquired property rights. This will not be affected in any way. 

For future property acquisitions, once the exit is executed, a bit more of bureaucracy that I am sure Spanish government will smooth for the benefit of his own economy.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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26 Jun 2016 7:02 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Just had a quick drink with my friend and his father both Spanish and all his father who is 85 said was why - we have just learnt how to live together how sad for all.

A very simple statement but how true 


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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26 Jun 2016 9:00 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Maria makes honest mention of " for the benefit  of his own economy"....that is exactly what citizens have been calling for in this Brexit campaign in terms of the impact from both EU policies and UK Govt policies on local communities where great disconnects apply within our own union.

This is why it's been necessary to open eyes to uncomfortable compromising factors affecting Britain that have arisen from both a national and European perspective. To infer that it's only down to British Govt policies or only down to EU policies is wrong... it's a combination of BOTH that have caused such genuine concerns and vulnerabilities that appear to have led to this vote to leave.

What we need now is a govt of national unity.

So given we now have to respect the democratic vote to exit, it's essential that as well as establishing a capable negotiating team in the UK, that truly represents the whole country's needs and aspirations ( cross party representatives from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales) , we  also owe it to our other European member states to equally try and appease their concerns as best we can.

But here lies the difficulties, because on the one hand we have genuine concern for those member states citizens, but on the other we have similar disconnect  with those bureaucrats in the European Union who sadly stubbornly refuse to recognise the reasons that led to this democratic vote, and rather than work together in a spirit of cooperation to the benefit of all,  they prefer to employ divisive and protectionist measures, that inhibit progress towards a mutually beneficial solution, such as employing practical measures that Maria has suggested.

This message was last edited by ads on 26/06/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 26/06/2016.

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27 Jun 2016 9:52 AM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

Hi Maria and all,

I am sure by now you have all read about how most of the European countries have all said that they will continue to trade with us and also that most of the companies that the BBC said were defecting if we voted Leave have now said that the BBC were telling "porky pies" and that they are not leaving - infact 1 is increasing their labour force in Wales. I really cannot see that this will affect our relationship both pleasure and working with Spain. Yes it is early days and like you I am waiting for some indication of what new laws are coming in, but I believe that the Leave voters will make sure that they are what we the Leave voters voted for - if not we shall soon let them know as no longer will any of us put up with being told what to do and when to do it. I don't believe that either Boris or Nigel alone can unite the country but perhaps together they can? I don't know but I am glad to be out from under Junker and Merkel;s rule.

We took 12 years after WW2 to get our economy stable and then the good times came - it won't take that long this time as we already have basic structures in place.

Just saying like,


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