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24 Mar 2017 1:16 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Nothing to do with luck, it's all about negotiating and keeping our friends onside.  That's how it should be as well, the EU isn't a cell block to escape from, it's just an organisation we don't agree with anymore.  Don't get so dramatic, it's not reality. 

The countries queuing up to join will be taking from the pot more than contributing, so it's more of a burden going forward.  It's also increasing the open borders, which we are concerned about.   


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 2:28 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

None member European nations are queuing up to join the EU. The advantages for these nations far and away out shine any negatives. The perception that Europeans wish to leave is just plain wrong as the Dutch election demonstrated. The Europhile Macron is likely to be the next French president which will again strengthen the union further.

Brexit will put Britain out in the cold but if that's what a majority of the people want bring it on.

I wish you luck. Britain's going to need it.

Do you know which 'Non member European' nations want to join the EU Micky? 

How about Bosnia & Herzegovina possibly skint as skint could be...

Serbia perhaps, another not exactly falling over its self with cash....

Montenegro, couple of notches up in the money stakes....

Kosovo, I think that one's along the skint lines also...

Albania, now thats a good one if only they knew what money looked like...

Macedonia, phew...

And lets not forget Turkey... Or why the world doesn't want it in the EU.

These  'FEW'  are queuing up to join up, so the question is.... 

'Does the UK want to be in a club that sits in the board room with this bunch of...Crooks...Liars...Spongers...Thieves...Murders...Etc etc, and I am not talking about whats already in the EU as it is now?




This message was last edited by baz1946 on 24/03/2017.

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24 Mar 2017 2:28 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


..............  It's also increasing the open borders, which we are concerned about.   

Not everyone is concerned about this.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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24 Mar 2017 2:45 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


Why not include all these countries to feed off more of the EU magic money pit.

If the rest of the EU is prepared to accept a dodgy character as Junckers, they will accept anyone who comes knocking.

You never know it may give Luxembourg even more corporates to register for tax purposes and make no profit and pay no taxes in their country of origin as they have to pay licence fees to the Luxembourg parent.


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24 Mar 2017 3:21 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message


..............  It's also increasing the open borders, which we are concerned about.   

Not everyone is concerned about this.

Forgive me, I was using the majority vote being leave, and one of the very highest ranking reasons for voting this being the open borders from the reports I have seen.

So the we could be me and my mate down the pub, or me and others I know, or the majority of the leave voters perhaps.  I think it fits either way, but I respect others views too.


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 3:38 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Well at least the UK Tax payer won't pay Tax to support​ the crap that are clambering to join the EU Bloc .

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24 Mar 2017 3:54 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

I'm not sure why you Brexit supporters keep posting on here and knocking the EU. After all you have got what you want. Or are you so full of remorse and need reassurance from others that it's the right thing for Britain? Methinks you are all not as confident this is going to be the success you believed it would be.

** EDITED - Against forum rules - Offensive **


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 24/03/2017.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 3/24/2017 8:27:00 PM.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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24 Mar 2017 4:04 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Every economist is saying​ that the  amount of money that the UK is forced to give in way of membership fee adds up to 20 EU members ...So when the UK leaves it will be like like loosing 20 members leaving only 7  members to feed the poor of the EU.face up to the facts Mickeyfinn the EU is going to be  trucked when Great Britain leaves through no fault of their own.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 24/03/2017.

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24 Mar 2017 4:34 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

I think most people knock the EU because you set them up for it Mickey, without any reasonable grounds for argument you like to bang on about the new dawn of the EU, and leave people with the opportunity to give you the facts on which to consider.

Unfortunately you don't seem to want to grasp any facts, and instead talk about slices of cake, tabloid newspapers and how Britain will be out in the cold.  I do have a good laugh when reading your posts and find it easy to dismiss your arguments without much trouble.

The only thing is, your now getting a bit more sinister as your losing ground and referring to closet gays and we all want to secretly be europhiles.

Come on Mickey you could do better than that before, dont fall off the cliff just yet, its still funny at times.

Maybe you can report yourself to the moderator for being anti social and intolerant?   Perhaps it fits in with some of the satelite states about to join the EU, practice makes perfect eh.


This message was last edited by briando55 on 24/03/2017.


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 6:01 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Mr Junker has just been on the radio, an interview with the BBC.

Has said he is sorry to see the UK leaving, he likes the UK and hopes the future holds shared information and continued friendship.

When questioned about the 50bn debt thats claimed Britain owes he has just stated the figure is only for the amount Britain commited to and has yet to be arrived at 'scientificaly' (whatever that means!).

Pressed again about the amount being 50bn he has said it is not a figure to be made public but will be worked out as part of the overall settlement.

My impression was that it does look as though more sensible times are ahead of us, and we will be given the respect we should be afforded as a very important future partner, rather than member.


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 6:12 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

"I'm not sure why you Brexit supporters keep posting on here and knocking the EU. After all you have got what you want. Or are you so full of remorse and need reassurance from others that it's the right thing for Britain? Methinks you are all not as confident this is going to be the success you believed it would be. I'm sure you will all deny that but you do all have me wondering a little. Closet gays once used to be the most vocal critics of homosexuals as a form of cover. Perhaps you are all secret Europhiles in your dreams". No remorse Miky. Can't wait for true freedom and democracy. It's exactly the right thing for the UK. 100% confident. If you don't like the replies why don't you leave the thread then Miky? Is it because you are trying to persuade people with your weak arguments why we should stay in the EUSSR and no-one is buying it except a couple of your mates. And why are you bringing gay people into your arguments? Not very nice in this day and age where we are supposed to be all equals, but that's the thing about the EUSSR, a bit like Animal Farm and the USSR, where some are more equal than others.

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24 Mar 2017 6:12 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

"I'm not sure why you Brexit supporters keep posting on here and knocking the EU. After all you have got what you want. Or are you so full of remorse and need reassurance from others that it's the right thing for Britain? Methinks you are all not as confident this is going to be the success you believed it would be. I'm sure you will all deny that but you do all have me wondering a little. Closet gays once used to be the most vocal critics of homosexuals as a form of cover. Perhaps you are all secret Europhiles in your dreams". No remorse Miky. Can't wait for true freedom and democracy. It's exactly the right thing for the UK. 100% confident. If you don't like the replies why don't you leave the thread then Miky? Is it because you are trying to persuade people with your weak arguments why we should stay in the EUSSR and no-one is buying it except a couple of your mates. And why are you bringing gay people into your arguments? Not very nice in this day and age where we are supposed to be all equals, but that's the thing about the EUSSR, a bit like Animal Farm and the USSR, where some are more equal than others.

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24 Mar 2017 6:43 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

On an educative note wink

Here's a little educative background information with regard to another member state, Denmark, that has expressed equal concerns with regard to control of borders and sovereignty.


Back in December 2016 the following article appeared

“A referendum in Denmark was held in December last year because Europol's legal status is changing on 1 May 2017.

A majority - 53.1 percent against 46.9 percent - refused to join EU justice and home affairs policies, despite an overall positive attitude towards Europol.

Denmark opted out of large parts of EU policy when ratifying the Maastricht treaty 22 years ago.


In Dec 2015 it was reported (

"The result opens a completely new agenda in Europe, an agenda of less EU. For the first time, we can have a debate about the possibility of returning sovereignty to member states from the EU," Soeren Espersen, the eurosceptic Danish People's Party's foreign affairs spokesperson, told EUobserver.

"I will recommend Loekke [Danish PM] to contact British PM David Cameron already tomorrow morning and initiate co-operation between a larger group of EU countries that share this agenda of less EU," said Danish MEP Morten Messerschmidt, from the Danish People's Party, which sits with the Tories in the European Parliament.


So now Denmark is set to agree with the European Commission to some sort of a third country status. The deal will also need approval from EU justice ministers and a non-binding consultation from the European parliament.

Kristian Thulesen Dahl, leader of the Danish People's Party - which led last year's No campaign said his party would have to scrutinise the text closely, particularly regarding Denmark's relations with the Schengen free-border area, before it could approve the deal.

The party insists on PERMANENT border controls, but the new Europol deal requires full acceptance of Schengen rules, where only TEMPORARY controls are allowed.”....


Doesn't all of the above demonstrate that it is not just the UK who want control over its borders and wish to regain sovereignty and that the Commission are having to “ react “ to such calls for regaining control? Isn't this an example of using a sticking plaster to resolve underlying concerns instead of recognising growing citizen discontent with EU policy makers ( i.e. the Commission)?


As for Greece….. Debt relief has been a contentious issue for creditors, with the International Monetary Fund and Germany lining up on opposite sides. The I.M.F. has insisted that Greece cannot meet its budget goals without easing its debts, while Germany remains skeptical of cutting Athens more slack.

To date they have reached a compromise, of sorts. Greece’s creditors committed to debt relief, although not until 2018 at the earliest, provided the country continues to carry out painful changes.

The trouble however has been that policies forced upon the Greek citizens has meant that

“The money was supposed to buy Greece time to stabilize its finances and quell market fears that the euro union itself could break up. While it has helped, Greece’s economic problems have not gone away. The economy has shrunk by a quarter in five years, and unemployment is about 25 percent.

The bailout money mainly goes toward paying off Greece’s international loans, rather than making its way into the economy. And the government still has a staggering debt load that it cannot begin to pay down unless a recovery takes hold.”...

“This tension has grown only more acute since the January 1999 introduction of the euro, which binds 19 nations into a single currency zone watched over by the European Central Bank but leaves budget and tax policy in the hands of each country, an arrangement that some economists believe was doomed from the start.”


This latest article ( today)

highlights that Poland and Greece are talking tough before the Rome summit.

The eurocrisis has exposed a divide between the richer northern countries and the poorer southern states, who are in need of financial help. The migration crisis has opened a rift between western and eastern member states, which are reluctant to take in refugees.”


By comparison and with regard to the UK the following was reported by one of the main currency trading companies yesterday.....


“UK Retail Sales

There has been a surge in the value of sterling against the EURO following the announcement of better than expected UK retail sales in February, which rose 1.4% against a forecast 0.4%. This is a much more positive outcome than the 0.5% decline at the start of the year and signals consumer confidence is increasing despite higher levels of inflation. These new results have pushed the annual rate of retail growth to 3.7% from 1% in January and caused sterling to rebound as analysts have been predicting.”


Here's hoping mutually acceptable deals can be achieved for all concerned.


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24 Mar 2017 6:48 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Yes lets hope ads.

A really well researched post, great information.


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 8:30 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Forgive me, I was using the majority vote being leave, and one of the very highest ranking reasons for voting this being the open borders from the reports I have seen.

So the we could be me and my mate down the pub, or me and others I know, or the majority of the leave voters perhaps.  I think it fits either way, but I respect others views too.

Fair comment

However, if TM gets a deal with the EU and freedom or movement is manitained as it currently is teh a lot of peoepl who voted leave are not going to be happy - remember the electorate have NO say in the final agreement whatever it is.

 (i am assuming freedom of movement is what you mean by open borders despite UK borders not being open as the UK are not part of Schengen)

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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24 Mar 2017 8:47 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Yes.  Freedom of movement is my meaning of open borders for this subject Tadd.   

I have thought about the negotiating positions from time to time and wondered how the civil servants will keep the people's wish for the closed borders in position.   

If there isn't a significant change to those arrangements it's going to be a tough time for the PM, so much so that I can't see anyone making a decision on that lightly.   It's a political graveyard maybe?


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 9:00 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Freedom of movement is NOT going to be maintained. It was one of  the main reasons for Brexit amongst many others. Why do you keep harping on about it Tadd. TM knows if Freedom of movement is allowed she and her party are finished and I know she isn't going to commit political suicide.

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24 Mar 2017 10:42 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

But how can it be political suicide Jarvi?  Who else would you and your crew vote for?  Labour; they are in complete disarray and lean towards remain.  LibDem, they are total Remain?  UKIP??? They are one hit wonders and will never be a force in Parliament. 

It seems to me that TM can do whatever she likes and Leavers will have to suck up every drop as they have no say in the final decision the same as Remainers.

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24 Mar 2017 10:55 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

You forget to mention the EU mp,s will be obsolete too.  

interesting times ahead, an organised opposition is required.   But meantime Brexit is cross party, parliament knows its responsibility and the people will be watchful.   


Best wishes, Brian


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24 Mar 2017 11:12 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message


17.4 million votes will go to whoever follows the will of the people. BUT it isn't going to be needed because TM knows what a mess of negociating David Cameron did, and won't make the same mistake, thats why we voted leave because he came back with nothing.

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