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15 Jan 2017 12:31 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Don't start off the usual suspects windtalker, if we were to leave without saying "pretty please" the EU Mafia would send the boys round, Theresa would wake up with a horses head in her bed, and Boris would be sent to sleep with the fishes.

Alternatively and most likely, nothing would stand in our way.



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15 Jan 2017 1:06 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Well, with the continued to and froing and claims and counter-claims plus made up stories, finally a decent question from windtalker.

The 2 years from Article 50 being declared is the time in which agreements can be made. .Agreements could be completed within that 2 years in which case UK would leave subject to those agreements.

However, if after the 2 year period no agreements are made, the time can be extended if all other countries in the EU agreee. If they don't, then UK would leave the EU and be subject to WTO rules and then start negotiations with other countries on trade. 

UK will be subject to EU rules and laws until an agreement is made or until UK leaves. Even after UK leaves, the EU laws in place would remain and the lawyers (those who make all the money) will have to pick each law apart and ask parliament to repeal them. As virtually all laws from Brussels have been incorporated into UK law, they cannot be repealed until parliament says so.

Looks like the lawyers will be the big winners out of all this.


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15 Jan 2017 1:23 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

We can start negotiations with other countries before we leave.

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15 Jan 2017 1:23 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


If they don't, then UK would leave the EU and be subject to WTO rules and then start negotiations with other countries on trade. 

We keep hearing about the WTO and starting negotiatiosn with other countries - a couple of questions

1. Who are these other countries

2. Why would any of these countriess look to have better deal with the UK than they currently have with any other country or the EU.

3. As an exampe would Canada agree a better deal with the UK than they have just signed with the EU or what they have with USA.  

4. What unique commodities, products, services has the UK got to offer in return for a good deal


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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15 Jan 2017 1:23 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The Chancellor said the UK would do whatever it takes to 'regain competitiveness' if it is denied a good trade deal. The threat comes as Theresa May prepares to flesh out her plans for cutting ties with Brussels - making clear that she is ready to leave the European single market and customs union in order to regain control of immigration. The Prime Minister will use her speech to set the stage for bar-knuckle negotiations after she formally triggers the Brexit process by the end of March.

This message was last edited by baz1946 on 15/01/2017.

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15 Jan 2017 1:41 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message


          At present we can't have trade deals (thanks to the EU), so that just leaves the rest of the world!!. Why wouldn't we get as good a deal ? It's been stated a number of times that the EU doesn't have trade deals with any of the top 10 nations ( apart now from Canada).

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15 Jan 2017 1:46 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


threats from hammond and TM wil fall on deaf ears - it is simply laughable

whatever the UK does in spite or anger I am sure the EU could match it and play the same game of threats

so  if the UK really wants a trade war they will lose

the UK market is relativley small , and has nothing unique to offer that is not (or can't be matched) within the eu or RoW

time for some reality checks

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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15 Jan 2017 1:50 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

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''Ms May is expected to say that the UK will regain full control of its borders, even at the price of single market membership, and leave the customs union in order to pursue international trade'' 

It is believed that approximately £260 million per year is spent on providing care to visitors and non-permanent residents from the European Economic Area (the EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). This could be claimed back but the UK authorities cannot be bothered because the NHS is already overfunded. This is a significantly smaller figure than the £1.4 billion allegedly spent on those from the rest of the world. How else could we dispose of excess taxpayers money. 

An example of full control of borders.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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15 Jan 2017 1:53 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message


         Why would the EU having a trade deal with country prevent us from having a deal with that same country? You make it sound as though we won't be trading with anybody!

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15 Jan 2017 2:08 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


that's not what I said

the question is why would any country give the UK a BETTER trade deal than it currently has with the EU or any other country

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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15 Jan 2017 2:34 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

But why wouldn't we get as good a deal? So you agree, we will be trading with other countries.

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15 Jan 2017 2:44 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


by george I think you have got itwink

the UK as a member of the WTO  in its own right (as are all eu member states) as well as a eu member deals are in place and I see no reason why any country would want to change them and offer the UK anything better - if the uk push it may well backfire and get worse


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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15 Jan 2017 2:49 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

President Elect Donald Trump is half British, if the same brits that voted for Brexit would respect the decision of USA voters and stop insulting the most powerful leader in the world, we might just have a friend in the White House for the first time in many years, business comes out of friendship.


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15 Jan 2017 2:53 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Re NHS facts ( or uncomfortable truths)

Looks as if Brexit analysis and focus has given momentum to well overdue corrective mechanisms with regard to realistic methods to recoup monies.

Better late than never perhaps, but just reaffirms citizens disaffection with successive Govts that play politics with the NHS. Time for cross party agreements to find cost effective solutions to recoup monies and clamp down on abuses from wherever they may arise.

It's called looking to the wider perspective yet again to address uncomfortable realities, and in principle we should all ( both sides of the debate) be willing to strive for workable solutions, mutually beneficial outcomes, rather than constantly remaining in defensive divisive mode, should we not?

Time for a rethink perhaps to make the bureaucrats and politicians more accountable to citizens, rather than pander to their tactics to divide and rule?

Don't you see how we all need to strive for reliable facts, identify areas where reform both in the UK and on the European continent can assist in finding mutually beneficial outcomes from which we can all benefit in this scenario?


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15 Jan 2017 2:56 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


President Elect Donald Trump is half British

Some may prefer to say he is half Scottishwink

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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15 Jan 2017 3:06 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


good post

the solution is easy - a common single health care system across the EU that gives all citizens the benefit of state funded health care. Run by medical professionals and not dopey finacne managers and politicians

Even the very good UK NHS needs some reform and esepcailly to get rid of the post code lottery


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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15 Jan 2017 3:27 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Mrs May is going to call on the country to unit behind Brexit.  Well good luck on that one.  She can't even get her own political party to unit behind Brexit.  If you can't get your own house in order don't tell others what to do.

She is going to say if we cannot get an end to free movement we will leave the single market (etc) yet she has already been informed that without Free Movement of people you cannot be in the single market by 27 other countries.  What a political position she has put herself in.  Basically she is (apparently) going to tell 27 other club members, look here, if you don't do it my way we are going to leave.  I have never heard of a club that says okay we will change the rules to suit one member.  Good luck on that one.

Her side kick Hammond is saying if we don't get what we want from free trade with EU will will give tax breaks to wealthy people and companies.  Not sure how you square that position with the promise to make the UK a shared, fairer society as it sounds like the opposite to me. Good luck on that one.

And, neither her, nor Hammond nor anyone else in Government currently has the legal right to do anything regarding EU and our membership in it.

So why is she rushing to tell us on Tuesday what her plan is for Brexit?  I believe it is because the Government has already accepted that they have lost the Article.50 challenge in the Supreme Court and is trying to put a bit of damage control and spin in place and to appear tough towards the EU.  Good luck on that one.  I am sure that the EU is shaking in their boots.

As for trade deals, that is a long, long way off.  A Trade Deal with New Zealand is going to represent nothing more than nothing.  How much lamb does the UK actually need?

A Trade deal with Canada, great but the deal that the EU has wiht Canada does not cover Financial Services which is by far the biggest industry in the UK.

A Trade deal with the US?  Would be great but it will be on the USA's terms, which will not be a good deal and it will not be completed in the one term that Trump will be President for.

And the best part, Mr Farage, the former UKIP leader, told Sky News he had "yet to be convinced" by the PM's approach.

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15 Jan 2017 3:27 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Can't have a single health care system

We are leaving the EU

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15 Jan 2017 3:34 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

 if the uk push it may well backfire and get worse.

What on earth does that mean?

The EU doesn't have trade deals with the top countries because of their protectionisn. I think we can strike a deal with these countries. I'm getting fed up with your negativity and running the UK down, so i won't be saying a thing about your future posts. I'll let you have the last word.

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15 Jan 2017 3:42 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Hopefully the EU will and guess what the UK won't be part of it.


The EU trades with most countires under the WTO rules the same as the Uk has. If teh UK pushes for soemthing better than they already have they may get rejected or even worse start a trade war hnece backfire comment

There is NOTHING to be positive about the UK with the horrible arrogant attitude of many simply does not help anyone and enforces the negative views and teh divisiuosn we are now seeing across the uk

I will run the uk down and criticise teh uk as much as I wish if it is my view - get over it and simply don't  respond


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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