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22 Jun 2016 10:18 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar


out is out. Has to be.  Those who think they can vote out to leverage change in the EU are kidding themselves.  

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22 Jun 2016 10:22 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar


simple question.  How many migrants are you prepared to take in?  How many refugees?

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22 Jun 2016 10:48 AM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message


The net figure needs to be between 100,000 and 120,000 with changes to the way the figures are counted which even you must agree is a guess. We should also look at the number of National Insurance  numbers being issued an put time limits for the validity of these numbers. We also need to monitor the number of NHS numbers issued and change the entitlement rules.

Having a consistent set of migration rules for people coming to the UK can benefit every one. Fair to UK citizens whose partners want to come to the UK by their arranged marriages in the Asian community, my nephew who is posted by his employer to live in Spain with his American wife who has difficulty in entering the UK on her American passport but not her Spanish ID, my neice who lives in Australia coming here with her Australian partner.

The UK has put a squeeze on Students, partly due to bogus colleges, but also due to numbers, also having to reduce the amount of time they can work in the UK when they qualify. Of course the game plan for many students is to find an EU partner and claim Human Righs to a family life in order to stay here.

I could go on, I have worked alongside, and experienced both personally and professionally, the shambles that is the Immigration system. I have also sponsored two non EU migrants, both skilled and respectfull people, to get British Citizenship. 

So less of the Hate,

Cegg is being told by a person sounding from an ethnic background, tha if her really believed in Britain he would vote out. Cegg claims we can lead in Europe. Not happening now. Leave.


This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 22/06/2016.

This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 22/06/2016.

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22 Jun 2016 10:55 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


Unfortunately I feel I may need to correct you on your comment below:

Windtaker, you asked which part of the UK Perrypower 1 comes from, well he posted quite a while ago that he lived close to me. As the Peak District National Park encompasses parts of Derbyshire, South and West Yorkshire, Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Staffordshire he has many options to select from, hopefully I will be lucky. wink 

Having read many of his posts it is quite obvious he 'lives in a world of his own' lol

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22 Jun 2016 11:06 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar


thanks for your honest reply.  Problem is we receive something like 184,000 refugees per year.  These are not EU migrants.  Once they arrive at our border we are required by International Law and our own domestic law to let them in.  Nothing at all to do with the EU. 

Leaving EU won't stop these refugees from showing up at our borders.  In fact their passage may be made easier   

If you say 120,000 migrants on top of that we are up to 300,000 again which is the issue.  That is the thing that I don't understand.  How will Leaving the EU reduce that number.  That is why Leave will not quote a number. They do not have a plan.  Also as we will have at least two years of exit negotiations where we will be working under the current rules do you agree that there is every likelihood that the number of EU migrants coming to the EU will soar. Our special rights to deny them access to benefits will not get ratified by the other EU states so we will be legally required to treat them the same as any other UK residents from day one.  Under international treaties we can't revoke those rights when we actually leave the EU in two years from now (or longer by mutual agreement).  

The idea that we can control immigration by leaving the EU is going to seriously backfire.  

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22 Jun 2016 11:13 AM by ScottTravels Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Despite the fact that i have disagreed with the Remain campaign of fear to get the votes they need.  I believe The United Kingdon will vote to Remain on June 23rd as we are a nation of forward thinking people who no longer hold onto the mists of an old empire long since crumbled.  We can be a stronger more impactive force as part of Europe.  We will of course share its woes but we will also share its benefits of which they are many.  Europe always has and always will be more stable and sronger together.  leaving the EU wioll not solve the supposed problems of this country.  We remain the 5th richest country in the world and for 65million people on a small island that isn't bad, but, we are only 5th as we are not just a small island we are part of a greater entity that incorpaortes 100's of mIllions of people across the EU. Tomorrow we will see the UK Remain.    

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22 Jun 2016 11:37 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

With regard to migration law, does this clarify

Normative Approach
The normative approach to migration can be seen mainly from two different, but complementary angles:

  • The principles and standards deriving from State sovereignty. These include the right to protect borders, to confer nationality, to admit and expel foreigners, to combat trafficking and smuggling and to safeguard national security.
  • The human rights of the persons involved in migration. Many relevant conventions exist at the universal and regional levels, although most of them do not explicitly refer to migrants or recognize them as a specific group. These instruments are spread across various branches of law, such as human rights law, humanitarian law, refugee law, criminal law and labour law; the relevant human rights norms are therefore dispersed throughout a wide range of texts.

Does this therefore imply that sovereignty according to the above is the key issue with regards to EU migration ( not refugees) which implies we will regain our own controls if we exit?

But refugees fall under unilateral legal constraints therefore they apply in or out of the EU.

, But presumably as we have established rules and regulations governing entry for non EU migrants, these controls will still apply or be adjusted if and when required.

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22 Jun 2016 11:57 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar


184,000 refugees come now.  How will being outside the EU change this?   Refugee status and right to asylum apply when they appear at the border not after gaining entry.  Nothing to do with EU.  In fact the opposite as refugees seeking asylum are required to claim asylum in first EU country they enter.  But if we are outside the EU we have no legal right to send them back to 'first port of call'

non EU migrant rules will apply to all migrants including EU after two years or a longer period of time by mutual agreement.  The he real answer is that come Friday morning nothing changes for at least two years regarding migration except there could well be a 'Rush' to the UK before the border is shut to them.  


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22 Jun 2016 12:04 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Interesting article about the demographics of the referendum.  Doesn't support or oppose either side.  Profiles voters by age etc.

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22 Jun 2016 12:05 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

I have decided if we leave the EU I am staying in the UK and if we stay In I will leave the UK there are to many immigrants here for my liking they hang around Shops ,Parks ,Street corners laughing and joking they seem very happy doing nothing all day they make the Chavs look well dressed. 

Cameron should go Win Or Lose as he has done FA for the UK in my view its in a shocking state.

Corbyns just the same we need a leader but to be honest they are all Wimps dont facy any of them now Rajoy he has Cojones he got rid of all the Tramps and Beggars in Mazzaron.

Boris is a bit of an odd sort but he was teased about his weight at school by Cameron he holds a grudge thats a good thing sometimes.

At least Spain has very few immigrants because they give them sweet FA thats how it should be here.

Love Hugh xxxx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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22 Jun 2016 12:19 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


184,000 refugees come now.  How will being outside the EU change this?   .  

The he real answer is that come Friday morning nothing changes for at least two years regarding migration except there could well be a 'Rush' to the UK before the border is shut to them.  

Think you answered your own question.


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22 Jun 2016 12:21 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

I didnt suggest that Perrypower in fact I tried to clarify that!

These are the figures according to the redcross with greater clarifications of the different statuses.


But in terms of timings to regaining sovereign rights, are you suggesting that the EU will not recognise the democratic vote of the British people following the referendum and prevent the UK Govt from controling EU migrants ( as/when required) in the interim period in the event of Brexit?


This message was last edited by ads on 22/06/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 22/06/2016.

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22 Jun 2016 12:42 PM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message



I am quoting a figure that I believe is sustainable and fair. Do we have/can we build the infrastructure for more?

Yes we may have a surge-there is evidence of that already but also I don't believe the Govt figures are in any way accurate or fair in the way that they are calculated. The figure includes UK Citizens returning and also students.

Famously we do not count people out at Airports. Embarkation checks were abandoned by the Labour government at the suggestion of the previous Conservative government. Screw Labour admitted socially engineering the migrnt population for votes. When the 12 Billion was wasted on a new HNS IT System was spent, there was nothing in the system to check the entitlement of the patient. The eBorders program was cut due to escalating costs and lack of implementation. 

Refugee status and right to asylum apply when they appear at the border not after gaining entry.

It would take several paragraphs to explain why this is not true. The intention of people in the refugee camps in France is to enter the UK illegally so that they can remain illegally and/or claim asylum when IN tthe UK.

We have had juxtaposed controls in Calais and Paris since 2002/2003. These will remain as they are part of a bilateral agreement with France.The principle reason for this is to take responsibility away from Boat and Train operator who would have to repatriate anybody refused leave to enter the UK under international law.

The people in the refugee camps do not present themselves at the UK Border controls to claim refugee status or asylum because they would be sent back to France as they are in a safe country. The shamefull 'Jungle' and other camps are the responsibility of the French and other Schengen countries of the wonderfull, democratic, equal EU. So good that people risk their lives to come across to England, and so democratic that they stopped an aid convoy getting there at the weekend. Is this the wonderfull EU that you praise so highly.

We closed the Sangatte camp at the end of 2002 The difference was the bread, cheese and apple rations given by the French to the escapees to the choice of sandwiches, crisps and chockky bars given by the UK.   

Yes there will be a period of adjustment, nobody is advocating kicking people lawfully here out BUT even the remainers require control of our population.

How may people are convinced that the UK government, in particular Cameron and Osborne, honestly believe that they and the UK can make a true difference within the EU? 

It all remind me of Gorge Orwell's Animal farm where the pigs took control and told the other animals that" all animals are equal but some are more equal than others."


This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 22/06/2016.

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22 Jun 2016 1:06 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Interesting article about the demographics of the referendum.  Doesn't support or oppose either side.  Profiles voters by age etc.

This guy doesnt seem to have been any further north than Bognor Regis Perrypower, and talks much about London demographics.  

He also cuts out the people aged between 34 to 64.

Not very informative


Best wishes, Brian


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22 Jun 2016 2:09 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message


I disagree with several of your comments in your last post.

You say " (sic) many immigrants here for my liking..." mmm aren't you an immigrant?

You say "...Cameron should go Win Or Lose as he has done FA for the UK in my view its in a shocking state..." the UK economy is massively better now than when he took over!  How can you justify that comment?

You say "...Rajoy he has Cojones he got rid of all the Tramps and Beggars in Mazzaron (sic)..."  as a Camposol resident how can you say that - there is the same beggar 24/7 sat down outside Consum for the past 12 months!  I thought he said his name was Hugh, but I could be mistaken smiley




Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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22 Jun 2016 2:10 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The biggest problem the UK government has is if they win by a very small margin let's say the INS win  by 52% ,so what that basically meens the OUTs got 48%, Cameron has got to listen to the Outs and make some serious changes to keep the Outs quite if he Doe's not. make changes their will be a general election before the end of the year.

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22 Jun 2016 2:35 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar


You say " (sic) many immigrants here for my liking..." mmm aren't you an immigrant?

No I was born in UK and lived here for 54 years before moving to Spain non residency so classed as UK indigeonous

Cameron should go Win Or Lose as he has done FA for the UK in my view its in a shocking state..." the UK economy is massively better now than when he took over!  How can you justify that comment?



1.    In 2013, David Cameron brought in an Under-Occupancy Charge averaging £720 known as the “Bedroom Tax” which hurts 660,000 families, 63% of whom have a disabled member of the household (evidence)

2.    Private Rents have soared under the Tories. The average UK private rent home is now £768 a month and £1,260 higher per year than it was on 30 April 2010 (evidence & evidence)

3.    Tories are causing a home’s affordability crisis by refusing to build. The number of affordable homes completed this year was 34% lower than last year (evidence). When Grant Shapps was Housing Minister, affordable housing supply fell 97% (evidence)

4.    Despite Tory claims that the New Homes Bonus delivered 400,000 new homes, the National Audit Office say the true figure is just 14,000 a year which is very poor value for the £1.3bn spent (evidence)

5.    Homelessness is up at least 26% under David Cameron, this is despite Labour having cut it by 41% (evidence)

6.    Despite nearly half of homes being deemed Sub-Standard, Iain Duncan-Smith’s Universal Credit Bill forces the poor to move into the lowest 33% of accommodation (Page 19 & Annex 3.3)







7.    In April 2010, there were 3,632 Sure Start Centres. Today, there are 2,816 Sure Start Centres. That is a difference of 866. The Tories have cut children’s services by 20%. 92 Sure Start Centres have also been privatised (evidenceevidence & evidence).

8.    The Tories have also presided over a 30% increase in childcare costs. In 2011-12 the government cut the funding for Childcare by 10% (amounting to a £4bn cut over 5 years) (Page 44)

9.    The government have failed to tackle, in fact worsened the Childhood Obesity crisis that is a future peril to the nation. The government sold off dozens of school playing fields (evidence & evidence). Michael Gove’s Constituency Association accepted funding from Fast Food Businessmen (evidence). 1 year before the Olympics, Michael Gove scrapped the £160m Schools Sports Partnership (evidence). Hospital Admission for children where the primary or secondary diagnosis is obesity is up 16% since 2010 (Table 7.5 evidence). Free Swimming for under 16s was scrapped in a £40m cost savings exercise (evidence)

10.The Government have deliberately withdrawn support from Children. The government cut the Child Maintenance Enforcement budget by £116m & charged parents to apply for Child Enforcement Assistance (evidence). George Osborne cut Child Tax Credits for middle-income households earning collectively £40,000-£50,000 a year (evidence).  In June 2010 the Tories froze Child Benefit Payments for 3 years, axed Sure Start Maternity Grants and abolished Child Trust Fund payments (Page 48).  From January 2013, the Tories axed Child Benefit for middle income households with a pre-tax income of £50,000 (Page 64).




11.The Tories privatised Royal Mail and claimed it was loss-making despite it making £287m profit the year previous. People with a personal connection to Ministers who signed off on a decision to privatise Royal Mail actually ended up financially benefiting from the sale of Royal Mail (evidence)

12.The government privatised the East Coast Mainline against the wishes of commuters. The rail had previous been profitable for the state have £200m+ in taxes back to the exchequer per year (evidence).

13.Postal collections have been slashed since to just once a day for over 14,000 post boxes and Stamp Prices have also been hiked 50% since 2010 (evidence & evidence)





14.In 2010, The Tories scrapped the Educational Maintenance Allowance which the IFS said was value for money (evidence).

15.In 2010, the Tories, aided by the Lid Dems, tripled Tuition Fees to £9,000 (evidence)

16.From 2010-14, the Tories have closed 410+ Schools, and overspent £1bn on an academies programme (evidence).

17.According to the IFS, the Tories have delivered the worst real terms cut in Education Funding since the 1950s. UK Education Spending as a percentage of GDP has now fallen behind the USA (evidence & evidence)

18.The percentage of pupils achieving A*/A in A-Level English has fallen 13% under David Cameron. The fall for Mathematics is 6% (evidence & evidence)

19.Government Funding for Universities was cut by almost half (evidence & evidence)

20.The Tories scrapped the Building Schools for Future Programme that was set to renovate or build 715 schools (evidence & evidence). They replaced it with a “school improvements programme” that is nearly £6 billion short of what is required and is only improving 169 schools (evidence)

21.Career advisory services have declined steeply under this government. Cameron removed funding from Connexions Careers Advice Service (evidence & evidence). A report found that 4 in 5 schools are failing to provide adequate career’s advice to pupils at KS3 & KS4 (evidence).

22.The government have cut the number of teachers by 10,000 (evidence). The number of trainee teachers has declined by 13,000 since 2009 (evidence & evidence).

23.The number of over-crowded classrooms have trebled since 2010, and now stands at 2,985 (evidence).

24.The average Free School has 142 pupils, research by the Department of Education shows. The cost of opening those Free Schools has turned out to be double what was expected (evidence & evidence).





25.In 2012, David Cameron forced through a Top-Down reorganisation of the NHS that accelerated Privatisation (evidence)

26.The Tories have presided over the Closing or downgrading of 33% of NHS Walk Ins, 66% A&E/Maternity Wards and 16% of A&Es (all types) (evidence & evidence)

27.There are 477 fewer GP Surgeries, and a 4 fold increase in unfilled GP vacancies since 2010, partly caused by the £987m real terms funding cut in GP funding (evidence & evidence)

28.The Tories have invited Private Firms to bid for £18bn of NHS Contracts. Of contracts decided upon, private health have won 33%, 56% or 70% of those contracts depending on which statistic you place most stock in (evidenceevidence & evidence).

29.According to the UK Statistics Authority the Tories broke page 45 of their 2010 Manifesto to increase NHS Spending in real terms every year. According to the IFS, NHS Spending is falling 9.1% per patient from 2010 until 2018. The King’s Fund says the NHS is facing its tightest budget squeeze since 1979. And the Nuffield Trust say that NHS spending is falling steeply as a proportion of UK GDP (evidenceevidence,  evidence and evidence)

30.Despite inheriting an NHS that enjoyed record satisfaction ratings, the Tories by 2012 had delivered the largest every fall in patient satisfaction with the NHS. To be fair to them, it has since stabilised a little but is still below its 2012 Tory NHS Act peak (evidence & evidence)

31.The Tories have overseen the worst A&E crisis in 11 years. Not since January 2004 have breaches of the A&E 4 hour target been as bad (evidence & evidence)

32.The Tories have failed Ambulance Services. Ambulance Response Times for Category A (8 minute) calls has dropped from 75% to 69% in just 3 years (evidence). Ambulance Trusts have made large cuts to their staff and fleet since April 2010. For example, EMAS has cut staff by 13% and its fleet size by 100 (evidence).

33.The Tories have oversaw the axing of 60+ stations (herehereherehere,here, herehereherehere & here). Expenditure on Private Ambulances for use in the NHS has doubled in 3 years an investigation revealed (evidence)

34.The Tories have wasted £11 billion of taxpayers’ cash on NHS Agency Staff & NHS Redundancies, despite then rehiring ¼ of the staff made redundant (evidence,evidenceevidence)

35.The Tories shut down a highly efficient NHS Direct and replaced by a for-profit NHS111 service that botched its initial launch (evidence). 78% of the NHS111 staff who process 111 calls have no clinical expertise. This has caused all sorts of pressures, including additional admissions at A&E (evidence). It has been reported that there have been 22 deaths or serious injuries which were caused by failures in the launch of NHS 111 (evidence).

36.S75 regs, TTIP, and force closures of A&Es take power away from the people and place it in the hands of unelected corporations. The Tories have insisted that healthcare will not be exempt from TTIP. They have passed clauses to allow Jeremy Hunt to force NHS closures against the say of the local public, and diminish the court’s role in holding him accountable. He has also passed regulations to push commercial competition in the NHS much more forcefully. All of this is anti-democratic (evidenceevidence & evidence)

37.¼ of NHS Trusts are now in deficit. 44 new trusts moved into deficit in 2013-14. The total deficit for NHS Trust more than doubled from £297m to £743m in 2013-4 (evidence p.6)

38.England’s GP to Patient ratio has worsened by 3-4% as population increases (evidence).  Of 27 EU Countries, the UK is ranked 24th for the number of working doctors it has per head of population (just 2.71 per 1,000 people) (evidence & evidence).

39.3.2million people are now on NHS waiting lists awaiting operations. This figure is at a 6 year high (evidence). The average patient now waits 1 week longer for treatment after referral (evidence).

40.The Tories have cut 1,876 Mental Health NHS Beds. Up to 4,000 Psychiatric Nurses have lost their job, and overall mental health provision has been cut by 25% (evidence)

41.9,746 Hospital Beds have been axed under the Tories. The UK now has one of the worst hospital bed to patient ratios in the world (evidence).

42.Up to 20 treatments are now being rationed on the NHS, and denied to patients in 60+ parts of England. This shows that an NHS free at the point of use, is under threat (NAODr Fosterand Labour Check)








43.Tory austerity shifted cash from the poorest 30% of society, and children under the age of 14 and instead diverted it to the richer households (evidence)

44.Tory austerity also hits women hardest, a catalogue of reports revealed (evidence,evidenceevidence). For example, Statutory Maternity Pay was cut 2% (evidence).

45.From 2010-15, 200+ UK Libraries have been shut and 400-800 more are under threat (evidence)

46.There are 8,000 fewer Fire Personnel UK-wide since Cameron became PM, and 39 fewer Fire Stations in England (evidence & evidence).

47.The UK Public Sector has saw a reduction in 865,000 staff since June 2010 (evidence & evidence)

48.The government admit they have shut 10 Prisons & turned 4 more into Profit Making Prisons (evidence &evidence). They are also racing ahead with the privatisation of probation services.

49.UK Legal Practices have fallen into steep decline under the Tories. 400+ legal practices have closed, and up to 2,000 are facing closure (evidence & evidence)








50.From 2010-15, the Tories are cutting profit tax by 25% from a rate of 28% to 21%, prioritising big business over struggling smaller businesses struggling to make a profit (evidence)

51.Uncollected tax has shot up by 10% (£3b) since 2010 and Osborne has cut the HMRC budget by £577m (evidence & evidence)

52.In 2012, the Tories cut top rate of tax for the very richest earners by 10% from 50p to 45p in the pound (evidence)

53.In January 2011, the Tories hiked VAT to 20% hitting the poorest hardest. VAT added 0.7% to inflation for every month of 2011. VAT taxes are £33bn higher in 2014/15’s Budget than they were in the 2010/11 Budget published on the 24th March. Cumulatively, the average family has lost out £1,800 extra since 2011 (evidence)

54.The number of millionaire bankers has climbed 11% since 2010 to 2,714. Bonuses to the financial sector since 2010 already total £55bn. David Cameron has failed to discourage the risk culture among bankers that caused the 2008 Global Financial Crash. Bankers’ pay still grows 6 times faster than that of NHS Nurses (evidence,evidenceevidence)




Poverty & Inequality


55.As of 2014, 1,080+ Food Banks are now operating in the UK, and 1m people accessed Trussell Trust food banks which account for 38% of the Food Bank Network (evidence)

56.In 2013, David Cameron’s government also oversaw the axing of the collection of Food Bank Statistics and he turned down millions of EU cash to help Food Banks Directly (evidence & evidence)

57.Cameron’s government redefined fuel poverty and have not published any fuel poverty statistics on data after 2012. This makes it impossible for me to say with authority what impact the 30% increase in Gas Prices has had on fuel poverty levels in the UK (evidence & evidence)

58.The number of children in Absolute Child Poverty has climbed by 13% under David Cameron, this was despite Labour having cut it in half (evidence p.24)

59.The number of UK Citizens at risk of poverty or social exclusion has climbed 1.52 million in 5 years (evidence).




Jobs & Wages

60.Middle-Class Household Income fell £5,300 from 2008-2012 says the ONS (evidence)

61.The number of workers saying they are on Zero Hours Contracts has increased by 270% under David Cameron, this is despite it being 13% lower in 2010 than it was in 2010. Other research shows there are now 1.4m Zero Hour Contracts in operation in the UK (evidence & evidence)

62.For over 90% of this entire parliament, Prices have risen considerably more than Wages. This has led to a real term cut in wages approaching 8-10% since 2010 (evidence & evidence)

63.The UK Minimum Wage was worth more to workers in 2010 than it is today. In effect, workers have suffered a real terms cut in the NMW for 3 years, only partially alleviated by a belated rise this year that still fails to bring it above 2010 levels (evidence)

64.There are 2m UK Workers who are either working unpaid, cannot find full time or permanent work in the UK, an increase of 289,000 since May 2010 (evidence)

65.Long Term Youth Unemployment (18-24) is up 6% since May 2010, from 192,000 to 203,000 (evidence)

66.Wage Growth has suffered its most sustained real terms cut since records began in 1855. Average Households are £1,600 worse off today than 2010 (evidence)

67.David Cameron cut redundancy notice requirements for big business from 90 days to 45 days (evidence).

68.Tories make it harder for folk to find a job. Jobcentre Plus budget cut by £160m. 44 Job Centres shut. 1,000 of Jobcentre plus staff sacked (evidenceevidenceevidenceevidence)

69.6.4m UK workers earn below a living wage. There has been a 15% increase the workers being paid less than the National Minimum Wage since 2010 (evidence).



70.The Tories have lowered the tone of the immigration debate falsely claiming that Health Tourism cost the NHS £2bn, and for piloting racist “Go Home” vans on the streets of London (evidence & evidence)

71.Despite all their rhetoric, immigration is actually up 20% since 2010. Tory lies on immigration became a matter for the UK Statistics Authority when he reprimanded them for falsely claiming they had cut it by 25% (evidence)






72.The Tories ignored NAO warnings that the Work Programme would fail (here) and it failed to deliver jobs for 85%-91%% of participants says UK Stats Authority (evidence). The Government’s £200 million Back to Work Scheme helps just 3% of the people it targeted says National Audit Office (evidence).

73.The Work Programme was twice declared unlawful in a court of law (evidence  & evidence).

74.After the Tories ordered private firms to toughen up the Work Capability Assessments, 158,000 were wrongly found fit to work (evidence), and had their decision overturned on appeal. 1,300 claimants died (evidence) whilst being placed in the category to ready themselves for work. 68 claimants died (evidence) while their appeal against the assessment finding them fit to work was still ongoing.

75.The government introduced forced (or face sanctions) & unpaid Work Programme (workfare) and have obliged 1.6m+ unemployed folk to participate in it, including half a million people who describe themselves as having a disability (evidence)

76.The government tripled sanctions on people in receipt of Job Seeker’s Allowance to the extent that over 90,000 a month were being sanctioned. Almost half of those unemployed but seeking work are not in receipt of unemployment benefit (evidence).

77.The Disabled have suffered real term cuts of 1.7% this year in benefits says the Institute of Fiscal Studies (evidence). The Tories have also frozen benefits to a maximum uprating of 1% which is in effect a real terms cut, for more than 3 years (evidence).

78.David Cameron withdrew the subsidy from Remploy the organisation that helped disabled persons find work. This resulted in the closing of 34 Remploy Factories (evidence).

79.The government’s flagship welfare policy has been an unmitigated disaster that has already wasted the taxpayer £241m in defunct equipment and botched roll out (evidenceevidence & evidence).





Business & Economic Growth


80.George Osborne is borrowing £219bn more than he said he would at the General Election. He has grown National Debt by more Labour Chancellors added together ever did.

81.David Cameron inherited an economy that was growing at +1% of GDP. It has never grown at that speed since. Indeed, most recently, 5 quarters of past growth statements were lowered by the ONS.

82.The UK Current Account Deficit has exploded to £27bn and the pound has weakened against the dollar (evidence)

83.On 19th April 2012, Ratings Agency Fitch downgraded the UK’s Credit Ratings from AAA to AA+ for the first time since the 1970s (evidence)

84.The Tories are asset stripping the UK’s crown jewels. Royal Mail, Northern Rock & 4G and Lloyd’s Shares were sold £3bn less than they were worth (evidenceevidence,evidenceevidence)

85.George Osborne has failed to rebalance the regional economy. The National Audit Office concluded that George Osborne botched the scrapping of Regional Development Agencies and this cause a reduction in regional investment (evidence). Local Enterprise Partnerships were supposed to create 54,000 jobs but in truth they’ll be lucky to create 1/3 of that (evidence).   

86.UK production is lower today than it was in 2010. Production Industries had a higher output in 2010 than they do today (B+C+D+E). Infrastructure output is 10 indexed points lower today than May 2010 (evidence).

87.Tories continually boast about the number of new businesses opened under them. It is worth remembering that 968,000 business have died since 2010.

88.500,000+ individuals have been declared insolvent under David Cameron, so far. 70,000+ businesses have also been liquidated (evidence)




Cost of Living Crisis


89.Average Rail and Bus Fares are up 20% from January 2010 to January 2014 rises ( evidence & evidenceevidenceevidenceevidence)

90.Water Charges are up 20% since 1 Apr 2010 show Ofwat & the BBC (herehere, here)

91.OBR predict Household Debt will grow more than £500bn this parliament (here).





92.The Tories have accelerated a Social Care crisis by cutting funding by £2.8bn. This has led to a cut of 311,000 in the number of elderly receiving care (evidence &evidence)

93.The costs of Social Care have climbed at least £558-£2,400 per person and this has coincided with a 36% increase in the number of elderly self-financing their care (evidence & evidence)

94.David Cameron made life harder for pensioners. He increased the age of retirement to 68 (and said it will rise further) (evidence)  The National Audit Office says the outcomes of the new auto-enrolment pensions are “uncertain” and that ultimately the taxpayer may end up footing the bill (evidence). Cameron also oversaw £500m cuts in Winter Fuel Payments. He also scrapped the Warm Homes Healthy People fund even though it was deemed a success (evidence).








95.David Cameron tricked voters by saying that to vote blue was to go green. He then ushered in the least environmentally friendly government since 1979, and mocked environmental issues as Green Crap. For example, Eric Pickles turned down applications to build 50 onshore wind farms. The government also cut £1.2bn of funding to develop clean coal (evidence & evidence)

96.In May 2014, the government snuck out proposals that would ban a landowner from attempting to prevent fracking under his own land (evidence)





Ethics & Transparency


97.The Tories have accepted £60m in donations from sources linked to hedge funds or private health. Many of these firms stand to benefit from the increase in out-sourcing and privatisation that has occurred under Cameron (evidence & evidence)

98.David Cameron has demeaned the Office of Prime Minister by deploying bullying jokes that attacked women, elderly & the disabled (evidence). Other Tory politicians followed his example, and stigmatised the poor for relying on Food Banks (evidence).

99.The UK Statistics Authority has repeatedly warned the Tory government to stop lying over Immigration (evidence), Debt (evidence), Unemployment (evidence), Benefit Cap (evidence), NHS Spending (evidence) and A&E Performance (evidence).

100.      100 government MPs earn additional income to their MPs’ Salaries totalling £3m+ a year. In addition, 50+ government MPs voted for the Tory NHS Act, while having varying degrees and types of financial links to private health companies (evidence)



1.    In 2013, David Cameron brought in an Under-Occupancy Charge averaging £720 known as the “Bedroom Tax” which hurts 660,000 families, 63% of whom have a disabled member of the household (evidence)

2.    Private Rents have soared under the Tories. The average UK private rent home is now £768 a month and £1,260 higher per year than it was on 30 April 2010 (evidence & evidence)

3.    Tories are causing a home’s affordability crisis by refusing to build. The number of affordable homes completed this year was 34% lower than last year (evidence). When Grant Shapps was Housing Minister, affordable housing supply fell 97% (evidence)

4.    Despite Tory claims that the New Homes Bonus delivered 400,000 new homes, the National Audit Office say the true figure is just 14,000 a year which is very poor value for the £1.3bn spent (evidence)

5.    Homelessness is up at least 26% under David Cameron, this is despite Labour having cut it by 41% (evidence)

6.    Despite nearly half of homes being deemed Sub-Standard, Iain Duncan-Smith’s Universal Credit Bill forces the poor to move into the lowest 33% of accommodation (Page 19 & Annex 3.3)







7.    In April 2010, there were 3,632 Sure Start Centres. Today, there are 2,816 Sure Start Centres. That is a difference of 866. The Tories have cut children’s services by 20%. 92 Sure Start Centres have also been privatised (evidenceevidence & evidence).

8.    The Tories have also presided over a 30% increase in childcare costs. In 2011-12 the government cut the funding for Childcare by 10% (amounting to a £4bn cut over 5 years) (Page 44)

9.    The government have failed to tackle, in fact worsened the Childhood Obesity crisis that is a future peril to the nation. The government sold off dozens of school playing fields (evidence & evidence). Michael Gove’s Constituency Association accepted funding from Fast Food Businessmen (evidence). 1 year before the Olympics, Michael Gove scrapped the £160m Schools Sports Partnership (evidence). Hospital Admission for children where the primary or secondary diagnosis is obesity is up 16% since 2010 (Table 7.5 evidence). Free Swimming for under 16s was scrapped in a £40m cost savings exercise (evidence)

10.The Government have deliberately withdrawn support from Children. The government cut the Child Maintenance Enforcement budget by £116m & charged parents to apply for Child Enforcement Assistance (evidence). George Osborne cut Child Tax Credits for middle-income households earning collectively £40,000-£50,000 a year (evidence).  In June 2010 the Tories froze Child Benefit Payments for 3 years, axed Sure Start Maternity Grants and abolished Child Trust Fund payments (Page 48).  From January 2013, the Tories axed Child Benefit for middle income households with a pre-tax income of £50,000 (Page 64).




11.The Tories privatised Royal Mail and claimed it was loss-making despite it making £287m profit the year previous. People with a personal connection to Ministers who signed off on a decision to privatise Royal Mail actually ended up financially benefiting from the sale of Royal Mail (evidence)

12.The government privatised the East Coast Mainline against the wishes of commuters. The rail had previous been profitable for the state have £200m+ in taxes back to the exchequer per year (evidence).

13.Postal collections have been slashed since to just once a day for over 14,000 post boxes and Stamp Prices have also been hiked 50% since 2010 (evidence & evidence)





14.In 2010, The Tories scrapped the Educational Maintenance Allowance which the IFS said was value for money (evidence).

15.In 2010, the Tories, aided by the Lid Dems, tripled Tuition Fees to £9,000 (evidence)

16.From 2010-14, the Tories have closed 410+ Schools, and overspent £1bn on an academies programme (evidence).

17.According to the IFS, the Tories have delivered the worst real terms cut in Education Funding since the 1950s. UK Education Spending as a percentage of GDP has now fallen behind the USA (evidence & evidence)

18.The percentage of pupils achieving A*/A in A-Level English has fallen 13% under David Cameron. The fall for Mathematics is 6% (evidence & evidence)

19.Government Funding for Universities was cut by almost half (evidence & evidence)

20.The Tories scrapped the Building Schools for Future Programme that was set to renovate or build 715 schools (evidence & evidence). They replaced it with a “school improvements programme” that is nearly £6 billion short of what is required and is only improving 169 schools (evidence)

21.Career advisory services have declined steeply under this government. Cameron removed funding from Connexions Careers Advice Service (evidence & evidence). A report found that 4 in 5 schools are failing to provide adequate career’s advice to pupils at KS3 & KS4 (evidence).

22.The government have cut the number of teachers by 10,000 (evidence). The number of trainee teachers has declined by 13,000 since 2009 (evidence & evidence).

23.The number of over-crowded classrooms have trebled since 2010, and now stands at 2,985 (evidence).

24.The average Free School has 142 pupils, research by the Department of Education shows. The cost of opening those Free Schools has turned out to be double what was expected (evidence & evidence).





25.In 2012, David Cameron forced through a Top-Down reorganisation of the NHS that accelerated Privatisation (evidence)

26.The Tories have presided over the Closing or downgrading of 33% of NHS Walk Ins, 66% A&E/Maternity Wards and 16% of A&Es (all types) (evidence & evidence)

27.There are 477 fewer GP Surgeries, and a 4 fold increase in unfilled GP vacancies since 2010, partly caused by the £987m real terms funding cut in GP funding (evidence & evidence)

28.The Tories have invited Private Firms to bid for £18bn of NHS Contracts. Of contracts decided upon, private health have won 33%, 56% or 70% of those contracts depending on which statistic you place most stock in (evidenceevidence & evidence).

29.According to the UK Statistics Authority the Tories broke page 45 of their 2010 Manifesto to increase NHS Spending in real terms every year. According to the IFS, NHS Spending is falling 9.1% per patient from 2010 until 2018. The King’s Fund says the NHS is facing its tightest budget squeeze since 1979. And the Nuffield Trust say that NHS spending is falling steeply as a proportion of UK GDP (evidenceevidence,  evidence and evidence)

30.Despite inheriting an NHS that enjoyed record satisfaction ratings, the Tories by 2012 had delivered the largest every fall in patient satisfaction with the NHS. To be fair to them, it has since stabilised a little but is still below its 2012 Tory NHS Act peak (evidence & evidence)

31.The Tories have overseen the worst A&E crisis in 11 years. Not since January 2004 have breaches of the A&E 4 hour target been as bad (evidence & evidence)

32.The Tories have failed Ambulance Services. Ambulance Response Times for Category A (8 minute) calls has dropped from 75% to 69% in just 3 years (evidence). Ambulance Trusts have made large cuts to their staff and fleet since April 2010. For example, EMAS has cut staff by 13% and its fleet size by 100 (evidence).

33.The Tories have oversaw the axing of 60+ stations (herehereherehere,here, herehereherehere & here). Expenditure on Private Ambulances for use in the NHS has doubled in 3 years an investigation revealed (evidence)

34.The Tories have wasted £11 billion of taxpayers’ cash on NHS Agency Staff & NHS Redundancies, despite then rehiring ¼ of the staff made redundant (evidence,evidenceevidence)

35.The Tories shut down a highly efficient NHS Direct and replaced by a for-profit NHS111 service that botched its initial launch (evidence). 78% of the NHS111 staff who process 111 calls have no clinical expertise. This has caused all sorts of pressures, including additional admissions at A&E (evidence). It has been reported that there have been 22 deaths or serious injuries which were caused by failures in the launch of NHS 111 (evidence).

36.S75 regs, TTIP, and force closures of A&Es take power away from the people and place it in the hands of unelected corporations. The Tories have insisted that healthcare will not be exempt from TTIP. They have passed clauses to allow Jeremy Hunt to force NHS closures against the say of the local public, and diminish the court’s role in holding him accountable. He has also passed regulations to push commercial competition in the NHS much more forcefully. All of this is anti-democratic (evidenceevidence & evidence)

37.¼ of NHS Trusts are now in deficit. 44 new trusts moved into deficit in 2013-14. The total deficit for NHS Trust more than doubled from £297m to £743m in 2013-4 (evidence p.6)

38.England’s GP to Patient ratio has worsened by 3-4% as population increases (evidence).  Of 27 EU Countries, the UK is ranked 24th for the number of working doctors it has per head of population (just 2.71 per 1,000 people) (evidence & evidence).

39.3.2million people are now on NHS waiting lists awaiting operations. This figure is at a 6 year high (evidence). The average patient now waits 1 week longer for treatment after referral (evidence).

40.The Tories have cut 1,876 Mental Health NHS Beds. Up to 4,000 Psychiatric Nurses have lost their job, and overall mental health provision has been cut by 25% (evidence)

41.9,746 Hospital Beds have been axed under the Tories. The UK now has one of the worst hospital bed to patient ratios in the world (evidence).

42.Up to 20 treatments are now being rationed on the NHS, and denied to patients in 60+ parts of England. This shows that an NHS free at the point of use, is under threat (NAODr Fosterand Labour Check)








43.Tory austerity shifted cash from the poorest 30% of society, and children under the age of 14 and instead diverted it to the richer households (evidence)

44.Tory austerity also hits women hardest, a catalogue of reports revealed (evidence,evidenceevidence). For example, Statutory Maternity Pay was cut 2% (evidence).

45.From 2010-15, 200+ UK Libraries have been shut and 400-800 more are under threat (evidence)

46.There are 8,000 fewer Fire Personnel UK-wide since Cameron became PM, and 39 fewer Fire Stations in England (evidence & evidence).

47.The UK Public Sector has saw a reduction in 865,000 staff since June 2010 (evidence & evidence)

48.The government admit they have shut 10 Prisons & turned 4 more into Profit Making Prisons (evidence &evidence). They are also racing ahead with the privatisation of probation services.

49.UK Legal Practices have fallen into steep decline under the Tories. 400+ legal practices have closed, and up to 2,000 are facing closure (evidence & evidence)








50.From 2010-15, the Tories are cutting profit tax by 25% from a rate of 28% to 21%, prioritising big business over struggling smaller businesses struggling to make a profit (evidence)

51.Uncollected tax has shot up by 10% (£3b) since 2010 and Osborne has cut the HMRC budget by £577m (evidence & evidence)

52.In 2012, the Tories cut top rate of tax for the very richest earners by 10% from 50p to 45p in the pound (evidence)

53.In January 2011, the Tories hiked VAT to 20% hitting the poorest hardest. VAT added 0.7% to inflation for every month of 2011. VAT taxes are £33bn higher in 2014/15’s Budget than they were in the 2010/11 Budget published on the 24th March. Cumulatively, the average family has lost out £1,800 extra since 2011 (evidence)

54.The number of millionaire bankers has climbed 11% since 2010 to 2,714. Bonuses to the financial sector since 2010 already total £55bn. David Cameron has failed to discourage the risk culture among bankers that caused the 2008 Global Financial Crash. Bankers’ pay still grows 6 times faster than that of NHS Nurses (evidence,evidenceevidence)




Poverty & Inequality


55.As of 2014, 1,080+ Food Banks are now operating in the UK, and 1m people accessed Trussell Trust food banks which account for 38% of the Food Bank Network (evidence)

56.In 2013, David Cameron’s government also oversaw the axing of the collection of Food Bank Statistics and he turned down millions of EU cash to help Food Banks Directly (evidence & evidence)

57.Cameron’s government redefined fuel poverty and have not published any fuel poverty statistics on data after 2012. This makes it impossible for me to say with authority what impact the 30% increase in Gas Prices has had on fuel poverty levels in the UK (evidence & evidence)

58.The number of children in Absolute Child Poverty has climbed by 13% under David Cameron, this was despite Labour having cut it in half (evidence p.24)

59.The number of UK Citizens at risk of poverty or social exclusion has climbed 1.52 million in 5 years (evidence).




Jobs & Wages

60.Middle-Class Household Income fell £5,300 from 2008-2012 says the ONS (evidence)

61.The number of workers saying they are on Zero Hours Contracts has increased by 270% under David Cameron, this is despite it being 13% lower in 2010 than it was in 2010. Other research shows there are now 1.4m Zero Hour Contracts in operation in the UK (evidence & evidence)

62.For over 90% of this entire parliament, Prices have risen considerably more than Wages. This has led to a real term cut in wages approaching 8-10% since 2010 (evidence & evidence)

63.The UK Minimum Wage was worth more to workers in 2010 than it is today. In effect, workers have suffered a real terms cut in the NMW for 3 years, only partially alleviated by a belated rise this year that still fails to bring it above 2010 levels (evidence)

64.There are 2m UK Workers who are either working unpaid, cannot find full time or permanent work in the UK, an increase of 289,000 since May 2010 (evidence)

65.Long Term Youth Unemployment (18-24) is up 6% since May 2010, from 192,000 to 203,000 (evidence)

66.Wage Growth has suffered its most sustained real terms cut since records began in 1855. Average Households are £1,600 worse off today than 2010 (evidence)

67.David Cameron cut redundancy notice requirements for big business from 90 days to 45 days (evidence).

68.Tories make it harder for folk to find a job. Jobcentre Plus budget cut by £160m. 44 Job Centres shut. 1,000 of Jobcentre plus staff sacked (evidenceevidenceevidenceevidence)

69.6.4m UK workers earn below a living wage. There has been a 15% increase the workers being paid less than the National Minimum Wage since 2010 (evidence).



70.The Tories have lowered the tone of the immigration debate falsely claiming that Health Tourism cost the NHS £2bn, and for piloting racist “Go Home” vans on the streets of London (evidence & evidence)

71.Despite all their rhetoric, immigration is actually up 20% since 2010. Tory lies on immigration became a matter for the UK Statistics Authority when he reprimanded them for falsely claiming they had cut it by 25% (evidence)






72.The Tories ignored NAO warnings that the Work Programme would fail (here) and it failed to deliver jobs for 85%-91%% of participants says UK Stats Authority (evidence). The Government’s £200 million Back to Work Scheme helps just 3% of the people it targeted says National Audit Office (evidence).

73.The Work Programme was twice declared unlawful in a court of law (evidence  & evidence).

74.After the Tories ordered private firms to toughen up the Work Capability Assessments, 158,000 were wrongly found fit to work (evidence), and had their decision overturned on appeal. 1,300 claimants died (evidence) whilst being placed in the category to ready themselves for work. 68 claimants died (evidence) while their appeal against the assessment finding them fit to work was still ongoing.

75.The government introduced forced (or face sanctions) & unpaid Work Programme (workfare) and have obliged 1.6m+ unemployed folk to participate in it, including half a million people who describe themselves as having a disability (evidence)

76.The government tripled sanctions on people in receipt of Job Seeker’s Allowance to the extent that over 90,000 a month were being sanctioned. Almost half of those unemployed but seeking work are not in receipt of unemployment benefit (evidence).

77.The Disabled have suffered real term cuts of 1.7% this year in benefits says the Institute of Fiscal Studies (evidence). The Tories have also frozen benefits to a maximum uprating of 1% which is in effect a real terms cut, for more than 3 years (evidence).

78.David Cameron withdrew the subsidy from Remploy the organisation that helped disabled persons find work. This resulted in the closing of 34 Remploy Factories (evidence).

79.The government’s flagship welfare policy has been an unmitigated disaster that has already wasted the taxpayer £241m in defunct equipment and botched roll out (evidenceevidence & evidence).





Business & Economic Growth


80.George Osborne is borrowing £219bn more than he said he would at the General Election. He has grown National Debt by more Labour Chancellors added together ever did.

81.David Cameron inherited an economy that was growing at +1% of GDP. It has never grown at that speed since. Indeed, most recently, 5 quarters of past growth statements were lowered by the ONS.

82.The UK Current Account Deficit has exploded to £27bn and the pound has weakened against the dollar (evidence)

83.On 19th April 2012, Ratings Agency Fitch downgraded the UK’s Credit Ratings from AAA to AA+ for the first time since the 1970s (evidence)

84.The Tories are asset stripping the UK’s crown jewels. Royal Mail, Northern Rock & 4G and Lloyd’s Shares were sold £3bn less than they were worth (evidenceevidence,evidenceevidence)

85.George Osborne has failed to rebalance the regional economy. The National Audit Office concluded that George Osborne botched the scrapping of Regional Development Agencies and this cause a reduction in regional investment (evidence). Local Enterprise Partnerships were supposed to create 54,000 jobs but in truth they’ll be lucky to create 1/3 of that (evidence).   

86.UK production is lower today than it was in 2010. Production Industries had a higher output in 2010 than they do today (B+C+D+E). Infrastructure output is 10 indexed points lower today than May 2010 (evidence).

87.Tories continually boast about the number of new businesses opened under them. It is worth remembering that 968,000 business have died since 2010.

88.500,000+ individuals have been declared insolvent under David Cameron, so far. 70,000+ businesses have also been liquidated (evidence)




Cost of Living Crisis


89.Average Rail and Bus Fares are up 20% from January 2010 to January 2014 rises ( evidence & evidenceevidenceevidenceevidence)

90.Water Charges are up 20% since 1 Apr 2010 show Ofwat & the BBC (herehere, here)

91.OBR predict Household Debt will grow more than £500bn this parliament (here).





92.The Tories have accelerated a Social Care crisis by cutting funding by £2.8bn. This has led to a cut of 311,000 in the number of elderly receiving care (evidence &evidence)

93.The costs of Social Care have climbed at least £558-£2,400 per person and this has coincided with a 36% increase in the number of elderly self-financing their care (evidence & evidence)

94.David Cameron made life harder for pensioners. He increased the age of retirement to 68 (and said it will rise further) (evidence)  The National Audit Office says the outcomes of the new auto-enrolment pensions are “uncertain” and that ultimately the taxpayer may end up footing the bill (evidence). Cameron also oversaw £500m cuts in Winter Fuel Payments. He also scrapped the Warm Homes Healthy People fund even though it was deemed a success (evidence).








95.David Cameron tricked voters by saying that to vote blue was to go green. He then ushered in the least environmentally friendly government since 1979, and mocked environmental issues as Green Crap. For example, Eric Pickles turned down applications to build 50 onshore wind farms. The government also cut £1.2bn of funding to develop clean coal (evidence & evidence)

96.In May 2014, the government snuck out proposals that would ban a landowner from attempting to prevent fracking under his own land (evidence)





Ethics & Transparency


97.The Tories have accepted £60m in donations from sources linked to hedge funds or private health. Many of these firms stand to benefit from the increase in out-sourcing and privatisation that has occurred under Cameron (evidence & evidence)

98.David Cameron has demeaned the Office of Prime Minister by deploying bullying jokes that attacked women, elderly & the disabled (evidence). Other Tory politicians followed his example, and stigmatised the poor for relying on Food Banks (evidence).

99.The UK Statistics Authority has repeatedly warned the Tory government to stop lying over Immigration (evidence), Debt (evidence), Unemployment (evidence), Benefit Cap (evidence), NHS Spending (evidence) and A&E Performance (evidence).

100.      100 government MPs earn additional income to their MPs’ Salaries totalling £3m+ a year. In addition, 50+ government MPs voted for the Tory NHS Act, while having varying degrees and types of financial links to private health companies (evidence)


Rajoy he has Cojones he got rid of all the Tramps and Beggars in Mazzaron (sic)..."  as a Camposol resident how can you say that - there is the same beggar 24/7 sat down outside Consum for the past 12 months!  I thought he said his name was Hugh, but I could be mistaken smiley


Yes you were the Tight git who came over everday for his Hemoroid wipes and never gave me a Penny

LOL laugh




This message was last edited by hughjardon on 22/06/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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22 Jun 2016 2:46 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Pretty comprehensive reply I think!


Best wishes, Brian


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22 Jun 2016 2:55 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

Rock on Hugh....

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22 Jun 2016 2:55 PM by RIVIERAESTATES Star rating. 13 posts Send private message


Well done very informative but check your spelling of Hemorrhoids I think its wrong 


Like 0      

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