The Comments |
If UK decides to leave, then if there were to be a change of mind, because things got worse, it would be very difficult to get back in.
On the other hand, if they decide to stay, and all those who voted to stay have the ability to remember all the promises which persuaded them, then if in the future those promises prove to have been wishful thinking or even deliberate lies, then they could campaign for another referendom.
You are correct once the uk are out then probably no real way back and if they did it would be under very different terms to what the uk have now
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Manx thanks best contribution yet we need more of this message getting out to the voters not this fear tactics the so called goverment is spuing out.
ps thanks for your dog story made me happy bear is safe
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
Another referendum where promises are made by the EU and reneged upon?
Another referendum where promises are made by the EU and reneged upon?
But maybe the electorate would not be as gullible as they probably will be this time. But I guess they will.
Imagine a game of cricket on a village green in the English countryside. The pace is slow. You won't miss much as you sit and enjoy a picnic.
How about a Melton Mowbray pork pie, where you bite through the shortcrust pastry and a layer of jelly before reaching the meaty center? To drink? Kentish Ale, best enjoyed at room temperature, without annoying bubbles. And to round it off, a slice of Stilton.
All three enjoy legal protection against imitation throughout the European Union under regulations that recognize regional and traditional foods. The list of protected foodstuffs also includes Cornish pasties, Whitstable oysters, Scotch beef, Jersey royal potatoes and Anglesey sea salt.
So what happens if Britons vote to leave the EU in the referendum on membership?
UK producers may continue to receive protection from foreign copycats, much as French Champagne does. But that is not certain.
The EU has done a lot to protect Britain's food heritage," says Robin Skailes, whose family makes Stilton at Cropwell Bishop Creamery. "We make fantastic food in this country, and we want to preserve it for the next generation."
Stilton has enjoyed European Protected Designation of Origin status since 1996. That means it can only be made in the counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, to traditional recipes. (By a quirk of history and geography, that excludes the Cambridgeshire village of Stilton, where the cheese may have originated.)
The U.K. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs emphasizes the value of EU protection.
“The EU Protected Food Names scheme enables our most iconic food to thrive in the international and domestic marketplace," according to the agency. It "protects British products from imitation, helping consumers recognize products as being traditional and authentic. Businesses awarded with PFN status have seen a boost in sales, helping grow local economies, increase employment and drive up tourism.”
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Interesting Mickeyfinn but don't food products have intellectual rights?
Who'd have thought that the EU was protectionist!! That's why they can't make trade deals with the big economies. Australia has free trade deals with the big 3, US,China and Japan.
The EU has difficulty making trade deals because they need to continue to protect EU industries and farming. Protectionism and free trade do not go together. That's why other countries and trading bocks achieve many times the No of trade deals than the EU can.
Not sure a Melton Mobray pie made in China would quite cut it. Mind you whiskey made in Japan is not half bad.
Global trade has flourished and benefited the UK whilst an EU member. On its own nobody can tell for certain. Why vote for uncertainty with so little benefit? Even that word is dubious. I don't believe there are any actual benefits to be had.
The outers will have a reckoning day when they cannot deliver anything else but pain without gain.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
The " reckoning day" as you put it Mickeyfinn, would include inners and outers so are you suggesting that the inners would purposefully prevent the British from making deals as they move forward? Surely not? They would owe it to the British public to honour their democratic decision and continue to work in the best interests of the British public.
This message was last edited by ads on 05/06/2016.
Not at all. If the vote is to remain the concessions Cameron gained will be formally put to the EU and we shall happily continue trading in the single market on the same terms. Sterling will go to €1.40. God will be in his heaven and all will be right with the world.
Melton Mobray pies and Kentish beer will be safe. Thank the lord.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Micky.."Global trade has flourished and benefited the UK whilst an EU member." Exactly the opposite, other than financial services which the EU tried unsuccesfully to steal from Lindon global trade and global markets have been stifled by the EU while upstarts like Vietnam and Turkey have stolen the bread from our exporting mouths...and our domestic market too. Meanwhile the EU is dying and becoming impoverished and our exports to other EU countries have become less each year!!! Facts - not catnip and monkeyglands. Vote OUT for a glowing future. Although not obviously for Germany who will become the only net contributor once us mugs have escaped. Poor Frau Merkel is having a nervous breakdown in case we leave.
Just read Norwegian fishermen's union leaders over here at the moment advising Scots fishing industry represetatives how to finance new boats and do JV's to take advantage after Brexit. What a waste of time . No way will EU allow UK to leave. We will however be offered another referendum with better concessions if we promise to stay.
Micky you started really well when you launched your campaign but now you are making it up as you go along are you sure you are not David Cameron's alter ego because you are singing from the same hymn sheet it sounds like.
And asking God to help you is really the last straw me old son
I asked 10 people today at the site lunch get together and only one was for staying three had not decided and the rest were voting OUT
So put that in your PIPE and smoke it oh yes the EU banned that in our great British Pubs bloody EU killjoys.
Love Hugh
Ps prefer pork scratching and lager than pies and real ale HO HO
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
Micky can't lose, he has posted that he makes fortunes from his predictions, me thinks that he's made an each way bet on this one. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
I fear that DC has missed a trick, he has used the fear tactics of insisting if we leave ther will be:
Outbreak of WW3.
£4300 less in our household spanding power.
Enormous tarrifs on our exports to the EU.
Huge mortgage rises.
Lucky for him Micky has come along at the last minute with the vote winner...
Melton Mowbray Pork Pies all round !!!!!!!!!!
I fear that DC has missed a trick, he has used the fear tactics of insisting if we leave there will be:
Outbreak of WW3.
£4300 less in our household spending power.
Enormous tarrifs on our exports to the EU.
Huge mortgage rises.
Lucky for him Micky has come along at the last minute with the vote winner...
Melton Mowbray Pork Pies all round !!!!!!!!!!
This message was last edited by BigAl2015 on 06/06/2016.
It’s very easy to sneer at politicians. They are the modern equivalent of the prisoner in the village stocks. They accept that when they join the profession and learn to grow a thick skin.
Remember David Cameron called this referendum. It was his decision to include it in the Conservative election manifesto before the last general election. He did it successfully to nutralise UKIP support and pacify his right wing back benchers and cabinet members.
Remember most of the political and parliamentary support for Brexit originates from the political right and far right. You may feel comfortable with that but it worries me a great deal.
The referendum call, like the Scottish one before it are brave decisions for a political leader. They are brave because the outcome cannot be predicted and the career consequences potentially disastrous.
I believe Cameron has done an excellent job of nutralising long standing Tory right wing opposition to Europe. It has plagued every Tory leader since McMillian. Thatcher dealt with it by acting the fox and hunting with the hounds. In reality she was very pro-European. Thatcher knew how important European membership of the single market is to Britain.
The consequences for the political leadership of Britain after Brexit are dire. The right will take over. Cameron will not last a week. There is effectively no opposition whatever. Corbyn and Co are useless. The right will dominate with all that entails for the country. In 2020 at the general election there may be a left of center back lash and Corbyn could find himself prime minister.
At the very least Brexit vote will bring unparalleled political and economic instability to Britain. The term ‘a leap in the dark’ does not cut it.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
To turn one's back on uncomfortable realities relating to the EU and thereby not recognise their unwillingness to radically reform is not just the preseve of the "right" Mickeyfinn.
This message was last edited by ads on 06/06/2016.