The Comments |
It seems as Mickey is finally admitting he is banging his head against the wall time to move on to another soap box me owd mucker the EU cannot protect the UK how can a country on the highest alert allow another aviation terrorist attack to occur from its soil ,no my friends we need to get OUT build that big MR Donald wall by closing the Tunnel and look towards our glorious future.
Also some very interesting data regarding foreigners taking Uk jobs
Mick read a few of your posts on other threads so you really now think that a leave has much potential momentum.
Also every country who has remained out of the EU has done considerably better econommicaly in the last decade I have read recently.
Love Hughsie xxx
This message was last edited by hughjardon on 19/05/2016.
This message was last edited by hughjardon on 19/05/2016.
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
I did read the Bloomberg article fully before you posted it Micky, of course its a good read, would you expect any less from someone who knows how to make billions, no it hasn't made me change my mind about leaving the EU because to all its good reading how on earth can he predict what will happen.
If he speaks for the USA and can predict these EU and UK problems best he start to predict his home grown problems.
As for herding his animals over London Bridge be advised don't bring any pigs, you might just bump into our new Mayor.
Anyway he doesn't have to come anywhere near London to herd animals over London Bridge....The yanks bought the bloody thing years back and assembled it in America...In a desert....Then put water under it...Thinking they bought Tower Bridge.
If so much is good about the EU and Europe as a whole, why don't the Americans apply to join the EU, is it they are to smart to do it? Is it the EU would never ask them? Is it not possible?
Britain has been ordered by Brussels to build more houses – to cope with all the EU immigrants.
The European Commission warned the UK is heading for an ‘acute’ housing crisis caused by massive population growth.
It admitted that first-time buyers were being hit particularly hard and the situation could worsen, with official projections saying the UK needs at least 220,000 new houses a year. But, rather than acknowledging the clamour in the UK for stricter border controls to ease demand, the Commission ordered Britain to ‘take further steps to boost housing supply’.
The demand for more building is contained in a report into Britain’s housing market which was quietly slipped out on Wednesday.
Of course more media nonsense.
The last underlined couple of lines I find quite disturbing, as I wasn't aware the EU did underhand dealings.
Jokes apart, who is it that thinks they have found a problem? Like it's a fresh problem that has just arisen, when just about every sensible sane person in the UK has known of this problem for, what? The last 10 / 15 years or so....Oops sorry, it's not the sane one's that know of this, and want out..Is it?
Did anyone see Paxman last night? His interview with Nick Clegg was remenicent if the Spitting Image portrayal of him interviewing John Major. Also the blatant waste of money and total rubbish expounded by the euro robots was frightening, the only real sense came from the few UKIP members.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
only real sense came from the few UKIP members.
Would that be because what they said reinforced your own beliefs Heph?
The fundamental purpose of debate is to accept both sides have decent ideas worth listening to. If you open your mind to everything being said the beneficiary is you because it broadens out your base opinion.
The tragedy of this once issue referendum debate is both sides are polarised into camps of in or out. That’s the nature of such referendums and why they do not reflect a democratic ideal. They do not reflect the broad base of public opinion as often the issues are clouded or misunderstood.. The misinformation and myths that then morph into truths in the minds of the public distort the vote.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
'Open your mind'
Totally agree Micky.
I started off as an 'inner', I'm now an 'outer'.
I'm sure that this will bring forth your minder but what the hell? You have no idea of my beliefs, I find €114 million a year to shift between Brussels and Strasbourg as unpalatable as I would if the UK tax payer had to fund a similar amount to move from London to say, Manchester. My mind is broad enough to take into consideration all sides of this story, but as blueeyes states, you totally biased inners have made many undecideds into outers.
Did you watch the programme, and if so what did the UKIP member/members say that you didn't accept after listening to both sides, of the argument? If as I suspect you didn't watch the programme, you will be able to listen to what you disagree with by using 'Catch Up'. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
The fundamental purpose of debate is to accept both sides have decent ideas worth listening to. If you open your mind to everything being said the beneficiary is you because it broadens out your base opinion.
Speaking for myself here I have taken note of both sides, when I get the chance debates, TV, the newspapers, spoken with the general public and so on, but after all this I still have made my own mind up to vote leave...Even though I know we wont....Anyway
All the "lets stay in boys" have one thing in common, they all tell of what will happen if we leave...Doomsday for sure, Do they really know this will happen?
Whereas the "Outer boys" seem to say "We know whats it's been like in, not so good, don't know what will happen if we leave, but I am voting out".
If the inners came out with just a couple of honest plus's to stay in, (surely must be some true ++++'s they can come up with apart from all the guess work) instead of the vast amount of negatives, then we outers might learn something that might....Might convince us.
I don't have a minder as you say, you are being very silly.
You have made your beliefs on here very plain many times. You are entitled to them I have no issue with that. However as I have said debate is useless unless you are willing to consider seriously the opposite view has some degree of validity.
I have had issues with the EU over the years. I also once believed the EU should be just a core unit of a few founding countries. However the peace and prosperity the EU has brought to Europe has pursuaded me it's a positive imstitution which simply requires some internal reforms. Leaving is like leaving anything. Both sides lose what they set out to gain when they originally joined.
As Michael Blooberg said it's just not worth the risk. Nothing to gain everything to lose.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
So you didn't watch it then !!!
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Leaving is like leaving anything. Both sides lose what they set out to gain when they originally joined.
What was to gain when all sides joined?
Because I am of the understanding that what we got now is not what we originally joined up for.
On a lighter note, in certain Asian areas of Sheffield some Asians have voted UKIP, this is in the hope of them evicting Slovakian Roma from their districts.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
So Cameron knows what he's talking about then when he says leaving could start a war...Not sure who with....But still....Someone had to okay the monster above.
Choose the positive.- You have choice- you are master of your attitude-choose the POSITIVE, the CONSTRUCTIVE. Optimism is a faith that leads to success."
Bruce Lee.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
'I started off as an 'inner' but now I'm an 'outer'.
That's what happens if you have an open mind and consider the facts over a period of time.
I was a convinced Euro maniac in the 70's a sceptical inner on the 80'sdespite all the evidence I was wrong. My Dasmascas moment was when the EU supported the Franc in the ERM but refused to support the pound in the ERM the following year.
The realisation came that the EU would never be reformed as our politicians continued to say it would, was bad for us as a trading nation and with our sense of fair play, and worse still made decisions, constantly, that were to our detriment.
At present we pay a large amount of money to belong to a non democratic club where we have a massive trading imbalance against us. These are the core facts and all the arguments that we hear from the inners at the moment are wild biased speculation.
Give a man a fish you will feed him for a day show him how to fish you will feed him for a lifetime.
Thats my favourite proverb obviously been clergy.
Any others guys to lift the mood on BREXIT its all got a bit serious lately.
Love Hugh xx
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
Choose the positive.- You have choice- you are master of your attitude-choose the POSITIVE, the CONSTRUCTIVE. Optimism is a faith that leads to success."
Bruce Lee.
Yeah, and look what happened to him by being positive....He got killed....Just like what might happen to us if we stay in.
I feel a seagulls following the trawler quote coming on. 
This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 21/05/2016.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?