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09 Dec 2016 1:54 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Outside of this forum I only know a handful of people in my circle of friends and family across the uk who voted out

Most voted in and have always been in favour of remaining 


No exiter has provdied any concrete reasons why they voted out because they can't tell anyone what they voted for



This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 09/12/2016.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Dec 2016 2:21 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

No exiter has provdied any concrete reasons why they voted out because they can't tell anyone what they voted for

Well Tadd

I voted out because you voted in if that helps?

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09 Dec 2016 2:22 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message


Hugh wrote: - So Micky cannot even concede that the referendum was won by more votes for out than for in.

I did not write that. I said the US election was won by Trump with less votes than Clinton; Of course the EU referendum won the majority vote, just.

A factor of Populism is ordinary working people who would not normally bother to vote are actually voting inspired by Populists supporting media such as The Daily Mail. I read many cut and paste words from that source on here.

They sense an opportunity to upset the status quo. When little changes with either Trump or Brexit and their aspirations and illusions go unsatisfied, disillusion will set in once more. The status quo will be restored.

I have yet to read anything substantive on how the British believe leaving the EU will improve their lives. Much Populist rhetoric of course but how are working people who voted leave going to benefit?

It barely matters with Trump except the damage he may cause to America and perhaps the world but Brexit is forever.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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09 Dec 2016 2:40 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message


              I have yet to read anything substantive on how the British believe leaving the EU will improve their lives. Much Populist rhetoric of course but how are working people who voted leave going to benefit?

Could it just be that they simply don't like the EU and how it is run, and not thinking about how it could benefit them.

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09 Dec 2016 2:55 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Bigal2015 said

I voted out because you voted in if that helps?

Well at least you had a reason more than mostwink - and it sums up many exit voters.

Tenerife said:

Could it just be that they simply don't like the EU and how it is run, and not thinking about how it could benefit them.

Fair comment but how can anyone like or dislike something they know very little about how it is run? never mind benefits / costs / negatives etc. Not many really thought about it


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Dec 2016 3:09 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message


         Then why did you vote to remain, when you know very little about it?

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09 Dec 2016 3:41 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

One reason parts of the country voted out and can see possible benefits is


It stands to reason with more people entering the country from wherever, seeking work, many will take jobs that locals could do.

Yes we all know a small minority won't get out of bed for less than 25k but there are locals who can drive delivery vans, uber taxis and many other things, many of the immigrants to this country are not necessarily skilled and they keep wages low by working willingly in lower paid jobs.

Shortage of labour would increase pay somewhat, and lower starting points for taxes increases net pay

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09 Dec 2016 4:07 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I voted for the Conservative party at the last election ,prior to that I voted for Labour ,Labour lost my vote and it was all down to Gordon Brown calling people that thought the same way as me bigot's ,personally l wiil never vote for labour again.and I am proud to be called a populist voter ,and not citizen Smith.

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09 Dec 2016 4:10 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


I voted to remain for 4 main reasons

1. I beleive in the EU.

2. I knew very little would change if the UK stayed and I am generally very content where the Uk was with the EU

3. Any reforms / changes that the EU may or may not need  the UK would have had a seat at the table. an input and a  say

4. I beleive in equality for all


There are jobs now and the "locals" won't take them.

If the jobs remain post brexit who will take them

Shortage of labour will send businesses out of the UK


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Dec 2016 4:21 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message


          So you know why you voted to remain: that's good to know, but of course us leavers hadn't got a clue. It seems to me that you and Micky think that you're far superior to us lot with your long winded posts, in an effort to try and educate us.

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09 Dec 2016 4:35 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Nothing about being superior

so what did the leavers vote for?

I expect the ONLY answer will be "to leave the EU" - OK give you that but leave the EU to what ?

Nobody has a clue as to the "what" post brexit the best the exiters (and the UK govt) has is guesswork. So yes the leavers did not and still do not have a clue

So what is going to happen post brexit?


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Dec 2016 4:58 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Why did I vote to leave the EU?

Cost of "membership"

Inefficient policies - CAP which consumes 40% of the EU budget

The Euro - Has been the ruin of poorer Southern countries whilst richer ones like Germany have benefited

Freedom of Movement and immigration



Law - EU laws dictating over our laws

Get back full control of our country

And as for being "at the Table" - the UK has been at the table for 40+ years and we are sick of being fed crumbs from the table by our "masters"




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09 Dec 2016 5:05 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

I have given making predictions. It only leads to others dismissing some well thought processes as scaremongering and other such pejorative terms.

In fact the entire financial industry of prediction of trends and forecasting is dismissed by leavers as bunk. They with a more open mind however in fairness and balance can take advantage of what is likely to happen in 2017, especially from April onward. The writing is clearly on the wall. Make your own choices.

I am not attempting to be superior or educate anyone. I write on forums with an honest opinion with the knowledge I gain from the research and reading I do. I’m fortunate to be able to have the time and space so to do.

Everyone is at liberty to ignore what I write but not to twist, miss-quote, abuse or make unfounded accusations about the messenger. I say that not making any claim that is done on here to save you rebounding with an indignant counter claim.

Ask what is the actual purpose of forums such as this if not to educate and inform.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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09 Dec 2016 5:05 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Well, I voted out because I know the EU decimated our fishing / fleets....

Yes, of course the spineless UK government could have stopped it, but they didn't.

Well, I voted out because the EU partly wrecked our small farmers (I come from a North Devon farming family)....

Yes, of course the spineless UK government could have stopped it, but they didn't.

Well, voted out  because I have 3 business's, you would be surprised what rubbish comes through the door..All in the name of the EU.

Yes, of course the spineless UK government could have stopped it, but they didn't.

Well, I voted out because the UK cannot take any more people from anywhere and everywhere in the world, we cannot afford it, we cannot support it.

Yes, of course the spineless UK government could have stopped it, but they didn't.

These are just a couple of small points, I could if I had the time write down a thousand others, the EU is not working, they know it, we know it, you who want to remain know it....… it's a gravy train which the EU doesn't want to lose, it has no interest in anything the UK has to say, or would like to change, they want one thing only...Our MONEY

The only people I know who wanted to stay in were Syrian taxi drivers, a couple of Bulgarians, Many Turks,  and everyone else who thinks the UK is a money pit, I know of no one of my own kind who wanted to stay in...Everyone I know wanted out.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 09/12/2016.

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09 Dec 2016 5:19 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Good you ahve your reasons all of course assumptions and or guesswork but none of these are guaranteed even now post the vote and they certainly were not on the ballot paper or the leave campaigns plans (they did not have any)

So how do you know for certain as a leaver you will get these that you voted for and how are you sure you will get all of these post brexit


So you voted to complain about the UK govt???

The UK govt wil continue decimate evertything to line their own pockets

This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 09/12/2016.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Dec 2016 5:54 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message


You just don't get it do you?  You asked a question and you were given an answer - obviously not to your liking.

So then you ask another question.

Where does it say anything in my post about certainties or guarantees?

No matter how bad things might be in the future they won't be as bad as that un-democratic lot that you want to stay a part of.

But I wouldn't bother arguing about it, the EU in its current form will not exist within the next 5 years - Certain...

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09 Dec 2016 5:57 PM by DuncanMcG Star rating in Manchester, UK. 377 posts Send private message

DuncanMcG´s avatar

Great news from the EU 

EU negotiators will offer Brits an individual opt-in to remain EU citizens, chief negotiator confirms

EU negotiators will offer British people the chance to individually opt-in and remain EU citizens as a proposal in Brexit negotiations, the European Parliament’s chief negotiator has confirmed.

The plan would see Brits offered individual “associate citizenship”, letting them keep free movement to live and work across the EU, as well as a vote in European Parliament elections.

Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it.

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09 Dec 2016 6:07 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

'No exiter has provdied any concrete reasons why they voted out because they can't tell anyone what they voted for''


You've clearly been posting without reading then.

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09 Dec 2016 6:12 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Fair comment you gave an answer I neither like or dislike just observations

I can ask the exiters another question

In the event the UK govt agree to remain part of the single market and pay £xM and accept freedom of movement (as some other models of EEA countires)

Will you be satisified your bvote has been respected


I like the opt in option maybe the 17M or so who voted to stay will take this up and I wonder how many exiters will alsowink

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Dec 2016 6:44 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

In the event the UK govt agree to remain part of the single market and pay £xM and accept freedom of movement (as some other models of EEA countires)

Will you be satisified your bvote has been respected



But that is hypothetical - It's not going to happen.

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