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07 Apr 2017 1:00 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

As we are going down the rule of the country as opposed to Brexit, while the thread goes that way, what about the electorate having the right to remove parliament and force a re -election?

If the country is felt to be badly and incorrectly run, where is the mechanism for the electorate to force a legal election before the usual election is due? To me this is something that should be researched and made possible to the population , as with it i feel that Members of Parliament would be far more diligent with matters of the country, and knowing they could be voted out, would be far more attentive with dealings.

As it is about the only way a re-election could be forced in this way would be by civil war, and we have moved on somewhat from that scenario. It just would not happen in a country such as ours, as democracy has shown that such action is totally irresponsible (and illegal) so nobody tries it. Maybe its for the Yorkshire men to fight for independence?smiley

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07 Apr 2017 1:18 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Maybe its for the Yorkshire men to fight for independence?

Or Scotland, NI or even Cornwall

The break up and demise of the UK beckons and every argument the brexiters have for leaving the EU applies to any nation (or region) wanting independance from the UK

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Apr 2017 1:21 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Please help me guys.  Despite my research I cannot find anything that says that a Dutch MEP called the British People stupid.  I did find that a Brit (Lord Kerr),A EUROPHILE who co-wrote Article 50 has been shamed as “odious” after declaring the country needs more migrants because “native Brits are so bloody stupid”.

The only reference I could find to a statement by a Dutch MEP was, "He said: “I think David Cameron made a huge mistake by trying to export a domestic problem, in fact a problem in his own Tory party which is still there, and trying to export it to Brussels. “That was tactically stupid.”

Unless you can point me in the right direction I must say that all this moaning appears to be a further attempt by Brexit to whip up anti-EU feelings.  In short just more Brexit lies and fake news.

I would be happy to be proven wrong and will say sorry if that is the case, but the demand for proof now sits in the Brexit camp.

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07 Apr 2017 1:46 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Not really Perry. it just means you missed it.


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 1:47 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

provide the link Brian...thanks in advance


This message was last edited by perrypower1 on 07/04/2017.

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07 Apr 2017 1:50 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Tadd, still inciteful then   

Maybe its for the Yorkshire men to fight for independence?

Or Scotland, NI or even Cornwall

The break up and demise of the UK beckons and every argument the brexiters have for leaving the EU applies to any nation (or region) wanting independance from the UK

From my rear garden view across to Holmfirth, I am happy to watch the old gentlemen going down the road in bathtubs, and be content that when the Brexit negotiations are completed the UK can repair some of the division caused by this awful social experiment we are leaving.

Then we can get on with our own lives, onward and upward.  (And I voted remain).


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 1:52 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message


Who am I. your researcher?   find it yourself, im busy.

While your looking, see if you can find the italian company making thousands of redundancies, theres a good chap.


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 2:04 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


No one is particularly blaming UK or EU politicians nor are we blaming EU countries, we have all agreed everyone has faults.

I think Churchill said, " Democracy is not perfect, but it's the best we have until something else comes along".

There is NO perfect system stop trying to suggest there is or complaining about our right to vote or get up off your backsides and form a new movement.

A pen albeit small majority but large number of Brits have decided the EU model in its current form is not exactly fit for purpose now and requires major change, if this cannot be altered, then leave, simple as that really.

PS there may not yet be a majority of Europeans who feel the same mainly because most countries are beneficiaries of EU funding BUT there is a sizeable minority who are not content with the EU system, should they be ignored as well?

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07 Apr 2017 2:11 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Thanks for that Brian, just wanted confirmation that it was not a Dutch MP but a British Lord that said, “native Brits are so bloody stupid”.

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07 Apr 2017 2:16 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Hugh_man there is a " sizeable minority who are not content with the EU system, should they be ignored as well?"

So we have to consider their position, just as the whole of the EU has not considered ours, resulting in Brexit? I am no supporter of David Cameron but we should all give him some credit for allowing a referendum in the first place. If that Minority are so intent on leaving the EU, maybe they should concentrate efforts on their own sympathetic politicians for change?

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07 Apr 2017 2:19 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

"Thanks for that Brian, just wanted confirmation that it was not a Dutch MP but a British Lord that said, “native Brits are so bloody stupid”."

Perrypower, so you know by your quote above that it was not a EU minister but the "Dutch MP", so you know who said it in the first place, so why stir up trouble by claiming you "could not find what was said"

You do not name this "Dutch MP," even in your original thread even though his speech is easily found on the internet.


This message was last edited by robertt8696 on 07/04/2017.

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07 Apr 2017 2:20 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Your very welcome Perry, sack your researcher, they are coming up with silly information (again!).

But keep trying, im sure you will be able to find real facts soon, but you seem to subscribe to the stupid brits angle?   Are you looking for obscure references perhaps?   Maybe you make up your mind and then fit the information you find to suit that?

All sorts of reasons to keep going Perry, youl get there in the end im sure   


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 2:39 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Hugh said,
Brian has a valid point, this Dutch guy did call us all stupid, a bit like some remoaners have in the UK.  That is not acceptable.

Brian said,
My original point is concerning the remark directed from the EU parliament at the british people, and the lack of any admonishment to that MP.

I asked for a link to a Dutch MEP calling the British People stupid.  I did not find any from a Dutch MEP or a Dutch MP but I did find that a British Lord called the British stupid. That was what you were complaining about wasn't it?   That a Brit would never call the people of a country stupid, but at least one did.

I gave you the chance to substantiate your quotes but none can be provided so it is just more Project Fear Fake News being delivered by Brexiteers.  If you have a link use it and share with the rest of us.  If you can't well, liar liar panties on fire...tehehehehe



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07 Apr 2017 2:51 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Dont quit now Perry, your getting somewhere.

Stick at it man      Dutch MEP    talking at the same time that NF was getting giddy and showing himself up a bit.

getting warmer, warmer (careful with those pants haha)


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 3:32 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Not sure whether this might clarify a few of the strong feelings expressed to date but here goes….


This article makes some  observations that might ring true with many who voted Brexit…. ( and now with some who voted to remain!)


“All I know is that what we have seen from the EU’s leaders in months since Britain voted to leave the EU is a good reminder of why the country made that decision. Far from proving itself to be the open, liberal organisation it claims to be it has revealed itself to be a closed, protectionist bloc which doesn’t really want to do business with an ex-member and, worse, doesn’t want us to do business with the outside world, either. No wonder British voters decided that we were better off out.”


The article also makes reference to Verhofstadt ( Belgium) MEPs rant in the EU Parliament where he suggested Brexit was “a loss of time, a waste of energy, stupidity.”


The article continues….”It is an utterly bizarre thing to have said. The Conservative Party has 150,000 members. The referendum was decided by 17 million votes to 16 million votes. How can a decision which was made by the British public as a whole be blamed on a squabble among the Tories?      

It is true that we might not have had a referendum had David Cameron not concluded that it was the best way to manage anti-EU sentiment within his party. Had we had no referendum and Conservative MPs been left to squabble over the EU among themselves Britain would not now be leaving that organisation. But it wouldn’t just have been a handful of Tory MPs who were left feeling frustrated; the views of 52 per cent of the British public would have gone ignored.

EU leaders such as Mr Verhoftsadt would have seen no problem in that at all. While he calls himself a liberal he proves by his words that he is not much of a democrat. He shows not an ounce of respect for the democratic decision of the British people.”


As for Mr Farage’s rant, this was the context in which he spoke in the EU Parliamentary debate :

"You have been vindictive and nasty. You're behaving like the mafia, like we're a hostage," Mr Farage said, "we're not - we're free to go." "It's exactly what I expected - they [the EU] see that £52bn divorce bill as simply settling the balance...but they're holding us to ransom."
“If you continue with that route, it won’t just be the United Kingdom that will trigger Article 50, there will be many more to come,” he warned.


Apparently there was also another rant by the German MEP Manfred Weber, the chairman of the powerful EPP grouping, who sparked fury by saying there must be “no more money” for political groupings opposed to the European project in an attempt to bolster the ranks of pro-EU forces in the parliament.

He revealed he has written ( March 14th) to Brussels chief Jean-Claude Juncker asking him to draw up a new law banning parties including Britain’s Ukip, the French Front National and Italy’s Five Star Movement from receiving cash on the same basis as europhile groupings.


Mr Weber said that eurocrats were “stupid” to carry on handing taxpayers’ money to politicians openly opposed to greater European integration, and said the bloc was effectively “funding its enemies” by doing so.  
But his incendiary remarks were immediately attacked by eurosceptics, who said they revealed the vindictive and undemocratic nature of the bloc and proved once more that Britain had made the right decision to quit.


Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in those Parliamentarians who refer to themselves as liberal thinkers but in reality behave so differently, does it?


Quite a worry when you listen/view live debates and witness some of these uncomfortable realities, but necessary nevertheless to keep an open mind when endeavouring to make rational judgements?


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07 Apr 2017 4:01 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Great post Ads 

im not looking through tv files, but the chap in parliament said (not verbatim). 

'There will come a time when the young British people will want to rejoin the union, they will realise how stupid the British were to vote Brexit'.   

That was the shocking part of the exchanges I heard and saw.    The mafia reference didn't particularly offend me, we hear worse in some exchanges ( although childish I agree) 


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 6:15 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

there will come a time when the people of the UK rgeret this move and it will be sooner than many think  

a pandora's box has been well and truly opened

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Apr 2017 6:43 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Talking of a Pandora's box (or is it over-reaction?) just noticed this blog....

But who knows, where one door closes another may open and prove an opportunity for another airline to pick up the business? Such is life.

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07 Apr 2017 6:59 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Why would any other airline pick up this business if the uk is not part of eu open skies agreement as they would not be able to fly until an agreement was in place

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Apr 2017 7:00 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Pandora opened her box (a kind of urn) and let all the evils of the world out.   

After opening it left only hope inside when the box was closed again.  So hope to look forward to Tadd   

Ryanair exist on low fares and low costs, any small changes in an economy will affect the cheap and cheerful the most Ads.  I can see them being nervous about Brexit however I don't see that people will stop the demand.  

A chalkenge for them yes, but you don't get anything free in life, I'm sure they will cope ok.  

Tadd    Did you think the world of computers was going to end at midnight 1999 as well?    You actually think the EU will stop aircraft flying from the UK to Europe because of Brexit   

You actually believe that nonsense????    Wow

This message was last edited by briando55 on 07/04/2017.


Best wishes, Brian


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