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28 Jun 2016 11:35 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

From one Pie and a Pint man to another

Well done Nige great speech today told EU good and proper 

Hundreds of them taking Millions of euros in wages a month your comment on not doing a days work CLASSIC 

FARAGE for Primeminister

Love Hugh xxx


This message was last edited by hughjardon on 28/06/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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29 Jun 2016 1:02 AM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message


Yes Nigel was on form. Just watched and interview on TV of Marie LePenn who was stating the obvious. Including why are we importing unemployment and who's paying for them.

There was also some amusing news coverage. Two women of Jamaican origin (not as funny as the two on Gogglebox) one had voted out, the other had voted in. With the comment that 'Jamaica Hasn't got room for me' They always make me laugh. Apparently the Irish Embassy has run out of passport application forms as we'll not be alowed into Europe.

In Mansfield where one of the highest proportion of people voted out they apparently had difficulty in finding an inner. They did and he said quite clearly that he respected teh decisions, respects the UK and we will get through and be a great country.In his middle eastern accent.

There are plenty of interviews with Eastern European migrants all saying they want to stay. No politician has been talking about them leving, except Cameron who said they would have to leave after six months if they didn't get a job. As if that's going to happen. Wellmaybe if Teresa May gets PM.

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29 Jun 2016 8:54 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Yep.  Welcome to the world of brexit comments from the leavers lol. 

Nigel for PM.

his cabinet may be 

Hu jardon   

Super ted  Or sstted.

bigus dickus 

Al. Coholic 

I. P.  Freely

Seymour Butz

Etc    A joke cabinet for a joke PM in a joke world.

when he gets elected we will have a fly by of Spitfires and a parade of Buldogs flanked by corgis and a bouncing bomb coming through the middle.   A display of fawlty tower style silly walks and anti German sayings and a new union flag of just English and Wales colours, with Wales just a little bit at the bottom   

We can go back to farthings and have little boys up chimneys with little brushes to get ready for our brand new energy policy.  

Back to marathon bars and big curly wurleys, our medicine can claim to cure everything if you mix it with lard and sugar, and smoke as many ciggies as we can before we die   

Mmmmmmm   Lovely



Best wishes, Brian


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29 Jun 2016 10:18 AM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar

Have I heard this right or is it the media spreading muck?. Even when we leave the EU we could do a deal with them that includes the free movement of people.

"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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29 Jun 2016 10:38 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Have I heard this right or is it the media spreading muck?. Even when we leave the EU we could do a deal with them that includes the free movement of people.

No you heard right, it was common knowledge before the vote but not highlighted.

We have to declare article 50 to leave, the negotiations now are to remain in the trading market at the time of article 50 being discussed.  This may include the free movement of people being part of the deal brokered.

If anyone thought we would be looking at the EU member states and saying 'they dont like it up em', then they are completely off base.




Best wishes, Brian


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29 Jun 2016 12:17 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Might the Canadian agreement model act as a template for Britain to work upon? Educative article on open Europe website.

But the fact that this Govt expressly forbad the civil service to provide input to adequately assess contingency plans for Brexit (as a manipulative ploy to deter Brexit) now sadly appears to have backfired and left the Govt with all too little time to adequately assess a negotiated package.

Let's hope this new unit established to do just that calls upon well respected individuals who look to cross party interests , national interests, and not just one party political viewpoint.

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29 Jun 2016 12:19 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

 the free movement of people

 The free movement of people, monetary union and a supreme court are all functions of a nation state.

We are a free democratic nation state and need control over all of them.

The control of these functions without democratic accountability are the signs of a dictatorship.

Free trade is easily entered into by all nations without ceeding sovreignty.

The EU has the cart before the horse. It needs to downgrade the comission to a civil service, Make the parliament the executive and perhaps make the council of ministers the senate (revising house).

We in the UK have built up our democracy and the citizens rights and priviledges over the centuries. It should come as no surprise that we reject an EU that does not respect our original rights which, as a senior citizen, I know we were promised when we joined.

If the EU wants us (I will not say to stay, because now we are leaving) it should grant us our free trade area, give us associate status and give an undertaking to move towards democratisation. We should give an undertaking to have a new referendum on membership when a timetable towards the above has been agreed.

This would take statesmanship on both sides.

Mrs Merkel could be that person on the EU side, Who do we have?

I suggest that the engineers of our freedom Boris and Nigel are far too toxic. How about May & Gove?

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29 Jun 2016 2:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Why don't you send your suggestion to your MP ttedd?

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29 Jun 2016 3:34 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I hadn't taken to much notice of the past weeks on the run up to the referendum, perhaps I should have.

Some small things are coming out now its to late which perhaps had Cameron spoke honestly these things it  might just have taken a different turn.

One which maybe I missed was it's quite possible if the UK do leave for sure state pensions could be frozen at the amount you get when you left the country, as in Aus and Canada, couple of other interesting bits and pieces cropping up now and again.

For sure Cameron seemed to get so angry over this it looks to me he lost the plot a bit, and now has fallen on his own sword....Badly.

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29 Jun 2016 4:09 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

........... it's quite possible if the UK do leave for sure state pensions could be frozen at the amount you get when you left the country, as in Aus and Canada ..............


Or it might be like :-

Countries the UK has a social security agreement with

The UK has agreements with some other countries to protect the social security rights of workers moving between the 2 countries.

These are sometimes known as ‘bilateral agreements’ or ‘reciprocal agreements’.

If you live in one of the following countries and receive a UK State Pension, you will usually get an increase in your pension every year:

  • Barbados
  • Bermuda
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Jersey
  • Guernsey
  • the Isle of Man
  • Israel
  • Jamaica
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia
  • Mauritius
  • Montenegro
  • the Philippines
  • Serbia
  • Turkey
  • USA






This message was last edited by johnzx on 29/06/2016.

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29 Jun 2016 4:38 PM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message

The EU's opening negotiating position is that any trade deal (access to the market) includes free movement of people.

Is this why they can't agree a trade deal with America? What about other countries. They say free movement is not negotiable. The UK says out due to various anti-democratic actions by the EU including the issue of migration to the UK, which is due to the 'Free movement' principle.

Well, we're coming out of the EU so let's trade with them according to the World Trade Organisation rules and if that involves tarrifs, so be it. They need us more than we need them.

People are thinking that we will have to have visa's to go to Europe. No chance, but it would be in the interests of our national security to have visa's to enter the UK.

We're working towards a work permit or rule before a person can work in the UK. Some free movement and i'd welcome more Aussie's dowing walkabout, They're all going to Canada now. Sensible rules about those employed in one country working for that company overseas. Work permits on a basis of skills and need, British Jobs for British workers.

The UK government has not had the balls to implement residency rules in the way other EU countries have, particularily health care where it is a free for all from the International Health Service. In work and unemployment benifits are for people legally living in the UK, not for people living overseas. British Jobs for British workers.   

Problem is, so many opportunities to abuse and evade their hospitality of the UK have been allowed, now the public reaction is OUT, in my opinion the only eat to get lives of Britich eople back on track..





This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 29/06/2016.

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29 Jun 2016 4:56 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

Baz1946, you seem to want to blame Dave Cameron for eveything, yet you open with the comment..."I hadn't taken to much notice of the past weeks on the run up to the referendum, perhaps I should have"... the two statements don't really tally.

The guy told it like it is, but people didn't listen.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2016 5:37 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Baz1946,  **** you seem to want to blame Dave Cameron for eveything, **** yet you open with the comment..."I hadn't taken to much notice of the past weeks on the run up to the referendum, perhaps I should have"... the two statements don't really tally.

The guy told it like it is, but people didn't listen.

Well, at least you got that bit correct. 

I do blame Cameron for everything that has happened over the past months, if he told it like it is...When is the war starting?....When was the last time he actually took notice of what has been happening in the UK, which he now mentions to the EU was part of his downfall, but he blames the EU for it,  which by the way all the remainers on here when someone came up with a fault about the EU were very quick to point out that it wasn't the EU, but the UK governments problem ,which they did nothing about, nothing to do with the EU at all.

Cameron never told it like it was, he for the most told stupid lies.

Yes I didn't take a great interest in the inners or outers, listened a bit and got fed up with the lies being told pretty much by Cameron's bunch, I actually had better things to do while most of that was going on.......

I teach self defence classes for Ladies and Girls and was very much 100% pre-occupied with this while training and learning a few new teachers,....

Something which I could add if Cameron had taken more notice of what has been happening in the UK of late......We might not have needed.

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29 Jun 2016 6:11 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

We differ - the English love to blame others and who ever comes to power has a short "holiday" period and then they're pillored, no matter what they do, it's the English way.

A better argument would be to say that the focus of the "Remain" team was awry and the content was lightweight.  If they had underline the inevitable streats of departure of Scotland, Gibratarians and Northern Ireland some might have listened.  But too many people voted on what they saw as what's best for them and too blinkered.

But I reckon we'll miss Cameron (but of course, never admit it).  A long way from perfect - in my mind he tried to please too many people, but still he ticked a few boxes and we could easily end up with a worse PM.  But perhaps you're a Boris fan?  Or Corbyn...perhaps you can say who you reckon will do a better job?  How about bring back Blair?

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2016 6:16 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Sadly Cameron didn't tell it like it is, Acer , and " educate " the British public to realities or make adequate fallback contingency planning in the event of Brexit to protect British Interests.... no honest mention to the general public to forewarn voters of the impact re blocking access to civil service re contingency plans in the event of Brexit ( thus compromising  British Interests by failing to adequately plan a fallback negotiating strategy ), no mention to evaluate the impact or forewarn that alienated labour voters would most probably vote for Brexit ( ironically due to the negative impact of Govt policies on their lives), no honest mention of the fact that Mark Carney HAD made financial contingency plans for Brexit, no honest mention or ethical evaluation to allow Goldman Sachs to be one of their financial backers given their dire involvement in the 2008 financial crisis that led to worldwide austerity, no fallback Govt contingency planning in the event of the union breaking up, no mention that they abandoned the migration fund intended to assist regions impacted by a sudden surge in population growth, no transparent  evaluation of the impact of migration  on regions, infrastructure, salaries, reneging on his promise to stay in the event of Brexit and fight for British Interests as PM, ... etc.

Sorry Acer we'll have to agree to differ on this I'm afraid.

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29 Jun 2016 6:35 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

According to open Europe website re the Canadian agreement with Europe:

(Click on read full article.)

CETA does not involve Canada paying into the EU budget or signing up to EU rules on the free movement of people in return for increased market access.



This message was last edited by ads on 29/06/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 29/06/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 29/06/2016.

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29 Jun 2016 7:03 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

It's not difficult to put a spin or different interpretations on most events.  But in my mind Cameron did what he promised in his election manifesto and gave the British public the chance to vote.  At the time no-ne said "that's not too clever", now it seems different, as they say, hindsight is a worderful thing.

We, tend to say "Cameron did this" or Cameron did that" but in reality Cameron was probably just the force behind making sure the referendum took place.  I suspect there were a few "Sir Humpreys" in the Civil Sevice who failed in the education process which was cruciial.  And you have allow for the fact that some of the population are too involved with other things like martial art classes etc to pay proper attention.

I feel sorry for Cameron, he did what he thought was right.  Far better than Blair who took us to war without proper authority, just some dodgy WMD evidence.  But let's face it whatever you do as a British PM you're on a loser - that even includes Winston Churchill just after WW2!   Brits tend to be a bit fickle.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2016 7:16 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Stereotyping and generalisations should have no part in this debate and sadly only alienate and further divide rather than assist in the process to honestly reflect on events, learn from mistakes, but more importantly identify a positive way forward in a spirit of cooperation.

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29 Jun 2016 8:35 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

We differ - the English love to blame others and who ever comes to power has a short "holiday" period and then they're pillored, no matter what they do, it's the English way.

A better argument would be to say that the focus of the "Remain" team was awry and the content was lightweight.  If they had underline the inevitable streats of departure of Scotland, Gibratarians and Northern Ireland some might have listened.  But too many people voted on what they saw as what's best for them and too blinkered.

But I reckon we'll miss Cameron (but of course, never admit it).  A long way from perfect - in my mind he tried to please too many people, but still he ticked a few boxes and we could easily end up with a worse PM.  But perhaps you're a Boris fan?  Or Corbyn...perhaps you can say who you reckon will do a better job?  How about bring back Blair?

For sure the content of the remain team was lightweight, to say the least.

I have always said that to be a leader, in any profession, Male or Female, in the least you have to look like a leader, Cameron did look like a leader, I never disliked him as a PM, but he showed in what he didn't do that he had no backbone, he's sure got over losing his job quite quick as well.

No, I am not a Boris fan, in my book he don't look like a leader, and he certainly don't act like one, make a good clown in a circus though.

Blair was labour, and as showed so many times with his actions...A very dubious person, I don't vote labour as it happens anyway.

A lady PM is not a bad idea, why not, or is it the men who didn't and don't like being told what to do by a woman.

Most people voted because of how the EU had affected the country as a whole, the EU did affect the general public but the general feeling was how the EU had messed up the country.

The downside of anyone that tries for PM is they will all say what they will do when they get in, and forget it when they do get in.

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29 Jun 2016 8:45 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

  And you have allow for the fact that some of the population are too involved with other things like martial art classes etc to pay proper attention.

I have just noticed the above comment, I don't teach Martial Art Classes, I teach Self Defence, totally different, and to Ladies only.

And it would seem by your comment I have to justify why I choose to do this over listen to rubbish and lies from MP's......

I do this to protect, maybe your Wife, your Daughters,  your Mother, your Lady friends from being raped, beaten up, having lives destroyed, now you might be wondering why I don't / wont teach the males this......Thats easy....It's the men that do it to the Ladies.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 29/06/2016.

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