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16 Jun 2016 8:49 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

After spending a quarter of a century working in the financial services industry (awaits insults and abuse from the usual suspects) it didn't take me long to realise that all private sector pensions are a government piggy bank. We made alternative arrangements by investing in property and equities, this is not without risk, but at least it was our risk. We now have cash investments that currently earn a pittance in interest, but at least can be accessed as and when required.

Most medium and some very large private sector final salary schemes were converted into money purchase schemes by trustee decision, the trustees mainly being the directors of the company that ran the scheme. The BHS scheme possibly had tri-annual valuations and enjoyed many pension contribution holidays, where all kinds of financial disasters could occur in the interim, but the members were all stupid little shop assistants who didn't deserve any protection, so what the hell?

Most of the UK pensions fiascos happened under the supposed eye of the EU, could this be a case of 'I see no ships?'    


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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16 Jun 2016 9:27 PM by OMARELL Star rating in Baldock Hertfordshir.... 47 posts Send private message

It appears from the latest Brexit polls that the Leavers are in a strong position and the likely result that GB will will come out of the Eu . If that happens we can see the eventual break up of GB Scotland and Wales will go their own way. Little old England will have no one to turn to get out of the economic mess that it will get into. It amazes me that a lot of expats or immigrants depends on how you look it will be voting to Leave .Why have you come here?Dont you realise that you would probably be deported.


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16 Jun 2016 9:58 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

All campaigning temporarily suspended following the killing of MP Jo Cox.


This message was last edited by sandra on 16/06/2016.







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16 Jun 2016 10:06 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Surely there's a complete difference between hate mail and constructive criticism? We should all be willing to review and consider construction criticism. Perhaps it's the tone of criticism, I.e too personal,  that is offensive ? Isn't this part of the site's responsibility to provide opportunity to adjudicate ( just as occurs on EOS)?

Sorry Sandra our posts crossed. Such tragic news.

This message was last edited by ads on 16/06/2016.

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16 Jun 2016 11:22 PM by MANXMONKEY Star rating in Channel Islands. 81 posts Send private message


OMAREL. Stop it, I laughed so hard I'm crying.  I wonder what happened to all the Russians, Norwegians, Chinese and Indians who have been encouraged by Spain and Portugal to buy property. I missed this mass deportation, where are all their "possessed" properties? Now presumably very cheap...or did I blink and miss the EU megalomaniacs expansion reach that far?

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17 Jun 2016 2:08 AM by OMARELL Star rating in Baldock Hertfordshir.... 47 posts Send private message

MANXMONKEY the Russians Norwegians are not in the EU so it does not apply to them.They are merely investors and are welcomed to bring their money to Spain.The English are no longer investors when they leave consequently they will be a burden therefore no longer welcome


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17 Jun 2016 5:27 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

I always find it amazing when people go on about unelected leaders if the EU

These are nominated by the leaders of the member states then approved by the elected MEP'S  similar to the uk leaders. 

The PM is elected as an MP by his constituency then as leader if the party by the members the PM then selects the cabinet ministers NOT the electorate

Then there is the House of Lords 

A bit hypocritical really if the uk talking about unelected

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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17 Jun 2016 9:37 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

From an " outsider" with hopefully an open mind willing to listen to debate from all sides, I have on many an occasion  (surprisingly I might add) found the House of Lords as a means to better understand issues as they respectfully debate important issues of the day, and where necessary bring Parliament to account, frequently bringing wisdom from lifetimes experiences from their various perspectives without being constrained in the same way by political dogma.

The same with select committees that act as a transparent mechanism  to bring accountability to the political arena.

IMHO, I therefore don't think comparisons  can be made with the European Commission just because they have been elected by MEPs.

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17 Jun 2016 9:56 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

The man who brutally and senselessly murdered Jo Cox MP in Birstal yesterday was shouting 'Britain first' or 'put Britain first'. 

I also listened to an English football supporter thug from the Marseille trouble who was interviewed on radio who said they were fighting because they want to show  can stand up for themselves and will never lose a war.  He described the songs they sing about Germans and other Europeans.  He was drunk as a skunk and completely the opposite of a society I want to belong to.  

I have been looking at all angles to decide on my vote on the 23rd, economic, social, future planning etc.

i decided last night I am not able to support terrorist action and I can't support any ideals which include hate and violence.

i am therefore voting to remain and urge right minded people to do the same


Best wishes, Brian


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17 Jun 2016 10:18 AM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message


Does that mean that all socialists are communists and all conservatives are facists, if I mention that I'm not too keen on Muslims murdering folk am I a racist? All areas of politics are corrupt, I just prefer to keep our corruption in house and fight it in our own back yard.

And as for the sad and sensless murder of Jo Cox, if the president of the USA can be murdered then anyone can be killed.


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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17 Jun 2016 10:36 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

I think that last post sums it up in a nutshell for me also.   

I don't want to belong to that kind of logic, I'm looking to the future and will work towards a better society.  


Best wishes, Brian


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17 Jun 2016 10:37 AM by GB45 Star rating in Wiltshire and holida.... 130 posts Send private message

I don't think that many would wish to support terrorist action or ideals of hate and violence Brian. Does one base ones views on stupid drunk people and the mentally ill? I don't really think so. You could argue that the man who shouted "Britain first" was against Jo Cox's view on overseas aid and had nothing to do with brexit, not that I think that is an excuse. To equate people who will vote to leave as supporters of hate and terror is just another ridiculous conclusion.

Omarell, It's extreme to suggest that ex-pats would be forced to leave Europe after a brexit vote. There are around 3 million Europeans living in the UK and 1.3 million British living in Europe so I would guess that Europe has more to lose than the UK.

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17 Jun 2016 11:25 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Thanks GB45.

My first reaction to your 'advice' is to consider if I have made some rash decision based on purely one drunken individual and one act of sensless murder.  The answer is no I havnt.  I have looked at the lead individuals and their arguments and taken on board the characters and what they stand for.

The events over the last few days seem to align themselves with the kind of individual who wants to leave.  Its a country in which an individual has to make up their own mind based on what they feel is best, and not be bullied by anyone who  tries to talk down to them by saying they are making a 'ridiculous concliusion' or even mentioning that I believe all socialists are communists and remarking that US presidents get killed so it can happen anywhere.

As you say GB, and the politicians say, I dont think trade or jobs is likely to go away because of the amount of trade deficit, I dont think the ex pats will be affected because of the contrary numbers, I dont for a minute think the government will spend the surplus cash they reckon an exit will generate on the things they advertise.

So it pretty much boils down to a gut feeling about a kind of society I want to work towards.  I dont want to live amongst people with hate, narrow minds, little england ideology or bullies of any kind, so sorry, I am not persuaded about an assumption in my case of how one bases ones views, Im staying in.


This message was last edited by briando55 on 17/06/2016.


Best wishes, Brian


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17 Jun 2016 11:33 AM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


It is your right to vote whichever way you wish and good luck to you.

The happenings of yesterday are still raw and affect people in different ways, I have a lot of respect for some of your previous posts. 

Both 'vote leave' and 'vote remain' camps suspended their 'canvassing' yesterday because they did not want to be associated with what happened in any way.

You should vote the way you feel, but you should not link your decision to a tragedy that could happen to anyone if a mindless idiot puts is mind to it.

I am of the mind that the majority of people on either side of this argument (including most people on here) are actually quite sane and cannot be tarred with the same brush as a 'gun toting lunatic' or 'drunk football supporters'.

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17 Jun 2016 12:56 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Does that mean that all socialists are communists and all conservatives are facists, if I mention that I'm not too keen on Muslims murdering folk am I a racist? All areas of politics are corrupt, I just prefer to keep our corruption in house and fight it in our own back yard.

Does it mean you are a racist?  It is a generational thing again.  Just as our parents' generation used terms now considered derogatory to describe non-White people but did not see themselves as racist it does not mean it was okay. The world has moved on a lot.  I accept that you are not "keen on murdering folk" but prefixing it with a gender, race, creed or anything else is considered racist/prejudicial in society now.  Making a statement like that is offensive to people of the gender, race, creed, etc that is used because it draws a parallel to them which is just wrong.

Whether our generation likes it or not or thinks it is political correctness gone over the top is not the issue.  It is about respect.  

No matter what the outcome of the referendum is we are all going to have to work very hard to make the UK an inclusive society.   I hope all the contributors on here see the logic in that.  

God bless all of you and your families  


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17 Jun 2016 1:20 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

As I am being racist I will re--phrase, all Muslim are not terrorists and murderers, however it does appear that many terrorists and murderers are Muslims. The purportrators of the Rotherham rape, torture and sex trafficing of white female children is proven to be by Pakistanis, this is a fact backed up by the courts, sorry if it offends you. cheeky 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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17 Jun 2016 2:29 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


Sometimes things are better left in your head than written in text, it is sometimes difficult to articulate what you want to say and then make it feel the same in text.


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17 Jun 2016 2:36 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Well done to England beating Wales and Well done to Sterling making a good recovery 

Its all looking good for next Week 

England victourios beats Europe at football and exiting EU chuck another snagger on the Barbie me owd duck

Love Hugh xxx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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17 Jun 2016 2:39 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


I completely relate to your postings and Jo Cox appears to have been a wonderful young lady, a young MP demonstrating conviction with humour, a rare commodity these days. It is difficult to post responses at this moment in time given the sensitivities following this atrocious attack, which if I have understood correctly appear to have come from an extreme right wing element.

I like you, personally do not wish to be associated in any way with such extreme views and am so sad that this has now led to reactions that can easily be misunderstood.

Nevertheless I wish to make the following observations given your understandable response and decision to remain in the EU, Brian.

Having written to many MEPs over several years and encouraging others to do likewise (via in an attempt to gain reform of the system, gain greater accountability and transparency, and more recently bring to the EU Parliament and Commission's attention the need for the EU to ensure that member states adhere to the rule of law, the basis upon which acts as a civilised and effective benchmark to protect citizens rights, I have sadly come to the conclusion that the EU is failing to listen to citizens concerns, and has failed to demonstrate a willingness to address reform.

I am not looking at this from a purely economic perspective but to the wider immoral and unethical implications that are hidden from view from the average voter.

Not turning a blind eye to the needs of citizens but defending their rights.

It appears wrong to me when the good intents of a Union turn out to be corrupt, unaccountable, hypocritical, underhand in their actions ( strong words I know). A union that has created a system that appears to have pampered to political elites, allowed financial institutions to control and decimate member states societies (Greece a classic case in point ) who turned a blind eye to immoral complex financial "structures " that encouraged accession in full knowledge that they failed to meet entry requirements and in that process ignored the major risks upon a nation of people, which have now been sadly realised.

That through its rules and regulations and inflexible political dogma has failed to recognise the impacts that have resulted in mass unemployment, stripped countries of their skilled labour, separated young from their families as they had no option but to move from their homeland in desperate search of work, etc. without due regard for their homelands (and here I'm not referring to refugees).

Likewise a union that in its application fails to ensure member states adhere to the rule of law, protects citizens rights, protect pensions that people have made provision for all their lives with regard to companies that they have supported with their loans, that "allows" the strongest member state to amass surpluses at the expense of other member states ( it's complex) and ignore stability pacts intended to protect from the outset.

And in that process fail to recognise the potential to create divisiveness and proliferation of extreme right wing ideology, thereby undermining the wonderful tolerance that has taken decades to establish in our western world.

I am not thinking of ourselves in the main, my thoughts and concerns are genuinely for others and the hidden implications of a union which sadly appears to be all too distant from the aspirations and best interests of its citizens.

It is the system I am disillusioned with (as many others also), not the citizens, " our neighbours" for whom in the main I have every respect.

Reform has not been adequately debated in this EU referendum, which leaves many to conclude that the establishment are satisfied with the status quo. For other citizens who have reached the conclusion that you have Brian, I feel they deserve better, and my fear is that apathy will return and without a realistic mechanism in place for citizens concerns to be realistically addressed and reported back to the EU Commission, that this will only exacerbate the very real concerns that are now coming to the fore.

As citizens we have no easy access and direct means of discussing the problems with MEP's, no "surgeries" as exist in the UK  (and sadly from my first hand experience the system of emails is inadequate and too easy a mechanism to ignore), no easy means of ensuring that our concerns are heeded and reflected upon, so as to identify from a wide perspective the direct impact of EU failings on us, as citizens.

Its time that the EU were willing to recognise this. But silence has not been golden I'm afraid, and sadly this has only added to the distrust and feeling of lack of control that so many now understandably regard as a fear in their minds. Especially when they see that the EU is over-ridding their own Governments ability to control (and I understand that many consider there have been failings also from Govt in that regard , but that should not detract from the responsibility of the EU to respond to citizens genuine concerns and protect where required, to be willing to be more transparent and accountable, to look for realistic solutions and REFORM …..).

Perhaps best I leave it there.



This message was last edited by ads on 17/06/2016.

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17 Jun 2016 2:53 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Well done to England beating Wales and Well done to Sterling making a good recovery 

Its all looking good for next Week 

England victourios beats Europe at football and exiting EU chuck another snagger on the Barbie me owd duck

Love Hugh xxx


Sterling was taken off because of not performing and England and Wales are the same country in the EU as far as they are concerned.

The barbie is in the garage because its too cold and been chucking it down for weeks, and calling me an old duck is positively quackers.  And I dont think I want to eat snaggies.....will stick to burgers and bangers.  

Apart from those 'facts' I really hope England do really well too smileyyes


Ads.  Call me a cynic but writing to MEP's most of whom openly say they dont want to be there and want to shut the place down may not be a useful exercise, did you get any positive response?

Probably not, I think the referendum will make people savvy enough to question their commitment if we do stay I suppose, at least it should do.


This message was last edited by briando55 on 17/06/2016.

This message was last edited by briando55 on 17/06/2016.

This message was last edited by briando55 on 17/06/2016.


Best wishes, Brian


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