The Comments |
Only someone who doesn't live in the Uk could make such a statement about the Uk having it's cake .............If you were trying to find a home that you could afford, get you child into a local school, get a GP/hospital appointment you certainly wouldn't think this is such a great life. It can be deeply frustrating to say the least. I am very fond of Europe not so much the EU. The main difference between EU and the UK is that we have the opportunity to vote out the Uk government if we don't like their policies.
Where is tehfactual evidence to support your answers?
So in yoiur view what will change and are you assuming all EU states will be happy with it? surley they will have a say on no EU (UK citizens) trying to wok in their EU state
again the UK can't have their cake and eat it they get enough as it stands now
Well, Tadd for one thing people have been moving across the waters for many years and providing you do the correct thing for the stay, and work, no country will say no you cant, for all how hard it's supposed to be to gain entry into the USA I know a good few who have moved over with not that many wanted skills.
I have a Spanish Great Grandmother, she married my British born and bred Great Grandfather, he brought her over here, no problems, she worked, paid the dues...Granted we are going back many years now and things were a whole lot different then, but it happens.
My best mate who is Spanish, came here maybe 40 years ago, he's as British / English as could be now, married an English Lady, two kids, runs a business here, owns properties here, this morning I found out he has just got his voting papers from Spain to vote, he doesn't have, never has had, a British passport only his Spanish one, English driving license, it's been said on this site that situations like this cant be done.
I honestly don't see any, or many problems if..'IF'.. We came out, I see a lot of huffing and puffing from all concerned about legalities of just about everything, then all will settle down...Maybe...And life will go on.
The UK doesn't want its cake and eat it, what it wants is out of the EU coming up with rubbish 'Cant do's', and of course the truth is what ever it costs us per week the UK can no longer afford to keep paying this, or any amount, this mob in now are borrowing money like it's going out of fashion to keep up appearances while the UK is suffering. Massive immigration is a side issue and not that many believe that will stop. To many reasons to list why the UK wants out of the grubby club.
But at the end of the day I have no more factual true honest evidence to support why we should leave any more then the in crowd have to stay....All assumptions of what could or might happen.
This message was last edited by baz1946 on 24/05/2016.
I agree with your thoughst which is why we nned a EU wide voting system to elect a EU govt and a better ssyteme to what we curently have in simply voting for MEP's
Saying that the elected UK govt has seat at the EU tables and has also had its turn of the EU presidency - something the UK will lose if we exit
many if not most countries have issues with housing, healthcare and education and these problems wil not go away if the UK exit the EU and it is not a problem caused by the EU, many countries across the EU (and the world) have problems with housing, healthcare and education which is why I say we need to priortise these and centralise in EU and ensure every citzen gets healthcare, every child gets an education and everyone has access to affordable housing as individual govts have simply failed (and continue to fail) the people on these issues across the EU and the world so lets try something new
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Disregarding whether we stay in or get out......I was wondering what would happen If or when
we had Boris in charge over here and the Trump in charge over there.......any opinions?
All that anyone knows for certain is that Donald Trump would be the President Of The United States of America and Boris Johnson would be the Prime Minister of the UK. To be classified as a good, bad or average president or prime minister these guys would have to have been in the respective positions for an acceptable amount of time.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Disregarding whether we stay in or get out......I was wondering what would happen If or when
we had Boris in charge over here and the Trump in charge over there.......any opinions?
It’s an interesting question Pitbull.
Trump is an American isolationist or at least that is the electorate he is appealing to.
If you read American prewar history most Americans believed in isolation and were reluctant not to involve the nation in foreign wars. They are after all mostly descended from European immigrants who fled persecution in Europe religious, ethnic and military. They believed and still do the USA is a safe haven. 9:11 ruined that illusion.
F.D.R. Roosevelt had to assist the British against Hitler in secret because public opinion was against any US involvement. Until Pearl Harbour of course. That is what isolation does. It leads any enemy to believe they can do just as they please.
So in answer I expect a President Trump to row back from NATO and dis-engage the US military around the world from further conflicts. He wants a wall built between him and Mexico and Moslems prohibited from entering the country.
Any military commander will warn you a static defence is no defence. America will become the greatest target of them all when it’s enemies realize their military capabilities of response have been nutralised.
As for Boris being PM with IDS and Farage in government and Britain trying to disengage legally from Europe. I have only one word.. Disaster. Investors will run for the hills, Sterling will collapse along with the FTSE. Rebuilding a post exit from the EU will take a minimum of 10 long years with political instability, massive unemployment and much pain. Boris is an intelligent lightweight. He screwed up when culture minister and was sacked. As PM given the reins of power he will go out of control.
However it’s the electorates choice and I’m a democrat.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Mystic micky would make a fortune playing the market, if any of his predictions ever came true. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Cameron is in Luton talking to Easy Jet people about the price of flights going up if we leave.
Yesterday he was talking to staff at a B & Q about the DIY recession we will make if we leave.
Tomorrow he's in a brothel somewhere talking about what else can go up if we leave.
Mystic micky would make a fortune playing the market, if any of his predictions ever came true.
Thank you heph. I have and I do.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
You're welcome micky, and you still have the time to talk to us mere mortals, somehow I don't think so. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Too modest Heph! For are you not the oracle of all truths on this subject? I do not seek confirmation of my own beliefs for I'm truly safe in them. No, I seek a contrary argument, alternative ideas to enrich my risks assessments.
Remember ‘fortune’ is in the eye of the beholder. It's a relative term.
Trouble is ideas are mostly predictable here. Although I am surprised by the lack of EU enthusiasts on an expat board.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
You've lost it big time micky, an oracle makes predictions, something that you do peacemeal, I know what I don't currently like, please tell me of all the 'truths' that I've pontificated on.
Now I await being accused of 'attacking' you.
ps, what's your professional opinion on Royal Dutch and Lloyds Banking Group?
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
hep is off again
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Todays remain rubbish.
Flights – Ryanair to drop fights by 12%, see this mornings Metro. O’Leary has a plan to reduce flight costs. Not a mention of Brexit after all that stuff at RyanAir recently with project fear telling us prices will be going up.
Feminists. The feminists were out in force today. On LBC’s Nick Ferrari show this morning, Dr Terese Coffey was spouting doom and gloom about how the EU has been good for women and how all these good things will disappear when we exit. No mention that a Conservative or Corbyn Government would continue to fight for women’s rights.
Suzanne Evans from UKIP thrashed Coffey with a list of things that we in the UK do better and before the EU started worrying about them. This included the Equal Pay Act 1970 that came into force before we joined the EU, Maternity Pay being sick pays as a minimum according EU rules, and the UK outlawing Female Genital Mutilation in 1982 a full 27 years before the EU did in 2009. There is a podcast but the youtube clip shot a while ago covers more issues such as car insurance being hikes for women, zero hours contracts and other EU rules.
Harriet Harperson was also moaning this evening about women being under-represented during the campaign. She could not bring herself to mention Pritti Patel, a leading Conservative Brexiter who also happens to be Minister of State for Employment - maybe she has inside knowledge and a conscience to say what she believes. One to watch in the future.
Also the TUC was saying how bad things will be if we have a UK government that is allowed to run the country.
This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 25/05/2016.
As the risk of Brexit increases investors are demanding to be paid more to lend to British companies. That’s called the Corporate Bond Spread. It’s the difference between UK and European investment grade corporate bonds which have soared since the start of this year. Interestingly they have now declined to levels not seen since October 2015.
The conclusion therefore is the markets are sure as can be Brexit is not going to happen. Thank goodness for that. However beware.
According to the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies, leaving the EU will add tens of billions of pounds to UK government borrowing costs. The consequence of which would force George Osborne to extend austerity into the next decade.
Instead of returning to surplus in 2019 as planned, Britain’s budget deficit could rise to some £30bn after a Brexit. They forecast an industrial output loss of between 2.1% and 3.5% by 2018 relative to current forecasts. Osborne would be forced into cutting public services by £5 billion, welfare the same amount and impose tax increases of £5bn just to meet his own fiscal targets.
The Brexit campaigners claim the treasury will gain by saving the EU budget contributions. However the IFS calculate a 0.6 fall in national income would wipe out any advantages gained by this saving.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
UK outlawing Female Genital Mutilation in 1982
wht did it take them so long????
This included the Equal Pay Act 1970
never really been enforced as it is still prevalent even today in the UK
how the EU has been good for women
and I think the EU have done a lot better for equality for women than any UK govt and in a much shorter time (when did women get the vote in UK and how long did ut take, how many suffered?)
The Prime Minister (DC) will today (Tuesday 14 July) set out his ambition to “end the gender pay gap in a generation”.
Also the TUC was saying how bad things will be if we have a UK government that is allowed to run the country.
This does not surprise me look how the unions have been more or less obliterated under UK govts since Maggie and the EU have given workers some protection back
Ryanair to drop fights by 12% etc
Yes he is drumming up trade but also remember they fly between many EU countries and NOT just to and from the UK maybe the price hikes will only apply to travel to and from UK
women being under-represented etc.
nothing new there a regular and often true theme in politics and business, next we wil be hearing ethnic moniroties are under-represented etc etc
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Businesses deal with other businesses, not governments, although it sometimes appears to be despite of them. The FTSE 100 is around 12.50% off it's all time high, I'm recieving dividends that have increased 4 fold in some cases, is this because the UK is expected to remain in or out of the EU, as I don't make predicitions I will leave the answer to the forum oracles?
I am being bombarded by both my and other energy suppliers to switch to a long term fixed deal, could this mean that prices are about to plummet? I've just renewed our buildings and contents insurance for a 1450 square feet detached house, to include accidental damage and legal expenses cover for £155.00 p/a with a £100.00 excess, if it reduces much more they will be paying me.
As I have stated many times, I don't make predictions, but could it be that businesses couldn't care what happens either way?
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Instead of returning to surplus in 2019 as planned,
By surplus does that mean a little left over in the bank, have to ask because of never being quite sure what the government people mean when they speak.
So in 2.5 years we are going to go from £1.699 trillion in debt, rising by £5.170 a second to practically zero debt....In 2.5 years.
The true amount of debt is told of being about £4.8 trillion, factoring in ex's like pensions and the such like.
many people talk about the national debt but they never balance it out with what the UK is owed
the bbc did run a report back in 2012 but very rarely is the figure mentioned anywhere
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”