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29 Dec 2016 1:14 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


The U.K. is probably in the state that it finds itself in because it's public sector services are most likely run by people with the same agenda as you and perrypower. And as for France and Germany being such wonderful places to live, why do both have a plethora of no go areas, controlled by immigrants, where even the police dare not venture? 


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29 Dec 2016 1:16 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Germany for example has absorbed over 1 million refugees and done so comfortably without causing any of the social problems described in the UK.

Try telling that to the poor familys whose loved ones died in the German market and the Paris bombings 

Your opinions are completely INVALID one sided you are only frightened because you know 3 million will be pushed out of the UK back to the continent and then more will only get to France and then think hey we cant get into the UK lets stay here.

Its funny the three people who are telling us that BREXITis a big mistake on this FORUM do not even live in the UK and have no FORMAL ties anymore

I still stand by my COMMENTS that this THREAD has destroyed a lot of GOODWILL and friendly BANTER and turned it into a SHADOW of its former self

Hugh xx


This message was last edited by hughjardon on 29/12/2016.

This message was last edited by hughjardon on 29/12/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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29 Dec 2016 2:13 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Germany for example has absorbed over 1 million refugees and done so comfortably without causing any of the social problems described in the UK.

Micky I have over your past posts thought that you were being a little bit of a wind up merchant, your above latest words do kinda prove it, either that or you're so called expert newspaper doesn't exist and you don't have a TV, both of which had you watched, or read anything about Germany of late you would have known about the very serious problems bringing in this one million plus has caused.

Mrs B is German so my information is straight from the horses mouth, the idiot running Germany has now caused untold damage to the country, something of which will not, and cannot ever be repaired.

I won't bother to bore you with the truth about the massive scale of the German immigration problems,  if you cared to do an honest search you would find.

Definitely after your above words I will look at any of your future posts knowing full well you don't know anything. 


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29 Dec 2016 2:23 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

I think a certain person on this forum is actually Richard Branson.  Lives on a remote island surrounded by wealth, blowing smoke out of his ar*e.

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29 Dec 2016 3:53 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


I had no idea that Sir Richard Branson was a clown who could only see as far as the flawed opinion that he had formed, surely not. 😉



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29 Dec 2016 4:03 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message


I think your post is an example of how you are headline news led but fail to see the bigger, wider picture. I was actually making a point that the social infrastructure problems that have been exemplified on here as a reason for people voting for Brexit are not being suffered in other EU states. I suggested that Germany and France over the years have anticipated EU migrant influx and can cope better as a result.

Any country is always going to suffer from terrorist attacks from time to time. It’s unfortunately part of modern life. Judging from the responses from posters it does actually seem that terrorisms motive works in some peoples minds. The misconception that people are at risk from refugee migration is palpable. I recall my old tutor saying once that 100 terrorists spread across the world can do more damage in the minds of people than an entire nations army.

I am not interested in reading your misconstrued prejudice. Live with it if you wish but please spare us from reading it. In addition I am also not interested in anyone accepting what I write on here. I write to express my personal views on Brexit in the hope perhaps that some posters with some level of intelligence may see the point. 


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 29/12/2016.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Dec 2016 4:10 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

29 Dec 2016 4:18 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Not the EU???? So the EU should not have evaluated and forward planned to ensure its member state's ability to deal with mass migration was possible, to recognise the pull factors, the wage differentials, the differences in social structures and benefit systems etc? Nor recognise the need to factor such pull factors and impacts into their strategy and respond to statistics that were already indicating major problem areas and citizen unrest?

Sorry Tadd, this failure was a major oversight and either demonstrated ineptitude or denial which inevitably led to Brexit.

But the EU DID and various funds and studies are availbele for member states to apply and plan such as the ESIF, housing Europe and other bodies - if the UK failed to apply for this type of funding then............................

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Dec 2016 7:00 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

The 'Right To Buy', policy is the main cause of the housing shortage


Houses don't dissapear once they have been sold. The housing stock remains the same.

The housing shortage is due mainly to the rise in population.

There are no easy solutions. One is build more houses. But many citizens to not want their quality of life destroyed by the building of houses on green belts, and we have tried going upwards - the 'fight for hight' monstrosities of the 50's and 60's are being knocked down.

The only short term boost would be to remove the tax on moving (stamp duty) which the last Chancelor put up. This might encourage older people to downsize or move to cheaper areas freeing up property for people of working age.

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29 Dec 2016 7:10 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

The right to buy policy is a drain on social housing, it depletes the stock available to rent to people on the waiting list.   The waiting list for council housing in my town is currently 8,000.  The housing stock is around 19,000.  The amount of houses available at any given time to let is around 200. 

Houses are also 'inelastic', when an area has a downturn in employment you can't take your house to another area to work, your life is invested in your house.  

When mr Tebbit said on yer bike, he was a fool.   


Best wishes, Brian


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29 Dec 2016 7:31 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

The right to buy scheme depleted affordable  housing and they were not replaced to deal with the population growth

Just another area where UK govt(s) have failed the population and give food to those who want to blinldy blame the EU for all the UK's faults 

Wonder who these peope will blame after brexit - the Chinese or the WTO


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Dec 2016 7:35 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


Prior to R2B many people living in council houses aspired to own their own home, so they saved up a deposit, arranged a mortgage and purchased a property on the private market. Their council owned properties were then rented to people on council housing waiting lists until they in turn bought their own homes on the private market.

R2B completely changed this as many council tenants liked the idea of buying the property that they were renting at a massively discounted price, these properties had then Disappeared from the council's housing stock, if this is incorrect please explain.

Now as many ex council tenants had purchased their council property they didn't need to buy new private housing stock, if they decided to sell and move away from the now part private, part council estate they did not pass on the full discount that they received to their buyer, so the property was still missing from the housing stock list. Less affordable housing was built due to R2B, councils could not afford to replace the property sold, thus reducing the total housing stock available. To add insult to injury many councils are buying back some of the very properties that they sold at discounted prices for the full market value. 


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29 Dec 2016 8:10 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

The claim was that selling council houses was 'the cause of the housing shortage'. This is clearly nonsense as it does not reduce the total amount of properties. So I stick by what I said.

The Norman Tebbit remark is probably one of the most mis-quoted phrases ever. What he actually said was: "He got on his bike and looked for work" . He was referring to his father who was out of work in the depression in 1931.


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29 Dec 2016 8:23 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Wrong tteed,

I posted that it was the Main  cause of the housing shortage, please read my signature, there's a good lad. 😉


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29 Dec 2016 9:34 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Germany for example has absorbed over 1 million refugees and done so comfortably without causing any of the social problems described in the UK........***** Micky this is what you said, plain as the nose on your face *****

Then you come back with this below, and some other rubbish, because you are wrong, and have tried to twist it about thats it's me, and others, but certainly not you.

I think your post is an example of how you are headline news led but fail to see the bigger, wider picture. I was actually making a point that the social infrastructure problems that have been exemplified on here as a reason for people voting for Brexit are not being suffered in other EU states. I suggested that Germany and France over the years have anticipated EU migrant influx and can cope better as a result.

If it's me that failed to see the bigger wider picture...... Then you Sir have seen nothing.

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30 Dec 2016 9:05 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Merkel should have asked the EU if she could let a million Muslims in to the EU ,every one of them that she let in has the right to wander all over the EU as they are now classed as EU citizens ,I wonder how many of them will be coming to the UK Merkel had no right to give these people EU passport without the permission of the other 27 members Germany has not absorbed one million the EU has.

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30 Dec 2016 9:58 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

You really do like making things up, don't you windtalker? Who told you they would have free movement throughout the EU because it is a load of absolute balderdash. Even if given long term resident status (after 5 years) they will not get the same freedom of movement rights as an EU citizen.. The UK, Denmark and Ireland can refuse anyone who has not taken out citizenship but is simply a resident, long term or not. As is your crap about an EU passport because there's no such thing. Just like your made up figures about EU migration to UK are rubbish as well.

If you want to display you bigotry in public at least try and get your facts right first.


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30 Dec 2016 10:08 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

The Norman Tebbit remark is probably one of the most mis-quoted phrases ever. What he actually said was: "He got on his bike and looked for work" . He was referring to his father who was out of work in the depression in 1931.

I think you need to consider the context of this statement by Tebbit.  He was addressing the conference and giving his speech about the unemployment figures under the Thatcher era.  He was telling the conference and his party that unemployed people should take an example from his own family and delivered this remark as advice to unemployed people at the time.  It was some kind of answer to the mining communities who had no work now.   

Does that help you understand the 'misquote' any better?  

Indont see tebbit as some misunderstood genius, he was a fool of the high order of politics.

Brexit isn't about Asian communities, or about great swaithes of Polish or other immigrants, it's about the UK losing faith in politicians of all sides.   

When we look back at Brexit history it will look really odd that a little guy smoking a fag and drinking beer, holding a job in the EU for big wages and saying he doesn't want his job anyway, stirring up a fuss about immigrants and borders had so much power. 

Its probably because he reminds a lot of people about spitfires and white cliffs and monty and winston, corner shops, lard, rickets, slums (er no sorry people forget those bits).  

Brexit is a complicated subject I think.  It's more about people than statistics.    


Best wishes, Brian


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30 Dec 2016 10:10 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Germany is geographically 4 times the size of the U.K. With only a slightly higher population but plenty of land to expand.


It also had an ageing population as there has been insignificant immigration into Germany For some time.

It benefits from a manufacturing industry which still employs rekatively low paid workers so adding to the potential workforce was sensible to keep wages low.

It could have intergrated a million without too much problem but as Baz has stated, it HAS created some unrest and opposition to Merkel and as Windtalker has correctly stated, it has created 1 million EU citizens who have the right to seek work and move to the UK or anywhere else in the EU.

The net immigration numbers into the UK do not take into account those citizens who have been permitted to become EU citizens by other countries.

For The umpteenth time, no one is anti immigration or immigrants, we would just like sensible controls to be able to deal with Housing, NHS and schools, try getting into your local primary school in the UK.

As for everything being hunky dorey elsewhere in Europe, do me a favour, flying pigs comes  to mind.

Mickey you are getting even more fictional.


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30 Dec 2016 10:16 AM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Angela Merkel's domestic and international creibility has gone down the pan, along with her hopes of a Nobel Peace Prize. However I think that she is decent person, having been brought up in a Stasi dominated state that looked down on her reigious beliefs, she has attempted to be a friend to folk that couldn't give a toss.


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