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19 Jun 2016 6:09 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

Roll on the 24th. 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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19 Jun 2016 6:14 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Start at the beginning.


Mark Carney. Appointed by G Osborne. Previously worked for organisations in hock to the EU. Internationallist looking forward to other tax payer funded posts. All past governers of the B of E have kept quiet on poitical matters. The past three governers (who are now free to speak) all say we are better off out. Mark Carney is a Canadian citizen who will not have to live in the EU.

Money saving expert. Look at his website to find out what Martin really says.

For many of the people on the list I would instinctively take the contrarian view.

But above all nearly all the quotes are without any rationale at all.

Tell me why and I will tell you why not. Statements are easy and mean nothing.

But even if they were correct (which they are not) regaining our democracy is the one prize worth campaigning for.

We are in serious danger of loosing all that many previous generations have fought for. Democracy, freedom under the law and innocence until proved guilty.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 19/06/2016.

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19 Jun 2016 6:28 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

I've recommended the film before.

Stuffed full of facts rather than quotes and lets you know succinctly many of the reasons why we are better off out.

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19 Jun 2016 6:41 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Any British expatriates that are that are wondering who is going to pay for their ingrown toenails to be sorted if the out camp win should not be concerned at all ,because the British tax payer will just carry on paying the Spanish health service for services rendered the Spanish government gives you nothing unless you're country of origin pays for the treatment ,that is basically what the out vote camp wants to happen in the UK IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID A PENY IN why should you be able to claim from. The Social security and get a free house this does not happen anywhere els in the E U  the British social security system will collapse if we do not stop this.

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19 Jun 2016 7:50 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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Which, yet again, is a UK problem. That they don't insist on EHIC so they can claim the money back and don't have a register of EU nationals is hardly a point for blaming the EU. Cameron's deal seeks to change some of this with booting them out after 6 months, no universal credit whilst job seeking and no in work benefits for 4 years (which will only be paid if they have a job so fair's fair, I suppose). UK has always allowed immigrants free access to the NHS and if you think that'll change then you are a bit deluded. One of the chief execs of the NHS has already stated anyone can be classed as resident from day one of arrival and access free healthcare.

Why do you think Spain insists on health insurance, either state of privately funded? Because it's in the EU rules. Why do you think Spain won't provide benefits unless you have paid into the system? Because it's in the EU rules. Why do you think Spain won't provide social housing? Because it's in the EU rules.                                                  Why do you think Spain insists on you proving you can support yourself? Because it's in the EU rules.

Why does UK continue to ignore the EU rulings on residency, benefits and so on? Search me. Leaving the EU will, in no way, shape or form, change how these things work. They worked like that before we joined so they will continue to work like that if we leave.

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19 Jun 2016 8:12 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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19 Jun 2016 8:52 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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19 Jun 2016 8:54 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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19 Jun 2016 8:56 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

19 Jun 2016 9:03 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

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Yeh most of them Liars and Cheats filling our lungs with harmful emmisions 

Straws and Clutching comes to mind Pezzer me owd Fruit I would call your shorts in you are no longer the Wolf of Wall Street more like the King of Peckham High Street LOL LOL

Love Hugh XOXO

Also Google Viktor Orban Hungarian Primeminister spends 2 mil of EU money on a fantasy train set 

The EU is a mass Ponzi scheme the likes of which Madoff would be ashamed of.


This message was last edited by hughjardon on 19/06/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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19 Jun 2016 10:13 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Non of those questioned in the Ipsos poll gave that answer for the simple fact they were never asked it.

Of the qustions asked the nearest to 90% (9 out of 10) was:

88% thought it most likely that real GDP would be negatively impacted in the next 5 years, if the UK left the EU and the single market. 4% thought GDP would be positively impacted over the same time period and the 7% thought GDP would be broadly unaffected

All of the other answers gave much less than 9 out of 10 but we do not want to select those do we?

Were they all qualified economists? No one checked, they were just members of the organisation.

Did any of them have a history of sucessful forecasting? No one checked.

Is Economics a science? No, economists have a track record of getting predictions wrong.

Might as well have asked Mystic Meg.

Give me a poll of the ten most sucessful economic forcasters and I will take notice.

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19 Jun 2016 10:17 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Frances O'Grady.

Why does she think that?

How does she justify her comment?

What is her expertise?

Is she likely to have better judgement than Joe Bloggs?

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19 Jun 2016 10:21 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Car company bosses.

Of course they do. They do not want to have to compete tarriff free for the UK market with the rest of the world. They like their cosy corner.

Incidentally, perhaps tey should be asked why cars cost more in the UK than in Europe as well as  much more than the rest of the world.


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19 Jun 2016 10:23 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

But this is all a side show.


We are voting about:

Our freedom under our law.

Our democracy.

Our abilty to govern ourselves.

We will only be able to do these things outside the EU.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 19/06/2016.

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19 Jun 2016 11:28 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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19 Jun 2016 11:42 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Interesting debate yesterday

in which it was stated by one of the panelists " you cannot have a debate about free movement in the single market, you either take it or leave it"..... Just wondering how does that statement sit with those within the remain camp who aspire to gain EU reform in this regard?

Is it in reality, an impossible task to regain control of borders with regard to EU migrants or is this under review in the EUs corridors of power?

In terms of governance and democracy do citizens in other member states ( including Spain) look upon the EU to assist them to gain good governance and democracy as an indirect means of eradicating corruption and obtaining better governance?

Whereas for the UK, in the main, the British who have a great system of access to our Parliamentarians via constituent surgeries want to retain control over their governance, as they are more comfortable with the status quo and are relatively  proud of the lack of corruption and accountability within their system (still can be improved however!) and retain control to vote their Govt out, rather than have a dictat from another system where many questions remain as this appears a 2nd rate system to their own? I don't wish this to sound condescending, more that we have developed a system that works to the benefit of its citizens ( ish!)

Many British consider "control" as the operative word in this scenario, as the thought of losing our system that provides accountability and freedom to choose who governs and protects us and our infrastructure, which has taken so long to establish, appears a step too far.

Have the remain camp therefore misjudged the ramifications from this and how this is a high priority in the pscyche of many British citizens, and to relinquish this, given the inflexibility of the EU and their strategy to build a federal state is too high a price to pay?


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20 Jun 2016 8:50 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Our freedom under our law.

We currently have this as we make our own laws as do many other EU member states we all have our own national laws. Yes we have to adopt EU directives but we STILL make our own laws and have the freedom to change them. Many laws have been introduced and changed and we still do on a regular basis everything including tax, traffic, communities, company, drugs etc etc etc.without interference from the EU

Our democracy.

We have a democarcy, we have elections for local councillors uo to MP'S (we don’t get a vote on the cabinet or the House of Lords which is not that different to the appointment of EU commisoners) this will remain the same in or out

Our abilty to govern ourselves.

We do govern ourselves that is why we elect a govt by democratic means, We ste our own taxes, we spedn oru onw money, we run our own welfare state, we run our own pensions, we run our own NHS, we run our own eductaion system etc etc

We will only be able to do these things outside the EU.

We will still be doing all of these in or out


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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20 Jun 2016 10:00 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Baroness Warsi told the Times the "hate and xenophobia" of the Leave campaign was "a step too far".

She said she realised she could no longer support Leave when she saw UKIP's "breaking point" anti-EU poster.

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20 Jun 2016 10:09 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

As stated before Tadd you cannot compare the House of Lords to EU Commission. The House of Lords acts as a second chamber to make our Parliament more accountable, to reconsider or redraft bad law where required, from those across all political persuasions who transparently debate the issues, frequently bringing sound arguments to the fore, to act as a wider perspective to ensure further clarification is possible where required, and better reflect the impact of law on our own citizens. Likewise the purpose of cross party select committees who endeavour to bring greater accountability and transparency to the political arena.

Our parliamentarians have far greater access to our citizens and again the system of constituencies accessible to all in their communities they serve, provide the opportunity to discuss and bring relevant first hand concerns to their elected representatives, acting as a direct means of review with regard to the impact of decisions made in our Parliament, affecting our own citizens.

Its a wonderful conduit of feedback which is sadly missing from the EU Parliament and Commssion who are remote, are far less accountable for their decision making, are controlled by the other member states who have far differing economic and cultural needs.

The EUs rigidity, inflexibility due to a treaty that is unfit for purpose, failure to acknowledge impact of their decision making (and lack of foward planning) upon citizens across the various member states, with an unwillingness to reform, leaves them feeling vulnerable having lost that control, transparency and accountability they hold so dear.

These are not issues relating to theory, they are uncomfortable realities that have impacted British citizens (and other European citizens). So we are back to the issue of control within our everyday lives.

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20 Jun 2016 10:11 AM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

Well it's Mr (personalty) Corbyn later today, I wonder if he will be wearing his white fur coat, a tux and arrive in a white Bentley, had Cameron done the same the Labour purists would have all but lynched him. laugh 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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