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06 Apr 2017 8:36 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

If ever there was an example of how the EU Commission fails to represent the interests of 500 million EU citizens and prioritises industry ( in this instance the German and Italian car industry) over citizens best interests, then listen to this EU parliamentary debate re.deisel emissions ( in particular the first two speakers).

Apparently the Commission were forewarned of problems as long ago as 2008/9 but chose to turn a blind eye to the ramifications, with all the consequential health ramifications, let alone failure to compensate those citizens compromised by these "defeat devices".


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06 Apr 2017 8:41 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Perhaps we have some agreement then that our own parliament is more respectful and better behaved (even with the heckling) to the EU, our own reaction to diesel emissions is more progressive than that of the EU, and our instant response to issues like NATO comments, are far more deserving of respect and support than the EU rabble are.  


Best wishes, Brian


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06 Apr 2017 8:47 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


So what did the uk govt do in 2008/9 with this info

Even this wekk TM is looking at relief for diesel car owners in London with the recent tariffs for emissions etc and apologising as people were encouraged to go diesel by previous govt


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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06 Apr 2017 9:08 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

The EU Commission supposedly in place to represent the interests of 500 million citizens Tadd....

Are you not concerned by their behaviour and what does this tell you about their accountability and protectionist stance towards in particular the German car industry? Where do you draw the line on accountability when even the EU Parliamentarians are highly critical and calling for reforms? Did you see the Volkswagen cross questioning in the UK Select Committee and their attempts to cover up the facts?

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06 Apr 2017 9:09 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Perhaps she's looking to support a transition.  That's sensible isn't it?  

Tadd do you think it was some sort of conspiracy to make people ill before, or just a misinterpretation of stats.  

Maybe Volkswagen were even better at stat twisting then?...

and if anyone thinks I'm banging the drum too hard for UK recently.     

The leader of the masters is from 10 miles from me, and last years winner was from 18 miles from me.   

Cmon Yorkshire.   We may even get our own parliament soon.   We pretty much won the London olymics anyway.  


Best wishes, Brian


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06 Apr 2017 11:45 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


Considering Yorkshire has as many voters as Scotland I am totally surprised that the Yorkshire National Party led by Geoffrey Boycott and Dickie Bird have not applied to have an independence from the UK referendum yet.

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07 Apr 2017 12:01 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

It was gathering pace Hugh.  

But sir Geoff unfortunately went to live down south, and Dickie Bird ( who lives about 400 yards from me) was nearly run over in the snow 4 years ago ( by me) and became more reclusive.  

But micheal Parkinson and Darren gough may come out of retirement ( both Barnsley guys).  And who knows!!!

sorry.    I will be quiet for a bit now!,


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 12:18 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

No no, don't go quiet, the SNP have plenty to say, let's here more from the YNP.

It has the same credibility.

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07 Apr 2017 12:21 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar



This message was last edited by hugh_man on 07/04/2017.

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07 Apr 2017 12:22 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Yes I am concerned but I have far more concern with the uk govt and uk politicians 

Whatever you or anyone else says about eu politicians the same can apply to uk politicians

I have yet to come across a "senior" politician who truly has the welfare of the citizens as their priority in any country

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Apr 2017 8:45 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Hi Tadd. 

If I want to speak to my MP, I can go to their surgery, write to them or e mail them.  If I want to discuss personal or local matters I can arrange joint appointments with local councillors and MP.   I can lobby the MP at my House of Commons.   

When they talk inside the commons they have parliamentary privelsfe, but they don't call their own people stupid do they. 

Its disgusting that the EU parliament has comments about a nations people calling them stupid, it's disgusting that the people in the parliament of EU are not as accountable.   It's also disgusting that they can look on a member as a scapegoat to dissuade others to think about leaving.   

In short Tadd, on balance, all things equal, taking everything into consideration.    I am extremely unhappy with the system in Brussels and it's time to leave.  

The same simply does not apply to U.K. Politicians, because we don't let them in the long run.  The EU does what bit wants, says what it wants and is too arrogant to care about ordinary people.   



Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 9:03 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


If I want to speak to my MEP, I can go to their surgery, write to them or e mail them.  If I want to discuss personal or local matters I can arrange joint appointments with my MEP.   I can lobby the MEP at my EU parlaiment

Calling other members of any body names or insinuating or liking them to mafia or gansgters is just as wrong and NF ha done similar things in the UK as have many other UK MP's and have been correcte dby teh speaker, suspened and removed from the party - Denis Skinner to name one.

I copudl name a lot more ebut IA m sure yopu can resarech it yoruslef

In short Brian, on balance, all things equal, taking everything into consideration.    I am extremely unhappy with the system and the attitude of many politicians in the UK and it is time for change sadly this change will be teh break up pof the UK

 The same simply does apply to U.K. Politicians, because we do let them all the time.  The UK govt does what it wants, says what it wants and is too arrogant to care about ordinary people.   

Both the EU MEP's and UK MP's and govts get relected time and time again evry 5 yeras or so by the same people who complain and whine and whinge

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Apr 2017 9:17 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Good start.

calling other members inside the parliament by some analogy, and calling people of a country stupid.    Mmmm.  The same?  Maybe rethink that one.

a good place to start about accountability in the EU, I'm sure we will both find positives for our arguments, but there is more to come!

I was in the lobby at the Houses of Parliament back in the 1970’s when we called an MP from the chamber to speak to us on a matter.   Guess who showed up, our RH member for Bolsover Mr Skinner.    Very passionate and outspoken guy, not scared to put his points of view across, great orator.  I reckon he may have stepped out of line once or twice.  

The guy who called me stupid, what's his sanctions Tadd?    Immunity perhaps?  


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 9:28 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


We could go on and on but name calling in any matter be it an individual or a nation is wrong in every sense and is simpoly childish playground antics

and no way can calling someone stupid be justified by anyone in the same way nodoby can justify the words used by NF in relation to mafia / gangster - how can anyone defend this is beyond me

both MP's and MEP's are accountable to the people who elect them and the parties they belong to

Some may say Hitler was a great orator

Great orators shoud not need to resort to insults they should have a much wider vocabulary and intellegence to get their points across

Who called you stupid?wink

Was it William Haguewink



This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 07/04/2017.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Apr 2017 9:59 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Well I suppose hitler is a notch up from the mafia Tadd.   I'm glad you have freedom of speech though.   Thank our parliament for that one.  

The liberal MP inside the EU called the British people stupid, because they would realise their Brexit vote was stupid.  (They will realise how stupid they were.  

So the litmus test is how many uk MPs have been suspended?    

How many Euro MPs have been suspended.  Show me a country without prisons and do I see a lawful or lawless society?

Tadd.   before I read this was William Hague calling another MP stupid, and getting admonished for it?  And was it in Parliament perhaps?   

Did the Euro MP call a nations people stupid, and had no sanctions at all in his parliament?   

Does anyone notice any distinction?


This message was last edited by briando55 on 07/04/2017.


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 10:44 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Farage did not call anyone names.

He said they were behaving like the Mafia

There is a distinction, like Farage or not he too like Skinner is a passionate individual and is not trying to leave the EU for personal reasons, he genuinely believes it to be right for his country.


Just research how many politicians both local and government are being questioned for irregularities in Spain.

Just look at the number of coalitions have existed in Italy.


I think you will find UK politicians, poor as they are, are no better or worse than EU politicians or MEPs.

Brian has a valid point, this Dutch guy did call us all stupid, a bit like some remoaners have in the UK.

Thst is not acceptable.

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07 Apr 2017 10:52 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

This should not become a debate about which is the worst Parliament it should be a debate about how we can ALL make our politicians more accountable. Not in a divisive and over-defensive manner but in a more open and rational,  productive and effective manner. 

I take no pleasure in highlighting problem areas, moreover it's an exercise to remain aware of uncomfortable realities and seek solutions.

We all need to recognise failures wherever they occur and strive for workable solutions and remain willing to review alternative analyses, but equally we all have the right to challenge misinformation.

Sometimes the tendency to be over defensive can blind us all to the need to work together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. 

It is in no-ones interest to proliferate division and unrest amongst European citizens and essential to work together in this regard.

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07 Apr 2017 11:21 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message


My original point is concerning the remark directed from the EU parliament at the british people, and the lack of any admonishment to that MP.

That is highlighting the accountability issue in that arena.  The rest of the discussion was an attempt to divert the focus away, and you may be falling into that area.

So how do you bring about accountability without challenge?    Perhaps just leave (which is not stupid after all)\


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Apr 2017 12:28 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Surely the ultimate sanction to a club you are a member of but are not happy with, is

to leave it.

Internally the only real sanction on politicians is to remove them by voting them out OR taking up the battle yourself.

In my book it is too easy to criticise others but then you have to step up and take responsibility which on a small scale i have indeed done to ensure change and accountability.

We can all bring about change even at local level, but we must get involved and not just whinge.

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07 Apr 2017 12:59 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


By inferring someone is mafia or gangster is as bad as calling someone names which us my point

Yes the Dutch polticians wad also out of order 

I am not disputing what us happening in other countries neither am I supporting any actions just pointing out that you can't blame the eu spain or Italy for their bad politicians when the uk have their own issues and yes that they all as bad as each other yet very little is done about it with the same ones being reelected and little accountability or legal action acriss the board 

Too many are whinging about eu politicians and those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones etc or is it simply an attempt by brexiters to continually run down the eu and others nations to justify their vote etc and the continued arrogance that the uk is better than anyone as that is how much of this is  coming across to me


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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