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07 Jan 2017 5:17 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Tadd and PP said

You hit the nail on the head etc.

Immigration is not the fault of the eu :  The free movement of people between the EU member states encourages immigration (although EU will look at this as a natural migration inside the membership)

High levels of immigration to the uk are down to over generous benefits and work opportunities :  Work opportunities are a cause of immigration and where labour is required it will always be required, and should be organised in a way that it is catered for in a careful and proper manner.    Over generous benefits means what?  Im not sure what this means in the context of EU.  I think we can change our benefit system without asking the EU (cant we?, the UK that is)

Immigration will continue to be a big problem even when the uk leave the eu :  Part of an answer to the last point is that the UK speaks a language which is recognised as the second language of the world.  If anyone wants to communicate without having to learn several languages, it is obvious the UK will be the chosen destination.  This requires managing better than it is at present, which may be helped by border control and leaving the EU (I think).

Some simply don't get that but they will still be prejudicial fools :  Like everyone I can be prejudicial, I can also be sympathetic, altruistic, understanding and all the rest of the words in the dictionary.  Thats why they are in the dictionary, because they exist.   Fools can apply to anyone, at some time or another I have found!!


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Jan 2017 5:21 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message


Is the offer of citizenship for purchasers of Spanish property costing 500,000€ + after 2 years residence still applicable? 


This message was last edited by Destry on 07/01/2017.


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07 Jan 2017 5:31 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Of course the uk can change its benefits system and so it should far too many people get an easy ride uk citizens included. This is huge attraction for immigrants eu or non eu

It has no context in relation to eu in or out but exiters don't get that as they are so blinkered with prejudicial claptrap

Sorry the langauge thing is a bit of a red herring many in uk don't speak english and look around how many languages are posted on information notice boards or how much is spent by uk providing translation etc In addition why don't the non eu migrants go to other english speaking countries 


I agree anyone can be a fool or even fooled but the exit campaign of immigration was the biggest foolery uk politics has ever played and made fools of many

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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07 Jan 2017 6:42 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

I actually think we are getting somewhere now with this THREAD some very SENSIBLE comments are now coming through from the people who voted to LEAVE your not such DUMMIES as the REMAINERS would lead you to BELIVE 

Good for YOU I'm sure you have made the RIGHT DECISION as I did when I SAW the LIGHT last YEAR

Love Hugh xx


Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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07 Jan 2017 6:50 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

There is no point putting up any arguments with you remoaners. No matter what is said you want to stay in the EU SSR regardless. People have put valid arguments on this forum hundreds of times, all you do is look for another hurdle to put in their way. You Micky have been posting for 11 months trying to convince everyone that they are wrong and that everything you state is right. We are leaving the EU SSR. How we leave and what will happen is entrusted to our elected representatives, luckily not to you.

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07 Jan 2017 6:51 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


Re Golden Visas it appears to apply to non EU nationals....

    • The requirements for an application for Spain’s Golden Investor Visa are as follows:
    • The Golden Visa investor applicant must:
    • be a Non-EU national
    • be 18 years old or over
    • not hold a criminal record
    • not have entered or stayed in Spain illegally or been refused entry into any of the Schengen countries
    • be able to financially support themselves and their family whilst in Spain
    • have health insurance
    • be investing and have proof of investment in one of the following:
      – Investing at least €2,000,000 in Spanish government bonds;
      – Investing at least €1,000,000 in shares of Spanish companies;
      – Investing at least €1,000,000 in Spanish investment funds;
      – Depositing at least €1,000,000 in Spanish bank accounts
      – Investing in property in of a value at least €500,000 per applicant
      – Undertaking a business project which:
      a) creates jobs or
      b) has significant socioeconomic impact in the region or
      c) is technologically or scientifically innovative.

The investment can be made by either an individual or a company provided that the company is located in a country considered to be a tax haven and the individual has control of the company’s shares.


What is the Golden Visa Application Process in Spain?

1. Apply for a Schengen Visa
If the Golden Visa application is visiting Spain in order to consider their investment, for example to view potential properties, they will need to apply for a Schengen Visa in order to visit the country. This visa allows the applicant to visit Spain for up to 90 days.

2. Apply for a Residency Visa
The applicant will need to apply for the Residency Visa. This entitles the investor to reside in Spain for up to a year and travel freely in the Schengen area** for 90 days out of every 180 days. This can be obtained by having made one of the investments set out above. An experienced lawyer will be able to assist with this application.

3. Apply for a Residency Permit
If the investor wishes to reside in Spain for longer than one year, after the first year they will then need to apply for a Residency Permit.

The Spanish Residency Permit will allow the investor to live in Spain for up to 2 more years and is renewable for 5 year period providing the requirements for the permit are still being met. This can eventually lead to Spanish citizenship being granted to the investor.

To fulfil the requirements for the Spanish Residency Permits, the investor must:

have made one of the qualifying invsetments ( as set out above)

hold a valid investor’s residency visa or one that is not overdue by more than 90 days from the expiration date

provide evidence to show that the investment has been held during the required period

have complied and be up to date with all tax and social security obligations.

Properties can be bought and sold during this period, so long as the investment threshold is maintained.

4. Apply for Permanant Residence in Spain
After five years of continuous residence, investors can apply for permanent residence in Spain.

5. Apply for Spanish Citizenship
If you have been resident in Spain for 10 years or more, Spanish citizenship can be requested.


What are the requirement for investing in Spanish property in order to obtain a Golden Visa?

In order to apply for the Golden visa on the basis of a property investment, each applicant must invest at least €500,000 in property in Spain.

The law requires that the first €500,000 of the property purchase price is unencumbered – this means that this must not be financed by a loan/mortgage. Any value in excess of €500,000 can be financed through a mortgage if required.

The investment can be comprised of one or several properties as long as the total value of the properties is €500,000 or more.

On top of the purchase price of €500,000 or more the investor will need to budget for an additional 10 – 12% of the purchase price for usual additional costs of the property purchase for such as purchase taxes, notary and lawyers fees. These costs can not be included in the €500,000 investment amount required and must be paid in addition.


How long do you have to stay in Spain to qualify for residency under the Golden Visa?
The Golden Visa is targeted at wealthy individuals who will normally be residing in other countries so there is no requirement for the applicant to spend any particular length of time in Spain to qualify for the Golden Visa and there is no requirement to be a tax resident in Spain.

To qualify for permanent residency or citizenship however you will need to be resident in Spain for the required periods.


Can I obtain permanent residency or Spanish citizenship through the Golden Visa programme?
Yes eventually the applicant can obtain permanent residency and citizenship in Spain as long as all of the requirements are met. It is strongly advised to seek assistance from lawyers specialising in Golden Visa applications to ensure that the requirements are followed at each stage.


Who can apply for a Golden Visa Application and who does the Golden Visa cover?
A Non-EU citizen meeting the criteria set out above can appliy for the Golden Visa on the basis of investment. These Golden Visa laws require each applicant to make one of the qualifying investments, however, residence permits may also be granted to an applicant’s husband/wife or cohabiting partner, children under 18, children aged 18 years or over who remain dependent on the applicant’s financial support and who have not formed an independent family unit, and dependent ascendants ie parents and grandparents.


How do I apply for a Golden Visa in Spain?
It is strongly advised that before committing to invest in Spain for the purpose of a Golden Visa application that legal advise is taken from a recommended Spanish lawyer with experience in dealing with the Golden Visa Applications.


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07 Jan 2017 7:09 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

I only briefly read the points in the last pos but it looks like the majority of uk residents will not be able to buy properties in Spain anymore.   At those prices anyway. 


So so that's quite a drop in house purchases going forward (when we leave).  Looks like Spain will want to negotiate after all 🙃


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Jan 2017 8:03 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

Mickyfinn That should guarantee an immediate deletion without reply. The aggressive prejudice of Brexiteers is very ugly. You consistently fail to come up with any intelligent arguments supporting your cause.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear Micky, they don’t need to come up with anything, it’s already a done deal. The deal was voted for in a democratic referendum vote. What do members need to say to you for you to understand this fact. You are making yourself look a complete fool and many members are laughing at you.

I personally don’t care if we are in or out, by the time it all happens I will be long gone.

Can anyone help Micky?.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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07 Jan 2017 8:15 PM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar

ads How long did it take you to copy and paste all that lot?.

What has the facts about Golden Visas for non EU nationals got to do with the United Kingdom leaving the European Union?.


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07 Jan 2017 8:17 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Ha ha. Not sure what Micky is looking forward to most. Being out of the EU or pitblack being long gone.  Both are inevitable I think. 


Best wishes, Brian


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07 Jan 2017 10:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Elsietanner, in case you hadn't noticed I thought Destry asked the question P.s worry not, it didn't take long.... 😉

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08 Jan 2017 1:20 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Micky.  I shouldn't worry about the personal attacks that are coming through fast and furious.  The fact remains that there are posters on this forum who simply cannot respond to the truisms that you and I place before them so like school yard bullies and the local pub drunk they swing their verbal fists in a complete show of their dimwittedness but miss and fall over.

One of my favourites over the last days is the poster who is going to tell us all how to live by only buying British if we PM him.  Weird and attention seeking spring to mind.  Does he not realise that all his curly kale is picked by Eastern European immigrants?   Does he not realise that all the vets in UK abbatrois (sorry spelling) supervising the slaughter of pigs to make his British bacon and British sausages come from Spain? Does he not realise that all the fish in his fish and chips comes from Norway and Spain.

Or Mr Pot who asked a question and did not like the answer so got personal. Offers zero ideas and frankly couldn't give a damn anyway. Why is he here?

Or how about the character who has absolutely no ideas at all.  You know the one.  Never has an original thought but after everyone else's Brexit comment says yah and that proves that leaving is the right thing to do.  Doesn't have a clue.

Their biggest worry is that people with a grain of sense see that our concerns are real and need consideration.  They are worried that people might see their nonsense for what it is.  Heck they are worried that if we keep saying what we know is the truth that Brexit might not happen.  

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08 Jan 2017 9:09 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Yes PP some posters on here appear very childlike. It's as if Brexit is their own personal creation which we are attempting somehow to destroy. I ignore it all. Would that we please had the remotest possibility of achieving that.

Almost anyone with any deeper understanding of the consequences of Brexit is currently in despair for the future of the United Kingdom. Brexiteers either have forgotten or are ignoring the fundamental reasons Britain joined the EU in the first place. Twice the British were rebuffed by De Gaulle but they came back determined to have a seat at the table. There were very good and sound reasons for that which seem to have been lost in the current debate.

Once that seat was established the UK never looked back both in economic and social development terms. Forty three years of growth and prosperity is being sacrificed because the white working classes of Britain don’t like foreigners living in their midst.

The political right finally managed to persuade a weak and ineffective prime minister it would be necessary to give these people an opportunity to destroy what previous post war generations had built.

What I never read from the outers on here is any coherent or rational ideology for how Britain is going sustain economic growth or make its way in the world after it leaves. Funnily enough I don’t hear anything from the British government either.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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08 Jan 2017 9:17 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

 As a trade negotiator, I’m shocked at Brexiters’ ignorance

Writing in the Observer, Jason Langrish – one of Canada’s authorities in the field – says the UK’s former ambassador to the EU, Sir Ivan Rogers, who resigned last week and quit the civil service, was absolutely right to say that a British deal could also take a decade to strike.

Langrish, who was closely involved in the prolonged Canadian talks, argues that Rogers’ analysis of the time-scale “seems realistic”, and says discussions he has had with UK government officials about Brexit suggest that there is little chance of minimising serious potential damage from the UK’s exit from the European Union.

Although he has no formal role in advising the UK, Langrish has been sounded out behind the scenes by those involved with handling Brexit in Whitehall. The impression he has been left with is that unless the British government shows more flexibility it will probably have to revert to World Trade Organisation rules and common tariffs, which could lop 4% off UK GDP.

Referring to his talks with UK officials, he writes: “While they have always been pleasant (and notably friendly towards Canada), my view is that they remain in campaign mode.

“Were they willing to realistically discuss options for Brexit, as opposed to telling you what they intend to do in a general sense while dismissing the obvious concerns, they may have a chance to minimise the damage from the potentially catastrophic decision to leave. This seems increasingly unlikely. Let’s hope that the courts, parliament and, ultimately, the electorate do it for them.”

The Independent 

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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08 Jan 2017 9:25 AM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message


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08 Jan 2017 9:53 AM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Cheers ads, I thought that you would have the correct link, as the UK will soon be amongst the ranks of none EU citizens it is IMHO worth exploring all options. At the risk of further antagonising ET, will the 500K property value be based on the current value of the property or it's purchase price?


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08 Jan 2017 10:04 AM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar

Next to the phrases “post-truth”, “Brexit”, “xenophobia” and “facepalm”, "migration" has to be one of the words of the year — or perhaps even the decade. But how much does anyone know about migration? Despite fears that Great Britain will be overrun by migrants ready to steal jobs, drain the system, and stretch the waiting time for your doctor’s appointment, the truth looks very different. The M&S suit you bought to wear to your job interview? That wouldn’t exist without a migrant. That Queen song blasting in your ears as you walk to the GP? Wouldn’t exist without a refugee. And the actual Queen — HRH herself? Whether you’re a republican or a royalist, it’s difficult to deny that this quintessentially British monarch is actually pretty German. The UK is the 10th largest source of migrants to the rest of the world. Yes, British people migrate too. In 2015, 4.9 million people born in Britain lived in other countries. From the Costa Del Sol to Kyoto, the volume of British expats (a.k.a immigrants) living abroad makes Britain the 10th largest source of migrants around the world. Out of all EU countries, the UK has the most citizens living abroad. Only one-third of immigrants to the UK come from EU countries.By contrast, 74% of immigrants to Ireland come from EU countries, and 44% of immigrants in Germany are from EU member states. The UK population greatly overestimates the proportion of immigrants in the country. When it sees immigrants, the UK basically has double vision. When asked to guess what percentage of people in the country were foreign-born, the average person guessed 21%, when the latest official estimate is only 13%. A 2014 British social attitudes survey found that 24% of the public believed the most common motive for immigration was welfare. About two-thirds of immigrants who arrive in the UK already have job offers, while 93% of people claiming welfare payments like jobseeker's allowance or disability benefits are British nationals. This does not mean that immigrants who come to the UK are "stealing" British jobs. In 2015, foreign citizens represented only 10.7% of people in total employment in the UK. “Mass” was the most commonly used word to describe "immigration" by the British media from 2006-2015. The impact of rhetoric on perceptions cannot be understated. When politicians refer to a "swarm" of migrants pushing this green and pleasant land to "breaking point", the implication is that immigration threatens the social order. In this light, it's easy to understand the next fact. When the press specifically used the words 'immigrants' or 'migrants', rather than 'immigration,' the word 'illegal' was used 3 out of 10 times. A study conducted by the University of Oxford assessing more than 170,000 articles between 2006 and 2015 found that the world "illegal" was the term that most commonly accompanied the terms "migrant" and "immigrant."  The second most common description was “European, or EU” (7%). While the meda exists in part to respond to the concerns of its readers, the press also plays a decisive role in shaping public perceptions. It's a classic chicken or egg relationship. Does the press talk about immigration so much because of public concerns?  Or are people so concerned about immigration because the press talks about it so much? Perhaps if the media focussed on the next fact more often, more people would recognise that immigration is far from "a threat to our standard of living." Overall, migrants give more to the UK than they take. Recent research from University College London shows that migrants from the European Economic Area contributed 34% more in taxes than they received in benefits between 2001 and 2011. From food manufacturing to healthcare, many industries the UK depends on would struggle without the contribution of migrants. 26% of doctors on the NHS were born abroad, proving that migration is vital to the health of the nation.  

And finally...

Britain’s official favourite dish — fish and chips — was brought to the UK by a Jewish refugee. It's true. The tabloids might not shout about this, but the classic combination of fish and chips originated with Jewish refugees from Portugal in the 17th Century. So next time you pick up this quintessentially British meal, double-check the newspaper its wrapped in. It's time to set the record straight on the impact the movement of people has had on this diverse nation. While concerns about migration need to be listened to, sensationalist media coverage paints a distorted picture of the reality of migration to the UK. From what we eat, to what we wear, to the music we listen to or the healthcare we receive, the UK would not be what it is today without the contribution of immigrants.


This message was last edited by Elsietanner on 08/01/2017.


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08 Jan 2017 10:08 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Mickyfinn and pp

What the brexiters seem to ignore us that the uk may not leave the eu at all or the departure may not be why they assumed or thought

Leaving the negotiations in the hands of the trusted elected officials comment probably sums up the mess we are in

Still no plan still no idea 

As each day goes by the uk govt are looking more and mors incompetent in the handling of this

7 months have gone by and the electorate are still very much on the dark 

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Jan 2017 10:16 AM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

I Thought TIKKA MASSALA was the UKs favourite dish so everything ELSE you say must be QUESTIONABLE 

Peoples MINDS have been made up the VOTE has been cast no ONE can change that ITS TIME FOR THE remoaners TO get behind the UK and help to make the DECISION of the PEOPLE work

Love Hugh xx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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08 Jan 2017 10:17 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Elsie tanner person.  

When you are cutting and pasting in so much quantity you should provide reference to where it comes from, otherwise it's plagiarism.   The odd comment in quote marks is ok but the amounts you go with are just the opinions of someone else and we don't know who!!!

Tadd....the UK may not leave the EU?   Are you taking some kind of medication just now that blocks out reality?    

Also, incompetence:   I reckon the incompetence was displayed by politicians of both leave and remain camps who could get away with saying anything that produced votes.   The final terms of uk leaving will be handled by lawyers and civil servants in better ways than politicians can do.   We have to trust the politicians not to mess things up with stupid comments, and to negotiate in a manner that suits people not winning votes (both of those will be very difficult for them). 


Best wishes, Brian


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