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28 Apr 2016 11:38 PM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message

tadd1966 I take it you have not seen the select commitee coverge, the issue with Electricity and Enegry is adherance with  EU competition and environmental regulations. The Germans charge less for electricity because thaty subsidise heavy industry and there are rumours, more or less confirmend by the head of Tata Steel UK that they have reached an agreement to switch their steel production to Germany.

Perhaps you would like also to look at the recent problems with Diesel cars and their production of pollutants. Whilst Germany is delaying the introduction of cleaner vehicles, Brussels is still fining the UK for polution in london, caused by Diesel vehicles that do not meet EU regulations. have a look at today's Daily Mail

Mickeyfinn, The issues with the NHS have been around for many years, and yes I do have personal experience as has my wife. This includes Health Tourism as well as how overloaded the NHS is. Please have a look at my previous posts about this.

The simple reason is that the UK Governments, particularily under Blair, do not have the Balls (him and his mrs) to stand up to Europe and reform the NHS system to stop it from continuing to be the International Health System that it has become. And whilst there are unemployed benefit scroungers, as you describe, the bigger problem is with the influx brought about by membership of the EU and loss of sovergnty.

Yes there are other good ideas as to how the UK should be run in the posts.  But Cameron failed to secure any significant changes to the EU. Perhaps changes will be made but what say will we have if we stay in? In Obama's words, we will be at the back of the queue for anything. This is far more worrying than rebuilding the UK, trading with the rest of the world and not being under the whip hand of the EU.    



This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 29/04/2016.

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29 Apr 2016 10:15 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Couple of years back I read an article about Italy and the EU, it was concerning how Italy was getting on within it, they were asked the outcome of new legislation that comes out of the EU, answer was, and I quote....

'Yes, we get plenty of rules and regulations imposed on us, if we as a country oppose them it costs us money, lots of money,  so we don't oppose any of them, we let them be implemented.....We just don't do them"

I haven't followed up the outcome for Italy but as far as I know they haven't been seriously or massively fined for not enforcing any new EU rules, and no doubt if they had,  they wouldn't have paid anyway.

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29 Apr 2016 10:23 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

  Brussels is still fining the UK for polution in london, caused by Diesel vehicles that do not meet EU regulations. have a look at today's Daily Mail

Perhaps we should take note of the tailgate badges on the long line of "New" cars that pull up outside the next meeting of Brussels bigwigs outside the EU headquarters....."Don't do as I do...Do as I say"

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29 Apr 2016 11:16 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Latest poll shows the remain camp 6% ahead of leave.

Latest breakdown of voting intentions show that older, less educated people will vote leave whereas the younger, well educated generation is overwhelming voting to remain.

Older, well educated people like me intend to vote to remain.

Currency market is now recognising that most likely outcome is remain but there is still a full 11 points (1.28 vs 1.39) of risk premium built in...unfortunately given our trade imbalance that means we are all paying extra for the time being to appease the shouties.

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29 Apr 2016 11:29 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

The raison d'être of the EU is to set uniform standards of clean air for the entire EU to follow. If national governments choose to ignore the rules it’s down to them. If the EU then take a big stick to enforce these rules they are then accused of interference in domestic affairs. They really cannot win.

The Daily Mail likes to pick out stories that suit its particular political slant. Paul Dacre the current editor is anti EU in all things and has currently a knocking campaign against David Cameron.

Having lived and worked in London for many years I can only say forcing the reducing of diesel emissions of vehicles can only be a positive thing for Londoners.

The latest financial data indicates the referendum campaign is having a negative impact on UK growth. Industrial investment is down because there is a wait and see mentality among industrialists and investors. That investment will not stay in the UK if the 'out' vote wins. It will go elswhere in the European Union where access to the single market is certain.


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 29/04/2016.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Apr 2016 12:42 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

29 Apr 2016 1:05 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The only way air pollution can be measured in London is if all cars were banned for a week or two then check once the winds have cleaned to the place up, aint gonna happen, thanks to immigration we know have, in the   least 2 plus million more cars on our roads just from these alone, without, and plus families with kids getting cars.

Now Hybrid cars have to pay the zone tax to go into London, is this to stop pollution, or gain revenue?

Not forgetting much of this is, nudge nudge directives from the EU.

Labour under Prescott gave £1,000 to each to buy an "Evironmentally Friendly Diesel" car.

Diesel cars are one of the biggest buys in the EU, but you (They will) could argue that only London has the worst pollution.



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29 Apr 2016 1:18 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The latest financial data indicates the referendum campaign is having a negative impact on UK growth. Industrial investment is down because there is a wait and see mentality among industrialists and investors. That investment will not stay in the UK if the 'out' vote wins. It will go elswhere in the European Union where access to the single market is certain.

Not according to the latest economic brains it isn't, how many times has it been said in the past that the EU and the Euro are basket case's? If the UK pulled out are we now saying that no one will deal with the UK, they wont want to sell to us, sure a couple will but chances are they were going anyway, you wont get to hear that.

How many times has it been told "If the UK does this that and everything else" by the know all's, I will leave the country...Know anyone that did, if they did they never made a show of going like they said they would.

It's total rubbish, no one knows anything, it's not even a good guess to say what will happen before or after, all it is, is they have got used to what it is like now and wont take a calculated chance on leaving.

The rubbish running this country right now might have to shape up and run it properly if we left, as then they wouldn't have any excuse's "Like it's the EU made us do it". 

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29 Apr 2016 1:25 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

can't believe peopel read the daily mail (and othe tabloids) and believe what they read!!!!

I thought we had all got past that and have a higher intellect than to believe what the UK tabloids print


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Apr 2016 2:03 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

UK growth 2016 first quarter 0.4% compared to final quarter 2015 0.6%. Eurozone growth up in the same periods. Conclusion referendum is slowing growth.

Not my conclusion, most financial commentators. FT and Bloomberg.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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29 Apr 2016 3:34 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Pm me we are moving back to the UK and voting out we have a villa you can rent for 300 a month its basic but clean we use neighbours pool we love Camposol but we are loyal Brits so we hope we win out.

You may wish to wait if we do get out a lot of our neighbours say they are off back home but most want to sell so you may get a bargain we paid 28000 for ours and would ask 40000 now I think

Love Hugh x

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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30 Apr 2016 10:37 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

A benefit of continued membership of the EU is the abolition of mobile phone roaming charges starting from today. This consumer benefit was negotiated by the European Commission and makes it illegal for phone companies to charge higher fees for calls between member states when using your phone abroad.

If the UK leaves it is quite possible this concession will no longer apply between the UK and EU. It’s one more thing that would require negotiation.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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30 Apr 2016 1:21 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

A benefit of the EU should be protection of property rights across member states, but sadly the EU treaty currently prevents this as it has been deemed dependent on self regulation by the member state in question (in this case Spain).

Therefore all ongoing relevant and legitimate concerns relating to property rights in Spain need to be URGENTLY forwarded to your MP and MEP's via with the suggestion that this requires immediate attention by both the EU Commission and the UK Government (ask your MP to forward your concerns to Rt Hon David Lidington MP Minister of State for Europe)..

The rallying cry should go out for far more effective and standardised monitoring and complaints procedures to be put in place by member states (in this case Spain), the EU Commission and UK Governments alike than currently exist, to ensure that compromising property rights issues across member states are fully recognised in a fair timely and consistent manner, with effective remedial strategies in place to counter continuing abuse.

I know that it's time consuming and frustrating, but only when you educate, make your voice and concerns repeatedly heard will any reform of the EU be forthcoming.

To repeat, there has never been a better time than now to bring this to the attention of the powers that be, given the sensitivities relating to the EU referendum and the requirement to tackle issues in dire need of reform.

If the recipients of your rallying cry for reform and adherence to the rule of law then fail to urgently respond to these legitimate ongoing concerns without providing any effective forward strategy to realistically address compromising property rights issues across member states, then they are at risk of further alienating those who remain understandably disillusioned with the status quo but hopeful for reform.


This message was last edited by ads on 30/04/2016.

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30 Apr 2016 10:00 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Does any one have a view on the stock market UK share prices etc if we do leave EU 





This message was last edited by rod on 30/04/2016.

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30 Apr 2016 10:05 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Well if the only benefit of been in the EU is cheaper phone calls then God help us

Every day I am more determined to leave this s--thole the EU is 

Its not fit for purpose end of, 350 million a day just think how many Doctors, Nurses Pot holes in the road that sort of money could fix we survived 2 milleniums with out those plonkers are you Inners all mad.

Love Hugh x

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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01 May 2016 1:11 AM by blueeyes Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Hugh Darling, I'm with you but I think your fingers are slipping, isn't it £350 million a week not day?

Like you, I don't think that unbendy bananas, that TTIP plan ( rated as worth nothing to UK and probably will cost us by some business school) , the EWA (European arrest warrant, Cameron didn't have to agree to this, now I could be arrested by the police of other EU countries, and the onus is on me to prove my innocence, rather than them to prove my guilt),  that I now can't buy a 'powerful' vacuum cleaner, that there is a real chance that my female descendants could find themselves having to 'cover up' so as not to offend 'others' - I could go on - is worth some cheap phone calls for me. And besides, some minister said Brexit would't affect cheap 'roaming' charges.

There is a lot of stuff out there that is not being reported.

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01 May 2016 7:39 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

If the vote is to leave the markets will head south. However I expect most investors will have hedged trades for both eventualities so the stock market impacts may be muted.

Currently the markets believe the UK will vote to remain. If that happens only a slight uptick should occur. Same for Sterling. However if it's leave Sterling will crash to levels not seen since 1992 or 2009.

The principle of the EU is to share national sovereignty between member nations. No country actually loses it. National parliaments can vote to leave the EU at anytime.

Most of the reasons people put forward for leaving the community don't really have any logic. Most of it is pure prejudice and ingrained myths.

Britain is still the Britain it always was and is inside the EU; but stronger and more universally relevant.


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 01/05/2016.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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01 May 2016 9:44 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Micky,  The principle of the EU is to share national sovereignty between member nations. No country actually loses it.

Unlike some others, I do not claim any expertise in the real facts about in or out, but claims like that make me feel I am not alone ! 

If I have a pound in my pocket, I have a pound. If I share that with 27 others I have less than 4 pence in my pocket.

"  I do not actually loose any of it "    MMM I must be on a different page.

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01 May 2016 10:08 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

yes but if 27 people gave you back 5 p you would have more thanyou started with

too much emphasis on the UK pay and no real facts about what the UK gets back in rebates, funds, grants etc etc

same as when teh govtreport the national debt they never promote what the UK is owed by others (and intrest charged) which is the net national debt and a lot less than what is reported

NOT enough facts only guesses, scaremongering, poor analogies and poor / selective reporting by both sides


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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01 May 2016 10:24 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Sovereignty it is the ability of the nation state to exercise independent political power on the given territory.

Shared or pooled sovereignty is the triumph of voluntarily shared political power over excessive nationalism, ideological division and imperial ambition.

Shared or pooled political power is having influence on how things are done in other partner states whilst we trade without restrictions, share a labour force and benefit from capital investment.

No country actually loses its sovereignty because it retains the parliamentary power to leave the EU at any given moment if it votes for it in a majority. Ultimate political power is always retained in the hands of the elected representatives of every member state.

In practice if the referendum votes to leave then parliament will use that ultimate power to bring that about. That’s why I say no member state actually loses its sovereignty as an member of the European Union..

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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