The Comments |
Why should it be a lie?
He gave us the choice and made a strong recommendation that was rejected. Therefore he reckons he would be the wrong guy to negotiate the exit from the EU.
Surely he's acting honourably!
Perhaps when the dust settles down and he gets over the defeat, and his cabinet have a good rethink over the consequences of the leave, they / he might make another decision to stay on, couldn't happen? You bet it could, so at the moment I will play safe and call it a lie.
Yes, he gave us a choice, if he hadn't he might have been dumped anyway, he did his best with lies to make the voting people believe that the world would come to an end if we left.
Some would say he's acting honourably, some might say he's made mistakes, some could even say he's acting like a spoilt brat because he didn't get his way, did he do anything honourable in his lead up to the referendum?
I think he should stay, that would be more honourably, to see it through, the peoples wishe's, okay a big mistake has been made, the strenth of the person is when they admit the mistake and repair it, or in the least go along with it and do your best to obtain the best result with the given situation.
Personally I couldn't care less who runs the country as who ever it is gets in, they get in on what they will do for the country, and hardly ever do it when they do get in.....Except of course they always need a pay rise.
If Cameron had stayed and piloted our route out of the EU he would have been seen as a statesman.
Now he will be the man who 'quit', to use his terminology.
Well the FTSE100 is down 2.75% and the Pound/Euro tourist rate has lost circa 5%, so hardly armorgeddon, the most vociferous inners haven't yet put in an appearance, and it's been a quieter and less volotile day than normal. I pledged to make the 24th my last day on this forum, so I would love to say that it's been average, but exaggeration has never been my strong point, so I wish you adieu. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Armageddon could still come if one of the exhibits from London Zoo becomes Prime Minister.
Some would say...etc etc
Some might also say that part of the British "culture", is to whinge and moan, pick holes and generally slag off anyone who achieves anything.
The guy did what he thought was right and allowed an open vote. Yes in hindsight it was not clever from his personal viewpoint, but to 'err is human and as our Prime Minister should be treated with some respect.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Please no more divisive stereotyping. We've all had enough of that when some inferred that all exiteers were right wingers, whereas in reality many original labour voters also chose to exit.
Euroscepticism is not just the preserve of the right in fact many citizens from all political persuasions across Europe have been disillusioned with EU policies and the impact on their lives.
Who knows this might be the catalyst to reform with greater respect paid to EU citizens voices and genuine concerns.
Adios por favor.
Hasta Luego
Some would say...etc etc
Some might also say that part of the British "culture is to whinge and moan, pick holes and generally slag off anyone who achieves anything.
The guy did what he thought was right and allowed an open vote. Yes in hindsight it was not clever from his personal viewpoint, but to 'err is human and as our Prime Minister should be treated with some respect.
Yes, we all moan and whinge about the weather, politics, religion and so on, know anyone who don't?
I don't have any hangups with anyone that gets out and tries to do...Anything....Something, fail or not, at least thats better then doing nothing.
I don't consider what Cameron told the electorate in the run up as 'To err is human' he told to many false facts, thats not to 'err, his second in charge said if we leave taxes would have to go up, services would have to be cut, the 39 billion black hole needed to be filled, Cameron must have known his second in command was going to mention this, whats that blackmail, or if you don't do what I say I will make sure that happens, and you will suffer.
As I said it would be better if Cameron stayed and showed he does have the balls he kept on about rather then 'Quit when the going gets tough'
As for respect, what respect? he's a multi million pound man who cares for himself and only him, if he cared about the people that put him in power, kept his word on what he kept saying he would do, looked at the real England, not just the streets around number 10, listened to the people, read the signs, seen what has been happening over the past years with everything, we wouldn't have needed to vote.
But he didn't and some would say he's now paying the price.
From a UK Expats concern which is the purpose of this forum what are the important ramifications.
Will our SIP card be withdrawn?
Will our residency status become nil and void? Will we all need to apply for a residence visa?
Will our legal ownership of a Spanish property be dissolved?
Will Sky be banned from broadcasting to all the millions of illegal UK boxes in Europe ‘’which Sky denies exist’’? No more Strictly.
Will the UK still be able to take part in the Eurovision?
Will British footy teams still be able to play UEFA tournaments?
_______________________ "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
Too many lies from both sides and unfortunately Cameron had his balls cut off by Merkel and Junker told him so in no uncertain terms so it was time for us to go.
Now let us all stop moaning and get behind whoever will be our new PM (personally I would prefer a coalition with both Boris and Nigel running things) but that is me.
I have a place near Marbella and intend to spend as much time there as possible from next year. I love the spanish way of life and cannot wait to live there on a more permanent basis.
I really cannot see anything changing it would hurt the Spanish too much as they know we will retaliate. The spanish workers here in England I believe will stay as they are paying taxes and helping our economy as much as our tourism is hekping the Spanish economy.
In essence what I am saying is don't rush in, let us take a step back let the dust settle and slowly, slowly move forward.
From a UK Expats concern which is the purpose of this forum what are the important ramifications.
Will our SIP card be withdrawn? At pesent DWP pays around £3,000 p.a to Spain for or 'free' health cover in Spain, so I do not see why that should change.
Will our residency status become nil and void? Will we all need to apply for a residence visa?
MY wife is a non EU citizen, She has a RESIDENCIA unlike EU citizens who have EU Registration.. I would think that might change as Brits would not be EU Citizens, But I see no problem to them obtaining a Residencia. My wife, having been Resident for 5 years, now has a permanent right to live here in her own right
Will our legal ownership of a Spanish property be dissolved? There are many no EU citizens who lreagally own propery in Spain, so no probleme there,
PS If a person was resident in Spain before 24th April 2012 then if they do not have health care and have an income of less than 100,000 euros p.a. they are entitled to fee cover in Spain. I have friend, USA citizen, who has such free cover.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 25/06/2016.
I have of course, no arguments or vision to see what this will entail, but... as a spaniard, as a citizen of a country where many of you being Uk nationals, are residents,( where you have built your little sunny Britain) I would see that Spain could be a permanent home for those of you who are not happy with the exit.
I am sure Spain´s government will be able to see this as an opportunity for new ties with UK people and country.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Questions that now arise from this Brexit decision relate to not only the UK's forward planning but also the EU's.
Are the EU bureaucrats willing to comprehend the reasons why the British electorate voted to exit and how many of their concerns are also concerns of citizens across other member states?
This message was last edited by ads on 25/06/2016.
This message was last edited by ads on 25/06/2016.
Hello Jon Jon
From a UK Expats concern which is the purpose of this forum what are the important ramifications.
Will our SIP card be withdrawn? At pesent DWP pays around £3,000 p.a to Spain for or 'free' health cover in Spain, so I do not see why that should change. I very much doubt that DWP will continue to pay £3,000 pa to Spain now we're out, does British taxpayer know about this?
Will our residency status become nil and void? Will we all need to apply for a residence visa?
MY wife is a non EU citizen, She has a RESIDENCIA unlike EU citizens who have EU Registration.. I would think that might change as Brits would not be EU Citizens, But I see no problem to them obtaining a Residencia. My wife, having been Resident for 5 years, now has a permanent right to live here in her own right. Yes but she only got that on the back of you being EU citizen, now you are not.
Will our legal ownership of a Spanish property be dissolved? There are many no EU citizens who lreagally own propery in Spain, so no probleme there, Same again, some of these non EU citizens got residence on the back of an EU resident who may in the future not be an EU resident, especially if the EU collapses, and if that happens what’s to say Spain won’t say we’re having your house?
PS If a person was resident in Spain before 24th April 2012 then if they do not have health care and have an income of less than 100,000 euros p.a. they are entitled to fee cover in Spain. I have friend, USA citizen, who has such free cover. Maybe, but all these rules may be changed, don't forget Spain is skint.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 25/06/2016.
_______________________ "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
ads, it seems to me that the EU are not interested in any of our reasons for wanting to leave, that's why I voted to leave. Yesterday they seemed to make it clear that we should leave as soon as possible, there was little mention of them being the cause of the decision taken by the working people of the UK. They want to get us out as quickly as possible as there is a fear of contagion and other countries might also have referendums. If they had got it right and everything was rosy they would have nothing to fear. Unfortunately they wll imho carry on ignoring the people of all the countries in the EU no matter what happens.
In respect of David Cameron and what others have posted - he was elected the last time because he promised a referendum, if Labour had promised the same they would have been in power. He thought he could con the British people into staying in, it back-fired badly.
The voting demographics are interesting.
- White voters split 53% to 47% in favour of withdrawal, while 67% of Asians and 73% of black people opted for Remain.
- Religious divides were also highlighted with 58% of those describing themselves as Christian voting for Brexit, while 70% of Muslims wanted to stay in the EU.
The takeaway is that whites/Christians wanted out. Blacks and Muslims wanted overwhelmingly to stay in. Within ten years the number of Muslims that will reach voting age will be enough to overwhelm the white/Christian demographic. In twenty years there will be little point in voting at all.
I suppose that's when the civil war will start.
Russians & Chinese people own in Spain these two countries are not in the EU so I can't see Brits not being able to own in Spain,Knowing how much Spain likes taking money from you, they will bring out a another new tax for Brits who own or want to own a property in Spain. IMHO
It would appear that those wanting a second referendum cannot count, 60% of a 75% turnout of eligible voters does not add up. All that is required is for those in favour of exit to stay at home and the referendum is frustrated the turnout was 72% in this referendum.
I believe one of the factors in the out vote was the blunt statements by Juncker about out is out and the inaability of Cameron to achieve a reasonable and acceptable compromise on the rules of membership.
The real questionis that given the result was because of discontent about the way the EU and UK politicians are ignoring popular sentiment, will they change?
For those with vulnerabilities, whether relating to the present or future, this is exactly why adherence to the rule of law and commitment to tackle corruption and accountability at source is essential in Spain to act as future reassurance.
As for other related issues let's hope that calm and rational thinking prevails to temper any further divisive elements that would further exacerbate tensions and that realistic agreements can be reached in the interest of all citizens.
The need for cooperation and willingness to reform to accomplish a positive way forward has never been greater, but my worry is that inflexible dictats from bureaucrats that fail to listen and respond to genuine concerns will be counter productive to progress.
This message was last edited by ads on 25/06/2016.
As happened in the Oscar winning Jack Nicholson film .
The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum,......