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10 Mar 2017 12:00 PM by mikelorna Star rating. 40 posts Send private message

yes lets bring foof into the UK from 10,000 mles away it must be great for the planet ???? 

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10 Mar 2017 12:13 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Mikelorna i agree with you totally, but that is more of an environment and ecological issue than tariffs and Brexit.

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10 Mar 2017 12:17 PM by mikelorna Star rating. 40 posts Send private message

no !!! we should pay more for a truck from France or Spain with food why the hell do we want food from the other side of the worid with all it's presertivtes for travel ??? M&L

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10 Mar 2017 12:45 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

I have SURVIVED no PROBLEM for 9 MONTHS on UK only produce it is not a PROBLEM as people think yes you have to change a FEW THINGS but you ADAPT 

There is TALK the EU is to give the UK a  good deal ANYWAY but just in case try my PROVEN METHODS its quite fun ACTUALLY

Love Hugh xx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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10 Mar 2017 12:52 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

It shows by your last answer that you know little of food transport worldwide. As food can be transported so quickly by modern methods, food imported from around the world takes no longer to reach the UK than food sourced as close as the EU. This means less preservatives are used in food than much prepared food manufactured in the past, though i feel too much preservatives are used in food generally, but again that has nothing to do with Brexit. Trucks in the EU travelling between Spain to the UK take three to four days to reach the UK. Compare that to foods worldwide, carried on airfrieght that reach the UK, usually within a day. It can also be refrigerated, just as on a truck, without resorting to preservatives to extend its life. I have spent most of my working life moving food of all types, and know exactly what that entails, and i think you should find out the facts of truck and airfreight transport before you say completely inaccurate statements.

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10 Mar 2017 12:55 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Hugh i think if you found out where produce marked as UK came from you would be surprised, as a lot of importers import it unmarked and market it in their UK packaging. If you researched that company you will no doubt find at least some comes from outside the UK

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10 Mar 2017 12:57 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Maybe it is time for the UK to split up in terms of In or Out.  No need for a referendum, just pick the country you want to live in  UKsmall or UKEU.  It should satisfy everyone.  No need to move.  

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10 Mar 2017 1:31 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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Are you sure that stuff that comes from NZ is air freight? I doubt it as it would cost too much in a relatively small space. The reports I've read reckon NZ lamb is about 2 months old when it gets to a UK supermarket after a 6 week journey by sea. Apples are kept under a gas which maintains them as being "fresh" and it can be 9 months from being picked in NZ to getting to Tesco in Littlehampton (or wherever). 

Anyhoo. it's always been like that and the NZ lamb (and other goods) we have in UK supermarkets has no tariffs on it. The sainted Maggie T negotiated tafiff free quotas for NZ and UK takes over half the lamb coming in to the EU. Likewise bananas coming from the Caribbean have preferential rates to UK as they supplied them before the UK joined the EEC. The "bendy" bananas was a UK proposal (linked to the existing one by the UN) to stop cheaper imports from American sponsored places like Honduras (the original banana republic).

And UK companies (and other EU countries) are free to deal with any country in the world under WTO rules. Hence why there is so much Indian, Korean, Chinese and (insert country of preference here) goods in UK. Even oranges from S Africa are tariff free to the UK (and the rest of the EU). 

Like immigration, none of this will change after UK leaves the EU. 



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10 Mar 2017 1:33 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Good news for UK Europhiles.

British citizens should be able to choose to keep various benefits of EU membership, including the freedom of movement after Brexit, the European Parliament's chief negotiator has said.

Guy Verhofstadt, the former prime minister of Belgium, said he hoped to convince European leaders to allow Britons to keep certain rights if they apply for them on an individual basis.

He warned that the European Parliament has veto powers over all future deals and suggested that Brexit had been a "tragedy" for Britons. 

The Daily Torygraph 10 March

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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10 Mar 2017 2:13 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Bobaol, what you say about NZ lamb is correct it comes from sea frieght  but they way it is treated for its shelf life is no different from a lot of UK lamb, which has an equal shelf life. Gassed apples are quite common in the UK and EU trade areas, it is an accepted method of storage in the industry, not just peculiar to NZ.

Your remarks about Carribean bananas is not true either, as they are firstly imported by Fyffes to their dock in Antwerp (the EU) and then shipped by road to the UK, Basingstoke distribution depot of Fyffes. (google Fyffes Antwerp, and Fyffes Basingstoke.) This is true, as i have personally run shipments from Antwerp to Basingstoke in my employment.

 And yes, you are right we trade with the world under WTO conditions, and i agree with you there is no reason why this situation should change once we leave the EU.

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10 Mar 2017 2:17 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message


He warned that the European Parliament has veto powers over all future deals and suggested that Brexit had been a "tragedy" for Britons. 

Did he indicate what the 'tragedy' had been, it seems to have passed me by?indecision

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10 Mar 2017 3:12 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Quite right Micky.  What is shocking is that if you read the readers comments to this article in the different papers reporting it you will find that those who support Brexit largely are aggressively opposed.  Out means out and people should accept that which means that the 48% who voted to remain should lose the rights they have currently. It is just weird.  I don't understand why. What do people have against it?  Surely it is exactly what we want from the EU. EU citizens in the UK can stay and UK citizens in the EU can stay.  It appears that there are people who truly want us to isolate ourselves from the EU.  

Al, my read of the article was clear that it was characterised as a tragedy for the UK and the EU.

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10 Mar 2017 4:49 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Perry you seem to have missed something, by leaving the EU the 48% who voted to remain (should?) lose the rights they have currently. Look again 100% of the population will lose the rights they enjoy currently, not just the remainers, as the face of UK politics will change for all of us, not just the remainers. It seems to me there are a lot of people on this thread who can be defined as "winners" and "losers", but in any decision there are never winners and losers there is just a result, it doesnt matter which belief you hold to. That result will mean different things to different people, no more, no less. There is no such thing as a winner or loser.

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10 Mar 2017 5:30 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Roberto -There is no such thing as a winner or loser.

There is if you live in retirement in the Eurozone with a Sterling income. Since June almost 20% of it has evaporated. Many people are finding their dream hard going. Plus the uncertainties of healthcare and residency makes for a miserable time for many expats.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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10 Mar 2017 5:44 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The EU currently prevent UK farmers from growing food ..and pays the UK farmers ( shut up money)   with subsidies and EU grants  the farmers are then order by the EU to plow any excess thst they grow over their quotas back into the ground just to keep the price artificially high statements like the UK can't grow enough are wrong we have millions and millions of redundant farm land all over the UK and the EU will not allow it to be farmed

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10 Mar 2017 5:52 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


Roberto -There is no such thing as a winner or loser.

There is if you live in retirement in the Eurozone with a Sterling income. Since June almost 20% of it has evaporated. Many people are finding their dream hard going. Plus the uncertainties of healthcare and residency makes for a miserable time for many expats.



Lifes a bitch, ain't it?

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10 Mar 2017 6:23 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Windtalker can you grow pineapples in the English climate? No, and that goes for many other fruits and veg also, so even if we do regain this land you talk of there is a lot of produce we eat that just wont grow in theUK.FACT. So there will still be food imported from outside the UK.

Mickeyfinn, what are you on about? Read my post again, i said, " 100% of the POPULATION will lose the rights they enjoy currently, not just the remainers". Since when has the Population included a miserable time for expats? (your words). Come to think of it i seem to remember a few posts back where you stated you were extremely happy with your expat existance within the EU, and not miserable at all.


This message was last edited by robertt8696 on 10/03/2017.

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10 Mar 2017 7:17 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

I was not referring to myself Roberto . Many people I know are giving up and returning to the UK in the belief they have no future in Europe. That's their choice of course. You said there are no losers in Brexit. I pointed out one issue where there is clearly some difficulty. 

If the EU allow the European residents Brits EU citizenship after Brexit on an individual basis that is some form of reassurance for the future. I would rather trust the EU than the British government,  whatever colour is in power. That's my personal choice as well.


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 10/03/2017.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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10 Mar 2017 7:29 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

Micky, i really dont understand the expat moaners who are leaving their country of settlement to return to the UK on the basis they will be better off in the UK. How do they know this to be true when no UK exit terms have been agreed yet? It is absurd for these expats to assume the worst, as what is going to change much? Apart from some paperwork that may become a little more complex than at present i dont see much will change. Many non EU people migrate to, and live quite happily in many EU countries without the doom many  seem to be peddling on this thread for UK expats.


This message was last edited by robertt8696 on 10/03/2017.

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10 Mar 2017 8:04 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Probably in the same emotional way some Europeans feel currently they are now unwelcome in the UK . There has been much publicity given to racial attacks against some sections of the migrant population.

I'm not sure that Brexit will make much difference to ordinary peoples lives in Europe but there is no accounting for individuals emotional insecurity. Remember Brits had legal rights of residence as full EU members.  Now they face a form of Limbo.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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