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25 May 2016 10:13 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

A budget surplus is a situation in which income exceeds expenditures. The term "budget surplus" is most commonly used to refer to the financial situations of governments; individuals speak of "savings" rather than a "budget surplus." A surplus is considered a sign that government is being run efficiently. A budget surplus might be used to pay off debt, save for the future, or to make a desired purchase that has been delayed. Local government that had a surplus might use the money to make improvements. National governments would likely use it to cut income taxes to get re-elected.

Orborne has a four year plan to be in surplus just before the 2020 general election. Brexit will destroy it it 


Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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25 May 2016 10:55 AM by sox Star rating. 81 posts Send private message

Micky Finn...Your crystal ball tells us we will not Brexit, but do not worry Tory policies will still mean we are not in surplus by 2020 😂😂

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25 May 2016 11:05 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Due to the Government's significant budget deficit, the national debt is increasing by approximately £73.5 billion per annum, or around £1.4 billion each week. As a result of its efforts to balance the budget, the Government forecast in 2014 that the structural deficit will be eliminated in the financial year 2017/18. However it changed the year to 2018/19 in March 2015 and to 2019/20 in July 2015.

Will it change the forcast again in July 2016, to what year?

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25 May 2016 11:11 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

all this talk of national debt / surplus just goes to show how inept the UK govt's have been over many many years

time for a change a new united EU with a EU centrally elected govt with new priortities for joe public  - they really couldn't do any worse

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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25 May 2016 11:52 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

" with new priortities for joe public "

The only way that this could be achieved is for the European Commission to issue a mission statement to that effect, and how will that come about when the Political Elite's allegiances given their track record to date have been in the main to respond to the strong lobbying from Banks and large Corporations?

The realities are sadly stacked against joe public given the status quo, especially as they have little opportunity to democratically make these political elites accountable given the current EU system.

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25 May 2016 12:00 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


I agree but that is not a reason for joe public not to do anything or just accept the status quo

but joe public accepts the staus quo too easily most of the time from local council electiosn all the way to MP's and MEP's

as soon as anybody starts to demand they are shot down by the media the fat cats and the polticians - still it is better that what was done in the past

together we can acheive


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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25 May 2016 12:04 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

together we can acheive.

Absolutely agree Tadd. Leaving and being alone will ahieve nothing positive. As a full EU member Britain is in a position to change things in the future. Outside the largest trading block on the planet 22 miles from it's shores makes no sense whatever.


Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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25 May 2016 1:34 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Disagree never did Monaco and Luxembourg any harm locality is irrelevant we import nuts from Brazil 

No nothing the inners say has changed my mind EU has had such bad press over last decade so thats what Joe pub will vote on 

Love Hugh

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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25 May 2016 1:37 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Isn't it fact that a UK referendum is about to take place due to the EU being no good, so why would the UK want an EU elected government, considering the EU don't seem to elect people, they just seem to turn up and get a job.

Cameron couldn't change his socks without a say so from someone else, all very well having this type of  government if the one's that represent the UK had balls, they don't so what would be the point.



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25 May 2016 2:00 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Isn't it fact that a UK referendum is about to take place due to the EU being no good.

No. It was an election pledge made by Cameron in order to nutralise UKIP support. It worked and the Conservative were elected with a small majority.

The EU has an elected parliament. MEP's can vote against commission policies.

The Commission is appointed by elected leaders of the member states in a majority vote. They are usually technocrats with extensive knowledge of their brief and have held elected political office in their own state.

Cameron is in full control of his party. However he needs consensus on issues within the parliamentary party.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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25 May 2016 2:28 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

due to the EU being no good,

every UK govt in my life time has been no good and history tells me they were even worse before I was born (selfish, greedy, cruel, sexist, racist, war mongers etc etc etc)


This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 25/05/2016.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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25 May 2016 2:34 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

No. It was an election pledge made by Cameron in order to nutralise UKIP support. It worked and the Conservative were elected with a small majority.

So to scupper UKIP Cameron knowingly took a risk that:

We would suffer world war 3, lose £4300 from our pockets per year, our mortgages would rise, businesses would leave the Uk in droves, interest rates would rise dramaticaly, our weekly groceries would cost substantially more etc..(his words)..

Smart fella this Cameron, not only is he not in control of his party (I assume you lowered yourself to read the Daily Mail yesterday?) he is not in control of his own marbles!!!!

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25 May 2016 2:46 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

"Isn't it fact that a UK referendum is about to take place due to the EU being no good.......

No. It was an election pledge made by Cameron in order to nutralise UKIP support. It worked and the Conservative were elected with a small majority."

This statement of fact is a direct insult to British citizens and should be recognised as such, since the inference and logical conclusion is that Cameron considered this as an internal affair that protected his party and his political position within it, and has used the EU referendum with scant regard to all the associated costs and implications on the British economy during the interim period, all with a predetermined agenda to obtain party advantage.

If this is true then it's an obscene abuse of duty especially when you consider that those genuinely requiring information and access to civil service data upon which the Govt have drawn their own conclusions, has been denied those who have equal rights to that information so as to determine their own conclusions.

Again if this be true then in effect it has become obvious that Cameron had no intention from the outset of allowing the British public to have access to all the necessary facts relating to the EU referendum, whether they be with regard to trade, economic factors, migration, whatever, and has abused his position in Parliament to his own advantage. Ironically this appears as bad as Blair denying the British public of all the facts on an equally important subject matter, especially as this is now being perceived as " the most important decision for a lifetime".


This message was last edited by ads on 25/05/2016.

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25 May 2016 3:02 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The Commission is appointed by elected leaders of the member states in a majority vote. They are usually technocrats with extensive knowledge of their brief and have held elected political office in their own state.

Elected leaders in a secret ballot being elected by, and amongst themselves, with not any input from the general public, which they then go on to say whats best for that correct?

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25 May 2016 3:06 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


there you go another UK govt that is simply no good

and it is not just teh leaders (blair, cameron, thatcher, wilson, callgahan, churchill) they all have their cabinets, friends and advisors you can't trust any of them

look at the next general election and teh next PM

Corbyn - really!

Who will replace Cameron? Osborne, Boris OMG

we are really scraping the barrel which ever party you choose

time for a change - we can improve if we try hard enough together

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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25 May 2016 3:31 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

George Osborne again defended his £130 million 'sweetheart' tax deal with Google - and even boasted today about the amount HMRC had collected in corporate tax under his watch. 

He is under renewed pressure after French police carried out a dawn raid on Google's Paris headquarters yesterday. 

Angela Eagle, the shadow business secretary, accused the Chancellor of being 'far too satisfied' with 'his cosy little tax deal,' which he hailed as a 'major success' for the UK taxpayer earlier this year - despite the firm only paying HMRC £130 million for 10 years of back taxes. 

And Meg Hillier, chair of the Commons public accounts committee, said MPs are demanding to know whether HMRC has requested evidence from the French police that led to yesterday's raid.

No doubt I have this all wrong, but lets see....Osborne the man in charge of the UK's finances, and knows a thing or two about money, and tells us what we will lose in pounds Shillings and Pence should we leave, took a £130 million deal for basically ten years of unpaid taxes, and is happy he got that...

Meanwhile the French are going to the same company for a billion plus ££££'s, and this is the man who is telling me what I will lose....

Did he converse with Brown over this? Did Osborne take Browns advice on the best way to lose  "OUR"  money?

And he's trying to convince me I should stay because I will be £££££'s better of....Because he said so.


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25 May 2016 3:51 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Elected leaders in a secret ballot being elected by, and amongst themselves, with not any input from the general public, which they then go on to say whats best for that correct?

No the leaders of government take a consensus candidate from their own country to nominate. Then a majority vote is done to decide in the heads of government council...

Its done that way because electing EU Commissioners would be not likely to get the expertise in the required field. You might end up with Nigel Farage or Marine Le Pen as a commissioner. You might some of you think that a good idea. The rest of Europe may not agree.

Vetted electable candidates might be the way forward but imagaine trying to hold an election across the population of all member states. A nightmare.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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25 May 2016 4:07 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Certainly doesn't inspire confidence or trust in the information Cameron and the In campaigners are currently espousing I'm afraid when if from the outset the PM and Osbourne have had a hidden agenda.

It's all starting to make sense why having been made to capitulate with regard to pushing for adequate EU reform agenda and seeing the unwillingness on the part of the EU, why he's now pulling out all the stops to try and reinforce a one sided "take" on the facts and figures that suit his and the political elite's (and Banks and large corporations) best interests.

One thing's for sure this appears to have opened up a hornet's nest and reality check on the EU's lack of willingness to reform even in the face of a Brexit.



This message was last edited by ads on 25/05/2016.

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25 May 2016 6:00 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Actually I don't think anything politician might say or do would satisfy you ads.

You have your own agenda and that's fine. However the referendum is not a process you should mix up with other issues no doubt valid on their own account.

Britain will lose its reserve currency status after  a Brexit. Not my words but the ratings agency today Standard & Poor's Sterling will be at risk of weakness for many years causing inflation and rate rises. Also much hardship for expat pensioners living in Europe.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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25 May 2016 6:03 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

In the past career paths were a stepping stone towards the PM's job, since Blair it appears that the PM's job is just a stepping stone towards much bigger things, Kinnock didn't do bad either, albeit as a beaten finalist.



This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 25/05/2016.


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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