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02 Jul 2016 8:01 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

And in the interim time to support our local traders?

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02 Jul 2016 8:28 PM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar


Unfortunately you are a defeatist. Did you work for British Leyland?.

Look at what the Japanese have achieved and they are only human beings.

And ''ads'' it didn't take them long, because they don't suffer from sticky matress disease.


"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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02 Jul 2016 10:46 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Once monies have been awarded via the European development fund or loans provided by the European investment bank (EIB), are there any EU monitoring/auditing procedures in place to deter fraud of this nature and if found guilty will the fraudsters be made liable for return of these monies?


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03 Jul 2016 12:05 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


not a defeatist just a realist and time will tell

so tell me who are the great UK owned companies and who will provide the investment.

I sense a similar trait of not answering questions - are you sure we have not met before on this forumwink

The Japanese had huge investment and that is why they prospered


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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03 Jul 2016 12:13 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message



Look at what the Japanese have achieved and they are only human beings.

And ''ads'' it didn't take them long, because they don't suffer from sticky matress disease.

Do you mean the Japan that has a negative interest rate? The Japan that has a national debt of 11 trillion dollars? That's more than twice the annual GDP despite it being a big player in the world? Do you really want the UK to end up like that or are you just making things up?

UKcurrently has the worst negative deficit of any EU nation but is not even half that of Japan. 

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03 Jul 2016 7:23 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Remember the chant Maggie Maggie Maggie OUT OUT OUT ,Democracy Spoke and she was gone ,so live with it.

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03 Jul 2016 11:17 AM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar

Tadd1966 are you sure we have not met before

It’s difficult to answer that. I don’t think I know a Mr or Mrs Tadd1966, but if you PM me your photo I will let you know. Were you the Sunday night bingo caller at the Weatherfield Working Mens Club?.

Regarding this forum, do you have any positive idea’s of your own?.

"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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03 Jul 2016 1:10 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


How many of my posts have you read

You seem to know a lot about this forum depsite being a new member - or are you???

maybe you will make a complaint to the mods soon

leopards never change their spots

maybe we shoud continue ths via PM's or will you ignore them

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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03 Jul 2016 1:28 PM by ENA Star rating in Weatherfield. 30 posts Send private message

ENA´s avatar



How many of my posts have you read

None that have been positive

You seem to know a lot about this forum despite being a new member - or are you???

What’s there to know?

maybe you will make a complaint to the mods soon

Why? I don’t have any problems or complaints about you or anyone else.

leopards never change their spots

Who is Leopard?

maybe we shoud continue ths via PM's or will you ignore them

I won’t ignore you, why should I. Maybe it would be a relief to other members so they don’t have to read this dribble.

"That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."

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03 Jul 2016 1:32 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Why not? At the end of the day we are all on this planet for a limited time as human beings, born as equals and we all love our families

Now this would be a legacy for future generations

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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03 Jul 2016 4:25 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Try telling that to the ( IS ).

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03 Jul 2016 5:45 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


It is a big enough problem trying to tell the exiters, ** EDITED **  and the I'm alright Jack's we are better togther

but hey ho one step at a time and one day** EDITED **might come round then we can start on the nutters like ISsmiley

Just hope it doesn't take a big disaster to wake people up and bring them togetherwink


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 7/3/2016 9:54:00 PM.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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03 Jul 2016 8:33 PM by blueeyes Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Tadd, I have a property not far from you and I hope we never meet.

I certainly do not consider myself arrogant, racist, selfish or greedy.

I voted out, knowing that it would affect the pound - euro rate, for when I am in Spain.

I voted out, knowing it would most likely affect house prices, and ergo, rental prices, which is where I derive my main income.

I voted out, knowing it would affect the stock market, and yes, my former employment bank shares, which are yet to rebound.



I am happy with my decision.

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03 Jul 2016 8:54 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


your view is your view etc. I never called you anything personally but if the cap fits no problem

I am happy you are pleased and content with your decision - be happy and don't take it personally

we may even know each other - stranger things and all that

even if we didn't know each other I would have no problem meeting you and if we did I would respect your views, listen and be happy to discuss with you over a friendly drink but it seems it is something you wouldn't want to do which may say a lot so no skin off my nose


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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03 Jul 2016 9:00 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Back on track....

Came across this relating to the CETA agreement between Canada and the EU (dated 30th May before the referendum vote),and wondered if this cause for concern for EU citizens or misinformation????


This message was last edited by ads on 03/07/2016.

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03 Jul 2016 9:09 PM by blueeyes Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Ha ha ha   

Love the way that those who blanket slate everybody turn round and say 'Don't take it personally'.

This is my last post in this thread.(Unlike windtalker!!!!).

It's read only now, I like to see what tteed and ads say.

Have a much better positive forum to frequent.


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03 Jul 2016 9:38 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Oh dear and there's more....

Social justice groups on both sides of the Atlantic are vigorously opposing CETA, which was signed in Ottawa in 2014 following secret talks between Canadian and unelected European Commission (EC) officials. Global Justice Now (GJN) director Nick Dearden, who campaigns against the free trade deal, called it “inherently undemocratic.”

“Cameron seems perfectly happy to go beyond what the EU requires – he seems to be interested in handing over sovereignty for the sake of it. Again, Britain plays the role of making the EU less, rather than more, democratic,” he said. “These minutes appear to show that Britain came together with a small group of mostly very small countries to try to deny the right of national parliaments to stop a major international treaty coming into force.” Dearden went on to argue the agreement could have ominous implications for public interest-based policy making in the UK. “Any discussion in Westminster will simply be a rubber stamp,” he said. “This leaves open the possibility of Britain being sued by Canadian big business in secret courts before parliament has even had the ability to scrutinize the deal.”

What the heck is going on here?

Noted the following,....

Just consider financial regulation. The ability of governments to control banks and financial markets would be further impaired. Limiting the growth of banks that have become “too big to fail” could land a government in a secret tribunal.

So why have so few people heard of Ceta? Largely because Canadians and Europeans think they’re quite alike. They don’t fear the takeover of their economy in the way they do when signing a trade deal with the US. But this is a big mistake, because these trade deals are not about Europeans versus Americans or Canadians. They are about big business versus citizens. If you needed proof that modern trade agreements are actually nothing more than an excuse to hand big business power at our expense, you need look no further than Ceta. No wonder the public outcry is growing, and opposition to TTIP is spilling over to the Canadian deal.

Perhaps someone can clarify if this has been amended or challenged?

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03 Jul 2016 9:44 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


I'm sure you are right about the undemocratic economic scare tactics. The people I know who made their decision to vote in during the campaign did so because they were scared by the thought of economic meltdown.

But you are wrong about Mrs Thatcher, she was stabbed in the back by Hesltine. If she had stayed she would still have had more than half the conservative party and the majority of the country behind her. But she went, and Haseltine got a Major surprise.

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03 Jul 2016 9:54 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Love the way that those who blanket slate everybody turn round and say 'Don't take it personally'.

I stand by my view that most of the exiters fit into one of the 3 categories I qouted and most is no blanket statement but as I said if the cap fits then please wear it and stay happy

Interesting to read about CETA - but is it adding more confusion to what many think what the UK wants or what the EU are prepared to give / offer the UK

We will still be going on and on for while yet - latest I seen on the BBC news today is that New Zealand, India and China are going to be the silver lining for the UK.

Who next - Russia, Argentina, South Africa or maybe Icelandwink


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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04 Jul 2016 12:34 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

The teacher who had the most influence on me at school told us to love abuse since the abuser has lost the argument.

A     certainly a lot of that on display - but judge from which quarter?

R     the Q on the ballot paper was about being in or out of Europe, not much to do with R but in any case there were people of all parts of the community batting for both sides, which is healthy and how it should be.

S&G the commision is full of it (in common with other international bodies not just the EU) but staying at home I would judge that in qeneral the supporters of both sides were arguing passionately for the good of their country.

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