The Comments |
Canada immigration 300,000 population 30 million rate is 1%
Australia immigration 220,000 population 22 million rate is 1%
UK immigration is 330,000 population is 62 million rate is 0.5%
So basically Gove (head of Leave campaign) wants to double immigration into the UK, is that right?
No PerryPower, It is not right, as well you know it.
Both Australia and Canada have far superior available land mass to accomodate these numbers, the UK would be able to take in what it needs not what the EU wants us to take in.
I think you are more intelligent than the question you posed.
not what the EU wants us to take in.
a bit misleading
The EU does not dictate to any state what they should take in!
The EU member states and other countries are trying to manage the global migrant crisis together
As for EU migration again the EU does not tell anyone what tany state should take in
All member states agreed the freedom of movement allowing EU citizens the choice. Which is not unlike the freedom of movement the UK has for all citizens of the 4 member states of the UK which is far more generous and open
Those EU citizens who choose to come to another state because of work no problem.
those who choose to come to another state because of that states over generous benefit system like the UK has, then that is the UK's fault for having such an over generous benefit system.
Tackle the root cause of the benefits system internally and you fix a lot of problems - why can't the UK adopt a stringent benefit system like Spain? Or better still have a EU wide benefit sytem providing those who really need state help with it.
Sorry but giving a single person who is capable of working £70 to £100 per week is obscene.
Handing out £20K to £50K for single parents with 3 or more kids is just as obscene
Paying massive benefits to multi generation families who have never worked is obscene
All of these have the latest smart phones, tablets, huge TV's, designer gear, smoke, drink and live very well thanks to the honest tax payers - Obscene and very very wrong and guess what this is NOT dictated to teh UK by the EU or the EU's fault and an exit will make NO difference to the over generous UK benefit system
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I dont know if you've all seen the post by George Soros in the Guardian today? I cant post a link yet apparently, but its there and talks about triggering a sterling depreciation worse than black wednesday when Soros broke the pound and forced an exit from the ERM.
In a nutshell, it will be economic disaster.
I personally dont care one way or the other, other than to say, I want whats best for my family. If things turn out that the pound does head that way, we will leave the UK and take our capital with us, to look for places where we can get a better economic outcome.
Yes Rob
I was thinking that a newly independent Scotland might be a good place
Would that be an independent Scotland in or out of the EU?
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
In it ! if allowed complete with the Euro
Last time I looked Scotland's currency was Sterling
Mind you I never accept Scotish Pounds in my change
Immigration is around a total of 4% it's not just the EU we need to curb its Worldwide influx that needs vastly halting
Had a nice leaflet from leave posted just summarising main points well
Love Hugh xx
Never trust SOROS he is a snake he caused the ERM problems he puts his self first from the Hamptons not the Little people of Britain
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
Soros is a business man. He puts his family first. If you read what he said about the currency, he said the economic backdrop behind it was fundamentally flawed, which is what allowed him to make money. He never set up the ERM.
You may want to look carefully at his points about where interest rates were back then (exiting the ERM wasnt as bad as it could be, because the BoE had the ability to slash rates back then). Today, the BoE is sitting on 0.5% rates. There is very little, if any, wiggle room. Any economist will tell you, the only possibility with this, is a deflation in the value of the pound.
The only question is how far, and how fast.
Nicola Sturgeon has already said that she would view a Scotish remain vote as just cause to call another indepedence referendum if the rest of the UK voted to leave. If that result was to leave the UK then they would apply to join the EU and of course take the euro.
Nicola Sturgoen is a contradiction in terms, she despises the power that Whitehall holds and yet is quite
happy to relinquish that power and more to the EU.
This message was last edited by BigAl2015 on 21/06/2016.
This message was last edited by BigAl2015 on 21/06/2016.
What a joke the INS have turned the campaign in to when you listen to Cameron and the rest of the INS talking anyone would think that if we come out of the EU the rest of Europe will not want to do business with the UK doe's that mean when a UK citizen visiting the so called EU or what is left of it won't be able to buy a cup of tea ,and as far as the house Price's dropping 20% if the out win this will not affect the man in the street only the banker's will lose and then you have got to laugh at this one the pound will drop in value if we vote OUT this is a good thing for the man in the street he will be working overtime selling our cheep UK products to the EU it's the EU that won't be able to compete with us due to the price fixing that goes on in the EU.
I dont think the answer is that europe wont do business with the UK. They will.
The question though, is what will change. At the moment, if I understand it right, there are no tarriffs between EU member states. Once the UK leaves, these will be implemented according to the same rules the EU uses to trade with other non-EU countries.
In a nutshell, these tarriffs will mean the cost of UK goods will go up. How much thats offset by a decrease in the value of the pound is anyones guess though.
A separate discussion is also the cost of imports. When the pound drops, all imports will cost more. Given how little manufacturing is left in the UK (compared to historical high levels), this will not be a small impact.
And last but not least, when the pound devalues, how severe will the impact be to pensioners living outside the UK, holiday makers, etc?
Rob. completely agree with that, makes perfect sense to me.
If we do remain in on Thursday, will you promise to use full stops, commas and sentences in your postings please.

This message was last edited by briando55 on 21/06/2016.
Best wishes, Brian
Two days to go and the stockmarket and the pound are doing well, despite the polls finding the result too hard to predict. Perhaps the capitulators to a European super state have shot their bolt, the've thrown at us everything from job losses to WW111, only the result will tell if we believe them or not, roll on Thursday.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
The price of everyday essentials such as food, drink and clothing would rise if the UK votes to leave the EU, former retail bosses have warned. The ex-chief executives, who previously ran Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Morrisons, M&S and B&Q, said a drop in the pound coupled with supply chain disruption would cause prices to spike.
The average household could be £580 a year worse off as a result, retail union USDAW has predicted.
Of course Brexit will say all those people are wrong. What do people who have actually run food and retail businesses know. Listen to me, Michael Gove and my buddies BoJo, Matt Elliott. We know best. Vote Brexit and everyone in Europe will be bending over so far that it will seem like food is being given away.
No thanks Gove, BoJo and Elliott I prefer to have my opinions from experts, not people who speak nonsense for a living.
If Leave win and if Soros is correct, expect interest rate hikes from the BOE to protect the currency from free fall. These will not be 0.25 or 0.50% increments. They will be minimum 2% at a clip. Last time it went from 10% to 15% in a single day. And they stayed up until the market calmed, that took a long time. Banks and Mortgage Companies will follow suit immediately. Vote Brexit and be made homeless (if you have a mortgage). Windtalker doesn't mind, I guess its a no mortgage view from that person.
Once the UK leaves, these will be implemented according to the same rules the EU uses to trade with other non-EU countries.
Not at all likely. (Unless you are thinking of Switzerland, Iceland or Norway). The EU sells much more to us than we do to them. Germany does not want to lay of car workers and nor do Italy France or Holland wish to see their trade with the UK diminish.
The best guess is that there will be no impositions in the short term since it is in the interest of the EU to leave it this way.
As for prices going up. They went up when we joined because we put tariffs on produce from the rest of the world. There is no reason why eventually we should not reduce these tariffs, enjoy cheaper food and trade fairly with the third world.
The average household could be £580 a year worse off as a result, retail union USDAW has predicted.
Of course Brexit will say all those people are wrong.
Any person with a modicum of common sense would expect USDAW to be wrong.
Please stop dredging up these rubbish quotes, tell us what you think and back it up with cogent argument. Is not that what these boards are for?
You have no cogent argument?
BTW Interest rates went from 10 to 15% because of the ERM. Another fine mess that the EU got us into. Further, despite supporting the Franc a year earlier, the EU refused to support the pound and exacerbated our problems.
This is how independant Spanish economists think a Brexit would affect the UK...
Report by:
Salvador Laudes - Centre for European Economic Studies - Mostly funded by the EU.
Nuf said
This message was last edited by tteedd on 21/06/2016.