The Comments |
This thread is supposed to be about Brexit - your comment seems to be a bit of a red herring!
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Yes Acer, I would have liked to comment on Brexit, to be honest what more is to be said about something that will happen, with the outcome being.... What ever will be will be.
I think ena is a bit to young to know what a 'Kipper' is, unless of course he can remember buying them wrapped up in old newspapers.
"Wrapped in old newspaper" that would most likely be cod.
But kipper is aka (smoked) herring, hence my comment.
But to make all this fish talk relevant we could talk about fish quotas which will presumably be up for grabs when we leave the EU. Perhaps that'll give us a chance to have another cod war to give us a chance to remedy the embarrassment sustained on the footy?
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
as a little kid my grandfather used to tell me that kippers, which were sold in pairs, also swam in pairs, it took me a while to figure out that they couldn't have been caught in pairs. 
I fully expect that this post will be deleted on the basis of it having nothing to do with Brexit.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Back on thread, it appears that the Govt are scouring the city for Brexit trade experts which begs the question, would this cause a conflict of interests since they would negotiate terms in their own best interests ( Banks) and not necessarily in the best interests of citizens?
Re attitudes to negotiations, it appears that Brussels will not permit setting up "brass plate companies" in Dublin and / or Luxembourg, but will enforce relocation of business trading and staff to the EU. How can that be considered a willingness to cooperate?
Has anything yet been decided on the location of the Brexit HQ? I know that I'm going to sound naive, but please don't let it be a cash cow for it's senior staff, as was the case in respect of The Hillsborough Enquiry.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Thought I read 9 Downing St somewhere. Or was that international trade?
tteedd, that's the chief whip's office, or at least it was.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Number 9 Downing Street is the new HQ of the Brexit minister.
Well, working on the Godfather theory of 'Keep your friends close,and your enemies closer', number 9 is not a bad choice for Theresa.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
it's future leader is most likely still attending university.
Shoe in for about 10-12 years then:
Student politics - 2 years.
House of commons researcher or local party administrator 2 years.
Local politician or assistant to MP 2 years.
Unsuccesful attempt on impossible safe seat.
Succesful election or by-election.
3 years on back benches
1 year as junior minister.
Bugger all knowledge of real world.
Just about ready.
How dare you talk about Ed Miliband like that. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
If Teresa is looking for a place for her new BRIEXIT team why not save the taxpayer money for a change. There are empty offices going for free in Bradford as long as she pays the rates. They have electricity, water and toilets. There are plenty of kebab and curry shops on the doorstep, plus other convenient services. For the staff 2 bedroom flats in Manningham lane can be had for £100 a month.
This message was last edited by potblack on 22/07/2016.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
There was a morning news shot the other day of UK holidaymakers spending their holidays in the UK, the reason being was the collapse of the pound following Brexit. Well I must have missed this, I was getting €1.23 to the £ in April, and can get €1.18 today, hardly a collapse. Also the lower pound has sent the FTSE soaring, wasn't this predicted to go into free fall? I've resisted the temptation to buy a tin hat and purchase an Anderson shelter, however I was tempted to buy a 'KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON' poster.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
For those interested, here's an educative lecture that addresses some background history and economic theory but it eventually leads onto the unaccountability and opaque power structures of the EU.
Fast forward to 6 mins 50 secs if you want to skip introductions, it lasts 1 hour 43 minutes however, but it is an incredible perspective if you are prepared to retain an open mind and then draw your own conclusions...
Another media hype blaming Brexit for everything!!
There are many reasons why people are staying in the UK and I think this happens on a regular cycle and nothing to do with exchange rates or Brexit as holidays are normally booked well in advance of June 23rd.
Next year the numbers will be up again after many find holidaying in the UK is expensive and then there is the traffic jams and of course the weather……….
If I recall numbers of visitors were high when the rate was very low a few years go
This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 25/07/2016.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I've cut and pasted the following from todays El Pais (automatic translation to Spanish). It's interesting that it appears since the lower £ the UK supermarkets are making the Spanish accept the same £ Sterling price regardless of the fact that the pound has fallen. I can well imagine Tesco selling a punnet for £1 and saying to the importer, "we'll pay you 50p a punnet take it or leave it." Also note that the Spanish exporters are worried that UK might introduce new inspection and regulation regimes. Whereas in UK they are worried the EU will do this to them. I think that the businesspeople and exporters in all countries will stop the politicians from making life difficult for exporters. Exporters are the backbone of economies.
"Only in 2015, Spain exported 33,500 tons of strawberries UK- ie 10% of exports and 16,000 tons of other red fruits'm representing 40% of envíos-.
UK being one of the main recipients, the immediate consequences of Brexit are not waiting. The price of fruit has fallen nearly 10% by the depreciation of the pound, which has fallen by 7.48% by the surprising result of the referendum. With this collapse, farmers are experiencing losses in production in the last fruits of the season: blackberry and raspberry. The average price of a carton of 125 grams has not changed in the supermarket after the vote: 1.16 euros approximately, according to entrepreneurs. If the price is stable and the value of the pound falls, earnings for these are much lower.
The big question is what kind of trade agreement will have UK with the European Union. For Dominguez, export policies are already quite demanding: "inspections could be increased, deterring the entry of products," he says. "We understand that the UK could trigger campaigns and adopt regulations for the marketing of food to the detriment of third countries like us," he adds."
Congratulations Guy
You win the Prize for the most boring post ever on EOS
Love Hugh xx LOL
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
People certainly do book their holidays in advance of June but there are also a lot of customers who book last minute even leavig it until July to snap up a bargain. 2016 has seen a reduction of lastmminute bookings by up to 24% according to ABTA. This is simply not a coincidence people are getting less money for their £ when travelling to Europe. the devaluation of the £ is a fact it can not be disputed. If a recession bites in the coming 12months we will see another decrease in travellors which will badly hit tourist areas that are aleady suffering.
Stop whinging.
An 8% drop is well within normal variation. We approached parity with the Euro years 5 ago it's 1.19 now.
Most of the drop is due to whingers talking the pound down. If enough people say it, it becomes an expectation and will happen.
The stock market has already more than recovered and, although there is no way of proving it, I would expect the exchange rate by the end of the year to be exactly as it would have been without the vote.
If Brexit really does mean Brexit and we regain control of our democracy. The future of our economy will depend on our own efforts, which is exactly as it should be.
This message was last edited by tteedd on 26/07/2016.
This message was last edited by tteedd on 26/07/2016.