The Comments |
Exactly, that is what life is all about, differences in opinions.
I do reiterate though, that someone has to make decisions on the majority of opinion, otherwise nothing gets done.
If we don't like something, we have to take some responsibility and do something positive NOT complain on Internet forums.
Don't see much complaining really on here just correcting and challenging the hogwash some post on here
So you know Juncker personally and know how he is feeling
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Juncker orders the remaining 27 EU member states not to hold any IN/OUT referendum's as they will vote leave these are junckers direct orders this Democracy speaking or a Dictatorship speaking.Junkers orders are well documented on the net . This message was last edited by windtalker on 12/02/2017.
So much for reduced migration after Brexit which it seems many who voted out wished to see..
Dozens of Conservative MPs have signed up to a plan to give citizens of the 52 Commonwealth countries “fast-track” visas to the UK after Brexit.
A letter to the Home Secretary, publish in The Daily Telegraph newspaper, says loosening visa control on Commonwealth nations would “extend the hand of friendship to our Commonwealth partners”.
If the MPs’ plan goes ahead citizens from countries including Pakistan, India, Australia, Canada, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Ghana could find it easier to come to Britain.
The idea, which also proposes faster passport control queuing at UK border points for Commonwealth citizens, is due to be debated in Parliament on 26 February.
The MPs say it is unfair that EU and EEA citizens should get to join the UK queue while Commonwealth countries are lumped in with others.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
You keep repeating "reduced migration" when everyone knew that the call was for "control of migration", which was to include for instance better control over tax credits and the in - work benefit system, child benefits, etc which the EU Commission were so determined to defend in David Cameron's negotiations in the lead up to Brexit? The result being anything but acceptable.
Don't you see how EU intransigence in this regard and dismissal of how this unfair practice of EU migrants gaining equal access to tax credits and benefits aimed at incentivising and caring for our own nationals back into work ( as a means of reducing poverty in the UK) has badly backfired?
Don't you see how the "begging bowl" psychology and arrogance, and irrational dictatorial style displayed by Junker continues to be a source of alienation and does little to create harmony and fair understanding ( and adequate allowance for ) the significant differentials between member states? His stance only magnifies division and mistrust I'm afraid.
This message was last edited by ads on 12/02/2017.
This message was last edited by ads on 12/02/2017.
Mickyfinn for gods sake and your own sanity please stop cutting and pasting selected parts of a press release as it distortes the deliberately omitted the part that clearly stated that fast track Visa's will be given to emigrants with the skills that the UK require. The article did not say anything about what you stated in you post.
Donal trump has informed American students that he voted remain in the EU referendum.
Discuss !
Best wishes, Brian
I read in KGB Weekly, he voted for Hilary Clinton in the US election.
All very confusing!
_______________________ .....from David
Hugh-man (11 Feb) claims that "The majority of people in the UK want Brexit."
The total of those who voted Out was 37% of the total electorate. Where is your maths?
In any review of choices made on a wide basis one can determine that those who are rabid devotees (of any change suggested) turn out in their maximum. Those who are content with the status quo often sit on their hands and fail to record their view. From this it can be observed that had the "idle non-voters" bothered to turn out the result of the referendum very likely would have been different.
The true failure of the wording of the call for the referendum was that no minima were set either for the total voters nor the majority required to be valid. Arrogance personified by Cameron (typically)
It was interesting in the extreme that Farrage claimed that a majority against him of the actual magnitude would not be acceptable; but of course he kept his mouth shut once he realised it was in his favour.
This message was last edited by marcbernard on 12/02/2017.
The UK will not have any more control of migration post Brexit than it has now . The few Europeans who come to the UK without a job will still try their luck. Business will continue labour recruitment because of necessity.
In fact I predict more migration not less as workers from former Commonwealth nations and elsewhere start to seek employment in Britain after Brexit and new trades deals get agreed. Any future trade deals will be conditional on easy exchange of workers.
Skill quotas and fast tracks Visas if they get implemented will be manipulated. The only way migration will be controlled is if the UK economy collapses. Or alternatively the UK could try a Trump like policy which would be unworkable and politically unacceptable.
Not that I’m against migration in any sense. It benefits a nation in so many ways and contributes enormously toward economic prosperity and multiculturalism.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
The total of those who voted Out was 37% of the total electorate. Where is your maths?
So you think that those that did not vote are remainers? No, in any democracy you have to take it that those that do not vote are happy with the decision of the majority.
I do not agree with the maths either way, but on your sort of calculation this makes 67% or 2 to 1 for out!
It was interesting in the extreme that Farrage claimed that a majority against him of the actual magnitude would not be acceptable; but of course he kept his mouth shut once he realised it was in his favour.
Now where did that come from?
He is a bit of a motor-mouth but I did take notice of what he said and I never heard that. Methinks that might just be a tiny distortion?
The UK will not have any more control of migration post Brexit than it has now . The few Europeans who come to the UK without a job will still try their luck
Correct as the housing, benefits and health care will still be availble to them once they get to the UK - no jobs though as all the busisneesss will be going the other way
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
The only way migration will be controlled is if the UK economy collapses
This thread not only 'goes from bad to worse' but it is full of peculiar and unsubstantiated statements.
Correct as the housing, benefits and health care will still be availble to them once they get to the UK - no jobs though as all the busisneesss will be going the other way
See what I mean!
Wish I had a crystal ball.
Juncker orders the remaining 27 EU member states not to hold any IN/OUT referendum's as they will vote leave these are junckers direct orders this Democracy speaking or a Dictatorship speaking.Junkers orders are well documented on the net .
He may say that, he may think that but he CANNOT force any state to obey and anyone who thinks he can is talking more hogwash.
Even if the EU parlaiment suggest this or "pass a motion" they cannot FORCE any state to follow
THe UK press once again distorting the facts with headlines and some actually believe and repeat 
even teh express says in their text he is "begging" the 27 states
the mail says in their text "pleading"
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Not a word is said about the strick emigration. controls in Australia /Newzeland /Canada it will take you 2 years to get a visa and you will only get a visa if they require your skill and must be able to support yourself and you family with no burden on the state. And the people in the UK that voted Brexit are classed as Biggots/Racists/illiterate. This message was last edited by windtalker on 12/02/2017.
Maybe you meant to say up to 2 years
A friend if mine moved to Australia in December applied for a visa in September after being offered a job no problem and not 2 years.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Yes Mickyfinn, migration HAS in the past thankfully benefitted the UK in terms of multiculturalism, but sadly not now prosperity wise for those regions whose workers and sectors ( such as adequately expressed by first hand knowledge of stark realities in the construction sector) have experienced lowering of wages, proliferation of zero hours contracts, rising rents, etc and stress on their local infrastructures due in part to growing demands on their benefit structures leading to depletion of monies available, etc.
By restraining the Govts hand to control such financial burdens and by not providing adequate timeframes to make preparation for such large scale and swift migration flows and restrict their ability to only admit those skills required etc, has directly added to pressures leading to discontent and disharmony, the very aspect the UK originally prided itself upon.
In other words ability to control is essential and directly linked to cohesion.
It could also be suggested that "idle non voters" could also be indicative of those disillusioned voters with the status quo, disillusioned with political elites per see that have failed citizens so badly! Still the turnout was proportionately higher than in general elections which goes some way to indicate a higher sense of concern.
Tadd 1966 I personally know of 3 families one being my son that have move to Australia and it took him 18. Months to get a visa he is a skilled plumber his wife is a highly qualified nurse they only got in on his wife's qualifications as they did not require plumbers they also spent approximately £3,000 on trips back and forth to the Austrian embassy they also needed to pay private for health reports on his family 2 kids him and his wife. This message was last edited by windtalker on 12/02/2017.