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In the news today:
The pound has risen to a one-month high against the dollar as traders failed to be reassured by US President Donald Trump’s inauguration speech.
The pound traded as high as $1.2472 against the dollar, its highest since mid-December, before paring some gains.
The Mexican peso, which has suffered a heavy devaluation since Trump was elected, gained from the dollar weakness. The dollar fell by 0.79 per cent on Monday against the peso.
And some would have you believe that the major financial institutions are about to feed all their money through the USA ?????????
Theresa May has told leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the UK will be a "world leader" on trade with all exports shipped via Trident Missles.
that's not what I saying and in my experience there are far more UK citizen scroungers than any migrants EU or non EU
The UK is attractive to all migrants (EU or non EU) for work, health care, education and over generous welfare payments for ALL residents of the UK.
It is not rocket science
An EU citizen may think or ask themsleves - I can live in my own state in poverty or I can come to live in the UK get a job get loads of benefits and live comfortably, be happy and support my family health care education
Asylum seekers etc. they travel through most of Europe to get to UK why? - simple, opporutnites for work and guarantee of free handouts from the UK govt which are better than any EU country they travel through to get to the UK
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd it is not worth the effort to argue with Windtalker. She is a migrant basher who gets all her knowledge from Migration Watch and over uses the word arse.
Tadd1966 so all the people that are coming from the EU to the UK are poor and destitute and living in poverty in that case why aren't the politicians in Brussels helping them out .in their own country .
The benefit system in France and Germany is way more generous than that of the UK. If migration was based only on welfare the UK would be way down the list of priorities. All research has shown migration to the UK is inspired by employment and business opportunities which are easier than in some EU countries.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Analysts from three City of London financial institutions expect the cost of Theresa May's hard Brexit to add up to between 5 per cent and 10 per cent of GDP by 2030.
In today's money that's equivalent to between £100bn and £200bn.
This is an estimate of the loss of GDP relative to where the economy would have been without Brexit.
Last week Theresa May revealed that the Government expects to pull the UK out of the single market and customs union and establish a free trade deal with the rest of the European Union instead.
In a note to clients, Rob Wood, chief UK economist at the Bank of America, stressed that there was inherent uncertainty over the long-term impact of such a Brexit but said that "evidence suggests" the costs will be "of the order of 5-10 per cent of GDP over perhaps 15 years".

That view is broadly echoed by Kallum Pickering, UK economist of Berenberg Bank, who estimates that lower migration, trade and investment between the UK and Europe due to Britain leaving the EU single market could reduce the UK's potential growth rate from 1.8 per cent per year from its pre-referendum rate of 2.2 per cent.
That implies a GDP loss due to Brexit by 2030 of roughly 5.5 per cent.
Likewise, Simon French, chief economist of the broker Panmure Gordon, expects Brexit to reduce the UK's trend growth rate from 2.3 per cent to 1.9 per cent from 2020 onwards.
That also implies a hit to GDP of around 5 per cent.
"This mainly hinges on a reduction in long-term net migration to 105,000 a year and sustained trade diversion through non-tariff barrier differentiation and heightened administrative burdens from a loss of customs union," Mr French said.
Independent 23 January.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
No surprise there Micky. Brexit means poorer
The benefit system in France and Germany is way more generous than that of the UK.
some stats would disagree with you (also France and Germany both have contorbution based systems)
extrcat from
15. The UK is far more generous than most other EU15 countries in topping-up low wages by just over 80% through in-work and housing benefits. This makes employment in the UK a very attractive for migrants from less wealthy EU member states, especially after adjusting for differences in the cost of living.
again you are simply not getting it!!! Of cousre NOT all EU citizens live in poverty and as I said to you before not all want to move to UK.
Mainly those that need to do - why don't the EU help them it is not the job of the EU it is the job of the member states govt's to manage their own welfare systems and many simply do not provide like the UK provides!!!!
Perrypower1 - I think you are right about windtalker probably not worth the effort as he/she seems to be caught up in a anti-migrant attitude and can't get the fact this is not an EU problem and Brexit wll not change the influx of migrants or deport all migrants in the UK now
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I was vey interested in Theresa May's pledge to irradicate UK slave labour, I decided to have a poke around and discovered the following.
Tesco has a franchise deal with Waves who charge franchisees a £50K set up fee, a £1250 pm ongoing fee plus insurance costs, metered water costs and business rates. The mainly Romanian staff were being paid as little as half the minimum living wage, earning circa £40.00 p/d for a 7 days working week, they then pay £40.00 p/w to the gang master for a bed in a doss house. They appear to think this to be OK, so who is at fault, the franchisee, Tesco or the exploited Romanian workers? A £30K fine was recently levied on one of these franchises, that was a real help to the Romanians, wasn't it?
If ever there was an unacceptable side of capitalism, this is it, I just wonder how bad things are in Romania, I'm being very hypocritical here as I've been using these guys since my one man band Rastafarian mate packed up car washing and returned to Jamaica, the Scouts don't do it any more so I'm looking for a mobile guy, he's very welcome to connect to my water supply.
Mickyfinn .The UK Doe's not need to grow any more we are all standing pretty tall over you can let Brussels take the prosperity they have on offer in the shape of mass migration over to the poor destitute parts of the EU member States and let them grow a bit we are not selfish over hear in the UK we believe in sharing the wealth on offer.
This message was last edited by windtalker on 23/01/2017.
The EU bureaucrats do have an obligation to review their freedom of movement policy to take far greater account of wide differentials between member states ( already discussed at length on this thread, ) so it will be interesting to see if they do indeed address this in due course.
Ironically many other member states have thankfully already recognised the need for review, so I find it strange that this has not been acknowledged by some posters.
On a more positive note ;)
Theresa May promises to take action for British industry
The 10 pillars...
● Investing in science, research and innovation
● Developing skills
● Upgrading digital, energy, transport, water and flood defence infrastructure
● Ensuring businesses can access the finance and management skills they need to grow
● Improving government procurement
● Encouraging trade and inward investment
● Delivering affordable energy and moving to a low-carbon economy
● Cultivating world-leading sectors
● Driving growth across the whole country
● Creating the right institutions to bring together sectors and places
This message was last edited by ads on 23/01/2017.
Tadd - it's very difficult to drill into the facts of EU benefits but in France I know several people who enjoy a decent way of life having made a life style choice years ago not to work. I don't comment on the morality of that save the fact that in France that choice is more socially acceptable than the UK. One of my neighbours even told me once what his income was on benefits. I was astonished.
France of course is a socialist state but other EU nations are equally as generous. Finland for example.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
I don't doubt you as I do not have enough info or detail
Fact remains jobs and an over generous benefits system in the uk is the attraction for migrants eu or non eu
Add the lazy comfortable brits who won't work or travel for work adds to the problem not the eu or membership of the eu
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Fascinating debate worth reviewing ( with an open mind) on BBC PARLIAMENT TV Channel titled "Industrial Strategy Statement " which covers many of the points discussed on this thread relating to Brexit.
If I can find it from BBC iplayer in due course I'll try and post it.
Greg Clark the Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Secretary. is being cross questioned by the House.
Can't help thinking that BREXIT has been the catalyst for change.
Tadd with regard to benefit system abuses you may be interested to read the following.
This article back in January 2015 titled “Immigrants’ abuse of benefits system must be fixed, agrees Angela Merkel”
But statements made by the German leader were sadly not acted upon. This surely reaffirms the need for EU review in this regard, does it not?.
Back in Jan 2015...
“Mrs Merkel suggested that EU laws could be reformed to ensure that migrants’ access to benefits are restricted.
We want to say to our local authorities that abuse needs to be fought against so freedom of movement can prevail.
“One has to take a very close look at the social security systems of individual member states that are not part of communal law – to what extent they have to be adjusted to this situation. That is something we have to address together.”
Mr Cameron said: “I welcome Mrs Merkel’s willingness to help find solutions to the reforms that EU badly needs to adapt to the changing world. I support freedom of movement and what I don’t support is the abuse of freedom of movement. That is what we have to change.”
Sadly this proved to be only rhetoric on the German Chancellor's part.
The current situation for many countries in the EU has been labelled “bleak” as they remain in huge debts and cannot find a way out, according to Joseph Stiglitz.
The renowned economist and professor was speaking on Wednesday at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos.
Mr Stiglitz said in a meeting titled ‘Fixing Europe’s Disunion’ the Euro was not created against a backdrop of institutions which could support it.
And as a result, he said, it is failing.
Yes individual states really need to change however I would prefer to sea common system across the eu supporting only those who need help and purging the scroungers
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Ok Tadd.
But what constitutes a scrounger. How do you write the person description so it's foolproof.
Best wishes, Brian
Of you don't understand the word and how it is used in all contexts suggest you go and buy a dictionary
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”